Monday, September 22, 2014

Kathie Walters, Macon, GA - "The Breaths Of God Are Coming"

Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List

Words - Arrows From the Lord

Quiver Flaming Arrows by Linda Harris-IorioRecently, I had a vision of a golden angel. He had a golden bow and golden arrows. The gold represents "the glory" and the arrows are "words from the Lord". The bow represents His servants, the prophets, but not necessarily as in five-fold ministry prophet, because the Bible says that we may all prophesy one by one (1 Corinthians14:31). So any one of us can prophesy and encourage one another. (Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio " Quiver Flaming Arrows" via

A Prophet, as in five-fold ministry, is someone that operates at a high level with the Lord, and who can discern the word of the Lord for many situations. 

Now is the time you can believe for a word for yourself (an arrow), or be open to give one. 

Well recently, I had so many words of knowledge and visions that I couldn't keep up with them. Every time someone mentioned a name I saw pictures – visions, and when I read people's names on Facebook, again I saw visions/pictures, but so many, one after the other, after the other.

The breaths of God are moving everywhere... blowing away the dust of religion. Do you know that every move of God develops its own religious ways and religious traditions eventually? Which later on have to be broken in order to receive the new things that God is bringing to the Body of Christ.

You can believe for an arrow, a word, and you can chill out and relax because you can't earn anything from God. But you can believe that, "God is working in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13).
Your Spirit Man

Your spirit man is the real you, isn't it? Because He is eternal and the eternal spirit dwells in you. Your spirit man lives in the spirit realm. He doesn't jump in and out. He always lives in the spiritual realm. Your spirit man prophesies all the time because he is prophetic. Your spirit man has visions continually because he lives and dwells in that realm. Your spirit man lives in the heavenly places, so it's not unusual for us to have visitations from God and visitations to heavenly places. After all, that's your home.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The spirit of religion always tries to make you do what only God can do. The spirit of religion always promotes striving and trying in you. Those are the very things that take you OUT of the spirit realm. Your spirit is not striving and "working at it." Everything you have is a gift. I want to add that living in the spirit and moving in the spirit is not hard. It's very easy and sometimes that's a problem because a lot of people struggle with the fact that there is nothing we can do to qualify or earn points.

Jesus and all He represents, i.e., salvation, healing, deliverance, baptism of the Spirit, is a wonderful gift from God. He wants us to receive it. If I gave you a precious gift from my heart and then you came to see what you could do to earn it, I would be very upset. It was a heart thing not a legal thing. Jesus came to establish the New Covenant. The New Covenant is all about God's heart when you think of it. He even gave you a new heart to match His! "A new heart and a new spirit I will put within them," (Ezekiel 36:26).

As I travel all over the world, I see the same things happening. People who were content a couple of years ago, are hungry again; and when you are hungry God can move in you and on you because you are open.

The Breaths of God Are Coming

The breaths of God are coming... and with a refreshing. I think of the famous prophesy that was given to Arthur Burt and a small group of people in the 1930s in England. It talks about the end-time move of God. It talks about the breath, and then the rain and then torrents. In fact, I have placed it here for you to read. It's good to know where we are in the plan of God. (Photo via Wikimedia)

"No Ebb" prophecy by Arthur Burt:
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Urgent Warning: ISIS Coming to America - The 'Gate of Hell' that has been opened

 Rick Joyner- Urgent Warning:  ISIS Coming to America 
- The 'Gate of Hell' that has been opened

Rick Joyner
Friday, September 19, 2014

Today on Rick Joyner’s show, Prophetic Perspectives, Rick shares the troubling dream he had last night about ISIS’s plans in America and how martial law may save us. In this episode, you will learn:
  • What ISIS in America may look like
  • What that may mean for you and your family
  • How to prepare
  • How this crisis can be avoided
  • How to pray for our national leaders, as well as local government, specifically sheriffs
  • How to remain in peace during this troubling time
This is a message you don’t want to miss. For future information on this topic and other prophetic revelation from Rick Joyner, sign up today for Prophetic Perspective email notifications. Also watch, Rick Joyner’s recent episode entitled “We are going to Heaven.”
To purchase the book about Rick's 1987 prophecy "The Harvest" click HERE

Watch here:

Sounding the Alarm - Rick Joyner

Rick Joyner - MorningStar

Rick Joyner
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rick Joyner shares about some of the things he believes are coming in 2015. 

Ancient Prayer Book Highlights Judeo-Christian Heritage

Ancient Prayer Book Highlights Judeo-Christian Heritage

Courtesy Bible Lands Museum

JERUSALEM, Israel -- A rare Jewish prayer book is on display for the first time ever. It is part of an exhibit highlighting the Jewish-Christian heritage of the Bible and the Jewish roots of Christianity.

The 1,200-year-old Hebrew text can be seen at the in Jerusalem.

"It touches the hearts and souls of every Jew everywhere in Israel, everywhere in the world because it is the oldest known document, written document of a prayer book," said Amanda Weiss, director of the Bible Lands Museum.

CBN News received a private look at the prayer book as it arrived for exhibition.

"This is part of their heritage and we are excited to bring it here and we are excited to be able to do a lot more study on it because it's part of their tradition," said Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby and chairman of the Museum of the Bible, which will one day house the Green Family Collection of biblical artifacts.

The prayer book will be part of a larger exhibit called "The Book of Books," which includes some of the most important biblical texts ever seen in Israel.

Most of the exhibit comes from the Green family, who owns one of the largest collections of biblical artifacts in the world. It traces the written word from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Gutenberg Bible and beyond.

"It tells us about roots of history of the Jewish people, which obviously is where Christian foundation is built upon, Hebrew scripture," Green told CBN News.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu viewed the ancient book before its unveiling and became one of the few people to ever read from it.

"This prayer book is a most important find," Netanyahu said at his office. "It is written in Hebrew and contains the prayers that the people of Israel say to this very day. It is a connection between our past and our present and that is something of great value."

Green also presented Netanyahu with a rare parchment from his collection of religious texts as a gift. Originally found in the Cairo Geniza, the parchment dates from the 12th and13th centuries. It includes a dialogue written in Arabic about the relationship between man and his creator.

Weiss said the book was dated by carbon-14 testing to the year 820 and there's still a lot to learn about it.

"We know it comes from the Middle East for sure," she said.

The 50-page compilation was written by four different scribes. It is opened to the Shacharit prayer. Based in large part on the Book of Psalms and other scriptures, it's the same prayer Jewish people around the world still pray in the morning.

Prayers like, "Bless the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting and let all the people say 'Amen. Halleluyah!'"

"It helps them understand more of its roots," Green said.

Interest in "The Book of Books" exhibit has been overwhelming.

"I have never experienced an exhibition so globally appreciated by everyone that's seen it," Weiss told CBN News.

With the condition of the world today, Green says the message of the Bible is more important than ever.

"There's not a better time than today than to have people take a look at this book," Green explained. "When you have a book that says that the summation of this book is to love God and to love one another, I think that's a message for this world today and has been a message for the world since the beginning."

Pro-Life Leaders Furious over Obamacare Abortion Funds

Pro-Life Leaders Furious over Obamacare Abortion Funds

WASHINGTON -- Outraged lawmakers and pro-life leaders gathered outside the U.S. Capitol building Thursday to demand Congress put an end to Obamacare's massive funding of health care plans that pay for abortions

They pointed out past laws specifically forbid this, but Obamacare is ignoring that legislation and the president's own promises that no taxpayer dollars would subsidize abortion.

The speakers at the Capitol Hill news conference were reacting to a new Government Accountability Office report showing massive federal funding of abortion is allowed for under the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare.

"One thousand-thirty six plans cover elective abortions and are subsidized by taxpayer funds," Arina Grossu, with the Family Research Council's Center for Human Dignity, said.

"You not only can't keep your doctor, you also can't avoid supporting abortion if you're a taxpayer in this country given Obamacare," Ovide LaMontagne, general counsel of Americans United for Life, said.

The Hyde Amendment passed by Congress in 1977 has made it illegal for taxpayer money to pay for abortion. President Obama also pledged during negotiations over the Affordable Care Act that would continue.

Jeanne Monahan, president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, said the opposite has happened.

"Obama promised up and down, right and left, that abortion would not be covered in the health care law, and that Americans could be assured on his promise that the Hyde protections that we've known since the 1970s would still be covered in the health care law," Monahan told CBN News. "Well, unfortunately, we know now that President Obama has broken his promises."

"Nancy Pelosi said you wouldn't know what's in the bill unless you pass it - except for this: President Obama and the leadership of Congress said there would be no federal subsidies of abortion coverage," LaMontagne added. "And they have either lied or been grossly negligent in enforcing and following up on their promises."

Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., helps lead the pro-life caucus in the House of Representatives.

"Agree or disagree with abortion funding, and thankfully a majority of Americans do not want public funds being used for abortion, but people don't like to be deceived. They don't like to be lied to," he said. "And that's exactly what has happened here."

"These massive subsidies for abortion-covering plans amount to a sharp break from decades of federal policy under the Hyde Amendment," Susan Muskett, with the National Right to Life Committee, added.

Smith agreed.

"It is completely, totally, absolutely contrary to the Hyde Amendment," he said.

Smith and other pro-life legislators spearheaded a move in the House to fix the problem with a bill called HR7 but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refused to let the Senate vote on its version of that bill.

"Polls have shown that Americans don't want abortion coverage in their plans. And they also don't support federal funds for abortion," Melissa Swearingen, with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said. "The best solution would be a simple and clean fix. Enact HR7, which is the 'No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.' It does basically what it says in the title: it prohibits federal funds going to abortion."

"But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has prevented Senate action on identical legislation," Muskett pointed out.

"Sen. Reid when he was in the House was one of the most pro-life members of the House of Representatives," Smith said. "His record was identical to that of Henry Hyde."

In the spirit of that record, Smith asked Sen. Reid to get out of the way and let the Senate vote to make it so taxpayer money can't be used to pay for abortions.

The GAO report found that every single Obamacare taxpayer subsidized plan in Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont pays for abortion on demand.

In New York, 405 of the 426 subsidized plans subsidize abortion on demand. In California, it's 86 of the 90 subsidized plans, and in Massachusetts, 109 of 111.

Obama and the Rabbis

Obama and the Rabbis

Thursday, September 18, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Jews are naturally interested in Barack Obama's policy in the Middle East, and not a few rabbis are using telltale signs in American leader’s expressions of religion and moral values to draw somewhat far-fetched conclusions regarding the spiritual nature of his presidency. 
Since Obama's election, Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, the most popular Orthodox Jewish "evangelist" in Israel, has been among those teaching that he is the representation of "Tidal," the "king of nations" mentioned in Genesis 14:1. 
Being the forty-fourth president of the United States, Obama’s presidency will be characterized by bloodshed, because in gematria – where Hebrew letters can take numeric value and vice versa – 44 makes the word for blood. 
Rabbi Yitzhak also views Obama as a Christian Muslim, and as such a representation of both Edom (a euphemism for Christianity) and Ishmael (Islam), Israel's two arch enemies. Obama's presidency therefore will be characterized by dangerous anti-Israel policy that has the potential to bring about Israel's destruction. 
This danger, says Rabbi Yitzhak, can be averted by the repentance of individual Jews. In other words, Israel's wellbeing depends not on the IDF, but on proper Jewish response to God.
Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, another respected figure in certain religious circles, claims that the summer’s Gaza war has initiated the great war of Gog and Magog with nations gathering against Israel prior to the coming of Messiah. The reason for this war, he says, has everything to do with homosexuality, and particularly the annual gay and lesbian parade in Jerusalem, which was postponed this year because of the Gaza conflagration. 
President Obama enters this scheme by being the first American president to openly supported gay and lesbian marriage. 
According to Jewish understanding, incest was the cause of the Flood and incest will be the cause for the last apocalyptic war of Gog and Magog. 
Like Rabbi Yitzhak, Rabbi Schwartz uses esoteric interpretation methods to draw his conclusion that the world is coming to its end. An example is the appearance of the name "Obama" in Ezekiel 38:2, where, in Hebrew, counting seven letters from the last letter of the word "prince" makes the word "Obama." Be that as it may, Rabbi Schwartz still says that Israel bears heavy responsibility for the impending global doom, and therefore must undergo a deep and thorough searching of her soul.
There are other rabbis and small time "prophets" who likewise use a "biblical code" system to find names, places, events and even specific dates that supposedly reveal Obama's most secret intents. 
Intriguing and captivating as it may be, however, relying on such methods for the understanding of current affairs has proved erroneous too many times in the past. Having said that, however, this phenomenon demonstrates that many rabbis harbor a deep and unusual distrust of Obama.
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Aaronic Blessing/Benediction stitching

I am thankful for the one who did this for us many years ago. It hangs in my home office.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Israel Recognizes 'Arameans' as Nationality

Israel Recognizes 'Arameans' as Nationality


JERUSALEM, Israel -- In what many are applauding as an "historic decision," Israeli Interior Ministry Gideon Sa'ar approved the designation of Aramean Christians as a nationality in Israel.
Sa'ar said Arameans fulfill the criteria of a nationality, including historical heritage, religion, language and culture. He instructed Population Authority head Amnon Ben-Ami and his staff to register Arameans applying for their Israeli ID cards by their nationality.
IDF Maj. (res.) Shadi Halul called it an "historic decision and an historic change for the relations between Christians and Jews in the State of Israel," the Israeli daily Israel Hayom reported.
Halul said the decision is "proof that Israel protects its citizens and the identity of its minorities, unlike all the Arab nations around us."
Father Gabriel Nadaf, a Greek Orthodox priest from Nazareth, also praised Sa'ar's decision, calling it "brave."
Nadaf said it paves the way for Israeli Christians from all Eastern Orthodox churches to be designated as Aramean on their identity cards.
Father Nadaf has been encouraging Israeli Christians to serve in the IDF for years, supporting the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum, founded by Maj. Ihab Shlayan.
"[Israeli] Christians won't be held hostage, won't be ruled any longer by those who would force their ethnicity, religion, way of life on them,"Israel Hayom's Dror Eydar quoted Shlayan. 
"We won't be protected wards and hide behind the groups who control the street. We want to live in Israel and a historic wrong was righted. Congratulations to the Aramenas and here's to a fruitful life together in the Holy Land," he said.

"God is Near to All Those Who Call" ✡ The Magic of the Hebrew Month - ISRAEL365

God is near to all those who call unto Him in truth.

PSALMS (145:18)

קָרוֹב יְ-הוָה לְכָל קֹרְאָיו לְכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִקְרָאֻהוּ בֶאֱמֶת

תהילים קמה:יח

ka-ROV a-do-NAI l'-KHOL kor-AV l'-KHOL a-SHER yik-ra-u-HU be-e-MET

Today's Israel Inspiration

Although prayer is always accepted before the Throne of Mercy, Jewish tradition teaches that the Hebrew month of Elul, where we find ourselves now, is the most auspicious time of year for our heartfelt prayers to be answered. The days leading up to the Jewish New Year are a time “when God is near” and so many come to pray in the holy city of Hebron, the final resting place of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Our Rosh Hashana prayers beseech God in the merit of Abraham’s loyalty and we blow the Shofar to remind us of the ram hidden in the thistles during the binding of Isaac. During these days “when God is near”, the Hebron Fund cares for the Tomb of the Patriarchs, allowing visitors to come and “call unto Him in truth.”

My Hebron

Enjoy the sites of Hebron in this inspiring video put to the music of the song 'Hebron She-li', 'My Hebron'.

Ted Cruz Booed for Supporting Israel

US Senator Ted Cruz was booed offstage while speaking at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians. Cruz, the keynote speaker for the non-profit In Defense of Christians, caused an uproar amongst the audience when he said that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Israeli Wildflower Honey

For a sweet New Year, we dip an apple in honey on Rosh Hashana. You'll love the sweet taste of the Holy Land with this 100% natural, wildflower honey from a large kibbutz in Israel that has produced high quality honey since 1936.

Today's Israel Photo

A stunning sunset over the hills of Haifa by Natasha Pnini. Haifa is a contraction of the two Hebrew words Hof Yafe - beautiful shore. On a rounded bay, near mountain, valley and sea, Haifa truly enjoys magnificent scenery.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Tommy Curtis of Arkansas in honor of Sheral Curtis. Toda raba!

“You Have Inspired Me So Much”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Rabbi, you have inspired me so much and given me the meaning of life and I am truly blessed by what you have to say. I am a Christian, but I am really and truly honoured to be part of your inspirational sayings and quotes from the Old Testament. Thank you, Madelaine P.

Hi Rabbi Tuly, I have just started receiving Israel365 and can say that I have been truly blessed. I pray every day that The Lord will protect and bless His people Israel as I know He will. You can imagine our frustration here in N. Ireland and in the world in general when we see the blind masses marching against your nation. I have yet to see a single march against the IS barbarians. May The Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. Shalom, Chris
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Tortured in Ukraine: Christians Living a Nightmare

Tortured in Ukraine: Christians Living a Nightmare

EASTERN UKRAINE -- Ukraine's evangelical Christians are bearing the brunt of the country's conflict, often with deadly consequences.

It's a scene that has played in Elena Velichko's head over and over. Pro-Russian rebels took over her hometown in early April. Her husband Vladimir told her to take the kids and leave the city.

"He took us to the train station and we said goodbye. He said, 'I love you.' He kissed me and kissed the children and left," Elena said.

Several days later, her life and that of her eight children, ages 2 to 16, suddenly turned upside down.

Surreal Reality

It was June 8, Pentecost Sunday. The church was half empty. That's because the city was under tremendous assault by both the pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian army.

Once the church service ended everybody made their way to the front of the church to go home.

But then the unimaginable happened.

"The church called and said my husband, along with three other believers, had been taken by men who were waiting outside the church," Elena said.

Alexander Gayvoronski, a church deacon, was there that Sunday morning.

"The men wore masks and had machine guns. They told the four Christian men to get into their cars," Gayvoronsi said.

The rebels took the pastor's sons, Ruvim and Albert Pavenko, Victor Brodarsky, and Elena's husband, Vladimir.

Multiple sources told CBN News what then happened to the four Christian captives.

First rebels took them outside the city and tortured them. The next day the men were put in car and told to drive away.

Then, minutes later they were recaptured and shot multiple times. Elena's husband was burned in the car.

"I don't hate my husband's killers. It is easy to start asking questions. Why did this happen? But if I keep thinking about this it will only wear me out," Elena said.

Christians Targeted

That same day rebels burned down the largest furniture factory that belonged to Ruvim and Albert Pavenko's father.

It had become clear rebels were targeting the city's evangelical community.

Sergey Demidovich, a top evangelical leader in Slavyansk, said Christians face constant threat.

"I never thought in the 21st century, in [a] free country as Ukraine, it was possible to experience this level of persecution," Demidovich said. "The separatists saw Protestant Christians as enemies. They viewed us as cults."

But the persecution was just getting started.

"All the Protestant churches in the city were either taken over by rebels or forced to close. We were forbidden to meet for services and the leadership forced to leave or be under risk of arrest," Demidovich said.

And the persecution is spreading far beyond just this city. Throughout the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as rebels gain more territory, assaults against evangelicals are growing.

Two pastors told CBN News they were arrested and tortured for their faith.

"If I went to Donetsk today I would be arrested at the first checkpoint and put in jail," Oleg, a pastor from Donetsk, said. "The last time I was in prison they beat me up so badly, but I kept preaching the gospel and telling them to repent."

Unwavering Faith

Many believe the persecution is linked to pressure from the Russian Orthodox Church, and the pro-Russian rebels are only happy to do their bidding.

"When I was in prison, a rebel soldier told me they have an order to kill all the Christian pastors who are not part of the Russian Orthodox Church," Anatoly, a pastor from Luhansk, said.

While that has forced some to go underground, others are deciding to stay.

"Many heroes were born out of this conflict -- men and women who are boldly sharing their faith and helping those caught in the war," Oleg said.

Elena Velichko said there's not a day that goes by that she doesn't think of that last goodbye, that final kiss she had with her husband at the train station.

But she is unwavering in her faith, trusting God to take care of her, the children, and Ukraine.

"People often ask me how I am doing. I tell them about a mighty God who can heal our hearts, maybe not as quickly as we would like it, but the process is going on and the prayers of people around the world help," Elena said.

"The biggest thing you can do for me is to pray for me and my family, about the future of my children and my country," she said.