Thursday, August 28, 2014

Santorum & NRB executives showed real leadership - Joel Rosenberg

Santorum & NRB executives showed real leadership by visiting Israel amidst a hot war. They get the importance of US-Israel alliance & gravity of jihadist threat.

by joelcrosenberg
(Central Israel) -- Last week, I had the opportunity to speak to and travel through Israel with two solidarity delegations from the United States. One was organized by former Senator Rick Santorum and included businessmen, journalists and evangelical Christian pastors from across the country. The other was led by Dr. Jerry Johnson, president & CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters and included highly-respected Christian leaders such as Anne Graham Lotz, Kay Arthur, Tony Perkins and Dr. Richard Land.
I shared some of our experiences on my blog last week. But I want to add a few thoughts upon having had time to reflect further on what I saw.
Senator Santorum and the NRB executives showed tremendous leadership by visiting Israel during a hot war. Each is a long-time friend of Israel, but this was above and beyond the call of duty. These principled men and women demonstrated true love and support for America's number one ally in the Middle East. They came here even while hundreds of rockets were raining down on the Jewish state. They came when almost no one else was visiting the country. They visited troops on the frontlines.  They visited Israelis personally scarred by Hamas terrorism. They met with high-level government officials. They met with everyday Israelis -- Jews and Arabs -- all over the country. They learned how the Iron Dome system works and saw its benefits. They heard the Code Red sirens go off. They ran to bomb shelters like everyone else. Most importantly, they studied the Scriptures together and prayed for the peace of Jerusalem and communicated what they saw and heard back to millions of Americans back home via radio, TV and newspaper interviews, as well as via Facebook and Twitter.
How many others did that over the past fifty days of this cruel war?
I don't know whether Senator Santorum will run for President again. I know he did remarkably well in 2012, coming in second after Gov. Romney, after winning the Iowa caucuses and a total of 11 primaries and some four million votes. He's not currently a declared candidate, and won't make his decision about 2016 until sometime next year. Therefore, what impresses me is that he is standing up for what is right, right now. He didn't come for a photo op. He came to better understand the crisis in the Middle East and explain it to the American people.
When Santorum was serving in the Senate, he took the lead in supporting Israel and advancing legislation to deal with the threats from Iran and Syria. Today, though he is out of office, he continues to demonstrate that he gets the importance of a strong US-Israel relationship; that he truly understands the threat Radical Islamic jihadists pose to the U.S., Israel and our Arab allies in the Middle East; that he sees the danger Christians, Jews and other minorities face in the epicenter. He has enormous experience on these issues, and it shows in the way he speaks about these issues and the policies for which he advocates. He's willing to speak out in a bold, principled way, regardless of whether the establishment in Washington notices or cares, and regardless of whether the mainstream media notices or cares.
Good for him. I'm impressed and grateful. May his tribe increase.
Likewise, Dr. Jerry Johnson and the folks from NRB are acting as true Christian statesmen. They love and support Israel. But they also care deeply for the plight of the Palestinian people who are being traumatized by Hamas and being caught in the crossfire of this terrible, painful war. These Christian leaders aren't succumbing to the moral relativism of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) or other liberal, apostate denominations that have abandoned the Bible and the Scriptural call to bless Israel. They are standing on the Word of God, boldly and without apology.
Good for them. I'm impressed and grateful. May their tribe increase, as well.
One last thought for now: I strongly agree with the point Senator Santorum makes in his new op-ed (see below) -- supporting Israel should not be a partisan issue. It should be a bipartisan commitment. Sadly, the President has brought US-Israel relations to its lowest point in 66 years. This deeply concerns me. That's why I'm working on building friendships with Democrats as well as Republicans who support Israel and understand the issues here in the Middle East, or want to. To the extent time permits, I will do my best to help any leader who cares about these issues and is trying to do the right thing. That's why I joined the Santorum and NRB delegations, and why I'll help others in the future.
Please join me in thanking Rick, Jerry Johnson, and all who joined their delegations for showing true leadership and the courage of their convictions "at such a time as this."
Op-ed in the Manchester (NH) Union Leader by former Senator Rick Santorum, published on August 27, 2014
On May 14, 1948, the United States of America was the first nation to officially recognize the newly reborn State of Israel. It was morally right and strategically wise that we did so, and we have been blessed as a nation ever since with a true friend in the Middle East.
It happened to be a Democrat, President Harry Truman, who understood the Jewish people’s right and need to return to their ancient homeland to be safe and free, especially in the wake of the Holocaust. To his great credit, Mr. Truman refused to follow the counsel of those in his own administration, even his own secretary of state, who said it was foolish for America to support a strong, safe and free Jewish state.
Yet while it was a Democrat in the White House who set into motion America’s alliance with Israel, it is another Democrat in the White House who has brought U.S.-Israel relations to their lowest point in 66 years.
This great alliance should not be a partisan issue. Indeed, support for Israel on Capitol Hill is one of the few issues that bring both parties together. Yet the President is an outlier, consistently creating new tensions and divisions with Israel, even while she is under attack by a virulent and ruthless enemy.
This should not be. Most Americans see Israel not simply as an ancient nation but a modern miracle, a true partner on many fronts, from manufacturing to agriculture to the development of state-of-the-art weapons systems like the Iron Dome. They also see a vibrant democracy and a real partner in the war with terrorists.
Yet it has become painfully apparent that our current President does not agree.
I came to Israel last week to show solidarity with her people and government, in part because I am embarrassed by the actions of my own government. The White House should never pressure an ally to accept flawed, biased ceasefire proposals in a war with terrorists who are hell-bent on annihilating them.
The U.S. government should never hold back arms from — or micromanage arms transfers to — an ally fighting for her life.
No administration should try to force an ally to divide her own capital city and surrender the sovereignty of that capital to an enemy sworn to obliterate her.
Nor should any administration leak to the media policy or personal disagreements with an ally, especially during war time.
Yet this is exactly what is happening.
The delegation of American business leaders, pastors and journalists I brought to Jerusalem join me in standing with Israel because we see a friend under attack and feeling increasingly alone. While we were there, Hamas fired more than 150 rockets at Israeli civilian population centers, bringing their total rocket attacks to more than 4,000 in the past seven weeks. My colleagues and I were in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening when the Code Red sirens sounded. A rocket was headed for the Holy City and we had to rush into bomb shelters with our Israeli friends. Yet the world repeatedly criticizes and condemns Israel for exercising her right to self-defense.
Imagine if Washington, D.C., or St. Louis or San Diego were under rocket attack. Would we not strike back hard and relentlessly at those firing the rockets? Would we take kindly to foreign leaders who told us to stop defending ourselves even as the terrorists kept shooting at us?
The most moving part of our visit was meeting with the precious parents of Gil’Ad Shaer, one of the teenage boys Hamas kidnapped and murdered in June. As we sat in their home we heard their story and saw their grief. But we also saw their determination not to let the jihadists destroy their country or their hope for the future.
America must stand with such brave souls. After all, Israel’s fight against radical Islam is our fight too. If we do not defeat the terrorists in the Mideast, they will strike America at home.
Our commitment to Israel does not mean we are blind to the pain and challenges the Palestinians in Gaza face. To the contrary, we care deeply about them and seek their freedom from tyranny.
The Palestinians of Gaza absolutely need to be liberated....from the cruel occupation of Hamas. The Palestinians of Gaza need to be set free from Hamas’ reign of terror and barbarity. This should be a major priority of the U.S. government.
Unfortunately, American foreign policy today is in complete disarray. Incompetence reigns in the White House and State Department and has for six years. Our friends no longer trust us. Our enemies no longer fear us. This is a recipe for disaster.
“Leading from behind” is not leadership at all. The President’s steady retreat from the Mideast is creating a dangerous vacuum jihadist forces are moving to fill from Syria to Iraq to Gaza.
We can and must do better. Democrats should start by putting serious pressure on the President to truly and fully support Israel and to stop pressuring her to make bad deals with dangerous foes. Republicans can start by repudiating isolationist voices in our party and those who call for ending all military aid to Israel.
Now is the time to stand unified for Israel.
Rick Santorum is a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
joelcrosenberg | August 28, 2014 at 7:19 am 

9 Secrets That Your Pastor's Wife Wishes You Knew

9 Secrets That Your Pastor's Wife Wishes You Knew

woman holding Bible
She's always there. Sometimes in the background, sometimes with a welcoming smile up front, sometimes noticed and appreciated, sometimes being silently judged. Your pastor's wife; the powerful force behind most church leaders often perceived as a mystery by the rest of the church.
It doesn't have to be that way.
What if we just asked our pastor's wife to candidly, honestly, even anonymously share some of their secrets? What if we invited them to share their hearts and tell us what they wished the church knew?
I posed a simple, open-ended question to a panel of pastors' wives in different states, from different denominations, with various years of service, "If you could tell the church a few things about your role as a pastor's wife, what would you say?"
The women selected are the wives of music ministers, children's leaders, senior pastors and youth pastors. Some of them serve in churches with large staff and even larger budgets, others in newer church plants, and even some from old and barely surviving congregations. Despite such different backgrounds, their responses were strangely similar and in several cases, almost identical.
I've sat for coffee, exchanged emails and had lengthy conversations with many who freely shared their secrets with me in exchange for the promise of anonymity. What follows is a condensed collection of their words.
1) "I wish people knew that we struggle to have family time." There was one common response that I received from every single pastor's wife. Every. Single. One. Over and over again, many pastors' wives shared numerous occasions where planned vacations had been cut short (wouldn't that be hard?). They told me tales of family evenings being rearranged for crises of church members, middle-of-the-night emergencies and regular interruptions. A true day off is rare; even on scheduled days off their husbands are essentially on call 24/7.
2) "Almost every day I'm afraid of screwing it all up." They don't have it all together. They battle many of the same issues every other woman battles: marriage issues, extended-family difficulties, sickness, finances, children who make poor decisions, fear and insecurities. Some seasons of life are obviously harder than others; but remember, ministry wives are not Wonder Woman with special powers. Please have a little mercy and extend grace.
3) "Being a pastor's wife is THE loneliest thing I've ever done and for so many reasons." Personally, I think this is surprising to many (it was to me). Several ladies shared the difficulties of finding friendships that are safe, being looked at (or treated) differently and even the desire to be invited for an occasional ladies night out. One woman shared, "Invite us to something just to get to know us. We like being known." People in the church often assume that the pastor's wife is always invited and popular. In reality, for whatever reason, many ladies fear befriending them. On Sunday mornings pastors' wives are often sitting solo, and those with children are essentially single parenting.
4) "It is OK and welcomed to have conversations with me about things that do not pertain to church, or even Jesus. There I said it!" They have a variety of interests. Believe it or not, many pastors' wives went to college and had full-time careers before becoming "Mrs. Pastor's wife." They have hobbies, likes and dislikes, and though they often serve beside their husband, they are individuals with their own unique gifts.  
Do not make the mistake of assuming your pastor's wife has the same personality as her husband. One wife shared that when they announced their engagement people regularly commented on how good of a singer she must be (because her husband-to-be was a music minister). When she shared that she sounded more like a dying cat than an elegant song bird, the shock on their faces was evident.
5) "Sundays are sometimes my least favorite day. Wait—am I allowed to say that?" Sundays are hard. And long. And there is no rest. To a pastor's wife, Sunday means an early morning of rushing around to have the family ready in their "Sunday best." Although you may not see your pastor's wife on the platform, rest assured, Sunday is equally tiring for most (all) of them.
6) "It's hard to not harbor resentment or to allow your flesh to lash out at members who openly criticize his ministry." They hate church criticism more then anything. It's hurtful. Offensive, and yes, it's very hard not to take it personally.  
It is one of the most damaging things they witness regularly inside the church whether it be through emails, social media or gossip. They wish people understood how serious God's Word speaks on the danger and power of our words. And how much it can injure the pastor's family.
7) "Please don't look down on me or assume I don't support my husband just because you don't see me every time the church's doors are open."
Most wives are not paid staff. They are wives, often mothers, and some are employed outside the home. They need to be allowed the freedom to pray and choose the ministries they feel called to.
8) "I wish people knew that we taught our children to make good choices, but sometimes they don't."
Jokes about pastors' kids should be avoided at all costs. The risk of rebellion in a "preacher's kid" is no secret. They aren't perfect and never will be (are yours?). They have to learn to walk in their faith just as other children and need encouragement and love to do so. Again, extend grace.
9) "What I can tell you is I have been blessed beyond measure. I have been given gifts, money, love and prayer—so much prayer—by so many."
They love their church and understand the role comes with special challenges and special blessings; it is fulfilling and brings them great joy.
One Extra Thought
Though it was not a common response, there was one that stood out. The top of the list of one seasoned pastor's wife simply read, "I deleted my number 1." Some secrets are so difficult to share, even the promise of complete confidence is not enough to bring them out.
These godly women have something they want us to know and as a body of believers working together toward the same goal, I think we might gain a better understanding of how to appreciate our leaders by listening. All of these responses point to a singular truth: Your pastor's wife is a human being who desires to be known, just as you do.
Reprinted with permission from Shattered Magazine. Christina Stolaas is a mom to four young kids, wife, a lover of the outdoors and people. In her free time she enjoys writing, training for road races, drinking too much coffee, belly laughs with friends and pursuing a deeper walk with Jesus. She is forever thankful that God's script for her life needs no editing. (Romans 8:28) Click here to view the original post.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bob Hartley: Seven Leadership Shifts Are Coming

