Friday, September 19, 2014

Obama and the Rabbis

Obama and the Rabbis

Thursday, September 18, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Jews are naturally interested in Barack Obama's policy in the Middle East, and not a few rabbis are using telltale signs in American leader’s expressions of religion and moral values to draw somewhat far-fetched conclusions regarding the spiritual nature of his presidency. 
Since Obama's election, Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, the most popular Orthodox Jewish "evangelist" in Israel, has been among those teaching that he is the representation of "Tidal," the "king of nations" mentioned in Genesis 14:1. 
Being the forty-fourth president of the United States, Obama’s presidency will be characterized by bloodshed, because in gematria – where Hebrew letters can take numeric value and vice versa – 44 makes the word for blood. 
Rabbi Yitzhak also views Obama as a Christian Muslim, and as such a representation of both Edom (a euphemism for Christianity) and Ishmael (Islam), Israel's two arch enemies. Obama's presidency therefore will be characterized by dangerous anti-Israel policy that has the potential to bring about Israel's destruction. 
This danger, says Rabbi Yitzhak, can be averted by the repentance of individual Jews. In other words, Israel's wellbeing depends not on the IDF, but on proper Jewish response to God.
Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, another respected figure in certain religious circles, claims that the summer’s Gaza war has initiated the great war of Gog and Magog with nations gathering against Israel prior to the coming of Messiah. The reason for this war, he says, has everything to do with homosexuality, and particularly the annual gay and lesbian parade in Jerusalem, which was postponed this year because of the Gaza conflagration. 
President Obama enters this scheme by being the first American president to openly supported gay and lesbian marriage. 
According to Jewish understanding, incest was the cause of the Flood and incest will be the cause for the last apocalyptic war of Gog and Magog. 
Like Rabbi Yitzhak, Rabbi Schwartz uses esoteric interpretation methods to draw his conclusion that the world is coming to its end. An example is the appearance of the name "Obama" in Ezekiel 38:2, where, in Hebrew, counting seven letters from the last letter of the word "prince" makes the word "Obama." Be that as it may, Rabbi Schwartz still says that Israel bears heavy responsibility for the impending global doom, and therefore must undergo a deep and thorough searching of her soul.
There are other rabbis and small time "prophets" who likewise use a "biblical code" system to find names, places, events and even specific dates that supposedly reveal Obama's most secret intents. 
Intriguing and captivating as it may be, however, relying on such methods for the understanding of current affairs has proved erroneous too many times in the past. Having said that, however, this phenomenon demonstrates that many rabbis harbor a deep and unusual distrust of Obama.
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Aaronic Blessing/Benediction stitching

I am thankful for the one who did this for us many years ago. It hangs in my home office.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Israel Recognizes 'Arameans' as Nationality

Israel Recognizes 'Arameans' as Nationality


JERUSALEM, Israel -- In what many are applauding as an "historic decision," Israeli Interior Ministry Gideon Sa'ar approved the designation of Aramean Christians as a nationality in Israel.
Sa'ar said Arameans fulfill the criteria of a nationality, including historical heritage, religion, language and culture. He instructed Population Authority head Amnon Ben-Ami and his staff to register Arameans applying for their Israeli ID cards by their nationality.
IDF Maj. (res.) Shadi Halul called it an "historic decision and an historic change for the relations between Christians and Jews in the State of Israel," the Israeli daily Israel Hayom reported.
Halul said the decision is "proof that Israel protects its citizens and the identity of its minorities, unlike all the Arab nations around us."
Father Gabriel Nadaf, a Greek Orthodox priest from Nazareth, also praised Sa'ar's decision, calling it "brave."
Nadaf said it paves the way for Israeli Christians from all Eastern Orthodox churches to be designated as Aramean on their identity cards.
Father Nadaf has been encouraging Israeli Christians to serve in the IDF for years, supporting the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum, founded by Maj. Ihab Shlayan.
"[Israeli] Christians won't be held hostage, won't be ruled any longer by those who would force their ethnicity, religion, way of life on them,"Israel Hayom's Dror Eydar quoted Shlayan. 
"We won't be protected wards and hide behind the groups who control the street. We want to live in Israel and a historic wrong was righted. Congratulations to the Aramenas and here's to a fruitful life together in the Holy Land," he said.

"God is Near to All Those Who Call" ✡ The Magic of the Hebrew Month - ISRAEL365

God is near to all those who call unto Him in truth.

