Thursday, February 20, 2014

Insights For 2014 and Beyond - James W. Goll (The Elijah List)

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James W. Goll:
Insights For 2014 and Beyond

James W. GollReview of Eight Clear Words In 2013
1. The Door of the Harvest Is Open – Matthew 9:38
2. Walk In & Release the Kingdom of Peace – Romans14:17
3. Push the Restart Button – Proverbs 24:16
4. "Come Again, Holy Spirit" Time – Joel 2:28-29
5. Create a Culture of Risk – Luke 17:6
6. Welcome a Fresh, Presence-Based Worship Movement – Psalm 22:27; Revelation 22:17
7. A Shift To a Glorious Eschatology – Isaiah 60:1-3
8. It Is a Speech Activated Kingdom: Speak To Your Mountain With Shouts of Grace! – Mark 11:23; Zechariah 4:6-7
Words For 2014 and Beyond!

1. It Is a Time of Fire - A Fresh Baptism of Fire(Matthew 3:1; Acts 2:2-4; Leviticus 6:9-13)

Recently the voice of the Holy Spirit came to me, stating, "I am releasing renewed weapons of spiritual warfare: Fire, the Catapult, and the Battering Ram." 

The fire of the Holy Spirit will fall, resulting in conviction of sin and fresh power encounters. Some will be catapulted into the future to bring back treasures into their now. At the same time, the old-time battering ram used to break down the enemy's resistance, resulting in what was closed doors – in this year of the door – will be bashed open.

Bob and Bonnie JonesThis past Day of Atonement, Prophet Bob Jones saw an egg being given to him (to read the word on The Elijah List, click here).

As the egg broke open, fire was contained in the egg. We have had the wine of the Spirit, and now we will begin to experience the fire of the Lord. Live coals of fire from the altar of the Lord will be released in Jesus' name, purging our lips and commissioning people to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to unreached people groups.

2. Call To All Watchmen:
Attention, Be On the Alert

(Isaiah 62:6-7; Matthew 26:40)
Watchman by Robert BartowThe first night I moved into my new house in Franklin, Tennessee, a warrior angel I had not seen for 25 years came and appeared at the end of my bed and energetically declared, "Attention! Be on the alert!" It is a fresh call to "watchmen on the walls" to take their place, especially in protection for Israel, Syria, and the Golan Heights.

There will also be a renewed, local-Church prayer movement centered around the words of Jesus, "Could you not tarry one hour?" The three streams of the Global Prayer Movement are: the local Church, Houses of Prayer, and Networks of Prayer. They will learn to cooperate together in a greater measure.

3. Increased Detail In the Word of Knowledge.

(1 Corinthians 12:8)
Recently the presence of the Lord came upon me, and the Lord stated, "The seeds sown by the seers and prophets into a young generation decades ago have now come into fruition. A detailed word of knowledge will be released again, creating an atmosphere of the fear of the Lord, and awe, and wonder."

Watch for and welcome the revelatory gifts of the Spirit of a word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits.

4. Redemptive Interpreters – Hope Ambassadors Released!

(1 Thessalonians 5:8; Colossians 1:27; Titus 2:13)
His Joy by Jennifer PageA work of cleansing is coming to the Global Prophetic Movement, bringing us from being "Problem-Focused Prophets" into "Solution-Focused Prophets."

The Lord has a remedy for misery-based Christianity, using modern day Daniels who will walk in redemptive understandings. These hope-filled interpreters will honor the earlier waves of the Holy Spirit and the pioneering work of the former prophetic movements while reaching into the heart of God for His redemptive ways for future generations. It is time for the "Redemptive Interpreters" to emerge!

5. I Will Restore

(Acts 3:19-21)
Last year, one of the major words I released was, "The Holy Spirit is 'Pushing the Reset Button.'" In a similar manner, my heart beats with the word, "I will restore!"

Restoration by Jennifer PageAccording to Acts 3:19-21, Jesus will be retained in Heaven until the restoration of all things, spoken by the holy prophets of old. This includes the restoration of the Message, the Messengers, and the Method.

This work of "restoration of all things" includes: The restoration of Israel, the restoration of fire on the altar (the global worship and prayer movement), the full restoration of the supernatural, the restoration of compassion that acts, the synergy of the generations, the Kingdom mandate, and the Church's original commission: the harvest of souls to win for the Lamb the reward of His sufferings.

This is part of what I have been hearing, sensing, seeing, and knowing that the Holy Spirit is doing in this hour. We each only see in part, and even the best only prophesy in part. But when we each bring our piece of the puzzle to the table we will see with greater clarity the vision of things to come.

Blessings to you in Christ Jesus!

Dr. James W. Goll
Founder of Encounters Network • Prayer Storm • God Encounters Training e-School


Dr. James W. Goll is the president of Encounters Network, director of Prayer Storm, and coordinates Encounters Alliance, a coalition of leaders. He is director of God Encounters Training – an e-school of the heart, and is a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic team.

