Showing posts with label OUT OF THE BOX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OUT OF THE BOX. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2016

Breaking Through…Out of the Box by Doug Addison Identity Network

Breaking Through…Out of the Box 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network
March is a breakthrough month and it will be the start of God releasing new "marching orders." There will be a lot of shifting and changing happening. We will see a sudden acceleration of favor and rapid advancements.

Expect to see a lot of movement as God is realigning you to operate at higher levels than you have in the past. The saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is going to be reversed. We are going to go out like a lion. We will see the start of new things. They might look small, but the result will be a greater impact.

March Breakthrough

Last September I received two major prophetic words that are being fulfilled in our lives starting this month. God spoke to me that we are all walking through a season of pruning similar to John 15. Pruning is when God reveals and removes things that might have worked in the past but are no longer effective for the present time. The result will bring us greater spiritual authority, allow us to operate in greater anointing, and most of all, bring the deeper intimacy that many have longed for. You can read that full prophetic word here. 

The second prophetic word is exciting as we are in a countdown to liftoff in March. Last year on Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015) I got a prophetic timetable based on the number 24. Many people are going to see a major change in their lives 24 weeks after Yom Kippur, which is the week of March 9, 2016.

God also spoke to me that when we (in the U.S.) set the clocks forward in the spring, things will begin to "spring forward" in the spiritual realm. The date for this is March 13, 2016. Watch for the first two weeks of March to bring some radical changes. We are going to see many sudden 24-hour turnarounds over the next 24 months. You can read more here. 

Hooks and Limitations are Being Revealed

As part of the pruning process we are all in, God is revealing the places that the enemy has gotten hooks in us. Some of these attacks have been hidden or covert but they are coming to light right now. It is important to respond and tend to these as they are revealed.

Begin asking God to show you what the enemy does not want you to see. In order to operate effectively in the new season we are in, we will need to fix a few things. One is our understanding of what is possible. We tend to limit God to our own understanding or experiences. It is time to let God out of the box of our understanding and prepare to be stretched!

One thing that God is doing right now is sending out invitations and God is beginning to move in the lives of people everywhere. God is interested particularly in those who have lost hope, or have been in a hidden season and those who have been rejected or wounded by Christianity. In order to do this God is releasing new keys to help us cross over to this new season.

Fishing Story

In Luke 5, Jesus entered the boat of Peter and told him to put out to deep water. He instructed them where to let down their nets and they caught so many fish that their nets broke. They had to signal for help from another boat and they caught so many fish that both boats nearly sank.

Fish can often be symbolic of people and water can represent the Spirit or the Kingdom of God. Indeed the early church, in the Book of Acts, experienced this as many began to follow them. To them it was equivalent to being in deep water and the disciples were stretched as God opened salvation to people groups that were outside of the disciples' comforts or belief systems (Acts 10).

Luke 5 was a prophetic parable of what Jesus is now calling us to. But there was also another fishing encounter that Peter and a few disciples had with Jesus in John 21. During a time when things looked discouraging, Jesus stood on the shore and called out to them to let down their nets. But this time He told them to cast them on the other side of the boat. Again, they caught a large number of fish, but this time the nets did not break.

The prophetic message in the John 21 experience is that they had to cast their nets on the opposite side of the boat. God is drawing people but they are not where we might think. Also in John 21, Peter had previously denied the Lord three times and felt like he had messed up. But it was in this encounter that Peter was restored to his Kingdom calling. Many people who have felt that they either messed up or have been hidden or forgotten are suddenly going to have an encounter with the Lord.

God's Call to Us Now

Look again at Luke 5 where God is calling us to mend the holes we have in our nets. The holes represent gaps in our understanding that have kept us from drawing in people that need His love and acceptance. He is also calling us to network just as they had to call over other boats to help with such a large harvest. Immediately after the large fish encounter, Jesus asked them to lay down their nets and follow Him. This is a sacrifice that God is calling people to right now.

This year many people are being called to lay down their own ministries and businesses for a time and help those who are starting to experience greater favor. The result will expand the Kingdom much more quickly and it will bring a blessing to those who make the sacrifice. It is time to share Kingdom resources with churches and ministries that are about to emerge.

Watch for These Things to Happen:

  • Hooks that the enemy has placed in us are being revealed.
  • We need to mend the holes in our nets, which are the things that have prevented people from experiencing God's love through us.
  • God is calling us into "deep water" experiences, which are experiences outside of our comfort zones.
  • We will need to try doing things differently than we have in the past (cast our nets on the other side of the boat).

Many people will be called to lay down what they are doing to help others for a season, and as a result, they will also share in the blessing.


Doug Addison


By Doug Addison
Price: $12.00
Click HERE to order.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Morris & Carol Ruddick


"My heart burns with the fire of God when I talk with you." This was a recent comment of a Vietnamese pastor I work with. This man is a part of those who embody the future of Vietnam, who are paving the way for the new thing God is doing globally.

Our time in Vietnam since mid-January has been rich, full and fruitful with a series of unexpected God-things taking place.

All we've been working toward is maturing. It is dovetailing with God's sovereign moves across the earth, as we're witnessing the fire of God manifesting. It is linked to the shift that we believe is the forerunner of the new thing the Lord is doing between the generations. So, thank you for your prayers.

At the forefront of our strategy has been an approach that mobilizes Vietnamese to help Vietnamese. Our aim has been to help them become self-sufficient as a culture within a culture, to mobilize believers to be a people of God who bring influence, as they become a blessing within their communities.

Our goal has been to build community builders as we work toward establishing God's blueprint in the roles served by both pastoral and business leaders bridging the generations. These are ones who are a part of the ground-swell of God's purposes manifesting for Vietnam's believers.

While we have started (and have continued) with a unique business startup program, our efforts plant what we call the God's economy program, "how to do business God's way." It is business with a purpose. In many ways, it's a different way of thinking. It is not unlike that of the Jews, the people of the Book, who have had to think strategically over the centuries to survive. But it is more than just survival. God's pathway has been for His people to be the head and not the tail.

As our efforts have taken root and begun bearing fruit, we have begun preparing experienced business leaders to mentor the next generation. We have also long had the vision to tap the secular community with our efforts. This has spilled over into the field of education.

From Orphans to Community Influence

Here is one story to illustrate what is emerging. One of our closest associates, a successful business owner, has been caring for a group of orphans he and his wife have taken responsibility for. With very little help from the West, he has built the housing for this group of orphans on a property he owns. We have prayed with him as he has taken steps of faith and the opportunity has morphed.

Through the orphanage now they reach out to their neighbors with gifts and food onholidays. They also conduct free English classes for many in the neighborhood who want to come, which broadens the spiritual foundations of those attending.

However, their long-term vision is to establish a private Christian school. Taking one step at a time, their application for a private kindergarten is expected to be approved soon.

New Emerging Opportunity

In another "unexpected" from this trip, we were introduced to and broke bread with the boss of a close Vietnamese associate of ours. Our friend is in charge of the language program for a private college. Interest was expressed in our program for these students.

Having been a part of a group (ICCC) that prepared a video series for the Chinese educational TV system in the late 90s, I am acquainted with the challenges of communicating spiritual things to a non-believing audience. It is an additional challenge when there are governmental restraints over spiritual things.

Within the arena of doing business God's way are matters tied to the wholesomeness of faith, the spiritual values which comprise the faith-culture for doing business successfully. Interestingly, many within China, promoting the Chinese video series have surmised THIS to be the key edge defining Western business success.

This premise ties in to the biblical mind-set of why the Jewish people have been so successful in business over the centuries. So we have been discussing the applicability and uniqueness that our approach will offer the students of this college. Before our departure, we conducted an informal workshop with a group of these students at a private Bistro.

Our expectations were exceeded as we shared openly on topics related to the Lord andpertinent to these students. The matters we broached ranged from how to discover their gifts, discerning their destiny, God's plan for their lives, entrepreneurship, factors of leadership, community and the cultural similarities between the Jews and the Vietnamese. This wonderful time of exploration was concluded by my praying a prayer of blessing over them and then our being encouraged by these students and invited back for "more."

Ripples from Generational Blessings

One of our God's economy programs on this trip was done for the Methodists. Both pastoral and business leaders attended. One of those attending is the owner of a private kindergarten program. Her comment upon completion of our time together was that God had spoken to her about expanding her already successful operation into a K-12 school.

This is the same thing the Lord has spoken to our business friend with the orphanage, who is awaiting approval for the first step with their kindergarten.

Many business leaders from this workshop indicated they now understand how to better use their businesses for the Kingdom as they serve as community builders.
I have a friend who has commented that he has enough in-laws to make a denomination! The family that has spawned the leadership of the Methodists in Vietnam didn't start that way. However, they have become an example of what is now significant with the generations strategically cooperating to bring in the "new thing" God is doing.

Not long after the government change in 1975, the oldest of nine siblings came to faith. He then brought all the other members of the family to the Lord, including their parents. The parents went on to become pastors and half the siblings are now pastors and half are business owners with all the extended family being believers. From the beginning to this day they have supported one another. And their influence now extends across the nation.

Yet, at the time they came to faith, things were not easy for believers. They formed a close family-community and prayed. They reached out and blessed their friends and neighbors. The youngest son (the pastor hosting us), is almost a generation younger than the oldest. As a young teen he felt a strong call into the ministry and upon completing school in Vietnam, they all came behind him and he was sent first to Korea and then to the US to study for the ministry. He has his doctorate from a respected U.S seminary. Their Bible School, where members from across Vietnam attend and where we did our workshop was property that was owned and donated by their parents.

Unexpected Multiplication

The participants of another of our workshops felt so strongly about the significance of what we taught that they asked us to do another workshop in conjunction with another group in another part of the city. We did. These folks are not only ready but eager to put into action what our program teaches.

What was distinctive about this group was the number of successful business owners, who in addition to running quite successful businesses, have opened their homes to their friends and now are also pastoring congregations of 45 to 60!

One of the most unusual "unexpecteds" was a request from a secular source to minister spiritually to a business professional. We did and it was received and embraced, an indication of the spiritual hunger that is resulting from the years of prayers and the spiritual climate change underway at this time in Vietnam.

Unexpected Convergence

Yet among all the things that took place, personally the most exciting was the start of plans for a coalition of Christian business leaders to mentor the next generation. Strategies have been laid out and steps taken for what we believe will trigger the opening of unusual doors for spiritually hungry people eager to do business patterned after the ways of the people of business described "in the Book."

After these steps, before leaving, we "unexpectedly" were invited to share a meal with a group of three Vietnamese businessmen and a pastor. Two of them had gone through our program about four years ago. They were on their way back from another Asian locale putting on a seminar on how to start a business It was for an expatriate Vietnamese group preparing to return to Vietnam. They are the mobilized business community already doing what we are talking about. They are eager to bring our program into their efforts.

These are the highlights. There was more, but I think you get the idea. God has been bringing it all together.

It has been eight years since Easter of 2008, when the Lord opened the doors for usinto Vietnam. With the God's economy program at the forefront, we've invested over two years into our efforts with these amazing people. Now the fruit is coming forth as we plan for our next two trips, as we expand our efforts with strategies in education, make plans for successful business owners to mentor the next generation, get key materials translated, and walk through the open doors with university students hungry to embrace alternatives to the world's pathway of success with new (biblical) mind-sets.

Again, thank you for your prayers. The fire of God is truly burning in Vietnam. Our efforts have been supported by literally a couple of handfuls of dear friends. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I pray that you recognize the shift and the opportunity we have before us and that your very vital support continues and should the Lord speak to you, will increase. The opportunity has never been greater.

For those who may have only considered helping us, we are prudent with our expenditures and do a LOT with a little. We pray that you'll consider getting in the boat with us for this time of opportunity the Lord is opening for us.

The year that began with Christmas of 2014 proved one of our greatest times of challenge. Our dear grandson Isaiah unexpectedly died. Twice while we were ministering in Vietnam in 2015, the ground floor of our home offices flooded. In the time following, my computer crashed with the loss of important data. We KNEW that God had something significant coming soon. That "something more" is happening now.

Thank you again for your prayers and support.

In His love and ours,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization