Showing posts with label pruning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pruning. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lana Vawser: "A Word for Those 55 and Over: Your Best Days Are Ahead, Not Behind You!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Lana Vawser: "A Word for Those 55 and Over: Your Best Days Are Ahead, Not Behind You!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Mar 21, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Being in my 60s, I can say this was a word I thoroughly enjoyed reading and receiving for myself.
We've posted words about God re-firing, not re-tiring, the mature and well-seasoned ones in the Body of Christ.
If you think you are in your golden, leisure years of no are WRONG! God is not done with you at any age and you have so much to offer to the younger generation. They need to hear about your testimony, your experience and your wisdom you've gained over the years! They need mothers and fathers to sow and pour into them.
As our friend Lana Vawser shares here:
I heard the Holy Spirit say: "Where you have been through intense seasons of fire, it is now time for you to move into a season of awakening, impartation and release of My fire through you. You are now to carry My fire more powerfully than you ever have. Great healing, restoration, increase and freedom was given to you in the fire. Now it is time for you to take your place in greater ways. Get ready for great favor to open up over you. Get ready for the activation of My Spirit upon you to FATHER and MOTHER many in the Body of Christ and in the world – to nurture, to model, to build, to assist and to mentor."
Please do me a favor and send this word out to all your mature friends and family who need to know that they have great destiny and purpose...even much more than in their younger years! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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For quite a while now, I have had a strong stirring in my spirit of a fresh new move of the Spirit of God upon those 55 years old and above in this season. As I have carried this word for a few months now, I felt the Lord prompt me to release it now. When the Spirit of God began stirring this message in me for those 55 years old and over, I heard Him whisper to me:
"Many of My children 55 years old and over have felt forgotten. They have felt abandoned. They have felt left to the side – while others have an excitement in their spirits for what is to come and what I am doing, but are awaiting My direction. There have been circumstances, people and the enemy who have spoken words and lies over My precious ones, suggesting their 'best days' are behind them. But I am decreeing the exact OPPOSITE.
Their Best Days are Upon Them
"The best days for these precious ones in Me are upon them. Many of these precious ones are now moving into a season of such great awakening. Awakening to their identity in greater ways, as many have not known their identity deeply. They are awakening to who I am and awakening to their giftings and callings in greater ways.
"Where you have been through intense seasons of fire it is now time for you to move into a season of awakening, impartation and release of My fire through you."
"Many have dreams left behind, dreams left on the wayside and many are carrying regret, but I am decreeing: My beautiful children, you are moving into a season of seeing Me move more powerfully IN and THROUGH YOU than you have ever seen before, and you are going to move into a deeper place of 'DREAMS DO COME TRUE!' There is a great season of REFRESHING upon you that is being released in the WONDER of who I am and the work of My hand.
I have been feasting on a Scripture from Psalm 92:12-14:
"Yes! Look how You've made all Your lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You have transplanted them into Your heavenly courtyard where they are thriving before You. For in Your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully." (The Passion Translation)
I heard the Lord whisper over His beautiful children 55 and over: "I am decreeing flourishing, victory, strength and thriving upon you! Oh, the encounters with Me that shall be had!"
Instantly, I was taken into a vision of Jesus in the garden again. The Lord was inviting those 55 and over down a beautiful, golden pathway. Flowers lined every side of this beautiful pathway, and as His people accepted His invitation afresh to follow Him, they would take the hand of Jesus and walk together. I saw the flowers SO vibrant, SO alive – like there was a decree being released from them. Joy was all around and I heard Song of Songs 2:10-13:
"Arise, My dearest. Hurry, My darling. Come away with Me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to My heart and lead you out. For now is the time, My beautiful one. The season has now changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth with bright blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of My purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, 'There is change in the air.'" (The Passion Translation)
Radical Freedom and Increase
The atmosphere over these beautiful ones was filled with the sense of CHANGE. I saw the harvest of promises and a harvest of prayers suddenly bursting forth. I saw a deeper, beautiful season of awakening and a time of significant positioning and a greater awakening of destiny. It's a season of radical freedom and increase.
The place of intimacy that the Lord was leading these ones into was a land that was BRANDED with the decree of the Lord. The land was branded with the fire of His love so that in this season, there would be greater manifestations of victory, greater flourishing, fruitfulness, thriving and strength (see Isaiah 40:31).
The Lord was leading them into a land of encounters with His heart and His Word that would supersede any other season. They are entering a season of the greatest encounters with Jesus and an outpouring of the Spirit of God in their lives.
