Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Jennifer LeClaire: Don't Let the Religious Steal Your Faith for the Supernatural! - PropheticTV on The Elijah List

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

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MANY man hours go into researching the very best of the best videos each week.

Note from Steve and Derene Shultz: We strongly depend on your generous donations to keep these Prophetic TV programs coming to you. Lots of work goes into them. Thank you in advance! You may donate at this link right now: https://www.elijahlistministries.org/donations/donation.php

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Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders

He wants to give dreams, He wants to give visions, He wants to give trances, He wants to give angelic visitations... He wants to open up your spiritual sight.

If your eyes were to open up in the Spirit tonight and you were to get ONE GLIMPSE at the angels that God has assigned to your life, I promise you that you'd never fear the devil again!

By Jerame Nelson... Watch It Now

Visit Jerame Nelson's Facebook page: HERE

We talk a lot about the Pharisees, but the Lord gave Jennifer a revelation about the Sadducees worth noting.

Here's the thing... we must find balance; we must pursue the Word of God and the Spirit of God. We don't want to be Pharisees; we don't want to be Sadducees... Don't let these religious types steal your faith for the supernatural!

By Jennifer LeClaire... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook page: HERE

Tonight, God's going to break some things, He's going to expose some areas of confusion in your life...

Because you belong to a different Kingdom, you belong to a higher standard and you belong to a different place... you are a son or daughter of the King!

By Nate Johnston... Watch It Now

Visit Nate Johnston's Facebook page: HERE

God is the God of restoration, and God can bring out of the old something brand new... He can do it for your life no matter what you've gone through.

By John Eckhardt... Watch It Now

Visit John Eckhardt's Facebook page: HERE

You are being restored to your rank. You are being given back what was stolen. You are being repaired and renovated in such a way that makes a clear statement to your doubters, mockers, and enemies. You are being reinstated.

He will show you off and pay you back! He will pay you back double!

By Jennifer Eivaz... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer Eivaz's Facebook page: HERE

We were born to dream! We were born to live in the realm of the supernatural and to experience the impossible.

I see The Lord reigniting old dreams, visiting people with new dreams and taking us by the hand joyfully leading us onto the pathway of the unknown and inviting us deep into His heart to discover His big, bold, audacious dreams!

By Ryan LeStrange... Watch It Now

Visit Ryan LeStrange's Facebook page: HERE

How far could we go with seeing the miraculous healing power of God, if we all got together... and literally turned our hearts and attention towards unwavering faith in God, but at the same time unstoppable intercession for the purposes of God in Houston.

God has a purpose in Houston!

By Julie Meyer... Watch It Now

Visit Julie Meyer's Facebook page: HERE
Thank you for your donation today to help keep Elijah List Ministries/Prophetic.TV ON THE AIR

Order the Download

Steve and Derene Shultz
President, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

This Prayer Over President Trump in the Oval Office Is Going Viral - CBN News

This Prayer Over President Trump in the Oval Office Is Going Viral
Spiritual leaders gathered with President Trump in the Oval Office Friday when he issued the proclamation for a National Day of Prayer.
After signing the proclamation, he asked Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress to pray for him and the nation.

"Father I thank you that we have a president, President Donald Trump, who believes in the power of prayer," Pastor Jeffress prayed.
"We thank you that the president had the wisdom to call our nation right now to a Day of Prayer," he continued. "This is what we need."
"We pray for healing for our country. We pray for physical healing for those who have suffered the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Father be with them, provide for their needs," Jeffress prayed.
So far, more than 1.5 million people have viewed the prayer on our CBN News Facebook page.

God Is Looking for 'Abigail Leaders' in Our Divisive Society - CAROL MCLEOD CHARISMA NEWS

God is looking for "Abigail leaders" today. He is looking for women who refuse to throw gasoline on the fires of strife. (Getty Images)

God Is Looking for 'Abigail Leaders' in Our Divisive Society

"Once upon a time ... in a land far, far away ... there lived a beautiful and wise young woman who was married to a brute of a man ..."
Although those words may sound like they have sprung from the pages of a Brothers Grimm fairy tale or a Disney movie, the truth is that this story is found in the Bible.
Abigail was a woman with beauty and brains, but she found herself trapped in a marriage to a scoundrel who overreacted with violence in every situation.
Nabal's name means "foolish," and he was a fool in every sense of the word; this man was harsh and evil in business and at home.
Nabal, Abigail's husband, was abundantly wealthy and owned large holdings of real estate and of livestock.
David and his band of brothers were hiding in the wilderness from Saul during the years of Abigail's marriage to Nabal. David, who had already been anointed to be king, was famous far and wide and was viewed with great respect and a little bit of healthy fear.
David was known as the Robin Hood of the ancient world, and he generously protected Nabal's shepherds and livestock while they were looking for land to graze upon. David and his mighty men protected Nabal's herdsmen from lions, tigers and the marauding bands of thieves who roamed the area.
The time for an annual celebration had arrived! Everyone who was associated with the ranch of Nabal was preparing to eat, drink and be merry! Friends, relatives and even strangers were invited from miles around in order to bask in the luxury and abundance Nabal had acquired during the successful season.
A large part of the reason Nabal had experienced such a profitable year was because of David's protection. Nabal had grown richer by the day, thanks to David.
David heard that Nabal was throwing his annual harvest feast. and so he sent word with a couple of his young men and wondered if they would be allowed to join in the day of merriment.
Nabal blew a royal gasket! He humiliated David. who had only been kind to him. Nabal nearly spit in David's handsome face with his refusal to let them join in the neighborhood party.
David said to his men, "Each of you gird on his sword." So each man girded on his sword. And David also girded on his sword, and about four hundred men went up behind David while two hundred stayed with the baggage (1 Sam. 25:13).
Talk about a situation escalating out of control. They had gone from talking about pumpkin pie to strapping on their swords. Can you picture it? Their nostrils were flaring, their eyes were glaring and the testosterone of David and his mighty men was about to explode.
When Abigail heard about the angry mob coming in her direction, she packed enough food to feed 600 "hangry" men.
When Abigail saw David, she hurried and dismounted from her donkey, and fell on her face before David and bowed herself to the ground. She fell at his feet and said, "On me alone, my lord, be the blame. And please let your maidservant speak to you, and listen to the words of your maidservant (1 Sam. 25:23-24).
What? "On me alone, my lord, be the blame."
The bully treatment by Nabal was not Abigail's fault. The refusal by Nabal to allow David and his band of brothers join in the thanksgiving feast was not Abigail's fault.
Why would a woman, who had done absolutely nothing to cause this volatile situation, take the blame for something that was out of her control?
I believe that she did it because that is what leaders do. If taking the blame will diffuse a situation—then do it.
Politicians don't know how to do this—they only point fingers at others.
The media don't know how to do this— they love to cast blame and dispersion on others.
When you find yourself in a fractious situation in life, always ask yourself the question, "What could I have done differently?"
When you find yourself a victim of the harsh and unfair treatment given by others, always internally ponder, "What can I learn from this situation?"
Abigail reflected the peace of God in a contentious situation; she spoke with grace and with humility.
If there was anything lovelier than Abigail's breathtaking beauty, it was her words and her heart.
God is looking for "Abigail leaders" today. He is looking for women who refuse to throw gasoline on the fires of strife. The Father is on a search for women who will bring peace and joy everywhere they go.
And, in case you have forgotten this incredible story, I'd like to remind you that it is true. David and Abigail well, "they lived happily ever after"! 
Carol McLeod is an author and popular speaker at women's conferences and retreats where she teaches the Word of God with great joy and enthusiasm. Carol encourages and empowers women with passionate and practical biblical messages mixed with her own special brand of hope and humor. She has written five books, including No More Ordinary, Holy Estrogen!, The Rooms of a Woman's Heart and Defiant Joy! Her most recent book, Refined: Finding Joy in the Midst of the Fire, was released last August. Her teaching DVD, The Rooms of a Woman's Heart, won the Telly Award, a prestigious industry award for excellence in religious programming. You can also listen to Carol's "Jolt of Joy" program daily on the Charisma Podcast Network. Connect with Carol or inquire about her speaking to your group at justjoyministries.com.
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Israel Demands Strong Action Against North Korea; Netanyahu Welcomes New European Ally - World Israel News

Netanyahu’s Wife Passes Polygraph Test Amid Probe; CLICK for Latest Israel News!
World Israel News
Israel Demands Strong Action Against North Korea after Nuclear TestRead Now

WATCH: Netanyahu Welcomes New European Ally to JerusalemWatch Now

Netanyahu’s Wife Passes Polygraph Test Amid Corruption ProbeRead Now

WATCH: Drop in Dead Sea Water Level Brings Fascinating DiscoveryWatch Now

Netanyahu Acts to Remove Illegal Migrants from IsraelRead Now

WATCH: How Israeli Bars and Cafes Become Science ClassroomsWatch Now

Archaeologists Discover Collection of First Temple-era SealsRead Now

Jewish Teen’s Bar Mitzvah Gives Houston Jews Opportunity to CelebrateRead Now

WATCH: Dallas Jews Send 2000 Shabbat Meals to Houston CommunityWatch Now

Israel to Donate $1 Million to Jewish Victims of Hurricane Read Now

WATCH: Israel Takes Bronze Medal at World Judo ChampionshipsWatch Now

Huge WWII-Era Bomb Successfully Defused in GermanyRead Now

UN to Iran: Military Sites Must be MonitoredRead Now

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Monday, September 4, 2017

Jim CLINT FAMILY UPDATE - Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people - September 2017 Northern Ireland

Jim CLINT FAMILY UPDATE September 2017
 - Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people

Northern Ireland

Sept. 4, 2017

Greetings from our family to you who love Israel and the Jewish people,

We continue to praise the LORD for His faithfulness. Over this last few weeks the "2nd hand clothing to Israel" program has steadily picked up pace. We've really been encouraged to see how Christians on the island of Ireland are beginning to stand with the Jewish people. 

Recently I made a 350 mile round trip to River of Life fellowship in the city of Athlone in the Republic of Ireland. I was able to share about Ezra UK's Aliyah work in Eastern Europe and the FSU countries. I was blessed to have spent time with pastor Trevor Hill and his wife Diane. It's encouraging how the LORD is opening up speaking opportunities in southern Ireland at this time.

Pastor Trevor Hill, Diane Hill, Jim Clint

This coming week we'll have Ezra's Turkish representative visit Northern Ireland. Please pray that the LORD will use her to touch the hearts of all who listen to her. Turkey is quickly becoming a dangerous country for the remaining Jewish who live there, pray that they will make it home to Israel soon.  

With the Lord's help, we are helping Jews make aliyah to Israel. Please join us in prayer and support.


Jim Clint

Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people

Loading aid boxes for Israel


Ezra UK Website - www.ezrauk.org

Ezra UK Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/EzraUk/

Email - kobi-clint@hotmail.com

Mobile  07561397224

LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE sends regular monthly financial support to the Jim Clint family, as they are assisting Jews in making aliyah (immigrating to Israel.) Those in the USA can send funds to them through our website contribution. Please use the DONATE buttons on this blog's side columns or the tab at the top.

Checks from the USA can be sent to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134