He immediately reminded me of the night before. The previous night, I did my final rounds at the house, made sure my wife and children were asleep and then I got into bed. I laid there for about one minute and the Lord spoke to me, "Get up, I would like to talk to you." So I got up, went into our prayer room at the house, and the Lord spoke this to me "Every word I have spoken to you in the private place will come to pass." Then I began to pray into that word. I felt deeply impressed to tell people to remember every prophetic word that bore witness with their spirit when it was given to them. Now is the time to look back at all of their old prayer journals.
Then the next day, I received the seven-day turnaround word. The Lord was prompting me to tell people that prophetic acceleration is coming, a seven-day turnaround, where God will suddenly fulfill the promises in the prophetic words that people have been hanging onto and praying into for many years. The Lord is getting His people ready for a mighty move of His Spirit. Get ready for your seven-day turnaround!
I was reminded of many of the prophetic words God has spoken to me. The first one I remembered was when God told me about the key to breakthrough is fasting. So many of God's people do not understand the true power that is released while fasting. Immediately, I thought, What if people fasted and prayed over the next seven days for their turnaround?
Then I was reminded about a prophetic vision I had just recently. In the vision, I saw a huge tidal wave crashing over the people of God. As I saw this tidal wave in the Spirit, I knew that it was made up all of the prayers, promises and prophetic words from past seasons. The Lord spoke clearly to me that every promise and every prophetic word that has been given in past seasons, will come to pass in this next season. This seven-day turnaround is the fulfillment of that vision. Expect to be overtaken by the Spirit of God fulfilling His promises to you. Your 7-day turnaround is coming.
As I continue to pray I felt the Lord say, "Do not allow your circumstances, conditions or situations to affect your spirit. Stay focused on what My Spirit is saying and deny every soulish or fleshly thought." Be vigilant during these next seven days, pay no attention to your critics because any attack the devil can scheme up, He will throw your way. This is a season that you will have to be strong and prepared for warfare. Remember Ephesians 6:11, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." These next seven days, you will have to stand against the enemy's schemes, tricks, strategies and attempts to get you off course.
The Lord told me to declare that "The cave, wilderness and valley seasons are coming to an end." So many people are so close to giving up on their God-given dream, purpose, calling and destiny. Many people are so close to having their God-given breakthrough at any moment. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "Many of My children are barely hanging on. Many are barely hanging on for their ministry, business, marriage and prodigal sons and daughters." Because of the delay in their breakthrough, many people's emotions are out of alignment, and their finances are not prioritized correctly.
The presence of the Spirit of God remained strong during this encounter. The Spirit prompted me to urge people to properly align with all the prophetic words and promises that God has spoken to them. The Lord prompted me to tell people in this season do not give in to the soulish realm or to your thoughts and emotions. Instead, stay focused on the Spirit of God and be completely Spirit-led during the next seven days. Stay strong and stay the course with the Lord. Contend, fast and pray over the next seven days. Let faith arise and believe God for the seven-day turnaround! 
Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service a month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week, He also serves on the leadership team of New Breed Revivalists Network.
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