Jerusalem, Israel photos on our latest Ahava Adventures to Israel – Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

Sept. 18, 2022, Charlotte, North Carolina USA.
Here are a few photos of the many hundreds I took Sept. 8-13, 2022, while on my 25th trip to Israel. I enjoy sharing these photos (and videos on our YouTube channel).
Thank You, Lord Yeshua, Messiah, for another time in the Land to share Your ahava (love) with the Jewish people. We will be back!
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Founder

Steve Martin
STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (45 years in October 2022!), through the ministry of Love For His People we founded in 2010, give love and support for our friends in Israel and in other nations with friendship, humanitarian aid, and social media support, along with Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel. Steve has also authored and published 34 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area. We have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids.