Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Miracle in Ambulance Ambush ✡ "His Footsteps Will Not Falter"

The Torah of his God is in his heart; his footsteps will not falter.

PSALMS (37:31)

תּוֹרַת אֱ-לֹהָיו בְּלִבּוֹ לֹא תִמְעַד אֲשֻׁרָיו

תהלים לז:לא

to-rat e-lo-hav b'-li-bo lo tim-ad a-shu-rav

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Psalmist's words strengthen our resolve to follow God's word and merit a divine blessing that our "footsteps will not falter." God desires that the nations of the world support Israel, His beloved Land, and those who do so stand to gain all of His overflowing blessings included in His promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:3). Support Heart to Heart, Israel's national blood bank, providing life-saving care to Jews and non Jews throughout the Land, including 97% of the blood for wounded IDF soldiers.

Miracle in Ambulance Ambush

An Israeli ambulance received a miracle after being ambushed by Palestinian terrorists who fired four bullets into its passenger side.

Israel's New UNESCO World Heritage Site

A 2nd c. burial site of famous Torah sages has been voted Israel's seventh UNESCO World Heritage Site!

“Chai” Keychain

This great keychain features the Hebrew word, Chai, which means “life”. This meaningful symbol is commonly seen in Jewish life, for Judaism celebrates life! The numerical value of the word in Hebrew is 18, which is a number of great spiritual significance in Judaism. L’chaim!

Israel Photo Trivia

Do you know the name of the museum in today's photo, and what ancient documents are found here? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Michael Wilhite from Orange Park, Florida. Toda Raba!

“Really Appreciate this Email and All the Wonderful Pictures”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Shalom Rabbi Tuly, I am Ibrahima Amagana Kodio from Mali, West Africa. I enjoy very much your posts and updates from the Holy land. It makes me so close to  the people of the forever covenant with the Almighty one.-Ibrahima Kodio

Hello there, my name is Jacinta Jude, 23 years old. I'm from Malaysia but now living in Australia (Perth Western Australia region). I really appreciate this email and all the wonderful pictures. They have helped me a lot through times and strengthened my faith in God. If God wills, I hope I can come visit Jerusalem one day. God is the greatest father that anyone could ever wish for. I see His awesome works everywhere. May God bless us all and keep us amen.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Sharing Love From Sweden - TO TRUST IN GOD - A GREAT GOD by Eva Haglund


Eva Haglund

We can sometimes be in difficult circumstances and in the world there are many storms. It is not good to listen to too much news on television even if we need to know things happening around us. It can be too much information and we need to hear and read positive words also. We need to read the Bible every day - our daily Bread.

In Psalm 46:1-3 is written that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.

I think it means in this Scripture that when it feels like the earth is removed and the mountains carried into the sea, when circumstances are very difficult, it can feel like this, but then God is there and is a refuge and help.

I also think about earthquakes here as I think they will increase, but then God can protect His children. It is good to speak Bible verses as Psalm 91 aloud. God is our Daddy and we can stand on the Word that I shall not want if we have lack economical and in other situations. Our heavenly Daddy is a God of love who gave everything for us and as His children it is written in Romans 8:15, "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out "ABBA, Father."

We read here that God does not want us to feel fear in the relation with Him. A father who loves his children does not give them stones. We read in the Bible that God wants to fill this need and we need to stand on His promises for the future in this area. He is a good father, ABBA, Daddy who wants to help us. It is also written in Isaiah 54:10 "For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from you nor shall my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has mercy on you." When we receive Jesus in our lives we also have peace with God for eternity.

When things are very difficult it can feel like the mountains depart and the hills are removed but then God is with us and His covenant of peace will not be removed from us. He can help us in difficult situations, even if it feels like a most worst situation. He is able. 

In Isaiah 50:10 we also find the words "Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord. And rely upon his God."

It does not matter what other people say. We can stand on the Word, on Scriptures' promises.
Jesus is the good shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. He wants to help us in situations. We can think about a shepherd who loves a sheep and holds it in his arms and then we can think also about Jesus who holds as in His arms. As it is written in Isaiah 40:11, "He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom."

I think we all as His children are each one like a precious lamb He holds in His arms. There we can feel safe that He will take care of us. When we also think about our Daddy who holds us in His arms as a child to Him it gives peace. He can help us in different situations. We read in Psalm 139 how He cares so much about us that He see us all day. Jesus also tell us that we are so precious to Him that He counts our hairs. Jesus gave everything for the sheep at the cross and wants all to get saved and learn to know God as a good Daddy. 

If people talk fear to us we can stand on the Word Who is our Rock when the waves are high. He can help us. In Psalm 93 is written "The floods have lifted up, oh Lord. The floods have lifted up their voice. The floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than the voice of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea." There can be circumstances who feel like floods who lift up their voice and like floods who lift up their waves but the Lord is mightier then these circumstances.

When we need to trust the Lord we can not stand on our feelings but at His Word because feelings can say anything else but God's Word is eternal and is steady like the mountains. The Word is strong. It is strong like a fire.

We can trust God's Word. God is behind His Word and Jesus is the Word. We can trust the Word - the Bible. When Jesus was in the boat and the waves were high Jesus showed the disciples that they did not have to be afraid.

It is good we speak what the Word tells us. We will not depend on our feelings even if a situation feels so impossible but Gods Word is greater and there is no situation as he cannot help in. When we think about trusting him it is good to think about how big God is. We have a certain picture of him but we just understand as human beings a little drop of how big he really is. We are like ants before him. Would he not be able to help his children as are like ants in his hand we can think of. In Ps 121 we read " I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth."

If we have doubt or fear in a situation we can think about that God made all things in the nature and He created human beings. It is like a miracle when a child is born. It is wonderful to see all beautiful things in the nature and mighty to see the big mountains and we can see God's power in the waves at the sea and in the thunder.

He is mighty to help. In Proverbs 3:5 is written, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding." We can trust in Him. The nature preaches about His greatness and about a mighty God who is able to do mighty things. We can read about planets and stars as He has created. God is not a human being but much greater and when Jesus died at the cross we also see the power of the cross. 

We read in Isaiah 53:11 that Jesus will see the labor of His work and be satisfied. We can think about how big God is also when we read the Scripture Isaiah 55:8-9, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are My ways your ways, says he Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."

It is a very long distance between heaven and earth and we can understand a glimpse of how big God is when we think about this. He is such a great God so we cannot understand it as human beings.
Jesus is our light and salvation. It is eternal salvation through His name and also in different situations we can trust in Him. He gives light in our circumstances and is our salvation in situations. Even His name Yeshua/Jesus means salvation. In His name we can have trust.

We also need to endure tests and keep our faith.

"Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him." James I:12 

Jesus loves all and wants all to get that crown. We are so precious for Him.


Morris Ruddick



(c) Morris E. Ruddick

"The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a wedding for his son. But those invited made light of it and went, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest seized his servants and killed them. When the king heard, he was furious. He sent out his armies to destroy the murderers and their city. Then he said to his servants, those invited were not worthy; go into the thoroughfares of the city and as many as you find, invite to the wedding. They gathered all they found, both bad and good. So, the wedding hall was filled. When the king came in, he saw one without a wedding garment and said, 'friend, how did you come without a wedding garment?' He was speechless. Then the king commanded, 'bind him and cast him into outer darkness; where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' For many are called, but few are chosen."  Matthew 22:2-14

The spiritual climate defines the heart of a society. It controls the power that reigns. It has been a key target in the struggle between good and evil for ages past.

The unrighteous quest for power, masked by the perception of a utopian society, ruled by an all-knowing, supposedly "for the common good" governmental system, manifested with Hitler's Germany. At its core was the strategy of the "big lie." These were propositions laced with hope, yet so outrageous that the inclination by those under its rule, was by faith to believe them, as the communications people were subjected to were controlled by the government.

This is the same undercurrent and hope that draws adherents into radical Muslim sects. Such perverse, subtle perceptions are the foundation of the premise being presented by secular-progressive political thinkers.

Yet, this mode of thinking is only superficially political. It is spiritual.

The basis of today's world of political correctness is fast closing the gap with the world described in George Orwell's 1949 novel titled "Nineteen Eighty-Four." Orwellian "1984" terms include "Big-Brother," group-think, speak-crimes and new-speak.

It portrays a government-controlled tyranny in which power, absolute power, is sought for its own end. It is a world of omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation.

Another "futuristic" novel of its time, published in 1931 by Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World," presents a world of pervasive psychological manipulation designed to bring the change to create a conformist, robotic-thinking society.

One of the most subtle dynamics of this premise is the removal of honor from a society's leadership. Without honor, things quickly digress into unrighteousness and lawlessness.

The opening parable in Matthew 22 uncovers the potent nature of this issue of honor. When the king announced plans for his son's wedding, pointing to the succession and his reign, it was met with rebellion and dishonor. Upon recovery, as the wedding finally was begun, those called who failed to meet the standard and respond with the honor due the spiritual significance of this event were dealt with decisively.

