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Showing posts with label pressing on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pressing on. Show all posts
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Time to press on. - Love For His People newsletter, Steve Martin
Monday, October 14, 2019
Keep Pressing On - Now Think On This by Steve Martin
Pressing On
“Keep your eyes open,
hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute, and love
without stopping.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, THE MESSAGE
As I began keeping a
close watch on my iPhone 8 Health app, especially after the third day, I saw
that the walking steps had been amassing in great numbers for each day.
Noticing the foot mileage the four of us were accumulating, on this first
annual Love For His People ministry men’s Ahava Adventure (ahava
is love in Hebrew) to Israel this October 2019, I was astonished. Truly I was.
Two miles. Four miles. Over 12 miles on one day by the end of the fantastic

We had walked the Land
of Israel a grand total of over 51 miles by the completion of the 8th
day we had been there. With three of us being over 64 years of age (one 74),
and the other one a mere 41, I certainly was impressed with the strength the
Lord had given us. In fact, on most of those days, the mileage didn’t seem that
great. I mean, compared to sometimes walking a mile or two at home, in the
early morning hour at the encouragement of my good wife Laurie, just that
shorter distance seems way too far for me.
But our Lord had given
us a purpose, and He gave us the will and strength to accomplish it.
As I read Paul’s
encouragement to the Corinthians this morning, as part of my normal “chapters a
day” Bible reading during my time strictly with our Lord Jesus (Yeshua), Paul
was writing to the followers of the Messiah, giving instruction, provoking,
challenging and uplifting them with the Scripture, “Be on the alert, stand firm
in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” 1
Corinthians 16:13-14, NASU
Keep pressing on, in
simple terms, is what we need to keep doing. Being alert, standing firm, acting
like men (and women of God), being strong - while doing it all in love.
When we have a clear
vision, a known purpose, a plan to accomplish, it does enable us to keep
pressing on, even as the daily challenges faced often try to get us to stop, or
even slow down.
Our enemy is always at
work, trying to discourage us, distract us, wear us out until we just want to
quit at times. But by the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus, actively working
in our spirit through His Holy Spirit, He causes us to be overcomers, and to
keep pressing on for that goal-line set before us.
“And let us not grow
weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those
who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10, NKJV
The four of us men had
a purpose of course, which included spending as much time as we could to
encourage and uplift the friends Love For His People ministry supports
monthly in Israel. While the rented Hyundai SUV enabled us to travel the road
mileage between the cities they lived in, the busy, hilly sidewalks and grassy
parks of Jerusalem provided the foot trekking paths, getting us to the other appointed
destinations as we met with our other Messianic Jewish friends.
After you get
“recharged” by spending the time with the Lord each day – receiving His word,
listening to His Holy Spirit, and acting upon the instructing life He freely
gives us daily, be encouraged in your pressing on for the goals He has given
you individually, and collectively with others, to complete.
You are on a mission
for God. Don’t just let the Blues Brothers get all the credit.
“Therefore we also,
since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with
endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and
finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of
God.” Hebrews 12:1-2, NKJV
Now think on this and
see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Love For His People,
*Much more will be
written about this in my next book.
Thank you for reading!
Please sign up for my
bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This. The sign-up form is on our ministry website: https://loveforhispeople.com
Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
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Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
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Now Think On This #460 - in the year of our Lord 10.10.19 – “Keep Pressing On –
Thursday, 5:12 am
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Open Hands, Open Heart - Now Think On This by Steve Martin
Open Hands, Open Heart
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24, NKJV)
One would think that when a certain age is reached in this human life, the need to press on in faith is not as great, or as needful as when one is just starting out in a younger age. I for one am finding that that is not necessarily so. The call to walk in faith, on a daily scale, seems to be just as needed as when I was young and raring to go, full of energy and vigor - to conquer the world for God.
It isn’t done until it is done.
For me, it isn’t so. I find myself just as often these days, my “golden years”, visualizing my hands raised, open to the heavens, saying to the Lord, “I need You today. I need You to guide my steps. I need my heart to be open to your plans and purposes in my life for this hour, as they were in my past years, to accomplish what You want.”
Did not the Lord Himself advise the one who thought he had accomplished it all, by speaking these words of truth to him? “'And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry."' "But God said to him, ' You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?' "So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." (Luke 12:19-21, NASU)
Looks like we must never come to the point when we sit back and basically say to ourselves that we no longer need to seek, ask, or find what the Lord has yet in store for us. He is always calling us to Himself, to expect more from Him, to rest not in our accomplished laurels but in finishing strong to the end the full package He has in mind for each.

Retirement in the Kingdom of God doesn’t seem to be found written in the Word of God.
You yourself may be one, like myself, who has reached the late 50’s, 60’s, or beyond. At times we have grown very weary in the pursuit and the fulfillment of it all, but with the strength of the Almighty One we serve, we have yet more to do. In His might we will accomplish it.
Keep your hands open and your heart also. Be encouraged in your pressing on. The reward is great. There is much yet to be won. And then we can sit back and enjoy the mansion in heaven that even now is being built for us.
Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter. Use the "Sign Up" button on our website, or go here: Sign Me Up!
If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$50 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
Contribution checks can be sent to:
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #344 - in the year of our Lord 03.14.18 – “Open Hands, Open Heart”, Wednesday, 11:45 am
Acts 20:24,
golden years,
Kingdom of God,
Luke 12:21,
Now Think On This,
old age,
Open Hands,
Open Heart,
pressing on,
Steve Martin
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