I prophesy over you that this is your season of flourishing. This is your season of your greatest fruitfulness, thriving, strength, vision, creativity, destiny, harvest and victory. This is your season of your greatest awakening! This is your season to TAKE YOUR PLACE in greater ways!
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Jesus showed me that in this new land, there is such a depth of receiving fresh bread and staying fresh! He is taking them into a deeper place of receiving greater revelation of the Word of God – the daily, fresh manna from Heaven.
"Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word, which constantly goes forth from God's mouth." (Matthew 4:4 The Passion Translation)
"Jesus said to them, 'I am the Bread of Life. Come every day to Me and you will never be hungry. Believe in Me and you will never be thirsty.'" (John 6:35 The Passion Translation)
A New Fire - More than You Ever Had Before!
The Lord showed me a fresh baptism of fire coming upon those 55 and over. This is a fresh baptism of the fire of His presence and fire of His love – such a beautiful, deeper branding of His presence and love. Things that have attempted to hold you back will be burnt away. Things that have laid dormant will suddenly be ignited. A great activation is upon you and a great birthing is taking place. The Lord is positioning you for the more.
"They are entering a season of the greatest encounters with Jesus and outpouring of the Spirit of God in their lives."
Through the preparation, the positioning, the purification and the pruning, God has been preparing us for what is upon us right now in the Body of Christ. Many of you have been through a time of intense fire, and just when you thought you were coming out, the fire got hotter. The Lord showed me that major breakthrough is upon you. There is a DOUBLE PORTION that is being released TO YOU and THROUGH YOU. I saw such powerful moves of the Spirit through you. Moves like signs, wonders and miracles have been moving through you and they have awakened the fire in you for MORE. They have awakened passion for Jesus like never before.
Many of you are being SUDDENLY awakened to what you carry and the weightiness of it. Things that have tried to hide you, lie to you or give you lack of direction, are suddenly falling off as you are awakened to what is possible in Jesus. You are awakening to the ideas of dreaming again, and you're becoming free from disappointment or regrets from the past. The understanding of what you carry woke you out of slumber and filled you with a sense of excitement for the plans the Lord has for you. It gave you an understanding that it is not over, it's just the beginning.
The enemy has come with fire to attempt to kill you, but you have remained steadfast as you saw the fourth man in the fire (Daniel 3:25). The Lord came with His fire and purged, purified, refined and prepared you.
I heard the Holy Spirit say: "Where you have been through intense seasons of fire, it is now time for you to move into a season of awakening, impartation and release of My fire through you. You are now to carry My fire more powerfully than you ever have. Great healing, restoration, increase and freedom was given to you in the fire. Now it is time for you to take your place in greater ways. Get ready for great favor to open up over you. Get ready for the activation of My Spirit upon you to FATHER and MOTHER many in the Body of Christ and in the world – to nurture, to model, to build, to assist and to mentor."
Instantly, after receiving this word, I had a vision. I saw many 55 and over, who were sitting on the sidelines, be suddenly catapulted to the forefront in different realms and areas. The Spirit of God was sending them to spearhead a mighty awakening of the fathers and mothers in the Body of Christ and the world. There is a great move of the Spirit of God restoring the place of the fathers and mothers in the Body of Christ.
55s and Over, Thrive and Shine!
I heard the Lord say: "55s and over, you are a key!" This strong sense surrounded me that many who are 55 years old and over could have been feeling like there has been focus only on the younger generations within this great outpouring and move of the Spirit of God. The question has plagued many of them, "What do I carry?" They had a sense and feeling of being left behind, but the Lord showed me that what the Lord is doing now is multi-generationally. What the over 50s CARRY is a KEY to UNLOCK more of what God is wanting to manifest in the Church and into the nations of the world. He is going to release this THROUGH them. There is going to be a great UNLOCKING that will take place and it will be through those 55 and older! (Photo via Flickr)
"Heavenly wisdom will be unlocked and restored in many ways in the Body of Christ through those 55 and over."
I saw these treasure chests of heavenly wisdom and revelation stored within many of these 55s and over, but it had not been called out, it had been overlooked – not appreciated and thrown to the side. But I saw JESUS HIMSELF placing His hand of release and activation upon these treasure chests that were deep within the hearts of those 55 and over. SUDDENLY, wisdom and revelation were flowing out like tidal waves into the Body of Christ. The wisdom and revelation were bringing an even greater unlocking, activation and impartation in the Body of Christ.
I saw many over 55 who have passionately sought after the wisdom of God. They have chased it, positioned themselves for it, and it has cost them a lot, but they received great revelation that wisdom is the most valuable commodity.
"Wisdom is the most valuable commodity – so buy it! Revelation knowledge is what you need – so invest in it!" (Proverbs 4:7 The Passion Translation)
It's time for the 55s and over to arise in greater ways! A significant shifting season is upon you. It's time! You're going to THRIVE AND SHINE! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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Monday, March 7, 2016

Breaking Through…Out of the Box by Doug Addison Identity Network

Breaking Through…Out of the Box 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network
March is a breakthrough month and it will be the start of God releasing new "marching orders." There will be a lot of shifting and changing happening. We will see a sudden acceleration of favor and rapid advancements.

Expect to see a lot of movement as God is realigning you to operate at higher levels than you have in the past. The saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is going to be reversed. We are going to go out like a lion. We will see the start of new things. They might look small, but the result will be a greater impact.

March Breakthrough

Last September I received two major prophetic words that are being fulfilled in our lives starting this month. God spoke to me that we are all walking through a season of pruning similar to John 15. Pruning is when God reveals and removes things that might have worked in the past but are no longer effective for the present time. The result will bring us greater spiritual authority, allow us to operate in greater anointing, and most of all, bring the deeper intimacy that many have longed for. You can read that full prophetic word here. 

The second prophetic word is exciting as we are in a countdown to liftoff in March. Last year on Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015) I got a prophetic timetable based on the number 24. Many people are going to see a major change in their lives 24 weeks after Yom Kippur, which is the week of March 9, 2016.

God also spoke to me that when we (in the U.S.) set the clocks forward in the spring, things will begin to "spring forward" in the spiritual realm. The date for this is March 13, 2016. Watch for the first two weeks of March to bring some radical changes. We are going to see many sudden 24-hour turnarounds over the next 24 months. You can read more here. 

Hooks and Limitations are Being Revealed

As part of the pruning process we are all in, God is revealing the places that the enemy has gotten hooks in us. Some of these attacks have been hidden or covert but they are coming to light right now. It is important to respond and tend to these as they are revealed.

Begin asking God to show you what the enemy does not want you to see. In order to operate effectively in the new season we are in, we will need to fix a few things. One is our understanding of what is possible. We tend to limit God to our own understanding or experiences. It is time to let God out of the box of our understanding and prepare to be stretched!

One thing that God is doing right now is sending out invitations and God is beginning to move in the lives of people everywhere. God is interested particularly in those who have lost hope, or have been in a hidden season and those who have been rejected or wounded by Christianity. In order to do this God is releasing new keys to help us cross over to this new season.

Fishing Story

In Luke 5, Jesus entered the boat of Peter and told him to put out to deep water. He instructed them where to let down their nets and they caught so many fish that their nets broke. They had to signal for help from another boat and they caught so many fish that both boats nearly sank.

Fish can often be symbolic of people and water can represent the Spirit or the Kingdom of God. Indeed the early church, in the Book of Acts, experienced this as many began to follow them. To them it was equivalent to being in deep water and the disciples were stretched as God opened salvation to people groups that were outside of the disciples' comforts or belief systems (Acts 10).

Luke 5 was a prophetic parable of what Jesus is now calling us to. But there was also another fishing encounter that Peter and a few disciples had with Jesus in John 21. During a time when things looked discouraging, Jesus stood on the shore and called out to them to let down their nets. But this time He told them to cast them on the other side of the boat. Again, they caught a large number of fish, but this time the nets did not break.

The prophetic message in the John 21 experience is that they had to cast their nets on the opposite side of the boat. God is drawing people but they are not where we might think. Also in John 21, Peter had previously denied the Lord three times and felt like he had messed up. But it was in this encounter that Peter was restored to his Kingdom calling. Many people who have felt that they either messed up or have been hidden or forgotten are suddenly going to have an encounter with the Lord.

God's Call to Us Now

Look again at Luke 5 where God is calling us to mend the holes we have in our nets. The holes represent gaps in our understanding that have kept us from drawing in people that need His love and acceptance. He is also calling us to network just as they had to call over other boats to help with such a large harvest. Immediately after the large fish encounter, Jesus asked them to lay down their nets and follow Him. This is a sacrifice that God is calling people to right now.

This year many people are being called to lay down their own ministries and businesses for a time and help those who are starting to experience greater favor. The result will expand the Kingdom much more quickly and it will bring a blessing to those who make the sacrifice. It is time to share Kingdom resources with churches and ministries that are about to emerge.

Watch for These Things to Happen:

  • Hooks that the enemy has placed in us are being revealed.
  • We need to mend the holes in our nets, which are the things that have prevented people from experiencing God's love through us.
  • God is calling us into "deep water" experiences, which are experiences outside of our comfort zones.
  • We will need to try doing things differently than we have in the past (cast our nets on the other side of the boat).

Many people will be called to lay down what they are doing to help others for a season, and as a result, they will also share in the blessing.


Doug Addison


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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winter Seasons Produce Stronger Roots by Michelle Holderman

Winter Seasons Produce Stronger Roots 

by Michelle Holderman

Identity Network

When we're going through something painful, especially when it's long term, it can leave us feeling weary, frustrated, and forgotten. After so long it feels like nothing will ever change. We feel stuck in it. Stuck in a barren, lonely place. What once used to be vibrant and full of color has now muted into a hundred shades of dull gray.
This is actually a truth I see expressed through nature this time of year. Those vibrant, beautiful colors in the peak of fall will eventually give way to the barrenness and harsh cold of winter. And during those long winter days, it can feel like spring will never come much less summer.
But even winter has its beauty. Even winter holds value and significance. Winter is a season that is more about unseen preparation than outward adornment. All the action is happening underground and out of sight. The beauty of spring, summer, and fall is more tangibly visible. And although I personally find tangible beauty in it, winter is not nearly the eye candy that spring, summer, and fall are.
Unseen Preparations
But, and this is a big but, the sweet eye candy we start seeing in spring that proliferates through summer and fall would not be possible if it weren't for the unseen preparations of winter. What goes on in winter - the barrenness and dormancy - has everything to do with preparing for the budding and blooming of spring. Summer leaves, plants, and flowers cannot blossom without spring's buds and blooms. And autumn's brilliant colors would never show apart from summer's fullness. It's the cycle of growth. The cycle of life. We cannot have one without the other. They're all necessary.
Root systems are what nourish and anchor trees and plants. While everything above ground is in dormancy during the winter months; roots maintain a readiness to grow. In fact, winter causes root systems to dig deeper underground and expand in search of nutrients and water in advance of spring budding. What beauty we see with our eyes - the limbs, the leaves, the stems, the buds, the flowers - is but a reflection of what is unseen beneath the ground. A tree, a plant, or a flower is only as strong as its roots. Roots are the life source.
God is our life source. And when we are rooted more deeply in Him, we can better endure the elements and outward assaults that come our way. Including all those He allows into our lives. In fact, they can drive us deeper into Him. I know it doesn't feel like anything comforting or miraculous while it's happening. Believe me, I understand well. It can actually feel pretty harsh, agonizing, lonely, and perhaps even a bit maddening. But if I've learned one thing it's this: growth is painful but oh so necessary.
Pruning and Purging
And the Father is very interested in our proper growth. He wants us to excel and succeed in what He's called us to do for the Kingdom. That means we will all go through times of pruning and purging, as well as times when He will place us in a winter season, what appears to be a state of dormancy, in order to mature and nourish our roots deeper in Him. There isn't as much outward growth happening because it is an appointed time for inner growth. This is also a time when we can learn how to truly rest in Him. A place where we come to learn for ourselves more of who He is.
It's necessary.
He is a really good God. He is. And He loves us so much and has a deep longing for us to really know Him. He also likes to bless us. However, we aren't always ready to handle the greatness of what He desires to bless and entrust us with. So He will place us in His designated growth process. And it usually hurts. Just like we experience growing pains during the physical or natural process of growing up, so do we experience growing pains in the process of our spiritual growth.
But here's the good news; it draws us closer to Jesus. It roots us deeper in His love, truth, hope, and grace.
This will produce beautiful, abiding fruit in our lives - that sweet eye candy. The harvest we reap for Him will also be greater because of it. And our faith will expand and grow stronger as well. We will have more productive and abundant spiritual seasons as a result. But never forget that eye candy is only a reflection of what's been really going on down in our root systems; deep down where the Holy Spirit has been at work in us, in our hearts. That's where the producing of greater things starts taking its form. That's the part we can't always see or fully understand during those long winter seasons. But He does. And this is where our trust in Him is required. He's safe.
I believe when we live and move and have our being in God; nothing is wasted. Absolutely nothing. Not even the winters of our lives.
Let your roots grow down into him [Christ], and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with gratitude.Colossians 2:6-7
There is a season for everything, and a time for every purpose under heaven.Ecclesiastes 3:1
That according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith-that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.  Ephesians 3:16-19
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.  Jeremiah 17:7-8.
Michelle Holderman

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