Showing posts with label spiritual hunger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual hunger. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

From Glory to Glory by Roberts Liardon

From Glory to Glory 

by Roberts Liardon

Identity Network

Those who "hunger and thirst for righteousness" will be filled.  To go on to the next glory, you have to be filled first, embracing the present glory.  God does the filling.  He satisfies your longing.  But He always leaves room for you to hunger after more.
A lot of people get spiritually filled, and then stay at that one level of glory.  They keep eating the same food.  They do not open their eyes to see what is next.  They do not walk in faith toward the next thing God desires for them.  But that's the way God created spiritual hunger to be.  While you're eating and feasting on what He's given you, your eyes should look for and desire the next glory of God. God said that's what you need to do before you ever flow in His Spirit.  Hunger causes you to flow beautifully.  Hunger causes you to avoid being bogged down with questions.  You simply devour what God gives you and go on.
People who are really hungry don't ask where the food came from.   They don't ask, "Who prepared this nice steak for me?  Are you sure they prepared it right?"  They just start eating. This truth sheds light on how Gideon (in the book of Judges) started out with an army of 32,000, which was then narrowed down to 10,000 because God said He wanted it to be known that this battle would be won by Him - not by a multitude of soldiers.  And God didn't stop there.  He had Gideon take the army of 10,000 down to the water, saying that they were still too many. 
There at the water (which is so often a type of God's Spirit), God said, Judges 7:5-7 Everyone who laps from the water with the tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set apart...And the number of those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, was three hundred men....Then the LORD said to Gideon, "By the three hundred men who lapped will I save you...."
Here I Am, Lord!  Send Me.
I believe that God is looking for people who are so hungry and thirsty for Him that they don't worry about posture or manners.  They don't worry what people might think of them.  They are not caught up in who cooked the meal or the pot it was cooked in.  They just say, "Here I am, Lord! Send me."
Here is another truth about spiritual hunger.  Spiritual hunger knows spiritual food.  If you are hungry for steak you won't eat an empty milk carton.  You know that's not food.  Nobody has to tell you.
It's not really complicated - developing spiritual hunger, following the leading of the Spirit, and flowing with God.  Just remember that you must develop this hunger before you can move on, before you progress to the next glory.  And when that glory hits, don't stop on that one glory.  You'll lose ground.
Think of the glory as a steep mountain leading to heaven.  You have the ability to climb it, and you are never to stop.  Once you stop climbing, you start sliding backwards.  Standing still is not an option.  Keep moving or you will slide back down and have to start over again.  Folks who think they've arrived eventually end up with nothing.
Roberts Liardon

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prophetic Word: A Fresh Pulse Is Coming - CHARISMA

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media

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Most revivals seem to happen as "suddenlies" when a group of people find themselves ambushed by an overpowering outbreak of the Spirit. While we will continue to see pockets of this in coming days, the broader thing I sense coming is probably not a "suddenly" but more of a gradual rising of ground water that finally overflows, or a settling much deeper into the Father's heart in Jesus over a period of time.
As such, it will ultimately be more powerful and more lasting, although less sensational in its outward manifestations. If we are absorbed in praying for the "suddenly," longing for the old manifestations and in trying to make revival happen, we may miss what God chooses to pour out. Seldom is that a repeat of something old. God does love "new wine," and I will take Him in whatever flavor He chooses to send, now or in the future. Meanwhile, I can feel that groundwater rising.
For many of us, this will necessitate a refocus of faith and spiritual hunger. In two of my books I've stated that if you focus on being supernatural you will end up in shipwreck, but that if you focus on intimacy with the Father you will end up being supernatural. You can seek an experience and find delusion, or you can seek intimate relationship with the living God and find an experience.
This calls for a simplicity we too often seem to have lost. Unless you become as a child in simple receptive innocence you cannot enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 18:3). I can therefore no longer subscribe, for example, to the assumption that revival comes by studying how to bring about healing, or any other outbreak, by following certain methods or steps.
We can learn to preserve a good thing God has already sent by studying how to steward the anointing well, but no study of the method or effort at applying it can make it actually happen. Likewise, prophetic conferences and prophetic schools do not produce prophetic people, but rather refine and discipline those who already carry prophetic gifts.
I suggest that many of us have made our spiritual lives just too complicated and have striven to become supernatural at the expense of simple intimacy with the Father and of solid grounding in Scripture. For me and for many others, the result has been disappointing. God has more for us!
For those in position to receive it in the childlike simplicity Jesus called for, a new and wonderful pulse of the Spirit is rising, an anointing sweeter, deeper and more powerful than anything we've known.
It will spell the end of hype, as well as of much of the discrediting nonsense that has too often dominated the landscape in recent decades. While it will touch some established and well-known spiritual centers, it will be especially notable for the rise of many who have been held back and hidden for many years.
It will include young and powerful emerging leaders alongside some older ones, all filled with a simple and even sensible passion for God and His eternal truth. I'm filled with anticipation to see what it will all look like. Meanwhile, seek simple intimacy with our Father and our Savior and take care for solid Scriptural grounding. Then expect great things!
R. Loren Sandford is the founder and senior pastor of New Song Church and Ministries in Denver. He is a songwriter, recording artist and worship leader, as well as the author of several books, including Understanding Prophetic People, The Prophetic Church and his latest, Visions of the Coming Days: What to Look for and How to Prepare, which are available with other resources at the church's website.
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