Showing posts with label hurricanes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hurricanes. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Apocalyptic September? Here Is A List Of 27 Major Disasters That Have Already Happened So Far This Month - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Two major hurricanes, unprecedented earthquake swarms and wildfires roaring out of control all over the northwest United States – what else will go wrong next? 

When I originally pointed to the month of September as a critical time, I had no idea that we would see so many catastrophic natural disasters during this time frame as well.  Hurricane Harvey just broke the all-time record for rainfall in the continental United States, Hurricane Irma is so immensely powerful that it has been called “a lawnmower from the sky”, vast stretches of our country out west are literally being consumed by fire, and the magnitude-8.2 earthquake that just hit Mexico was completely unexpected. 

As I have stated so many times before, our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, but most people simply do not understand what is happening.

My good friend Zach Drew is getting married next month, and I would encourage everyone to go wish him well on Facebook.  On Friday, he posted the best summary of the major disasters that we have been experiencing so far this month that I have seen anywhere…

 California is on fire.
 Oregon is on fire.
 Washington is on fire.
 British Columbia is on fire.
 Alberta is on fire
 Montana is on fire.
 Nova Scotia is on fire.
 Greece is on fire.
 Brazil is on fire.
 Portugal is on fire.
 Algeria is on fire.
 Tunisia is on fire.
 Greenland is on fire.
 The Sakha Republic of Russia is on fire.
 Siberia is on fire.

 Texas is under water
 India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, experience record monsoons and massive death toll.
 Sierra Leone and Niger experience massive floods, mudslides, and deaths in the thousands.

 Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia are crushed in the death grip of a triple digit heat wave, dubbed Lucifer.
 Southern California continues to swelter under triple digit heat that shows no sign of letting up.
 In usually chilly August, the city of San Francisco shatters all-time record at 106 degrees, while it reaches 115 degrees south of the city. Northern California continues to bake in the triple digits.

(()) Yellowstone volcano is hit with earthquake swarm of over 2,300 tremors since June, recording a 4.4 quake on June 15, 20017 and 3.3 shaker on August 21, 2017.
(()) 5.3 earthquake rumbles through Idaho
(()) Japan earthquake 6.1 possible tsunami..
(()) Mexico earthquake 8.2 imminent tsunami. Beach lines are receded atleast 50+ meters
 Hurricanes Harvey, Irma (biggest ever recorded), Jose and Katia are barreling around the Atlantic with 8 more potentials forming.

And last but not least an X10 C.M.E solar flare two nights ago. The highest recorded solar flare ever!
For much more from Zach, you can follow his work regularly at

Some are describing what is happening to us as a “perfect storm”, and they are wondering if even more major disasters are coming in the very near future.

Let us hope not, because there is a tremendous amount of concern that we may not be able to pay for the disasters that have happened already.  The following comes from Politico

Harvey and Irma could be a breaking point. At $556 billion, the Houston metropolitan area’s economy is bigger than Sweden’s. New Jersey could easily fit inside the region’s sprawling footprint, where Harvey dumped 34 trillion gallons of water, as much as the three costliest floods in Texas history combined. The Harvey response alone eventually could double the $136 billion in government aid spent after Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans.
And as of Fridayan estimated $1.73 trillion worth of real estate was in the path of Irma’s hurricane-force winds, according to the University of Wisconsin’s Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies.
We won’t know the true extent of the damage that has been caused down in Florida for many days, but we do know that much of the state is already without power…
More than 3.3 million homes and businesses and counting have lost power in Florida as Hurricane Irma moves up the peninsula. The widespread outages stretch from the Florida Keys all the way into central Florida. Florida Power & Light, the state’s largest electric utility, said there were nearly 1 million customers without power in Miami-Dade County alone. The power outages are expected to increase as the storm edges further north. There are roughly 7 million residential customers in the state.
In the end, the federal government will likely step in and spend a lot of money that it does not have to rebuild and restore the communities that Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have destroyed.

But we are already 20 trillion dollars in debt, and it is being projected that we will continue to add another trillion dollars to that total every year for the foreseeable future.

