Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Jihad Grows in Florida and This Week's Top Opinions - Breaking Israel News

Nov. 11, 2017

A Jihad Grows in Florida

By Daniel Greenfield
Vicente Adolfo Solano, a 53-year-old Honduran living in Miami, seemed like an unlikely candidate to join ISIS.

The Enemies of Kurdistan are the Enemies of the US

By Sarah N. Stern
And their enemies are also the enemies of the State of Israel.

Jewelry Mined From the Land of Israel

The Eilat Stone and Roman Glass are just two of the unique matierlas mined from the Land of Israel. Own a piece of Israel with this beautiful and natural jewelry.
Shop Now »

Is the Arab World Beginning to See Reason?

By Dr. Mordechai Kedar
Only states that take tribal codes into account are capable of dealing successfully and over the long term with the ideology of Islamic terror and remain functioning nations.

The Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah Connection

By Khaled Abu Toameh
Indications show that Iran and Hezbollah are planning to extend their control to the Gaza Strip.

Our Taxpayer Funded Saddam

By Daniel Greenfield
A tree may grow in Brooklyn, but a Saddam Hussein memorial has grown in Qalqilya.
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The Other 100th Anniversary

By Jonathan Feldstein
Beersheba was one of the most astonishing and inspiring victories in a seemingly endless war with more than its share of bloody debacles.

On Teaching and Being Controversial

By Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
We do not deny that there is an important place for academic studies as it relates to Judaism, but that requires the scholar to have great humility and a sincere openness to Judaism’s unique religious meaning.
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Breaking Israel News

Jewish Hebron ✡ "The Cave Of Machpelah" - Israel365

His sons Yitzchak and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite, facing Mamre.

וַיִּקְבְּרוּ אֹתוֹ יִצְחָק וְיִשְׁמָעֵאל בָּנָיו אֶל־מְעָרַת הַמַּכְפֵּלָה אֶל־שְׂדֵה עֶפְרֹן בֶּן־צֹחַר הַחִתִּי אֲשֶׁר עַל־פְּנֵי מַמְרֵא

בראשית כה:ט
va-yik-b’-RU o-TO yitz-KHAK v’-yish-ma-AYL ba-NAV el m’-a-RAT ha-makh-pay-LAH el s’-DAY ef-RON ben TZO-khar ha-khi-TEE a-SHER al p’-NAY mam-RAY

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Torah states that Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah are all  buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs, Machpelah Cave, in Hebron.  Abraham's purchase of this property to bury Sara was the first concrete transaction that established a Jewish connection with a particular site in the Land of Israel. Although the entire Land of Israel was promised to the Children of Israel, three locations are recorded as having being purchased in order to prevent the Children of Israel of being accused of taking possession of the land inappropriately. These sites include the Cave of Machpelah, Joseph's burial plot in Shechem (Genesis 33:19) and the site of the Beit Hamikdash (II Samuel 24:24). The Israel Bible provides commentary and insights into the connection between the People and the Land of Israel. Deepen your understanding and appreciation of this eternal relationship. 

Hebron Belongs to the Jews

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum speaks about Jewish history in Hebron from a synagogue build in the year 1540.

Jewish Scribe to Write Torah Scrolls in Live Exhibit at US Capital’s New Bible Museum

In hopes of bringing the most significant piece of literature to the American capital, the new The Museum of the Bible opening in Washington D.C. on November 17 will feature a live exhibit of the traditional writing of a kosher sefer Torah (Torah scroll).


Jewelry Mined From the Land of Israel

The Eilat Stone and Roman Glass are just two of the unique matierlas mined from the Land of Israel. Own a piece of Israel with this beautiful and natural jewelry.
Shop Now! »

Today's Israel Photo

A worshipper deep in prayer outside the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

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"Todah Rabbah" to Norma W. from Texas; David S. from Florida; William C. from Washington; Adam B. from California.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Carolina O. from Canada; Diane J. from the UK; Carol M. from Idaho; Joseph G. from Massachusetts.
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Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Ana Jacqueline F. from El Salvador; Lambertus E. from Netherlands; Rose S. from the UK; Vanita A. from Arizona.
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Thank you for writing to me and I see you are doing a wonderful work for G-d of Israel you are a good example Hashem bless you and thank you for the daily updates of Israel. I hope the world will one day understand and leave Israel alone. --Edward Mphaka
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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D.C.'s Museum of the Bible Officially Opens This Week - CBN News John Jessup

D.C.'s Museum of the Bible Officially Opens This Week
CBN News John Jessup
The new Museum of the Bible – a project seven years in the making – officially opens its doors this week.
Blocks away from the U.S. Capitol and in the heart of Washington, D.C., it's the first museum solely dedicated to God's holy word.

CBN News got an early sneak peek of the 430,000 square foot, eight-story building. Click on the video below for a personalized tour.

Once past the bronze Gutenberg Gates and security, the very first thing visitors will see is a 140-foot long digital LED display, which boasts a series of breathtaking colorful scenes in a pictorial canopy.

It's the first glimpse at the museum's technological edge, but the museum has much more to beyond the latest gadgets and gizmos.

Here is a floor-by-floor preview of the museum's exhibits and galleries:
  • First floor: Lobby, atrium, media wall, gift shop, children's gallery (Courageous Pages), coffee shop
  • Second floor:  Impact of the Bible gallery, featuring a 20 to 40-foot long scratchboard panel chronicling how the Bible shaped America's founding and still reverberates today.
  • Third floor: History of the Bible gallery to trace the origins and evolution of the Bible
  • Fourth floor:  Narrative of the Bible gallery
  • Exhibit space for international museum galleries including more than 700 artifacts from the Israel Antiquities Authority currently on display, performing arts hall, research library
  • Sixth floor: Biblical garden, viewing gallery, restaurant

Dr. Tony Ziess is the museum's executive director. He told CBN News the goal is to expose people to the Bible and help them engage with the holy book.

"No other book has had such an impact on civilization, particularly western civilization," Zeiss said. "It's exciting to know that we're a part of exposing this book and getting people engaged in all walks of life — whether they come from a faith-based perspective or a non-faith based perspective. Whether they're Hebrew or whether they're Protestant or Catholic or Ethiopian. Whatever they happen to be."

The museum has taken a decidedly non-sectarian approach, saying its mission is to help people engage with the Bible and bring its rich stories to life.
With a $500 million investment and global cultural and scholastic partnerships, the Museum of the Bible hopes that its mission translates into more people reading and appreciating the best-selling book of all time.
Watch tour here: Museum of the Bible
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