Bob Hartley:
The Elijah List

Bob HartleyA Time for Hope Reformation

I dreamed there would be a time to come together to "build out the Hope Reformation that would bring certain shifts to the leaders in the Body of Christ."
In this dream, I saw the buildings of revival and prayer and there was some divine activity that was good and needed and foundational for what God was doing on the earth. But then, I approached this giant hole in the ground.

In this hole in the ground, I saw many, many leaders building out the Hope Reformation that God has initiated on the Earth. As I observed, I saw that there were 5 Piers that many leaders were to give themselves to building out. I knew it was time to call the leaders for building out these 5 specific Hope Piers. But, some would be tempted to say, "That's nothing more than a hole in the ground."

The 5 Hope Piers

These 5 Piers I saw these leaders building out were: Hope Adoration, Hope Hearing, Hope Healing, Hope Centers and Hope Reformation.

As I looked into this 20-story deep hole, I observed 5 Piers being driven deep into the ground going down to the bedrock, which is Christ. And these piers would produce massive impact upon the world. There would be those who would rally others to the hole as well saying, "It's more than a hole in the ground." These good shepherds had understanding of the importance of building out deeply these 5 Hope Piers.

When I was younger, my whole family packed their bags and went cross country to the Grand Canyon. When we arrived, my grandmother (God rest her soul), as soon as she saw it said, "Let's go home. That's nothing more than a hole in the ground." I knew in this dream that some would be tempted to say the same about these "5 Piers of Hope". (Photo via flickr)

I saw that these 5 Hope Piers would lead us into a Hope Reformation. Many cities and nations would come to know God's heart and ways in this Psalm 67 time. He has spoken to us about 7 distinct Leadership shifts of the Hope Reformation, which will effectively launch people to become Hope Reformers in all of life.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

7 Leadership Shifts Coming

The 7 Leadership Shifts that God has spoken to us will come about as a result of building these 5 Hope Piers:

• 1st LeaderShift: The Time Capsules Have Opened.

It's the time where we are going from seeing a few faces to seeing the many wondrous Faces of God. We are going to encounter the God of all of life and not only the God in the corner of the Church. God spoke to me saying that we've only encountered 1% of what He wanted to give us in this lifetime. He wants to show us His smile again in all areas of life. He told me: "You don't have to fight for the smile you've already been given."

• 2nd LeaderShift: The First Reformation to the Second Chamber

In the first Reformation we learned we were saved by grace, and in this 2nd reformation, we are learning how might we live: in Hope. We know that His love secures our hearts, but Hope advances the heart.

• 3rd LeaderShift: Clergy to Every Man and Woman a Reformer – Micah 4:1-4:

In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken.

I saw that it was time in the Kingdom for the understanding of "every man a reformer". Martin Luther taught us that every man was a priest unto God. (Photo of Martin Luther via Enwikipedia)

Many of the prayer leaders taught us every man a pray-er. John Wimber taught us every man a minister. Everyone could play. Bill Johnson and others taught us every man a revivalist. But now is the time for "Every man a Reformer."

• 4th LeaderShift: Season of Warfare to a Season of Building

It's a time where we're to go from the shadow of the mountain to the sunlit fields (Psalm 56:13). I heard the Lord say that: it was a time to build and have fun while doing it. There had been a time where, like David, the focus was on fighting the Lord's battles; but in this Solomon/Jedidiah generation we are going to be able to build with wisdom and bring reformation to nations. There was a wisdom way to build with fun that He was laying out before us.

• 5th LeaderShift: The Church Age to the Kingdom Age to the Reformation Age

The Lord spoke this phrase and that we had begun to see a healed and expanded view of the Church to the Kingdom age, where there was a demonstration of miracles and power. But, in this time, many had still limited the Kingdom perspective to God's activity on meetings and people. As God would move us into the Reformation age, there would be a healed and expanded view of the Kingdom where leaders would see God's face and His ways penetrate all of society. It would truly be Revival unto Reformation.

• 6th LeaderShift: Hopelessness to Hope

It would be a time in the Body of Christ where God would bring forth a new nature of Christianity rooted in the goodness of God. We'd go from hopelessness to hope. Much of the expressions of Christianity had changed over the last generation, but the nature is still leaning towards misery-Christianity rooted in despair about the times. God would unveil a trump card showing His great hopes to His people for cities and nations.

• 7th LeaderShift: Charismatic Hearing to Reformational Hearing

We'd go from hearing in the Church that is primarily hearing in meetings or small groups which has been fantastic, and move to a "hearing that is Reformational" where we can hear how Papa wants to build with us in all of life. I saw it was a time for the revelation of how our Father not only wants to love us but also wants to develop us.

Conclusion: All of this will require a re-focusing on Papa's face and a hearing heart to build as He's told us. We are to be a people that won't cheat on devotion and hearing His heart.

Bob Hartley
Deeper Waters Ministry

Bob Hartley is the founder of Hartley Institute/Deeper Waters Ministry in Kansas City, Missouri. Bob served as a pastor at Metro Christian Fellowship with Mike Bickle before entering the marketplace in 1983, with a vision to see the marketplace redeemed and cities established that value and love the person of Jesus. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Hartley Group, a "Hope Center" for the marketplace, consisting of Hartley's Executive Cleaning, Swift Chemicals & Supply, Prize Properties, and H&H Management in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Bob is a frequent speaker to youth, churches, businesses, and national leaders throughout America and the world. His quest has been to bring the Kingdom of God into every arena of life and give spiritual tools and equipping to those seeking to know and love God in the midst of their everyday lives. Currently, Bob resides in Kansas City with his wife and four children.

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I will settle you... - ISRAEL365

I will settle you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before.

EZEKIEL (36:11)

וְהוֹשַׁבְתִּי אֶתְכֶם כְּקַדְמוֹתֵיכֶם וְהֵיטִבֹתִי מֵרִאשֹׁתֵיכֶם

יחזקאל לו:יא

v'-ho-SHAV-tee et-KHEM k'-kad-mo-TAY-khem v'-hay-ti-vo-TEE may-ri-sho-TAY-khem

Today's Israel Inspiration

How privileged are we to witness the words of Ezekiel come true in our days, as the cities of Israel are settled and developed after more than 2,000 years of desolation. With growth comes the huge responsibility of ensuring that all of Israel's citizens are safe and thriving. The Summit Institute rescues and cares for over 1,200 of Israel's most disadvantaged young people through its family-based foster program for infants and youth at risk, and in-community rehabilitation of young adults coping with mental illnesses.

Arab-Israeli Conflict in Cartoon

The world is not elementary school. Sometimes you just have to defend yourself.

Broadening the Horizons of Love

Meet a special emergency foster family in Southern Israel, who are now caring for three refugee children from Africa, ages 6, 4 and 2.

Ram's Horn Shofar

In the Hebrew month of Elul, we begin to blow the shofar to prepare for the Jewish New Year in just one month. Get this authentic ram's horn shofar from Israel in time for the New Year!

Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len's photo of the Tel Aviv skyline from the Mediterranean.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo showed one of Israel’s most fascinating spots and what is known in Hebrew as יָם הַ‏‏מֶּ‏‏לַ‏ח - yam ha-me-LAKH, which literally means, “Salt Sea” but is more commonly referred to in English as the Dead Sea, יָם הַ‏‏מָּוֶת - yam ha-ma-VET

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Ma Corazon Abuan of Spring, Texas in honor of Lorenzo Joshua Abuan. Toda raba!

“Love it, Love it, Love it”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Dear Rabbi Tuly,  We prayed this morning in our Sunday school class for the State of Israel. May HaShem grant you success and no more loss of life. May He keep you and all of your loved ones safe from harm. We believe that we are seeing some of Ezekiel 38 begin to come to pass. Shalom, Mick and Elaine Neace

Good morning - I look forward to Israel365 every morning with great anticipation. The pictures are wonderful, I have been to Israel once and long to return someday, and I am trying to learn Hebrew so it is great to practice along with your texts.  Thanks so much, love it, love it, love it. Keith
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Pope Francis Asked to Declare This Group the 'Most Dangerous Enemy' of Church

Pope Francis Asked to Declare This Group the 'Most Dangerous Enemy' of Church

American Life League is launching a new campaign that seeks to expose a dangerous enemy of traditional families and of the Catholic Church. (
In anticipation of the Vatican's October Synod on the Family, American Life League is launching a new campaign called Defend the Family. Rooted in prayer, this campaign seeks to expose Planned Parenthood as the most dangerous enemy of traditional families and of the Catholic Church.
American Life League President Judie Brown, stated, "Planned Parenthood has torn apart the family like a pack of ravenous wolves. The pro-life movement and the Church must stand together, face this threat and shield our families from Planned Parenthood's continued assaults."
The Defend the Family campaign is centered around a report entitled, "The Vatican Can Help Save Souls from Planned Parenthood in 2014. HERE'S HOW!" The report, which has been translated into Spanish, Italian and French, builds a case that an official declaration from the Vatican that Planned Parenthood is an enemy of the Church would be a powerful way to defend families. The report is available on the campaign website at
"An official declaration of Planned Parenthood as an enemy of the Church will be a real game changer," stated Michael Hichborn, ALL's director of Defend the Faith. "Such a declaration will prevent Planned Parenthood employees and volunteers from serving in positions of responsibility in our parishes. Simply put, Catholics could no longer hide behind an uninformed conscience in order to assist or promote Planned Parenthood or its agenda and be able to continue calling themselves Catholics in good standing."
Jim Sedlak, vice president of ALL, added, "Some people have told us this campaign has an impossible goal. But with God, nothing is impossible. In addition to being a massive educational effort, this campaign has a large spiritual dimension."
ALL's new campaign encourages regular prayers after Mass for the conversion of individual countries from the ideologies of Planned Parenthood, offers prayers for the pope, and aims to open communication with local bishops about the dangers Planned Parenthood poses to the family. ALL's hope is that this prayer-led effort will inspire the Holy Father to officially declare Planned Parenthood an enemy of the Church.

Gaza Ceasefire Leaves Israelis Feeling Defeated

Gaza Ceasefire Leaves Israelis Feeling Defeated

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Images of Hamas and its supporters dancing in victory upon the ruins of Gaza on Tuesday (pictured) as an open-ended ceasefire came into effect seemed ridiculous to outside observers. But expressions of defeat coming from much of Israel suggested that perhaps the terrorists had won the summer's Gaza war, in their own deprived way.
The battered residents of southern Israel were clear: “Israel surrendered to terror” by failing to destroy Hamas and accepting a truce that left the terrorists fully armed. The next Gaza war is only a matter of time, they insisted.
Israeli government officials tried to put a positive spin on the situation, noting that Hamas, and Gaza as a whole, had suffered a major blow.
Indeed, over 2,000 Gazans were killed during the war, a great many of them Hamas militants, compared to just70 dead Israelis, two of whom were killed in Hamas’ final barrage against the Jewish state minutes before the ceasefire came into effect.
Hamas’ massive network of tunnels had also been largely demolished, and its stockpile of missiles nearly depleted or otherwise destroyed in pinpoint aerial strikes.
But, at the end of the day, Hamas gave nothing. The rules of war are quite different for such groups, some in Israel argued, and so Hamas can quite rightly claim victory, despite its tremendous losses.
That was the view indirectly expressed by several members of Israel’s security cabinet, who were furious that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed to the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire without first seeking their input.
The terms of the deal Netanyahu accepted were these:
  1. Both sides will immediately implement an open-ended ceasefire (which they did on Tuesday afternoon);
  2. Gaza border crossings will be opened for the import of humanitarian aid and supplies for reconstruction;
  3. Gaza’s fishing zone will be extended further into the Mediterranean.
The Hamas demands that did not make the final cut were:
  1. The development of sea and air ports in Gaza;
  2. The release of Hamas terrorists arrested in Judea and Samaria over the past two months;
  3. The transfer of salaries to Hamas officials in Gaza.
The Israeli conditions removed from the final draft included:
  1. The demilitarization of Gaza;
  2. A mechanism to prevent Hamas from rearming;
  3. The return of the bodies of fallen IDF soldiers taken by Hamas during the Gaza war.

This summer the citizens of Israel’s south have been especially affected and are struggling, not only from the emotional and psychological impact of rockets from Gaza, but also from dire economic hardships resulting from the war.
We at Israel Today would also like to contribute to the recovery and rebuilding of the lives of more than one million residents of Israel’s south.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Let The Lion Roar film - Paul Wilbur interview

Messianic worship/songwriter

Published on Jun 18, 2014
"Let The Lion Roar" is a book and Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack that will open your eyes to the truth of God's plans for the church. For more information see