- Morris Ruddick
Benin is a small, French-speaking nation, just west of Nigeria. The nations in sub-Saharan Africa have experienced great challenges in recent years, as a new generation emerges from the transitions since colonial days, through the economic and political instabilities caused by despotism, corruption and terrorism.
The potential for Christian leaders in facing these challenges in business and

government has never been more strategic. What the Lord is doing globally in these pivotal times will not be accomplished without the mantle assigned to Africa.
Benin's part is significant. We have a long history in our work with brethren from several African nations and we sense timely significance ahead for Africa. So, with much anticipation and joy, we head to Benin.
The Call to Come Help
It all began with something of a Macedonian call from brethren intent on reshaping their nation and releasing God's potential for Africa.
This mission is being hosted by a team of Christian entrepreneurs led by a modern-day Josephina, who a few years ago began being exposed to my books. Since that time, she has voluntarily translated them into French. Our venues will focus on implanting God's economy and mobilizing and uniting leaders called as modern-day Josephs and Daniels.
Their awareness and hunger for the Jewish roots to the faith is remarkable. There will be a time with a group of Christian members of Benin's parliament. In addition to our activities with the business community, we will also be ministering in some key local churches.
I'm told that attendees for our gatherings will be coming from other African nations, such as Ghana, and from as far away as France.
With all the change and turbulence in the spiritual dynamics impacting the world around us, we are deeply grateful for your prayers. More than ever before, we need to be aligned with God's timing and focus, as we establish these agendas. We need the spiritual and protective edge for the supernatural results that we are reaching for.
Specific Prayer Targets
1. Protection and good health for ourselves, our team and our loved ones back home. Good connections and traveling mercies.
2. Anointing and fruitfulness for each meeting, each workshop and for the spiritual-biz incubator groups we start.
3. To nurture and raise up leaders with an unequivocal focus on the Kingdom.
4. Spiritual authority and presence of mind to strategically bring influence and change to the leaders we work with, and an increase of their impact on their communities and nation.
5. To discern and seize unexpected opportunity.
6. Wisdom to penetrate the secular realm with this message of economic opportunity in crisis through God.
7. Consistent prayer coverage and communications for our next steps in mobilizing God's people in the marketplace.
8. Wisdom for the NEXT STEPS of this unique calling we're stewarding
God's Destiny for Africa
In the late 1990s, during my first visit to Africa, a prescient African Christian gave me two books that changed my Western thinking about Africa: "Is Africa Cursed," by Tokunboh Adeyemo and "Hope for Africa" by George Kinoti. Africa in reality has a rich heritage and destiny in God. Among the original Hebrew names for Africa is the meaning of "mother of mankind" and "garden of Eden. Today, on this one continent, are all the rich, vital resources the rest of the world seeks. The intense struggle underway for the soul of Africa is not random. From the stance of the unseen world, it is strategic.

Our venues to mobilize and equip God's most unlikely followers with God's most unlikely strategies to bring about God's most unlikely results -- mark the season for Afirca, as God's people assume their mantles as the head and not the tail, to be blessed to be a blessing.
Over the millennia God's chosen have consistently been catalysts to penetrating society with meaningful change that reshapes their economic and spiritual climates. The fruit of our program has consistently released timely change across a broad spectrum of societies, as we impart strategy and equip God's forerunners spiritually and economically.
Thank you again. Your support and prayers for us are foundational to overcoming the challenges and maximizing the opportunity.
With warm regards in Jesus,