Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Yesterday on Monday, August 21, between 2 pm - 2:45 pm in Charlotte, North Carolina where I live and work, I experienced the "Great American Eclipse" as it was called here. We were not directly under the path of the moon as it crossed between earth and the sun, but we did see over 97% of the sun blocked by the moon during this time. The 95F temperature cooled at least 5 degrees during the peak of the eclipse. But what impressed me the most was that even with less than 10% of its rays reaching our portion of this planet during this time, it still seemed like full daylight! As I told Laurie later, if you didn't know an eclipse was occurring, you may have thought just a cloud was passing overhead.
As I looked through my Canon PowerShot camera while using the special glasses for the event, the Lord kept impressing upon me that yet when only a small portion of His light gets through the darkness, He still fully lights up the world! His immense glory cannot be hidden or kept from bringing the word of salvation and life to those He loves; these that are in all the nations.
As He continues to call the people to repentance, my heart is that many will "see" and hear His calling forth their names to come to Him. We, as part of His body, are called to be an extension of His arms of love. We are also to be the lights in the darkness around us, which will draw all men and women unto Him.
Be encouraged on the job today, as you are a light, just by your presence and the aroma of the Holy Spirit working through you. People are watching, listening and will respond in due time.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina
Want to see my "studio"??!!! (Only after you watch my message first though.)
Plus you'll hear Laurie and I leading the All Nations Church worship team,
back in the day. Yeah!
"Arms of Love" message - YouTube video: Published on Aug 22, 2017
Steve Martin - Arms of Love video message "Light in the World"
The Great American Eclipse, a sign to America about its need for God, still gave off much sunlight even as 90% of the sun was blocked by the moon over Charlotte, North Carolina at 2:40 pm on Aug. 21, 2017.
This is an example of the same for believers, working in the darkness among those on the job or in their schools.
#3 Aug. 22, 2017
Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
"There will soon be an explosion of My power that will be heard around the world that will bring salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." (Wikimedia Commons) Prophecy: 'There Will Soon Be an Explosion of My Power!'
I said to the Lord on Sunday morning, "The gunshots we are hearing daily on the news are so grieving." The Lord said, "There will soon be an explosion of My power that will be heard around the world that will bring salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. This explosion will interrupt news reporters and the media."
What I sense I am seeing is only a part of what this explosion will do.
A great light will accompany this explosion, piercing gross darkness in the hearts of men. This explosive power will blow the scales off the eyes of the Jewish people, and they will run like prodigals to the mountain of the Lord. The sound of a shofar will roar like a lion, calling them home.
This great light will penetrate war zones, releasing the angel armies to war with heaven's most powerful weapon: God's love. I heard that familiar voice conversing with terrorists saying, "Why do you persecute Me?" (see Acts 9:4). Some angels were causing guns to jam and bullets to disappear, as a light brighter than the sun brought instant healing to their hateful hearts.
Certain areas of war zones became "fields of altars" as many blinded by the light were crying out, "Lord, what would You have me to do?" Many were surrendering to the Lord on the battlefield.
'Miraculous Testimonies' Surrounding Soldiers on the Battlefield
Angels were protecting some of these soldiers until the light broke through. Some died in battle. But as that bright light shone on their corpses, it was like someone had breathed life back into them, and they stood knowing they were new creatures. Hatred was gone and God's love had come.
Soldiers on both sides of the battlefield were being visited. Some soldiers, seeing their comrades who had died but were now alive, were in shock as the fear of the Lord came upon them. At first, the enemy tried his best to keep these testimonies as quiet as possible. But all the demons and powers of hell could no longer hold them back. For they were now overcoming the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
Journalists and news reporters at first were struck with unbelief as these miracles began to reach their ears. But as they kept hearing these unusual events, believing began eroding their doubts as soldiers reported seeing Jesus and were being healed of their battle wounds. Curiosity caused many journalist and reporters to listen to the rest of their stories. Slowly but surely, these unbelievable testimonies began breaking into the media and news outlets, touching the viewers and the readers of the late breaking news that could no longer be ignored.
God Says, 'Pray, Forgive and Bless'
I asked the Lord, "What caused this shift and turning in the hearts of men?" He said, "It's the prayers of My remnant in the earth who are praying with forgiveness in their hearts and blessing their enemies in the time of being persecuted for My namesake because that is My will.
"Praying, forgiving and blessing releases My Spirit to move on anyone. Many of My people have chosen which enemies to pray for and have decided which enemies are too far gone to be saved. But those who are filled with My love know that the real enemy is Satan, not flesh and blood; therefore, no one is too far gone."
If you think the terrorists are too far gone, read the story of Saul (see Acts 9), whose name became Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament. God wants to change many more names!
"Keep praying, keep forgiving and keep blessing in My name. The fuse has been lit."
Bill Younthas been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser-at-large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. Humility and humor characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the word of the Lord. The shofar, or ram's horn, is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends. Please visit Bill's website
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While I personally don't celebrate Halloween, I'm not a killjoy on a mission to rob people of fun. (neepster/Flickr/CC)
Dabbling With the Dark Side? The Bible Clearly Condemns Halloween
Darkness is used in Scripture as a metaphor for evil to represent all that is sinful and satanic.
In contrast, light is a biblical metaphor for good to represent truth and all that is of God.
The apostle Paul instructed, "Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light—for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth ... And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; instead, expose them" (Eph. 5:7-9, 11).
It's a tricky balance for Christians to be in the world without conforming to it.
Jesus prayed, "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one" (John 17:15).
If we imitate the world, we lose our distinction; if we isolate from the world, we lose our influence. Christians need to engage the culture if we expect to make an impact.
It's perfectly fine for a boat to be in the water, but if too much water gets in the boat, now that's a problem. This brings up the question, "How should Christians treat Halloween?"
The origin of Halloween incorporated a mixture of Christian and pagan practices.
According to World Book Encyclopedia, "Halloween developed from an ancient pagan festival celebrated by Celtic people over 2,000 years ago in the area that is now the U.K., Ireland, and Northern France. The festival was called 'Samhain' (pronounced SOW ehn), which means 'summer's end' and it marked the beginning of the dark winter season and was celebrated around Nov. 1. In the ninth century, the Catholic Church established a new holiday—All Saint's Day, also called All Hallows. 'Hallow' means 'saint' or 'one who is holy.' The evening before All Hallows was known as All Hallow's Eve, eventually shortened to Halloween.
"About 200 years later, the church added All Soul's Day on Nov. 2, a day set aside to pray for friends and family who died. People made many of the old pagan customs part of this Christian holy day. Some put out food for their deceased ancestors, or left lanterns burning in the windows so that ghosts could find their way home for the night. In England, people went house to house 'souling,' asking for small breads called soul cakes in exchange for prayers or songs (thus the origin of trick or treating)."
While I personally don't celebrate Halloween, I'm not a killjoy on a mission to rob people of fun. I do not equate dressing up in a cartoon or superhero costume and collecting candy with devil worship.
Many believers boycott Halloween because of its dark elements. The downside is Christian kids feel like they are missing out. Thankfully, many churches offer alternatives such as trunk-or-treat or fall festivals that provide wholesome fun and safe candy zones to keep kids off the streets.
Some of what happens on Halloween is harmless fun, but anyone with any spiritual discernment cannot deny that there is a sinister side.
"Abstain from all appearances of evil" (1 Thess. 5:22). Sin, like art, starts by drawing a line somewhere! It's an odd contradiction for Christians to dress their kids up as creepy characters they try to teach them not emulate.
At this time of year there is a tsunami of horror movies flooding the airwaves featuring vampires, witches, zombies, monsters, cannibals and savage serial killers. Hollywood and viewers, it seems, have an obscene obsession with and an insatiable appetite for gory violence.
You can't avoid being bombarded by the commercials even if you just watch news or sports. These shows glamorize evil and open the door to demonic influences. Some say it's all just fantasy or harmless entertainment, but, if what people watch doesn't affect behavior, then why do companies spend billions of dollars to advertise to them?
In Greek Mythology, Zeus gave Pandora a box and a key as a wedding gift with a note "Do Not Open." Curiosity overcame her and she lifted the lid releasing all the forces of evil into the world.
The point is there are some doors you really don't want to open.
"Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]" (Eph. 4:27, AMP).
Don't open the door to sin's destructive influence. Slam the door shut in Satan's face!
Halloween is a showcase for witchcraft which the Bible clearly condemns (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:10-14; Gal. 5:19-21), calling it an "abomination"—morally disgusting, detestable, despicable and abhorrent.
Contrary to popular belief, books and movies, there is no such thing as a "good witch." That is an oxymoron. How can someone controlled by evil forces be good?
Paul asked the Corinthians, "For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion has light with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14, MEV).
Christians have no business dabbling in any form of witchcraft: horoscopes, crystal balls, séances, Ouija boards, Dungeons & Dragons, pentagrams, tarot cards, palm reading, spells, fortune telling, mediums, channeling, divination, sorcery, black magic and so forth.
There are only two sources of supernatural power—God and Satan. If something is not of God, where does it originate?
If you are involved in any of these practices, I urge you to repent of it, renounce it and ask God to remove it from your life. Don't gamble with your soul. Satan uses these and other ploys to deceive the masses.
What we need to know about our future is either found in Scripture or can be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13).
Like bugs drawn to a light to their own demise, man has an inexplicable, magnetic attraction toward evil.
Robert Rudolph said it well:"Open minds like open windows need screens to keep the bugs out."
The air may seem clean in a house, but the air filter catches many unseen pollutants. There are many false beliefs and deceptions floating around, but the Bible is our filter. Its radiant light helps us discern and dispel the darkness.
"God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). Friends, it's not worth the eternal risk of dabbling with the dark side.
Ben Godwin is the author of four books and he pastors the Goodsprings Full Gospel Church. His weekly telecast, The Word Workshop, airs on TV-16 and Charter Cable No. 10 on Mondays at 9 p.m. and Tuesdays at noon and live streams on
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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God's plan is not for you to be depressed. He wants you to experience His joy no matter the circumstances of your life.
Yet approximately 20 million people suffer from clinical depression, feeling hopeless, listless and stuck.
The voice of depression says you cannot move out of the darkness blanketing your life. But nothing could be further from the truth. There is much you can do to lift yourself out of that stuck place.
What is the difference between depression and just being sad? Licensed Family TherapistDr. Linda Mintleexplains the difference and concrete steps you can take to get help and find healing.
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It's time for God's prophets to arise and defeat the deception of darkness in our culture! It's time for another move of God! Jennifer LeClaire teaches how to walk in prophetic revelation in this segment of her series on prophecy.
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"A great storm is being stirred up from the remotest parts of the earth." (Jeremiah 25:32)
As we head into autumn, darkness continues to fall and raging storms continue to spread across the Middle East.
From Iran's latest vow to annihilate Israel, to Russian combat troops entering and operating in Syria, to the Islamic State capturing and using chemical weapons, to the persecution and slaughter of Muslims and Christians across the region, we are seeing wickedness on the move.
The Scriptures warn us that even darker days lie ahead.
But we must not lose hope. For amidst all the bad news, there is much good news, too.
I can tell you first hand that the Church in the Middle East act as a lighthouse in the darkness.
I am seeing followers of Jesus Christ boldly proclaim the Gospel, bravely preach the Word of God through satellite television and radio and on the Internet, and faithfully make disciples and shepherd growing congregations of believers, against all odds.
I am seeing precious followers of Jesus Christ in this region live every day with deep and profound -- even electrifying -- hope that the King and His Kingdom are coming soon, and the Rapture is coming soon, and that now is no time to give up and succumb to the darkness.
It is breathtaking to behold.
So, in the weeks ahead, I will be sharing both trends -- the spreading darkness and the shining light -- at events in the U.S. and Canada. Please see below for my current schedule. I would love it if you would register and plan on joining us, if at all possible.
What's more, we still have a few spaces available on The Joshua Fund's October tour of Israel that I will be leading. Please click here to find out more our Israel tour details and to register before it's full. I can't wait to share the Scriptures with you and introduce you to all kinds of interesting and wonderful people and places as we take you all through this beautiful and fascinating Land that we have come to love so much.
In the meantime, please keep praying for the believers throughout the epicenter, for the pastors and shepherds serving in this beleaguered region, and for the lost to find the light and hope of our Great God and Soon-Coming King. Thanks so much!
"Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, 'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.'" (John 8:12)
Then Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." (Matthew 5:14)
The Apostle Paul wrote, "Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain..." (Philippians 2:14-16)
God is releasing something powerfully new starting in December. He is revealing the assignments that are coming to you in 2015. Watch for prophetic dreams and words of confirmation that will give greater insight into the promotions you received recently. You will find yourself getting deeper, better results with less effort as you enter into God's rest. It's a time to pull back and look at what happened in 2014, as there are clues that will give you more understanding. Strategic new alliances are coming to you that will help you get to a new level.
11/11 Turnaround
I release Daily Prophetic Words that I get a month in advance and I often do not remember them once we load them onto my website and social media. My Daily Prophetic Word on 11/11 was,"Expect to see repayment in all types of ways as God is giving new recognition and favor to your efforts."
We are entering into a time of extended repayment for the extreme losses we have experienced over the past seven years (since 2008). It will take effort, and in some cases a battle, to get it. So don't back down.
My ministry has taken some financial losses, and I also lost many key relationships and favor over the past few years. We are now seeing a rapid repayment coming through many different streams.
Proverbs 13:12, The Message Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.
This is a time of "sudden good breaks" and life-turning events; in other words: rapid turnaround!
East and West Connection
I woke up from 1:00–3:00 a.m. on November 11 (11/11). God showed me that there was a changing of the guard over us. Angels are being reassigned right now based on your new assignments. There are angels who have been assigned to you and your family. Some will be assigned for the rest of your life, while others are those who are on assignment only for aseason.
Hebrews 1:14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
God is also assigning angels to bring unity in the spiritual realm to the United States. At 1:00 a.m. on 11/11, I saw a new angel now assigned to the West Coast of the US. The angel was sitting in a chair, facing east, not saying a word, but watching. I knew this angel was a watcher (Daniel 4). This angel has been assigned to watch and call things in for us from the East. (Photo by Marybeth Stafford "Fear Not" via
Psalm 103:12 far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Some people in the East have looked at the West Coast with words of judgment. Cities like Hollywood, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Seattle might seem like the least likely places for God to move, but that is exactly what He has in mind. God is releasing the West Coast to be a birthing place of another revival greater than the Jesus People Movement of the 1970s (the last major revival in the US).
Spiritual Constipation
I was speaking at the East Coast Elijah List Prophetic Conference in Maryland with Jane Hamon and Steve Shultz. As prophet Jane Hamon was speaking, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that many people are suffering from spiritual constipation.
There are things that are backed up and a release is desperately needed. This includes things like unanswered prayers, unfulfilled prophecies, healings, and financial breakthroughs, to name a few.
In my case, the Holy Spirit told me that I was prophetically constipated. If you follow my ministry and blog you will see that I release a lot of prophetic words: daily, weekly, and monthly, usually too much to articulate. So how could I be prophetically backlogged?
Then I remembered there were a handful of words and dreams that I got for certain people that I had not shared. I stood up immediately at the conference and went to the back to "relieve myself," so to speak. I texted as many as I could and posted some on the Internet. Notice that it was only a few areas where I was urged to make adjustments. Small steps done in obedience release greater blessing than we may realize!
When I returned to my seat Jane Hamon had me stand up while she gave me a life-changing prophetic word unlike anything I have gotten in decades! This is a prophetic word for others as well. What have you not completed or shared that God has spoken to you to do? No matter how small it may seem to you, do it or release it and see what happens!
Treasures Hidden in Darkness
While at the conference I got several prophetic words that further confirm the new time we are in.
Isaiah 45:3 I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
I have heard this verse so many times as people have prayed itbut I am declaring it right now. God is giving insight for "secret place" riches of wisdom and revelation. (Photo via Wikimedia)
The Vault of Heaven is Now Open
In December of 2011, I had a spiritual experience in which I heard a tumbler lock, like the kind from a big bank vault, click into place. I heard God say that the vault door is not just unlocked but, "It is now open."
Watch as wisdom, revelation, strategies, and finances for the Kingdom open at a greater level, including finances for new media and creative business projects. This is a direct result of God reallocating resources and finances from people who are not currently sharing them with the Kingdom.
Hoarding the Wood Dream
I had a prophetic dream in November that I was on a beach with a group of people who had gathered there to wait for something new. We needed to build a fire so we gathered a small amount of wood and lit it. I blew on it and a long deep prophetic wind came out of me that ignited the wood into a small fire. We got the "new fire" going but needed more wood.
We asked other groups who had an abundance of wood—even extra lying around—but no one would give us any. These groups represent individuals, churches, and businesses that have the calling to help start new Kingdom projects but are hoarding the wood for themselves out of fear.
This is a prophetic word right now: there are groups starting new things and need Kingdom resources.
There are people and groups that really need to give into something new. This may be a comparatively small investment for them, yet it will ignite many and even release promises to the givers as well. God is igniting a flame on Kingdom projects for new media, businesses, and radical new churches.
Get ready for 2015 to bring a major shift. God is bringing fulfillment to the promises we thought were lost. Getting a clear vision is a key to major turnaround and will help you see the breakthrough that you need. God is releasing a new way to do things for you that will help maximize your impact with less effort. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Unity is so important right now! We need to agree together for change! Bless and do not judge. Talk to God about what offends you and release it to Him. Ask Him for His perspective about the conflicts you face. I agree with Heaven over the breakthrough that you need in your life!
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is the author of the books Understand Your Dreams Now and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.
"Lord, You have set up a banner for those who fear You, a standard displayed because of the truth. That Your beloved ones may be delivered, save with Your right hand and answer us." Ps 60:3-5
Mind-sets are a compilation of assumptions that influence how we live our lives. They are the predispositions of our attitudes which determine how we respond to the circumstances around us. Mind-sets shape an individual's behavior. Cultural mind-sets mold the identity shared by a people.
Working with believers in cultures where freedom is at risk has often challenged me to take a closer look at my own individual and cultural mind-sets. One culture I've worked with in particular includes a number of leaders who have spent extended time in hard-labor prisons for their faith. The intent of these incarcerations of brutal conditions was to undermine their faith. It had the opposite effect.
In each case, I've been struck by the strength of character, decision-priorities and genuine humility of these friends who bear these brand-marks of their faith. On the other hand, what I have not observed is the focus that the West can give to issues that impact the soul. In conditions designed to break their spirit, those issues included severe deprivation of such essentials as having enough food to live and the realities of facing death.
In short, what I have witnessed has been a distinct absence of a victim's mentality. In lands of persecution, almost everyone has a story of tragedy and serious loss. Yet, contrary to Western predispositions, the choice has been to put their tragic pasts behind them to more fully live in "the now."
"Forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth for that which is ahead." Phil3:13
Paul's admonition is not to "stuff it," but rather to renew our minds and make a choice to transform our thinking by giving focus to remembering those things that are true, noble, just, pure and of good report (Phil 4:8). That's the rallying banner. It's the standard upheld by those we regard as heroes of faith.
Foundations to How We Respond
At the core of the way of the Kingdom is how we respond to evil. Our mind-sets play a significant role in this response. The first premise is that we cannot hope for much by responding in our own strength or cleverness, no matter how much we verbalize it. It takes a great deal more, even for the most talented.
The opening Scripture is about that added dimension that only comes through God. It is from a Psalm describing a people who have strayed and lost the power and protection of God against evil. It outlines the need to be restored and highlights what is required to maintain that place in which God intervenes on their behalf.
Over the centuries, the Lord has imparted banners and standards for the good of His people. They serve an initial function to help us avoid the subtleties of evil. When ignored, they still provide the means of deliverance, although at a higher cost when evil inroads can only be met by judgment.
The banner displayed gives first priority to embracing the unequivocal fear of the Lord. That calls for a choice. The standard then sets the stage to unveil the truth and the reality of God that empowers deliverance. It is the foundation from which we can cry out to the Lord and expect the manifestation of His power.
Bondages result when God's supernatural standards are watered down with the natural. Within the Body are many who enjoy God's blessings yet are constrained from crossing the boundaries into what is represented by the fullness of their callings. The constraints typically are self-imposed, driven by precepts of men, with the standards influenced by both individual and cultural mind-sets and predispositions.
The response to evil draws a line in the sand. Not recklessly or arbitrarily, but rather as a choice and a priority to uphold the standard. That choice is contrary to the way the world responds. That sometimes means sacrifice. Yet, that choice is the very foundation that Jesus imparted to His followers during His three year earthly ministry.
