Elaine Tavolacci:
The Elijah List
The definition of a trailblazer is a person who blazes a trail for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness.
The Lord says, "I am looking for the trailblazers who will prepare the way to release My glory on this earth as it is in Heaven. I am looking for the leaders who will rise up and help others find their way to what they were called to do. They will not go in their own strength, but they will go in the anointing and authority that I have placed on them.
"They will trumpet My voice and teach others My ways. They will be used to demonstrate My Kingdom with miracles, signs, and wonders following.
They are as fierce lions against the kingdom of darkness, and they will stand immovable in the face of adversity.
"They will train others how to run, and teach them when to stand.
They will reach down to help others out, when they have fallen into a pit. They are those who never settle back into their old ways, or partake of the things that they were once set free from. They will rescue and deliver those whose lives are in disarray, fear, and confusion. They have been chosen to deliver others from the very things that they were set free from, and nothing will derail them from their mission.
"Their Expectations Are Far Above Human Reasoning"
"They will release My glory wherever they go. They will carry My anointing into the highways and the byways, because they have become ablaze with My glory. I have made them to be a flame of fire to carry My Word to the nations. They are those who stand in the face of adversity and will not be afraid to go forth in My power. They are conduits of My anointing because they are not ashamed of My Name or My Word.
"They are unique and have been set apart for such a time as this, and they know that they are chosen for a particular assignment. These trailblazers are steadfast in their convictions and uncompromising in their walk with Me. They are the ones who will go forth and do great exploits, as they are tenacious in faith and not lax in prayer and intercession. They will impart to others what I have given to them.
"Just as John the Baptist was called to prepare the way, I am calling the trailblazers of this day to go ahead and prepare the way once again, because I am about to come and release My Glory on this earth, in this time and season," says the Lord.
Psalm 104:4 Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.
Jeremiah 20:9 "Then I said, "I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name." But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not."
John 14:12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season
A Word in Season
Elaine Tavolacci resides in Staten Island, New York. She has been a student of the Word for twenty-nine years. She has a prophetic gift as well as a ministry of encouragement, which teaches the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of what the Lord has called them to.
She teaches others how to be overcomers in every area of their lives and understands the power and authority that Jesus has assigned to them. Her ministry, "A Word in Season," has been an encouragement to others for nine years. She has learned the transforming power of the Word of God and encourages others that nothing is impossible with God.
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Elaine Tavolacci:
I know there are some great "Trailblazers" who God is raising up... and you'll be greatly encouraged by Elaine Tavolacci's prophetic word here. As Elaine shares: The Lord is showing me that He is raising up a new generation of trailblazers. Many great men and women of God have passed away within the last few years, but the Lord is raising up men and women who are strong, adamant, uncompromising, and will do great exploits in the days ahead. It's truly a Kairos time to be a part of the Body of Christ! Blessings, Steve To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE. *** Note from Steve Shultz: Your support for the Elijah List helps to pay the cost to deliver daily Words from the Lord to you for FREE. You help us by simply purchasing your prophetic and other Christian resources from a selection of over 6,000 products directly from us at: elijahshopper.com. We appreciate our dear readers and we thank you for supporting your Elijah List staff!
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News http://www.elijahlist.com http://www. To subscribe to The Elijah List go to: http://elijahlist.com/