PSALMS (145:18)

קָרוֹב יְ-הוָה לְכָל קֹרְאָיו לְכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִקְרָאֻהוּ בֶאֱמֶת

תהילים קמה:יח

ka-ROV a-do-NAI l'-KHOL kor-AV l'-KHOL a-SHER yik-ra-u-HU be-e-MET

Today's Israel Inspiration

Although prayer is always accepted before the Throne of Mercy, Jewish tradition teaches that the Hebrew month of Elul, where we find ourselves now, is the most auspicious time of year for our heartfelt prayers to be answered. The days leading up to the Jewish New Year are a time “when God is near” and so many come to pray in the holy city of Hebron, the final resting place of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Our Rosh Hashana prayers beseech God in the merit of Abraham’s loyalty and we blow the Shofar to remind us of the ram hidden in the thistles during the binding of Isaac. During these days “when God is near”, the Hebron Fund cares for the Tomb of the Patriarchs, allowing visitors to come and “call unto Him in truth.”

My Hebron

Enjoy the sites of Hebron in this inspiring video put to the music of the song 'Hebron She-li', 'My Hebron'.

Ted Cruz Booed for Supporting Israel

US Senator Ted Cruz was booed offstage while speaking at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians. Cruz, the keynote speaker for the non-profit In Defense of Christians, caused an uproar amongst the audience when he said that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.”

Israeli Wildflower Honey

For a sweet New Year, we dip an apple in honey on Rosh Hashana. You'll love the sweet taste of the Holy Land with this 100% natural, wildflower honey from a large kibbutz in Israel that has produced high quality honey since 1936.

Today's Israel Photo

A stunning sunset over the hills of Haifa by Natasha Pnini. Haifa is a contraction of the two Hebrew words Hof Yafe - beautiful shore. On a rounded bay, near mountain, valley and sea, Haifa truly enjoys magnificent scenery.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Tommy Curtis of Arkansas in honor of Sheral Curtis. Toda raba!

“You Have Inspired Me So Much”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Rabbi, you have inspired me so much and given me the meaning of life and I am truly blessed by what you have to say. I am a Christian, but I am really and truly honoured to be part of your inspirational sayings and quotes from the Old Testament. Thank you, Madelaine P.

Hi Rabbi Tuly, I have just started receiving Israel365 and can say that I have been truly blessed. I pray every day that The Lord will protect and bless His people Israel as I know He will. You can imagine our frustration here in N. Ireland and in the world in general when we see the blind masses marching against your nation. I have yet to see a single march against the IS barbarians. May The Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. Shalom, Chris
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Tortured in Ukraine: Christians Living a Nightmare

Tortured in Ukraine: Christians Living a Nightmare

EASTERN UKRAINE -- Ukraine's evangelical Christians are bearing the brunt of the country's conflict, often with deadly consequences.

It's a scene that has played in Elena Velichko's head over and over. Pro-Russian rebels took over her hometown in early April. Her husband Vladimir told her to take the kids and leave the city.

"He took us to the train station and we said goodbye. He said, 'I love you.' He kissed me and kissed the children and left," Elena said.

Several days later, her life and that of her eight children, ages 2 to 16, suddenly turned upside down.

Surreal Reality

It was June 8, Pentecost Sunday. The church was half empty. That's because the city was under tremendous assault by both the pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian army.

Once the church service ended everybody made their way to the front of the church to go home.

But then the unimaginable happened.

"The church called and said my husband, along with three other believers, had been taken by men who were waiting outside the church," Elena said.

Alexander Gayvoronski, a church deacon, was there that Sunday morning.

"The men wore masks and had machine guns. They told the four Christian men to get into their cars," Gayvoronsi said.

The rebels took the pastor's sons, Ruvim and Albert Pavenko, Victor Brodarsky, and Elena's husband, Vladimir.

Multiple sources told CBN News what then happened to the four Christian captives.

First rebels took them outside the city and tortured them. The next day the men were put in car and told to drive away.

Then, minutes later they were recaptured and shot multiple times. Elena's husband was burned in the car.

"I don't hate my husband's killers. It is easy to start asking questions. Why did this happen? But if I keep thinking about this it will only wear me out," Elena said.

Christians Targeted

That same day rebels burned down the largest furniture factory that belonged to Ruvim and Albert Pavenko's father.

It had become clear rebels were targeting the city's evangelical community.

Sergey Demidovich, a top evangelical leader in Slavyansk, said Christians face constant threat.

"I never thought in the 21st century, in [a] free country as Ukraine, it was possible to experience this level of persecution," Demidovich said. "The separatists saw Protestant Christians as enemies. They viewed us as cults."

But the persecution was just getting started.

"All the Protestant churches in the city were either taken over by rebels or forced to close. We were forbidden to meet for services and the leadership forced to leave or be under risk of arrest," Demidovich said.

And the persecution is spreading far beyond just this city. Throughout the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as rebels gain more territory, assaults against evangelicals are growing.

Two pastors told CBN News they were arrested and tortured for their faith.

"If I went to Donetsk today I would be arrested at the first checkpoint and put in jail," Oleg, a pastor from Donetsk, said. "The last time I was in prison they beat me up so badly, but I kept preaching the gospel and telling them to repent."

Unwavering Faith

Many believe the persecution is linked to pressure from the Russian Orthodox Church, and the pro-Russian rebels are only happy to do their bidding.

"When I was in prison, a rebel soldier told me they have an order to kill all the Christian pastors who are not part of the Russian Orthodox Church," Anatoly, a pastor from Luhansk, said.

While that has forced some to go underground, others are deciding to stay.

"Many heroes were born out of this conflict -- men and women who are boldly sharing their faith and helping those caught in the war," Oleg said.

Elena Velichko said there's not a day that goes by that she doesn't think of that last goodbye, that final kiss she had with her husband at the train station.

But she is unwavering in her faith, trusting God to take care of her, the children, and Ukraine.

"People often ask me how I am doing. I tell them about a mighty God who can heal our hearts, maybe not as quickly as we would like it, but the process is going on and the prayers of people around the world help," Elena said.

"The biggest thing you can do for me is to pray for me and my family, about the future of my children and my country," she said.

The Islamic State Thinks 'Big': Next Target - Jordan and Israel?

The Islamic State Thinks 'Big': Next Target - Jordan and Israel?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 |  Elizabeth Blade  ISRAEL TODAY
The Middle East has a serious problem, and it isn’t the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Though one wouldn’t know it by the skewed focus of international media and diplomatic attention, the crisis of the Islamic State dwarfs even the most serious bouts of Israeli-Arab violence.
Over the past several months, the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS), a Sunni Muslim group rejected by Al Qaeda as being too extreme, has not only managed to gain control over much of Iraq and Syria, but has fulfilled the long-held dream of many Sunnis by establishing a "caliphate" that demands the allegiance of all faithful Muslims.
But the Islamic State’s notorious leader, Abu Baker Al-Baghdadi, is not content with the territory he already rules. Al-Baghdadi is thinking big, and has vowed to forcibly spread Islam to the four corners of the world. Iraq was only the first target among many, and the swift defeat of the US-trained and equipped Iraqi military provided the Islamists a major morale boost.
Abdul Alhasan (name changed for security reasons), a member of the Iraqi parliament, explained the easy conquest of key Iraqi cities by pointing a blaming finger at his nation’s unpopular government. 
“We poured billions of dollars into military equipment and training, but these fanatics managed to deal us a severe blow. This would not have been possible if the government listened to the will of its people,” said the politician, insisting that Iraq needs to grant greater autonomy to its diverse group of minorities and abandon the American idea of an overbearing central government.
Instead, Baghdad has strongly suppressed calls for greater regional autonomy, sparking violent clashes and dangerous shifts in allegiances. This has only made the Islamic State’s job easier, with some factions preferring the caliphate to their own government. It would appear that a unified Iraq’s days are numbered.
And while Alhassan and others remain optimistic that Iraq still has a fighting chance, the Islamic State is already moving on to new targets in its assaults on Jordanian border towns. The goal is clear: topple Jordan’s monarch and annex the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom in a march that inevitably leads to Israel.
In a face-to-face showdown, Jordan’s well-trained military and substantial regional and international backing should be too much for the Islamic State to overcome. The real threat is the Islamic State gaining supporters within Jordan. “Mass demonstrations in support of the Islamic State have already taken place in the Jordanian city of Maan,” notes Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an expert on Islam at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University.
Kedar stresses that many Palestinian and Syrian refugees residing in the Kingdom are angry over the way Jordanian authorities handle their miserable living conditions, "forcing thousands to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State, which they view as a solution to their problems."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been monitoring the developments closely, vowed to help Jordan in curbing the rising threat. "Israel realizes that one day we may all wake up to find the Islamic State on our borders," says Kedar. "The real danger is that Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and even inside Israel proper may support the Islamic State, shattering Israel's security."
According to the pundit, it might be in Israel’s interests to tackle this threat militarily before it has a chance to gain a foothold West of the Jordan River. While such a decision hasn’t been taken yet, rumors are that Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the US have established an operations center in Amman with the aim of developing plans to defeat the Islamic State.
The Islamic State has asserted that its present focus is dealing with apostate Muslim countries, but there is no doubt the jihadist horde is inching ever closer to the Jewish state.

UPDATE: In fact, the Islamic State has already reached Gaza, the West Bank and Israel proper. In the upcoming issue of Israel Today Magazine, we interview an Islamic State member active in the Gaza Strip.
The October 2014 issue of Israel Today will be provided free of charge to all our daily newsletter subscribers. If you haven’t already, click here to sign up today.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NFL Reportedly Tells Redskins Quarterback Robert Griffin III to Remove Jesus Shirt

NFL Reportedly Tells Redskins Quarterback Robert Griffin III to Remove Jesus Shirt

Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III was told to remove his "Know Jesus, Know Peace" t-shirt before a press conference, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Reporter Michael Phillips posted on Twitter that Tony McGee, a NFL uniform inspector made Griffin turn the shirt inside out because it wasn't a Nike product.
NFL bylaws bar players from wear clothing that sends a personal message on game days.
"Throughout the period on game-day that a player is visible to the stadium and television audience (including in pre-game warm-ups, in the bench area, and during post-game interviews in the locker room or on the field), players are prohibited from wearing, displaying, or otherwise conveying personal messages either in writing or illustration, unless such message has been approved in advance by the League office," NFL bylaws state (Section 4, Article 8).
However other players, like Redskins linebacker Ryan Kerrigan, wore t-shirts with other brands without incident. Kerrigan's t-shirt displayed a logo for Five Four Clothing.
CSN-Washington reports the Redskins denied they forced Griffin to flip his shirt and that he did so to avoid a possible fine.

Molly Williams/MorningStar - "All My Days" worship

Love For His People Note: As members of MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill, SC, we will truly miss the worship leading of Molly Williams, as she heads to California this September 2014 to serve with Jesus Culture. 

Thank you Molly!!!! We will miss you!!!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People

God's Time of Preparation and Purpose by Kathi Pelton

God's Time of Preparation and Purpose 

by Kathi Pelton

Identity Network

I have had a stirring in my spirit the past few months regarding the new season that the Body of Christ has entered. I keep hearing the words: "The old and the new are merging as one." As I was waiting on the Lord the morning of August 17th I heard him speak these words:
A Personal Word for God's People
"My people have entered into a time of great purpose and preparation. I am preparing My yielded ones to be a landing strip that receives all that I desire to bring forth in this strategic time in history. I am clearing the debris in order to make room for the things of Heaven to come to Earth. I am clearing both lives and land that were created to be green pastures in the days to come.
Disappointments and hope deferred have taken root, causing thorn bushes to overtake many who are called for such a time as this. I am removing the root of bitter disappointment in those who will respond to My invitation to restoration. I have sent My angels to usher you to the green pastures of My Spirit where you will be healed, nourished and restored."
A Corporate Word for Lands and Nations
The Lord says, "I am revealing and restoring ancient gates at this time.  These ancient gates have been long forgotten and forsaken but I am once again revealing them to those who have eyes to see what My Spirit is doing. I am sending My chosen ones to repair the ancient gates. Like in the days of Nehemiah, when the city walls were in disrepair, I am sending many to the lands where ancient gates are located. These are places where The King of Glory will appear in order to accomplish My end time purposes. These Heavenly gates have existed from the very beginning of time and the time of their opening is near. 
I have places throughout the Earth where I am opening up portals of Heavenly supply for the preparation of the Great Harvest that is coming soon. There are lands of promise and places of strategic purpose that I will lead both individuals and ministries to dwell in. I am preparing places that will be storehouses for My people at this time.
The ancient and the now are merging as one in this hour; the beginning and the end are intersecting. In the midst of violent times I am establishing peace and bringing forth peacemakers and peacekeepers. In the midst of drought I will pour out My latter rain."
The Lord says, "Even now I am recruiting those who are willing to leave all and follow where I will lead them. They will be sent to the ancient gates, the predestined cities where peace, purpose and praise will open the gates and restore the land. These sent ones will not fear the evil one, they will overcome him through their faith, their trust and their obedience to My voice. Faith's assurance will be their strength."
The Coming Harvest: A Word for the Body
A great harvest is coming to Earth and God is preparing both people and places. As the Lord has spoken, there will be storehouses established in this new season. I believe that these storehouses will be both small and large. Some will be in homes and on personal properties, while others will be in cities and on large property owned by Christian ministries and businessmen and women. There are workers, even now, being called to be a part of what the Lord is building in preparation at this time. I hear the Spirit speaking these words of encouragement:
"I, the Lord, will provide for all the work of preparation. I will bring wealth to the storehouses and to those who are called to be gatekeepers and those who are called to repair the walls. I will raise up those who have wealth to support those who are preparing the way and clearing the land for My great harvest. Do not miss the time of My invitation. Do not miss this time of great purpose and preparation. You are My chosen ones."
Submitted in love.
Kathi Pelton

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