The Subtle Influence
For years I have worked with men and women of God being prepared with modern-day Joseph-type callings. The calling of God in the marketplace is not one of position or status, but a calling of influence. The influence evolves around establishing God's standard against evil, harnessing resources, and bringing deliverance and transformation within the infrastructures of the world's systems.
Yet, again and again the pressures and subtleties faced by these modern-day Josephs bring challenge and distortion to their mantles. With the distractions and deceptions, the result is being drawn into safe-places, of spiritually treading water.
As an illustration of the subtleties that distort and diminish the standard, the Western media has long advanced a cultural mind-set that turns returning military heroes into victims. It has undermined the standard of the cause of freedom with subtle, downgraded and distorted moralizations. The brand-marks of true heroes are then dishonored and reduced to pity.
Pilate's challenge to Jesus was based on this very premise: that Jesus was facing death and Pilate had the authority to release Him. Jesus' response to Pilate was that his authority was limited and defined only by the Father. Figuratively speaking, Jesus spit in the face of death. Jesus was never a victim. His response refused a mind-set of pity, as He held to the standard.
Jesus said He came not to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfill, to bring completion to them. He drew a line in the sand with destruction and death. Yet, until the time He was turned over to Pilate and Herod to face crucifixion, the focus of His earthly ministry dealt with the response to evil within the household of faith.
"From the days of John the Baptist, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force." Matt 11:12
The Evil Within
The evil within the household of faith is far more subtle than the evil from outside the community of God's people. Ranging from factors such as obsessive introspection leading to majoring in minors and spiritual myopia to outright misuses of authority, the result has long been a people of feeble power, fragmented and divided.
Nevertheless, overcoming these vulnerabilities represents the cohesive foundation needed to maximize the power in responding to evil coming from the world's system. No one group has the total picture, which is why we need one another. The level to which the evil within the community of God's people is properly addressed will be the level destabilizing and diluting the impact of the evil lurking outside the camp.
"Do not be afraid of the sudden fear nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being taken."
Prov 3:25-26
The inroads of evil into the household of faith find their seedbed in mind-sets, the most devilish being religious mind-sets. Instead of being the influencers and overcomers, the Body has systematically become culturally compliant and spiritually anemic. The perception is viewed as the reality. Most purveyors of news are no longer presenting facts, but rather the spin of events within the view of a creeping system of godless values and evil-intended priorities.
In God's eyes, the reality is based on the standard. God's standard is the driver for our mind-sets, the factor that determines what is right and the priorities we ascribe in stewarding our destinies. That standard is then wielded to the degree that our thinking and actions are in oneness with Him.
"Thus says the Lord: Stand at the crossroads and look. Then ask for the ancient paths where the good way lies. Then walk in it and you will find rest for your souls." Jer 6:16
When God's people are in alignment with Him, His glory will manifest. God's glory manifested when King David brought God's people together. That was King David's greatest accomplishment and will be the standard for the model in the millennium.
To grasp the dynamics needed to realize the release of God's glory in the face of evil requires a closer look at what pride really is, how true humility upholds the standard and the role of suffering. With that is the need to understand how the Word of God defines wickedness within the ranks of the household of faith.
The Seduction of Pride. There is a fine line between pride and honor. True honor comes from God. Pride, however, is self-created and rails against the knowledge of God. Self-righteousness is based on pride. It seduces and distorts. The Bible says that pride is like death and cannot be satisfied (Hab 2:5).
Jesus addressed this dynamic manifesting with the Pharisees. They reached for the standard and missed. Their elitism and self-serving ambition for status and power pushed them away from God. It manifested in the mind-sets and the priorities they gave to the way they lived their lives. Jesus called them hypocrites because of their spiritual myopia.
The history of God's people is filled with stories of "strays" who have misused their authority and operated under short-sighted, prideful illusions of their own significance in their stewardship of God's power. The Bible describes them as wicked.
Proverbs 12:5-7 draws a sharp comparison between the righteous and the wicked. It applies within the boundaries of God's people. The divergence is between being just and operating with treachery and deceit. It speaks of the wicked seeking to entrap, of being ensnared by their own words, while the righteous maintain their integrity through backlash to emerge not only whole, but with new dimensions of purpose and enlightenment. Remember Job's response to his "friends" and the later end for Job.
"When Job prayed for his friends the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as before." Job 42:10
It is the way of the Kingdom to respond to evil with good. In short, the root of the righteous, defined by this standard, cannot be moved or uprooted (Prov 12:3). It emphasizes our complete dependency on God and the importance of humility and a listening heart in maintaining the standard to stay the pathway.
Humility and a Listening Heart. At the core of a righteous heart is the humility that comes from a genuine listening heart. We continually need to be hearing from God and the truth of His Word. We likewise need the wisdom from those who have gone before us as well as the God-fearing whose orientations are not constrained by our own search for what is truth.
"[The Bereans] were more fair-minded.... in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so."Acts 17:11
That's not to suggest a potpourri of opinions, but rather the discernment of the essentials needed to grasp the biblical standard guiding the steps of the community of faith. The need calls for more than a doctrinal statement on a web-site.
The world we live in, along with today's factionalized Body demands strategic-level wisdom in establishing the scriptural common ground of how we come together and how we operate as the community of faith -- in a way that draws the world.
"You are the light of the world, a city [community] set on a hill that cannot be hidden." Matt 5:14
The homosexual community mapped out just such a strategy roughly three decades ago. They have exceeded their goals. But then Jesus observed that the sons of this world can be more shrewd in operating with their own kind, than the sons of Light. To have a story to tell begins WITHIN the household of faith, with the degree to which we are listening to one another. The common ground involves how we OPERATE together. That will require humility.
Humility toward God and others is a Kingdom key. It is an igniter for unity. Humility is the shield against pride and the fear of man. Paul described the ultimate spiritual enemy we are dealing with as death. True humility inoculates us against the fear of man and the age-old seductions of death and destruction.
The Response and Role of Suffering. People who have faced death in combat and survived, understand the reality involved in face-offs that "cheat" death. Winston Churchill was a man who over the course of his life had many encounters with death. He was intimately acquainted with how evil operated. His demeaner was fearless. His consistently big-picture response was to uphold the standard against evil.
When he was made Prime Minister, what he was dealing with was a faceoff with death. Hitler's machine had conquered most of the European continent. Churchill was surrounded by those seeking to appease evil. As irreverent and as unorthodox as Churchill could be, he was much like a modern-day Cyrus. God knew and called Cyrus long before Cyrus knew there to be such a One as the God of Israel.
In the world of 1940, Hitler may have been the human mechanism, but it was death that was on the march. In its grip were the chosen of God, with the anemic stewardship of the Lord's standard in the crucible. Churchill's response to death, to this amassing evil was to draw a line in the sand. Not unlike King David, with wisdom beyond his own brilliance, he rallied the free world and brought them into unity.
The response involved a time of extreme sacrifice and suffering. Historically, times of great revival have been directly correlated with times of sacrifice and suffering. So it is that we find ourselves today with evil amassing before us.
The Big-Picture Response
These are times described in Isaiah 60 as when darkness is covering the earth and deep darkness the people. Evil has aggressively come out of the closet. The clarion call for the household of faith is to give heed to the big-picture and gird up the loins of our mind-sets. Humility and listening hearts, along with facing the realities is no longer an option.
"While following the way of your judgments, we have eagerly waited for You. At night my soul longs for You. Indeed my spirit seeks you diligently. For when the earth experiences Your judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness."
Isa 26:8-10
The need is to redirect the focus of the energies given to the fund-raising soap boxes, and sweep aside the idols occupying our minds (Ezek 14:5). In responding to the big picture of what is happening around us, is the need to draw a line in the sand, calling the evil within for what it is and to begin giving focus to the strategies needed to fully draw on our Great Equalizer in facing the realities.
Peter notes (1 Peter 4:17) that judgment first comes to the household of faith. Jesus said that each would be seasoned with fire and every sacrifice seasoned with salt (Mark9:49). That's the mix, it is the cost required to be carriers of His presence. In facing the disarray and division, it is time for the household of faith to uphold the big-picture standard, serve as God's calling card, as He draws all men to Himself.
"We have a strong city [community]. Lord, You have established and strengthened our walls and ramparts. So, open the gates, that all who are righteous may enter, the ones who have remained faithful. The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. For in You we have an everlasting Rock." Isa 26:1-7
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from, www.BarnesandNoble.comand other popular outlets.
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your congregation on the wisdom the persecuted church has for the times emerging in the West.
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check: