Lana Vawser: "Miracles and Divine Alignments in Bodies as We Magnify the Lord!"
Dear Elijah Listers,
Lana Vawser has been proven to be a reliable prophetic voice that we truly need to pay special attention to.
Many may not realize that Lana was one of the very few who, many months before the presidential election, prophesied that it would be Donald Trump. Lana lives in Brisbane, Queensland, in Australia and has received many prophetic words for the US.
Now, it's a crucial time to really know, "What is going on Lord?" And God has sent this word through Lana and then straight to you!
It's time to be encouraged, don't you agree? Let's enter 2019, knowing full well what God has promised for YOU, RIGHT AWAY! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Miracles and Divine Alignments in Bodies as We Magnify the Lord!"
Recently, I had a vision where I saw many of God's people who were battling long-standing health issues as well as weird and random physical symptoms in their bodies. There was discouragement and almost despair that they were facing, as they felt caught in this "cycle" of health issues and weird/random physical symptoms with no breakthrough...yet.
The Lord showed me that the enemy has recently been coming against these people, attacking them with tremendous FEAR over the physical issues they have been experiencing with the weird/random physical symptoms. In the vision, I watched as these black figures came alongside God's people and began to whisper lies into their ears. They said things like, "This is what it is," or "This is what is going to happen..." The whole intention of this attack was to lock God's people in fear and to MAGNIFY the fear and these physical symptoms and health issues.
Don't Magnify Fear...Magnify Me!
The definition of "magnify" is: 1. Make (something) appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope. 2. Praise highly; glorify. SYNONYMNS: to enhance, boost, expand, intensify.
The Lord then spoke: "There are MANY keys I am releasing in this new era to see these health issues, random physical/weird symptoms broken. But right now, for those who are feeling the plaguing, tormenting fear over these issues, I am making a decree: MAGNIFY NOT the symptoms. Magnify NOT the health issues with your focus. MAGNIFY ME!
"Praise Me over these symptoms. Praise Me over the health issues. Praise Me over the pain. Praise Me over the fear. Be FEROCIOUS in your FOCUS on FAITH and PRAISE! The enemy is looking for the agreement of My people so he can magnify FEAR, but I decree that as you MAGNIFY ME there shall be MAJOR, sudden alignments and miracles in HEALTH and BODIES!"
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!" (Psalm 34:3 ESV)
Radical Restoration and Alignment
I then watched as these people began to intentionally LOOK AWAY from the health issues, from the random/weird symptoms, and MAGNIFY the Lord instead. They stood and magnified the name of JESUS for who He is and His Word, and His ability to heal their bodies. I saw Jesus come and place His hands on their heads and then on their backs, and it looked like He was making a chiropractic adjustment. I could hear the word "ALIGNMENT" being decreed in the spirit. MAJOR demonstrations of the power of praise as well as the power in JESUS' name began to manifest!
The Lord spoke again: "I am bringing RADICAL RESTORATION and ALIGNMENT in bodies and RESTORING strength to the physical bodies of My people as they MAGNIFY Me."
As this ferocious faith was arising through praise and magnifying the Lord with intentionality, I watched as MIRACLES suddenly burst forth in peoples' bodies. There was an intense shaking taking place within them by the power of His Spirit as the "walls" of these health issues/physical symptoms began to come DOWN once and for all.
I watched symptoms that were WITHIN bodies suddenly burst out and fall to the ground. Chains of health issues suddenly fell to the ground. Tumors suddenly fell out of peoples' bodies and onto the ground. The people of God then began to dance upon these random/weird health issues and symptoms and there was major victory bursting forth supernaturally in peoples bodies.
Smokescreen Symptoms
It was then that I heard the thundering voice of God: "The enemy is coming against you, lying to you about what is to come. You've been in the constant cycle of fear over your bodies and health, and the enemy is lying to you to trap you again in another foreboding cycle, but these are SMOKESCREEN SYMPTOMS! Don't listen to his lies, for many of you have been assaulted by this spirit of fear manifesting in your physical bodies for years and for some of you, your whole life.
"The REASON the enemy has intensified his attack of fear over physical issues/random/weird symptoms is because I am NOW RESTORING YOUR HEALTH, bringing MAJOR breakthrough and ALIGNMENT. Repent of aligning with fear and trust Me and KNOW that what is before you is strength, restoration of body and increase. DISAGREE with his lies and MAGNIFY ME!
"There is a MAJOR MOVE of My Spirit taking place right now where I am supernaturally restoring bodies, breaking fear and releasing Kingdom keys for divine health. Stand against the lies and KNOW that these are smokescreen symptoms and lies. Physical restoration is upon you."
I saw the Lord draw a line in the sand and He decreed, "NO MORE!" I watched as the tormenting fear regarding health fled.
He decreed again: "What has been part of your story for so long will NO LONGER be part of your story! I have DECREED its end!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, with their two sons.