June 29, 2017
"A Time of Exposure - God is Taking Out the Enemy in Many Places"
by Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Johnny Enlow writes a sobering word about this being a rapid time of exposure as you'll read about below. It's important that we get on "God's side" as Johnny shares:
It is a time of aggressive change towards advanced Kingdom purposes. God is on your side only if you are on His side.
He loves you unconditionally, even if you are not on His side, but things are not going to go well for you if you stay on YOUR side. It is time to shift to HIS side.
Hold on to your seats folks...we're in for a ride! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"A Time of Exposure - God is Taking Out the Enemy in Many Places"
by Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
It is all happening. Crooked media is being exposed at the highest level ever. Crooked politicians are being exposed at the highest level ever. Even crooked church leaders are being exposed and that will increase. It is happening in rapid fire succession.
God's Cleaning with His Trump Card
God is neither Republican nor Democrat, nor right-wing Christian nor left-wing Christian, and there is great cleaning-up to do on all sides. He has chosen Trump as His lead instrument of correction for clean-up and resetting America and the world. His name Trump is designed to let us know God is playing His high cards right now. He is taking out the enemy in many places where the enemy thought he held the high cards. The two of trump will take out the Ace, King or Queen of anything – anytime.
As I shared months ago, this year has been going like the Super Bowl game where Tom Brady and the Patriots were sacked, attacked and run over – in the first half. Then at half-time after an open dome and patriotic songs, the tide turned and suddenly the Patriots began to score and began to hold off the Falcons – to then finally win in overtime.
A July Shift
I believe we are about to see the shift that I said would happen around July 4th (our patriotic songs time) and you will see it much harder for the fowl birds of the "dirty birds" media to sack President Trump. They gave it their all in the first-half of the year, but they are now beginning to get "gassed" because of the relentless moving forward of Trump and his administration.
Expect this July 4th shift to be significant even though the enemy will keep attempting against their "swamp being drained". However, the swamp is going to be drained like an unplugged cesspool. There is still a lot of arguing because all haven't clearly seen the players at the bottom of the swamp. Some crooks are hiding under other crooks, but even that is not going to work for very long.
It is a monumental overhaul that God has called for at this time and "you ain't seen nothing yet." Trump is simultaneously a lead instrument for the overhaul but he is also symbolic of the drastic overhaul coming to everything as we accelerate into Reformation Days. It is a time of aggressive change towards advanced Kingdom purposes. God is on your side only if you are on His side. He loves you unconditionally, even if you are not on His side, but things are not going to go well for you if you stay on YOUR side.
It is time to shift to HIS side.
Sounds from Heaven, Prosperity and Restoration
The great news is that it is also a time for increased presence and joy in the Holy Spirit. Songs and sounds of transformational glory are going to be captured and released. I believe a whole new "soundtrack from Heaven" is coming to us to accompany these reformation times.
It is also a time of prosperity and restoration and even the Dow Jones should begin some significant spikes in July. As I said before, I saw the number 27,000 beside the month of October, and though that may be next year, I think it is for this year. Sorry, I see enough in part not to be sure, but one way or the other it will be good. Perhaps, if the righteous will become bold as lions it accelerates to this year when it is supposed to happen.
Let's just all get off OUR side, get on HIS side, be bold as lions, and enjoy advanced adventures with God. There hasn't ever been a time like now. Arise and shine.
(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.
Johnny Enlow's Itinerary:
July 20-22, 2017
2017 Kingdom Prophetic Conference
Victory Fellowship Church
19150 US HWY 19N, Thomasville, GA 31792
Contact: 229.403.9479
2017 Kingdom Prophetic Conference
Victory Fellowship Church
19150 US HWY 19N, Thomasville, GA 31792
Contact: 229.403.9479
July 23, 2017 (10:30am)
China Hill International Ministries
1400 West River Road (HWY 117, Rhine, GA 31077
Contact: 229.833.2044
China Hill International Ministries
1400 West River Road (HWY 117, Rhine, GA 31077
Contact: 229.833.2044
July 28 - August 5, 2017
17th Annual River of God’s Love Family Camp Meeting
The Sheraton Convention Centre
Website: www.frontlinechurch.ca
17th Annual River of God’s Love Family Camp Meeting
The Sheraton Convention Centre
Website: www.frontlinechurch.ca
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