At some point all of this debt will simply become completely unsustainable.

Of course the major disasters will just inevitably keep on coming.  As Politico has pointed out, major natural disasters seem to just keep on getting bigger, and they seem to be hitting us more frequently than in the past…
The disasters are arriving with greater frequency. Counting Harvey, the U.S. this year has experienced 10 weather-related events each costing $1 billion or more. The country averaged fewer than six big-dollar storms, flood, fires and freezes a year between 1980 and 2016, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Between 2012 and 2016, however, weather catastrophes occurred almost twice as often.
I know that I have been writing about these hurricanes a lot in recent weeks, and I promise to get back to focusing on the economy in the days to come.

But it is absolutely imperative that we all begin to understand that something has fundamentally changed.  Our world has become much less stable, and “apocalyptic events” are starting to hit us one after another.

So will things start to calm down in the months ahead?  Please feel free to tell us what you think by posting a comment below…

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Friday, September 8, 2017

Trump, Hurricanes and Israel - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate

Trump, Hurricanes and Israel

Ron Cantor —  September 8, 2017 

One of my mentors often says he does not like armchair prophets. An armchair prophet is somebody who prophesies after the fact. What do I mean? It’s too easy to say after a tragedy that it was judgment from God. You’re far more credible if you prophesied before the tragedy that a judgement is coming if a certain country doesn’t do X, Y or Z.

But Why?

So it would be too easy right now to say God is judging America because of the Hurricanes. On the other hand, when two of the most horrific hurricanes in history come one after another, a country must fall on its face and ask God, “Why?” Harvey is set to be the costliest natural disaster in American history. Irma is heading for Miami as the strongest Hurricane ever coming from the Atlantic Ocean. We must ask the Lord, “Why?”
Is that not what they did in the Bible when judgment suddenly came—they asked the Lord, “Why?” Joshua did this when they lost the battle to Ai and 36 Israelite fighters died?

Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads. And Joshua said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord, why did you ever bring this people across the Jordan to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us? (Joshua 7:6-7)
The people of God are to be God’s voice to the world. We should be asking God “Why is this happening? Is it just weather? Or something more?”

Confusion in the White House

So let me share with you an experience I had a few weeks ago. It was just after Charlottesville, when the president made several comments regarding the protests there over a period of several days. One of the final comments, and maybe the most confusing and controversial, was when he said, there were “very fine people on both sides” protesting.
There were no fine people marching with the Nazis. Even if you showed up there to protest the removal of Confederate statues, you left the minute you saw people on your team with Nazi flags, making Nazi gestures and chanting Nazi slogans. The minute you realized that you were hanging out with white supremacist racists, you got out of there.
In fact, it seemed that all hell was breaking loose against the Trump administration. Massive leaks, firings, resignations, exposing of secret meetings, infighting, the Scaramocci tape, angry tweets, attacks coming from every side and miss steps on every side. I’ve never seen anything like it and I was not buying that it was only because of the media. (I understand the media is no friend of the president.)

I sensed from the Lord

One Wednesday August 16th, a day after the contentious news conference, I felt the news cycle sucking me back in to waste another two hours or so. I pulled away to seek the Lord. Burdened for America, I simply asked, “God, what is going on with the Trump administration?”
Instantly I sensed God impress something on my heart. I say I sensed and impressed because I want to submit it to you. The spoken voice of God is subjective (unlike the written Word of God). It is often like seeing through a glass darkly, to quote Paul. When the Lord speaks to me, it is rarely in sentences, but sudden bursts of knowledge. I simply know something I didn’t before.
And I sensed that he said something close to this, “I gave Donald Trump the opportunity for a slam dunk in Israel. I set him up for blessing. All he had to do was recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announce the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem during his visit in May, marking 50 years of her reunification.” He was set up for blessing, but instead he chose two other things:
  • To make a massive arms deal with ultra-Islamic Saudi Arabia
  • To send his son-in-law to restart the forever failed and flawed and frankly unbiblical peace process. (Not that God does not want peace, but He doesn’t want us compromising with terrorists).
Neither of those things would have happened if he had recognized Jerusalem and moved the Embassy. Many prophetic voices have said that Trump was called to be a Cyrus, but, as I stated in a recent blog, Cyrus’ foremost achievement in regard to his calling, was to bless Israel.

What God did not Tell Me

Here is what God did not tell me. He didn’t tell me that hurricanes were coming. At the most, I sensed there was a spirit of confusion released on Trump’s team because he backtracked on Jerusalem. But you have to understand that if God set you up for blessing and you refuse, the opposite is a curse.

Does God Judge?

The fact is, judgement upon nations happened quite frequently in the Bible for the actions of their leaders (see Isaiah 10:5-34 about Assyria). Is the U.S. any different? If there is an earthquake in Damascus, 100 prophecy wonks don’t hesitate to call it judgment, but can God judge America?
God calls Israel the apple of his eye (Zech. 2:8) and has blessed America greatly for favoring her, but  inthe same passage He prophesies judgement on those who touch Israel. What if God called President Trump to do two specific things—things he passionately promised before he was elected—and he disobeys?

A Broken Heart

I recognize that when judgment does come on a nation or any other tragedy that people are hurt and lives are ruined. That should break our hearts. We should do everything to help them. But we must also recognize that the God of the Bible does at times bring judgment on nations.
At the very least, the people of God should be crying out for mercy, repenting of anything we can think of and asking God to hold back his hand. We should appeal to God like the prophets of the Old Testament did. Jeremiah wept and wept, begging God to refrain from judging Israel:
Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people. (Jer. 9:1)
But in the end, Israel’s sin was too great and God had to judge. There is no place for a theology where God never judges nations. But at the same time, the greatest form of intercession is like Moses, when he said, “But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” (Ex. 32:32)
There is no joy in judgment. Any prophet who is more excited that he prophesied correctly, than he is devastated over the judgement, does not have the heart of God. If God is judging America—and let’s be honest, weather doesn’t escape his eyes—then we must fall on our face and repent. If it is connected to President Trump’s backtracking on his Jerusalem promises, then we must pray he changes course.

Katrina and Gaza

Hurricane Katrina formed the very day that Israel, under pressure from President Bush (from his Roadmap to Peace), finished forcibly evacuating thousands of Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Even as these Jews were evacuated from their homes in their own country, thousands of Americans in the south also were evacuated from their cities and towns. President Bush’s mishandling of the event hunts him to this day.
Interestingly, meteorologists claimed that Katrina was small and insignificant. All the models predicted she would stay in the ocean. The aftermath was devastating.

Arafat and Tornados

In March of 1997 Elana and I were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, DC. It was a gift from a couple I married. We noticed many, many Arabs. I asked what was going on and they said that President Clinton was rolling out the red carpet for Yasser Arafat that weekend. Our president welcomed a man to the White House with not only Israeli, but American, blood on his hands. That same weekend tornadoes ripped through the President’s home state of Arkansas killing 25 people. It should be noted that Clinton criticized Israel for building in East Jerusalem during his time with Arafat.
I could go on…


And even now, as I am writing in my Tel Aviv rental, I just stopped and heard this in the background on the news. The emir of Kuwait is standing next to President Trump saying:
With respect to the Palestinian question, we have praised the recent U.S. efforts to move the peaceful process, and we affirm the need to join efforts in order to reach a comprehensive and lasting solution to this problem on the basis of a two-state solution and in accordance with the international (inaudible) resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
To be clear, the Arab Peace Initiative, means Israel returning to a 8-mile width and suicidal borders, giving East Jerusalem to Palestinians and Hamas terrorists. It is unbiblical. The President responded saying that he would give the “peace process” his best effort.
I humbly submit this to you and am praying for God to send Irma back into the ocean and spare America.  Please pray with me.
PS Whether or not these storms are judgment, we as believers need to express the love of God to those affected by them, through giving, praying and serving. We are Jesus on earth.
Watch video: Trump

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"The Time is NOW for Faith! We Are in Times of Contending!" - Chuck D. Pierce

"The Time is NOW for Faith! We Are in Times of Contending!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List

Dear Kingdom Advancers:

Our times of rest are key times when the Lord can speak to us in creative ways, so do not prematurely dismiss the dreams you are receiving. The Lord has been speaking to me about faith in the storm.

Key Prophecy: Don't Hold Back! We Are in Times of Contending!

Last Sunday there was such a powerful release of the Spirit of Prophecy. We are in times of contending, and times to hear and move in a new way!

"I would bring to you new opportunities in the days ahead. Even very quickly – in the very near future – you will have a time to pour out that which I'm giving you. You will have a new opportunity to get into. Don't hold back! Don't hold back! For if you do hold back then you will miss that which will rise up, and you will miss activating seeds for your future.

"Get ready, for this pouring out is coming to you. The opportunities on your path I've already ordered. 

Get ready, for this will be a time of ordering your steps so that your steps align with the steps that I have already set in place. And in this moment you'll see the end, but you'll see the beginning even before you step into it. So know this: watch as I give you the opportunity to activate your beginning from the end(Photo via wikimedia)

Overflow of Blessings! I Have Shaken the Heavens!

"Rising rivers indicate the overflow of blessings! New deposits of blessings are coming! Open your eyes, because with rising water levels you will see many things die because they will be suffocated out as the water rises. But you will also see many things come to life that have never come to life. Additionally, you will see new deposits and many other things exposed – including snakes and lots of creatures moving to higher ground. Know that I am now changing the course of the land!

"I am re-aligning your diaphragm, the diaphragm of the Body of Christ, that part that is covering the womb. I am putting a new sound in it. I am expanding your ability to breathe in My wind, and you will be fire-starters. You will begin to manifest the fullness of My fire, of your worship, of your time with Me, of the time that you're aligning your diaphragm with Me. I will breathe over the face of the earth and fire will begin to break out.

"I have shaken the heavens over you and am coming with a glory that is from Heaven, to shake the earth. 

This shaking and glory will cause the contractions to start, and those birth pangs to come forth. As My glory comes, it will birth new things. For I am doing a new thing in the earth and it is now shaking the heavens. I'm coming with My glory to shake the earth.

"For indeed I am releasing the sound – the sound that captivate men with the power of mystery. For man has been captivated with the wrong mystery, but I am bringing sound to the Body of Christ and into the land. I will spin the mystery sound that will revive the land, that will demonstrate Who the Mighty One of Israel is. So get ready for the true sound of mystery that the Body will release and make the land come alive!

The Wind of My Spirit! This is a Day of My Blowing!

"The wind of My Spirit is reaching into the caves. My wind will originate in the caves and begin to draw out what has been hidden. Many of you have been in the cave, but this is a time where I am blowing you out into a place that you've not been before. So even if you've been hidden, you must set your sail, for I will find and re-align My people this hour. There are great winds that will be coming through the lands.(Photo via Wikipedia)

"Through this September, record where the great winds start blowing! 

For it is from those places that I am now beginning to push out what has been hidden. I'll blow many out of office, and blow others into office. This is a day of My blowing!

"You need to know when to brace yourself and when to let go and ride the wind. Cry out for the grace to know the difference, so you follow when you need to let go and brace yourself when you need to stand.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"You are in the midst of contrary winds. But do not back down from those winds but lean into that resistance. In your quiet and in your still times My breath will nudge you forward in the path you're supposed to take. 

And when you encounter doors that are closed, My breath will increase and I will blow open those doors before you. 

And when you come to fortified gates, even as gates that surrounded Babylon that were many feet thick, My breath becomes a whirlwind that will smash those gates wide open. They will even come off the hinges and never close up against you again. So walk in faith and believe that I have set a path before you and will make a way for you with the My breath.

Shaking in World Structures! Adjust to the Wind and Shaking!

"Know that there will be big shaking in these next few weeks in world structures. Watch for big shakings! 

There will be much financial rearrangement. 

There are huge shakings coming, but the minute you go through the shaking you will begin to say 'I know how to find my footing in this new place!' There is a resistance! There is a resistance rising up in My people against those things that are weakening them. Let your resistance arise! Many would say that the earth is a great dynamic, great dimension, great demonstration, the sphere. But in that day you will recognize and say it is a small world after all.
"The storm winds are coming, and floods are rising. Many of you would prefer to sing the song, 'Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream... life is but a dream.' And yet many are still trying to row, row, row the same way they have always rowed.(Photo via flickr)

"You must learn to adjust to the wind, adjust to the shaking, and allow yourself to be moved in a different way. 

Now is your time to row in a different way! Some of you need to get a new motor. Some of you have the capacity to turn the direction. Some of you need to let your sail up and quit trying to control when you put it up, and when you bring it down! Some of you need to kick into high gear and move on in. Now just grab the wind!

"When My disciples were in the boat rowing all night in the midst of the storm, a time came for them to stop rowing and to stop contending with the storm! When they stopped their rowing, I could bring them to their point of destination. This is a time to learn how to row differently.

This is a rowing of rest! This is not a rowing of sweat, nor a time to do more! The more reports you listen to... won't solve your problems or cross you into your next place. Rather, My rest will position you where you need to go!

Watch the Places That Flood!

"Everyone is not receiving the rain that I'm sending. You have cried out for more, but you don't know your own capacity. I'm causing you to know your own capacity even though it seems like a flood. I'm giving you that which you can contain. You've limited and capped it off in seasons past, but now is the time for the river to arise in you!

"I have said to watch the places that flood since that would be where Holy Spirit would begin to move. [This was prophesied during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2006]. Is it a surprise that Texas has received so much in rain in May that it would cover the entire state to a depth of eight inches? Now is your time to declare a new beginning of the Holy Spirit in Texas!

Enter into the Supernatural Dimension! The Hope of Christ in You!

"So be still and enter into the supernatural dimension that I am in. 

Be still, oh be still – it's supernatural. Even the earth will respond and answer Heaven; the earth will answer Heaven – it's supernatural. So get ready for the ride, and throw your hands up high; throw your hands up high, and get ready for the ride! It's supernatural – you can't control it... you can just go with it. You can't control – you can just go with. So throw your hands up, throw your hands up high, throw your hands up in the air, and enjoy the ride.

"It's not the mystery of lawlessness, not the mystery of iniquity, but the mystery and the hope of Christ in you. It's not the mystery of lawlessness, not the mystery of iniquity, it's the mystery of Christ in you. This is our hope, this is our song; this is our hope, and we sing it all the day long. This is our hope, this is our song; oh, the mystery of Christ in you, we sing it all day long. There's more of God than your hands can hold! There's more of God than your mind can know! There's more of God than your heart can apprehend! So reach out and seek more of Him.

Prepare Yourselves!

"As you are praising, arise out of the depth of your hearts. My windows are opening up even now in a greater way than you've ever experienced. So prepare your house for the multiplication of people, the multiplication of resources, the multiplication of success, the multiplication of My presence. For I have glorious benefits that you know not of. Prepare yourself for the glorious benefits that I will be sending your way!

"Port cities, prepare yourselves! 

For even now I will re-arrange the trade structures that are being brought in. I will re-arrange the way you are doing things, and I will bring some new ships in. There will be an uncovering of what is being brought into this nation. I am re-aligning the trade routes. Watch the hurricanes this year as they form. For as the hurricanes are now beginning to form in Heaven during this 'whirlwind' year, you will now see the movement of these hurricanes come into earth by August. And you'll see a movement and new routes and alignments begin to form."

(Spoken by: Chuck Pierce, Anne Tate, Raymond Banks, Fernando Rodriguez, Acijam Otxoa, Diane Roussel, LeAnn Squier, Sylvia Sizemore, Bob McGregor, James Vincent, Robyn Vincent, Robert Heidler, Allen Faubion, Sheryl Price)


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. 

He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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