Showing posts with label biblical prophecies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label biblical prophecies. Show all posts
Friday, May 18, 2018
Friday, July 21, 2017
Hagee's End Times Warning: 'The Fuse Is Lit, Every Prophetic Player Is on Stage' - CBN News Abigail Robertson
CBN News Abigail Robertson
WASHINGTON -- Over 5,000 Christians traveled to Washington, D.C. this week for the 12th annual Christians United for Israel Summit.
As part of the summit, attendees lobbied congressmen and senators for a day on Capitol Hill to stand with Israel. At the top of the list of legislation they'd like to see passed is the Taylor Force Act, which calls for a halt of all U.S. taxpayer funding of the Palestinian Authority until they stop rewarding people for being terrorists.
"The United States of America has been giving money to the Palestinians; the Palestinians have been using that money to pay bonuses to terrorists who kill Jews and we are saying to our government shut that money off," Pastor John Hagee, founder of CUFI, told CBN News. "America should not be paying for the murder of Jewish people."
Hagee Praises Trump's Pro-Israel Stance
On Monday night, Pastor Hagee introduced Vice President Mike Pence to deliver the summit's keynote address. Hagee says he's pleased with this administration's commitment to supporting Israel.
"This administration's position towards Israel is probably the most aggressive, pro-Israel administration in my lifetime," said Hagee. "I assure you it's a million miles in front of the former administration."
Pastor Hagee think at some point during President Donald Trump's presidency, the U.S. Embassy in Israel will move to Jerusalem.
"I'm very confident that President Trump will move the embassy. He has promised that he would get us a conservative Supreme Court justice; he has done that," Hagee told CBN News.
"He has promised that he will rebuild the U.S. military; he is doing that," he continued. "In spite of the Russian witch-hunt and the obstinate Democrats, he's doing his very, very best to fulfill his promises. And I know that he will in his own time move that embassy."
CBN News correspondent Abigail Robertson sat down with Pastor Hagee in Washington this week. Click play in the player above for clips from the interview.
Hagee Weighs in on the 'End of Days'
Hagee made national headlines a few years ago with his studies and observations on the series of four blood moons that appeared in the sky and all coincided with Jewish feast days. Hagee says these were prophesied in the Bible and are a sign that God is about to move on the world stage.
"The four blood moons, as soon as the fourth blood moon appeared, you will follow the press followings that Russia moved out of Russia into the Middle East," Hagee noted. "They moved their military forces into the Middle East. The 38th chapter of the book of Ezekiel says that when the King of the north moves out of the north, I will bring you out of the north. Then we are getting ready to watch the Genesis of the Gog-Magog War."
"So the very specific thing that happened as soon as those blood moons ended was that Russia moved out to the Middle East, and Russia is not going to leave the Middle East," Hagee warned. "They're going to join with Iran to build... a massive army that will in time try to perform a land invasion of the state of Israel."
He says the upcoming, rare solar eclipse on August 21 is not quite as dramatic as the four blood moons, but is an example of one of the many signs and wonders we'll see in the sky in the end of days that have never happened before.
"The Bible says in the end of days you will see signs and wonders in the sky, and there are several signs and wonders that are happening in the sky that have never happened before," Hagee told CBN News.
"They are not quite as dramatic as the four blood moons because the four blood moons were predicted by Joel," he said. "They were prophesied and confirmed by Jesus. They were confirmed by NASA; they were given dates -- the dates of those events were Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles."
"God established those dates thousands of years ago. Only God can make a blood moon happen because the sun shines through the Earth's atmosphere to make the moon come to a reddish glow," he continued.
"Only God can get those aligned to do that, and He did it four times in a row on those specific dates. It is so phenomenally packed with truth that even the atheists had to admit that is was unusual," said Hagee.
'The World as We Have it Is a Powder Keg'
And he's drawing other connections between biblical prophecies and current events around the world right now.
"The world as we have it at this very present time is a powder keg and the fuse is lit," he warned. "Every player is on the stage for the first time in history that fulfills all of the prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah; they're all there. We're just waiting for the next domino to fall and when it does watch out! It's not going to stop."
Watch the interview here: John Hagee on CBN News
Friday, May 26, 2017
Intercessors, Arise—The Magog Invasion May Be Closer Than You Think - DR. DAVE WILLIAMS CHARISMA NEWS
Intercessors, Arise—The Magog Invasion May Be Closer Than You Think
The award-winning singer and songwriter Stephen Marshall said something to me years ago that has stuck in my mind. He said, "A 150-watt light bulb can light a room, but a 150-watt laser can cut through 1½ inches of steel." That is the power of focus. Both the light bulb and the laser use the same amount of energy, but the focused laser can rip through steel strongholds.
The same is true in prayer. Unfocused prayer may light you up, but focused prayer will split and help demolish spiritual strongholds and enemy bastions in our nation.
This is—right now—the most critical hour to focus on intercession for our country and the world. The stage is being set in Europe, the Middle East and other parts of the world for prophetic events that may soon transpire on the earth according to biblical prophecies. The situations today in North Korea, Syria, Iran and Turkey scream out to intercessors, calling them to their duty stations.
In December, Israel took delivery of its first F-35 aircraft. They have ordered 50 of these high-powered fighter aircraft that can knock down 10 of the older F-15s almost simultaneously. The F-35 is the most advanced fighter jet in the history of the world. The digital data is connected to the pilot's helmet. The aircraft has stealth, not only being undetectable by radar but also having the unique ability to jam radar and disrupt signals to enemy aircraft. It is a revolutionary machine made here in America.
Now, apparently, Iran (Persia) does not want Israel to take possession of this incredible aircraft. Even Russia is nervous about it. We're told in Ezekiel 38 and 39 there will be a "Magog" invasion in the days ahead (which, by the way, is believed both by Christian and Jewish theologians.) This Magog invasion of the Holy Land could occur before the Israeli fighter pilots are fully trained in the F-35s. The Magog invasion will take place; the question is when. This attack will initiate the first major phase of Armageddon. It could happen within weeks. Or intercessors could unite and perhaps hold if off for a season.
With the election of Donald Trump, some Christian leaders have said that America has received "a reprieve." One prophet wrote that America had been given a "stay of execution." Very few Americans discerned the real global agenda of the far left.
Because of the lawlessness in our country over the past years, we were, according to Franklin Graham, ripe for judgment. His assessment is absolutely in harmony with God's Word. If we have indeed been given "a reprieve," as many are saying, we must maintain the victory of that reprieve.
When the children of Israel entered the promised land, they still had a daily fight to drive out all the enemies and to conquer lands, streams and mountains. The battle was not over just because they set foot in the promised land. The same is true now. The fight is not over just because we have a president who is sympathetic with the Christian church and is willing to call out radical Islam for what it is.
That's why it is not the time to rest but to get back on the wall and be the watchmen God has called us to be. Intercessors, arise! You are priests of the kingdom.
Think of those Christian families trapped in villages taken over by ISIS in Syria. You've read the stories of brutality. I read about a 14-year-old boy who was beheaded in front of his crying mom and dad because he missed a call to prayer. We cannot allow more of those into America who are determined to harm us, even though we know ISIS and ISIS motivated Islamic jihadists are already here, according to national intelligence groups. The former director of the FBI, James Comey, stated that ISIS now has a presence in all 50 of the United States.
Perhaps through our prayers and intercession God will relent, soften the judgment we deserve or cancel it altogether and, instead, leave us a big blessing. I believe the ball is in our court. The intercessor, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, will now determine how America will go, either with the blessings of God or under the horrible bondage of a curse leading to strong delusion. Many believe Donald Trump is president today because of the enormous amount of intercessory prayer leading up to the election. Prayer groups were led by Mary Colbert, Michelle Bachman and hundreds of others.
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may declare the goodness of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Pet. 2:9).
The church represents another world: God's kingdom. God is certainly about to do something big through His church, and I want to be a part of it. And I know you do, too.
Supernatural power is given to us by the Holy Spirit to do what God has called us to do. We are limited in ourselves, but He takes the limits off by his Spirit. So everywhere we go, we carry the presence of another world. The Holy Spirit has unlimited resources, and God wants to demonstrate His boundless grace and kindness to us by working infinitely beyond our capabilities.
"You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation ... (1 Pet. 2:9a).
As a believer, you are a priest. A priest is an intercessor. An intercessor is a person who prays for people and against the kingdom of darkness.
Intercessors, arise! You are priests of the kingdom. America can only be great again when God's hand of blessing returns and believers respond with gratitude and militant intercessory war in the spirit.
This is the prayer checklist I use when praying for our nation and the world:
- President Trump and his family
- President Trump's cabinet and staff
- Senators and Congressmen
- State officials
- Local officials
- An end to deception in America
- Against the spirits behind ISIS and Islamic jihadists
- Israel, the only real democracy in the Middle East
- Churches/pastors/leaders
- Revival, renewal, awakening
- College campuses—eject extreme leftist, socialist professors
- Police and firefighters
- Schools/teachers/professors
- Orphans/widows
You are a priest in the kingdom. Rise up now in a prayer partnership with the Holy Spirit and other believers. Let's change the course of our nation. 
Charisma House has just released Dave's latest book, Hope in the Last Days.
Dr. Dave Williams served for over 30 years as pastor of Mount Hope Church in Lansing, Michigan, with over 500 outreach ministries around the world. Dave led the church in giving over $40,000,000 to world and local missions. His leadership training course, The Art of Pacesetting Leadership, is credited with catapulting one church from 226 to over 4,000. Another church went from 8 to over 1,000. His all-time best-selling book, The New Life: The Start of Something Wonderful, is a practical, step by step guide to help new believers become established in their Christian walk and has sold over 2.5 million copies. His latest book, Hope in the Last Days, is published by Charisma House. Dave now focuses on helping young ministers whenever he has an opportunity.
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