Showing posts with label Wake-up Call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wake-up Call. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

London Terror – A Wake-up Call!! - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

London Terror – A Wake-up Call!!

Sunday, March 26, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
The latest London terror attack is another wake-up call for a nation that has become far too complacent in the face of current threats to our Judaeo-Christian civilization.
I am not referring to our police and security services, but to how we have jettisoned the biblical principles on which our once great nation was built. And it appears we haven’t got the moral backbone to successfully counter the death culture of fundamentalist Islam.
This is not surprising given that Parliament – the focus of Wednesday’s attack – is ‘celebrating’ 50 years since the passing of the Abortion Act, which has led to the killing of eight million unborn babies. This is the Parliament that was quite literally built on the Word of God in the form of the Latin text of Psalm 127, verse 1 inscribed onto the stone floor of its central lobby, which translates: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.” And this is only the first part of the verse, which continues: “Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”
Now we have witnessed a terrible tragedy, reminiscent of the 7/7 bombings in the capital which saw 52 killed and some 700 wounded, including my younger brother. He only survived thanks to medical expertise and the prayers of friends around the world, though the physical effects of that dreadful day continue as he struggles through a series of often ill-fitting prosthetic limbs.
The March 22 atrocity, which saw 52-year-old Khalid Masood murder four people as he ploughed through pedestrians on the famous Westminster Bridge before crashing outside Parliament and stabbing a policeman to death, bears stark similarities to the January attack in Jerusalem which saw a Palestinian terrorist run over four young Israeli soldiers (three of them women) before being shot at the wheel. His cause was ‘jihad’ (holy war) against the Jews; Muslim convert Masood’s fury was no doubt generally aimed at the infidel (unbelieving) West and those perceived as supporting Israel, whom Islamists claim to have stolen Arab land.
This latest act of barbarism was also reminiscent of last July’s bloodcurdling rampage in Nice which saw 80 innocent revellers mown down by another fanatic trying to rid the world of those who refuse to bow the knee to Allah.
Yet this kind of slaughter has been enacted in Israel for many years, and little notice is taken by the West as we sit in our relative comfort zones lamely imbibing the lies and propaganda that would have us believe Israel is getting its just desserts for its persecution of the Palestinians.
Now London, Paris, Antwerp and other European cities are getting a taste of the poisonous medicine Israelis are forced to swallow on an almost daily basis.
Displaying double standards both on a political and religious front, we do not see it as our problem when innocent Jews get stabbed and mown down by cars in the Middle East, but when evil monsters spread their tentacles to our doorstep, it’s a different matter of course.
Nationally, we have acted like the religious leaders in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan in walking by on the other side of the road as a wounded man lies bleeding. (Luke 10.25-37)
It’s time we learnt that Israel’s battle – for democracy, civilization and truth – is also our battle. Their troubles, their wounds, and their worries should be our concern too. Without them we would never have had a modern democracy built on the principles taught by Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.
When we (the church, government and nation at large) start showing concern for their plight, perhaps then we will awake from our slumber.
When we acknowledge once more our debt to Jesus, the Jew, as our Lord and Saviour – how, in answer to prayer, he rescued us from the jaws of the Nazis, for example – then perhaps the storm will subside.
When the disciples were in the boat on the Sea of Galilee during a furious squall (Matthew 8.23-27, New Testament), it was Jesus who was sleeping – because he was perfectly at peace whereas his followers were understandably frightened.
Nevertheless, when they woke their Master, calling on his name, he calmed the storm with a word – and the true nature of who he was came home to them with renewed force: “Who is this whom even the winds and the waves obey?”
When, oh when, will the church in Britain acknowledge Jesus as Lord – and his chosen people as our special concern. For when we bless, encourage, help and pray for them, we will become a blessed nation once more (Genesis 12.3). But if we continue to curse them by ignoring the extreme danger they face, as many did during the Holocaust, we will keep inviting judgment on ourselves.
I plead with government and church: don’t wait until the streets are running with blood before acknowledging our great sin in defying the God of Israel by throwing out his precepts and betraying his people.
Perhaps we need to mobilise an army of Christian soldiers to take on the battle for the soul of the nation, insisting on a restoration of godly principles in our laws and institutions. The liberal left have had their way for too long. It’s time for a counter-revolution based on morality and righteousness.
Jesus paid with his own blood to bring us peace. He is the Lamb of God, and when, figuratively speaking, we apply his blood to our hearts as the Jews of old marked the doorposts of their homes on the eve of the Exodus, we will be rescued and spared from the worst that the enemy can do.
When the angel of death saw the blood, he passed over the Israelite houses and spared their first-born. But Egypt – that great civilization of ancient times – suffered a terrible calamity.
We too have to choose between a plague of trouble and freedom in Christ. I pray for revival in our land where, as I hope to see a Christian nation re-emerge, we will become the Good Samaritan who tends to the wounds of our Jewish friends and takes care of them.

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A Wake-up Call: A New Chapter in the Hanukkah Story - SUSAN MICHAEL/ICEJ CHARISMA NEWS

Jewish Christmas

Once these ideologies take hold, the masses can then be easily controlled, because they will have no loyalty to a religious creed, national identity or moral code. (Flickr )

A Wake-up Call: A New Chapter in the Hanukkah Story

The story of Hanukkah is often told with an emphasis on the evil ruler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of the Hellenistic Seleucid empire, who was bent on the Hellenization of the Jewish people.
Had he succeeded, it would have meant the demise of the Jewish faith and thereby, the Jewish people. God's plan to bring salvation to the world through their Messiah would have died with them.
In his attempt to force the Jews into compliance, Antiochus IV slaughtered 40,000 inhabitants of Jerusalem; murdered the high priest and prohibited sacrifices, the service of the temple and the observance of the Sabbath and feast days. The temple was dedicated to Zeus and then desecrated with the slaughter of a pig on the sacrificial altar.
The Maccabean family, from the priestly line of Aaron, led a revolt and miraculously experienced victory after victory over the mighty Greek forces until, at last, the temple could be purified and its services restored. Hanukkah is known as the Feast of Dedication because it commemorates the cleansing and rededication of the temple to the God of Israel. Its symbol is the temple menorah, which allegedly burned miraculously for eight days on just a small amount of oil.
Ancient Means of Control
This story, however, is about more than an evil ruler. He was imposing the ruling culture and ideologies of the empire upon the Jews, including paganism and an immoral pagan society as well as the Greek language; culture and ruling philosophies of reason, humanism and pursuit of knowledge. This is how kings subdued and controlled the people in their kingdoms.
In the ancient world, Jews often clashed with pagan rulers such as Antiochus Epiphanes, who demanded obedience to them and homage to their gods as a means of proving one's loyalty. The Jewish people could not bow down to these pagan leaders nor their gods and were bound by the Mosaic Law to certain behaviors and observances that set them apart from other societies and brought upon them great persecution, exiles and threats of extinction.
Modern Imposition of Ideologies
A new chapter in the Hanukkah story is being written today—godless world leaders are attempting to impose on all of us the ideologies of secularism, globalism, and moral relativism. Once these ideologies take hold, the masses can then be easily controlled, because they will have no loyalty to a religious creed, national identity, or moral code.
Israel, a Jewish nation-state, is antithetical to all three of these modern ideologies. Therefore, its Jewish national identity is accused of being racist by secular globalists. The very nation that gave to the world the Ten Commandments, on which Western civilization bases its legal code and definition of morality, is hated by those attempting to impose their ideology of moral relativism: the belief that there is no objective right or wrong, truth or falsehood, good or evil.
The seemingly contradictory part of this secular movement is that its proponents are not just tolerating but are assisting in the global dominance of Islam—a religion with a very strict legal and moral code that it seeks to impose on the world, especially upon the secularist "infidels." There is only one explanation for this strange alliance, and that is deep down, both movements share something in common: they are both anti-Christian and anti-Semitic at heart.
UNESCO Imposing Islamic Ideology
In this context, the recent attempt by the United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Committee (UNESCO) to deny the historical and biblical connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem and, indeed, all the land of Israel begins to make sense. The Arab voting block and their secular, globalist cohorts in the UN ignore what is a written and historical record of ownership by the Jews.
Islam teaches that the Jewish and Christian Bibles are corrupted. Therefore, Muslims completely disregard biblical accounts, proving Jewish ties to the land of Israel, including the city of Jerusalem, and most importantly, the temple mount.
This is in spite of the fact, the biblical record has been backed by one archaeological find after another proving not only the existence of the Jewish temple on the temple mount, but a 3,000 year history of Jews in the city of Jerusalem. Islamic groups bent on taking over Israel, therefore, prefer to destroy archaeological remains than allow them to prove a historical record that stands in their way.
This history, however, is not just found in the Bible or in archaeological finds but in historical Ottoman Empire decrees and in many Muslim writings. The truth of the matter is that to destroy all evidence of the existence of the Jewish temple on the temple mount, they would also have to destroy Muslim artifacts, such as the recently excavated central mosque in the village of Nuba near Hebron. Inside is a thousand-year-old Arabic inscription that calls the Dome of the Rock "Bait al-Maqdess," the Arabicized version of "Beit Hamikdash," the Hebrew name for the temple.
This is the new chapter in the Hanukkah story: leading world powers attempting to deny the Jewish people their Bible, history, faith and holy sites. Because they won't comply, they are demonized and threatened with extinction.
The Jewish Bible is Our Bible
Christians need to stand up on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people because their Bible and history of faith is also ours. If we do not speak up and stop these attempts to rewrite biblical and historical fact, we will one day wake up to the reality that evangelical Christians are next on the list of undesirables.
The Hanukkah story is a reminder that when we stand up against the mighty powers of our day, we do so not in our own strength, but with God's help. No matter how hard it may look, we can expect to take back lost territory and rededicate ourselves and our nations to the God of the Bible. He will give us the power to become a light—like a Hanukkah menorah—shining forth into a dark world, bringing hope and truth to those with hearts to receive it. 
Susan M. Michael is U.S. Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and her writings can be found at For information on the ICEJ's "Send a Bible to UNESCO" campaign go to
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