He has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations worldwide, teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. James is the prolific author of numerous books and has also produced multiple study guides and hundreds of audio and video messages. James was married to Michal Ann for 32 years before her graduation to Heaven in the fall of 2008. James has four adult children who all love Jesus, and continues to make his home in Franklin, Tennessee.

Israel Forever.

Israel Forever.
Says God.

"And I will make your descendants 
as the stars of heaven; 
I will give to 
your descendants 
all these lands; 
and in your seed 

all the nations 
of the earth shall be blessed;"


Exclusive: "Heaven Is For Real" - First Thoughts after Screening the Movie - Aimee Herd - Breaking Christian News

Aimee Herd - Breaking Christian News:
Exclusive: "Heaven Is For Real" - 
First Thoughts after Screening the Movie

Aimee Herd-Opinion (Feb 19, 2014)

It's a movie that spurs the all-important dialogue that is always in the back of our minds (if not the forefront)—whether a Believer or not—which is: "Is Heaven real?"

Heaven is for RealI found Todd Burpo's NY Times best-selling book, "Heaven Is For Real," to be a very down-to-earth account of his son, Colton's experiences while lingering between this life and Heaven, and how he—as a pastor—reconciled what his son described with his own beliefs. (Graphic: "Heaven Is For Real" official movie poster)

But, when I heard they were making a movie out of the book, I admit I was afraid of the "hokey factor" that seems to have accompanied many faith-based films in the past.

Last night, I attended a private screening for "Heaven Is For Real" which will be released on April 16th—just in time for the Easter weekend.

If you're not familiar with the true story of what happened with the Burpos, here's a quick synopsis...

Heaven is for RealTodd Burpo is the pastor of a small-town church in America's heartland, where he lives with his wife Sonja; daughter, Cassie and son, Colton, who was just 3 at the time. A sudden and severe illness lands Colton in the hospital, and as he hovers between life and death, his family and church friends cry out to God on his behalf.

(Photo: Connor Corum and Greg Kinnear as Colton and Todd Burpo)

Colton recovers, quite miraculously, and a short time after, he begins to share matter-of-factly with his parents, some of what he experienced when 'his body' was in the hospital, and he was 'somewhere else.' What he tells his family, and others who will listen, changes everything.
Heaven is for Real
The acting in "Heaven Is For Real" was excellent, in my opinion. Greg Kinnear plays Todd Burpo; Kelly Reilly plays his wife Sonja; and Connor Corum is an amazing child actor, aptly playing the role of Colton Burpo.

(Photo: Kelly Reilly as Sonja Burpo)

This cast, along with 'church friends,' Margo Martindale and Thomas Haden Church, are completely believable and all seem to operate in that magical place of "I forgot they were acting."
Heaven is for RealUnder the direction of Randall Wallace (think "Braveheart"), the story of Colton describing his time in "Heaven" was expertly told, and in a very heartfelt, human way, in which we can all relate.

As Todd Burpo hears from his son, the extremely specific details about Heaven, he is suddenly faced with his own lack of belief, and just how to deal with that as a pastor.

Heaven is for RealHowever, the more Colton shares about his time spent with Jesus, and the others he met during his experience; the more those who hear it are changed by what it means to each of them.

(Photo: Connor Corum as 'Colton')

The movie dialog contains no expletives that I can remember, and I only felt the "hokey meter" begin to register a bit during the scenes (which were very brief) that depicted Heaven, and a few angels. Perhaps a few too many clouds—but seriously, what do I know? Maybe there are a lot of clouds there! (It just seemed slightly cliché at that point.)

Heaven is for RealBut on the other hand, how does one portray Heaven with special effects and have it not feel somewhat hokey? I do like the way they kept Jesus' face somewhat silhouetted until the very end, when child-prodigy artist Akiane's "Jesus" portrait is revealed. (That was the only picture of the Lord that Colton said was accurate.)

Heaven is for RealOn the whole, I would highly recommend "Heaven Is For Real," especially if you read and loved the book—but even if you didn't. Above all, it's the great love of God that is communicated through this film. (Photo: The 'real' Burpo family)
It's a movie that spurs the all-important dialogue that is always in the back of our minds (if not the forefront)—whether a Believer or not—which is: "Is Heaven real?"

And then, "If Heaven is does that change how I live my life now?"
"Heaven Is For Real" releases in about 2,500 theaters across the country on Wednesday, April 16th.

To watch the official trailer, and for more information about the movie, Click Here.
Aimee Herd for Breaking Christian News

'We Don't Need Permission to Pray at Western Wall'

'We Don't Need Permission to Pray at Western Wall'

Thursday, February 20, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel's deputy foreign minister, Danny Danon, insisted earlier this week that Jews require permission from no one to pray at Jerusalem's Western Wall, the retaining wall of the Temple Mount that for centuries has been Judaism's holiest site.
At a meeting with Israeli students in Ramallah on Sunday, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas insisted the Palestinians must win control of the eastern half of Jerusalem in order to make peace, but promised to still allow Jews to enter the Old City and pray at the Western Wall.
"We do not need the permission of anyone to pray at the Kotel, certainly not from the Palestinian leadership," an incredulous Danon said later in response. "Jews have prayed, Jews pray, and Jews will pray at the Kotel forever."
In the meeting, which was set up by left-wing Israeli peace movements, Abbas also claimed he had no desire to flood Israel with millions of so-called "Palestinian refugees," even though he continues to make a Palestinian "right of return" a red-line issue in current US-brokered peace talks.
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Report: Vatican Presses for Control of Mount Zion

Report: Vatican Presses for Control of Mount Zion

Thursday, February 20, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel could be entering the final stages of negotiations to turn over control of Mount Zion to the Vatican, if recent reports by Israel National News are to be believed.
According to the online news source, a secretive meeting took place this week between the Jerusalem Municipality, Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Tourism and senior Catholic officials.
During the meeting, the Catholic delegation reportedly pressed Israel to follow through on a years-old proposal to give the Church control over the compound that houses the traditional "Hall of the Last Supper."
The problem is that the same compound also houses the traditional "Tomb of David," a holy site revered and frequented by religious Jews. Not to mention that Mount Zion is symbolic of Jerusalem as a whole, and surrendering it to the Vatican would be seen by many Israelis as a repudiation of Judaism's claim to the city.
In response to reports regarding the negotiations, the Jerusalem Municipality released a statement insisting that it would remain "the central sovereign power on Mount Zion."
Others are not so sure, and believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to turn over control of Mount Zion prior to Pope Francis' visit to the Holy Land in May.
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You Never Know Who - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

You Never Know Who
by Steve Martin

“In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, He brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life.” (2 Corinthians 2:14-16 The Message)

Every weekday for the past two years I’d arrive at the office building elevators around 6:40 am. The security person sitting at the front desk would give a quick greeting, and I’d greet them back, hit the “Up” button for the elevator,  and ride to the 16th floor above Tryon Street in Charlotte’s center city (uptown area). I didn’t think much about it in greeting them. I try to at least say hi to people as I walk by.

Near the end of 2013, a new guy on the 3rd shift was at the front desk. He said he started at 10 pm and left at 7 am each morning, Tuesday through Friday. My guess he was 65 years or more in age. With his black rimmed glasses, color coordinated nicely with his short, gray beard, along with his matching gray hair and honest face, he reminded me of a good grandpa. As I got to know him in the following months, he was - a good grandpa to his eight year old granddaughter in town.

Mike and I would often talk about the weather, what was happening uptown that week, being that was what I had going while working with Charlotte Center City Partners, and of course, books. He would let me know what he was reading, and then I started telling him what I was writing. In time I helped add to his library, giving him copies of the first two books I had authored and published, Ahava Love Letters and The Promise.

In time, he started asking me questions about messages I had written in the Ahava Love Letters. I was glad to share further on my beliefs, the Lord’s work in my life, and the path we each had gone on in our lives up to this point. We got to know each other a little bit more as we talked each day.

In late February of 2014 he surprised me, when I stopped again for a brief conversation.  

That day he asked, “How long do you expect to be here?”

I was a bit surprised, as I hadn’t said anything to him about my future plans. My response, “As long as the Lord has me on assignment here.” And then I asked him, “Why do you ask?”

“Well, in your book it seems that you are not expecting this job to be where you will retire.”

“No, it is not,” I said. “In fact, when I left my previous job as USA Director of Vision For Israel in July of 2010, to start our own ministry, that was what I had expected to be doing the rest of my life. And I only went back to an accounting job to pay the monthly bills, as the newborn ministry got on its feet. I am here until I have completed this assignment the Lord has me on also.”

“And what is that?” he slowly asked.

“To pay the bills,” I repeated, “but more importantly to affect the lives of the people I work with here,” I stated.

“Well”, he again spoke, more slowly than before, “when you came in for work the other day, I was going to say something to you further, but you went up the elevator faster than I was hoping. I wanted to tell you that, as in most lives, there are ups and downs (as he made the motion with his hand of a straight line going up at a 90 degree angle, and then brought his hand back down at a 90 degree angle), and then there are times in your life when there are hills and valleys (moving his right hand up and down, forming curves you’d associate as in an air drawing of hills and valleys.) Sometimes you meet people that touch your life at the top of the hill. You are one of those persons in my life.”

Wow, I thought to myself, and before I looked too surprised, I said, “Thank you Mike. That is very nice of you.”

Before I started stammering further over my words, totally not expecting this from him, I quickly added, “When you get done with reading my book you have now, let me know. I will give you the next one.”

He said, “Yes.”

So I walked over to the elevators, and again hit the button to go to the 16th floor. As my body was rising up, my spirit was rising too. Delighted to have imparted a piece of the Lord’s heart to Mike, I continued the upward journey.

“Thank you Lord” were the words I spoke to Him.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Uptown Charlotte - being a light.
(Photo by Steve Martin)

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #121 “You Never Know Who”   by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.20.14) Thursday at 8:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters