Saturday, May 3, 2014

Honoring Yeshua by Honoring Israel

An Honoring Israel Night was held in Lincolnton, NC on Friday, May 2, 2014. Hosted by Beit Yeshua, with Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams as leaders, it was a night to honor Yeshua and His people in the Promised Land of Israel.

Ze'ev Nevo, a sabra (born in Jerusalem) and Founder of Israel Media Ministres, was the guest speaker. Cathy Hargett (Highway To Zion) and myself (Steve Martin, Love For His People) joined together to share our love and support for the Jewish people, and especially to convey the love that Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) has for them.

Shofars, dance, music, displays, booktables, and food afterwards made for a great night!

Thanks especially to Curtis, Doug and all the Beit Yeshua crew who did a lot of work preparing and orgnaizing this annual event.

Steve Martin
Love FOr His People
Charlotte, NC

Love For His People booktable
- books by 
Steve Martin & Morris Ruddick

All books are available 
on this blog
through the
Shalom Inspiration link
in upper right hand column.

Free CDs, brochures and magazines from Israel!

Israel Media Ministries T-Share table
You can order one today using the link below.

You can buy these shirts now:

Curtis Loftin and Chuck Anthony (L)

Wane Daroux and Chuck Anthony

Paul Miles

Susan and Paul Miles

Curtis Loftin

Beit Yeshua dancers

 Cathy Hargett - Highway To Zion founder



Doug Williams - Beit Yeshua

 Photos by Steve Martin, Love For His People

God shall make the name...ISRAEL365

God shall make the name of Solomon better than your name.

I KINGS (1:47)

יֵיטֵב אֱ-לֹהִים אֶת שֵׁם שְׁלֹמֹה מִשְּׁמֶךָ

מלכים א’ א:מ’’ז

yay-TAYV e-lo-HEEM et shaym sh'lo-MO mish-me-KHA

Today's Israel Inspiration

We learn beautiful insight into Solomon's role as king of Jerusalem just by studying his Hebrew name. In Hebrew, Solomon is שלמה/she-lo-MO. Look for the root of the word and you'll see שלום/sha-LOM, peace! King Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem, without "hammers, chisels or any iron instruments" (I Kings 6:7), so that no instruments of war would be used and peace would be built into its very foundation. It symbolized complete peace between man and God and between all the nations of the world.

Amazing Replica of Solomon's Temple

This fascinating video gives a vision of Solomon's Temple as it once stood in Jerusalem. All of its intricate details were accurately culled from the Bible to present a beautiful and inspiring replica. 

Israeli Research: More Sleep, Less Cancer

Christian Arab and pediatric pulmonologist Dr. Fahed Hakim wants us all to get more sleep. His research reveals a strong connection between poor sleep habits and conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure.

Connected Rings with Blessings

Three delightful silver rings are interlocked to create one uniquely charming ring. On all three the Priestly Blessing are written.

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo of Jerusalem by Rebecca Kowalsky shows the topography and ascension to the Old City, bringing to life the words of the Bible, as it says: "Arise! Let us ascend to Zion."

Independence Day Photo Contest!

Send me your best Israel photo, and a short description, with your name and where you're from, and we will proudly display the winner on Yom Haatzmaut! All photos will also be included in ourFacebook album.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Abraham L. Seiman on the yartzheit of David Joseph Seiman. 

“Thank You for Giving us Israel365”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thank you for giving us Israel365 site where we have the privilege of praying for the people of Israel and the world. Cornelia R.

May you know the grateful and prayerful support of us who read “Israel365“ with joy. Roy S., South Africa.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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