The Keys and the Standard
God's people, whose identities are fully in Him, hold the keys and are the key to drawing the line with this age-old conflict defining the spiritual climate. As bearers of this truth, God's people have been and are a target. If the strategy of convincing them to be like everyone else falls short, then they become objects for annihilation.

Governments are the means rather than the end. Freedom is the banner by which the Lord reigns. Honor is the underpinning of godly, true freedom.

Long ago, God established a standard within the community of His people. That standard is what we refer to as truth and the knowledge of His ways. When this standard, along with His presence are in full operation within the household of faith, then the impact of this spiritual climate on society produces positive ripples from His truth and presence.

The spiritual climate that manifests God's presence holds the potential to change everything around it. The restoration of honor is crucial to this equation.
"When the earth experiences His judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness." Isaiah 26:9

The Two Sides of Honor
The story of Job is a story of honor. Job experienced the bottom dropping out financially and health-wise. Despite his community long considering him as an honorable man, his circumstances drew accusations bringing his honor into question.

Yet, when the realities faced by Job resulted in humility and repentance that triggered a new and profound revelation of God, God honored him with an honor that far outshined that of his community.

The lynchpin that brought Job through to this new consciousness of God was that Job did not blame God. It is a factor marking the foundation of the spiritual climate in which God manifests. In all Job experienced, he upheld God's honor and as a result was conferred with an honor and a new authority that only could come from God.

The Trust Factor
Honor begets trust. In the same "two-sided" way honor is reflected in the story of Job, so the dynamic of trust operates. It is reflected by the trust conferred by man, but the trust that comes from God bears a higher level of knowing and abiding in Him and with that will engender much greater levels of authority and fruit.
"Blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust and has not turned to the proud or to those who lapse into falsehood." Psalm 40:4

Understanding the Times
The spiritual dynamic at play in this hour has been manifesting for decades. It has involved the systematic rebranding and erosion of anything good tied to those called by His Name. It has sought to recast issues of foundational and honorable heritage. It has been a strategy of dishonor in the age-old conflict of Babylon and Chaldea.

"O God, do not remain silent and do not be still. For behold, Your enemies make an uproar, and those who hate You have exalted themselves. They make shrewd plans against Your people and conspire together against Your treasured ones. They have said, 'Come and let us wipe them out that the name of Israel be remembered no more.' For they have conspired together with one mind; against You they make a covenant." Psalm 83:1-5

Babylon and Chaldea are the chief strongholds that war against God and His people. Babylon is the spirit of the world, without the true God, empowered and propped up by Chaldea, the spirit of sorcery, the very gates of the devil's supernatural power.

The Confrontation
Still, the Bible is replete with the history of individuals and communities who would not waver in the face of death and who changed kingdoms and nations as a result. God has long reversed the bondages of evil through ones who have refused to waver before evil.

"Through you I will break nations in pieces. Through you I will destroy kingdoms and strongholds. Through you I will shatter governors and rulers. And I the Lord will repay Babylon and Chaldea." Jeremiah 51:20, 23-23

These verses in Jeremiah unveil not only the stand and the confrontational role of the household of faith against the powers-to-be in the natural, but it uncovers the source of their power, which God Himself will judge when we have done our part.

Rick Joyner recently commented on a word the Lord spoke to him: that revival would come when the hearts of the children return to the fathers. The issue evolves around honor. Whether it is the entertainment industry or news industry, the last few decades have seen a systematic erosion of the response to the honor of any who uphold righteous values, especially targeting the role of righteous fathers.

The response begins with the household of faith. At the heart of this matter is the societal standard, how the household of faith lives in community. The honorable demonstration of the reality of God according to His standard is what the world, losing its grip on hope, longs for. It is the factor that prompts the reality of God to manifest.

"So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him [and put him to flight]." Isaiah 59:19 NKJV and Amplified

This manifesting consciousness of God's presence will short-circuit the masks and illusions perpetuated by evil and change the spiritual climate in its wake. At its root is the employment of power by God's people, righteous power.

Spiritual Climate Change
The spiritual climate is regulated by and governed by the role of the true intercessor and with that the culture of the community of God's people.

"Justice is turned back and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter. So truth fails and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. But the LORD saw it and it displeased Him. He wondered that there was no intercessor." Isaiah 59:14-16

Numbers 25:10 describes the intentionality of intercession needed to change the spiritual climate. It tells how Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron stood in the gap and made atonement for the sin of the Israelites. His intercession was described as being zealous for God's honor. Because of that his descendents were conferred a covenant of a lasting priesthood.

The prophet Daniel stood in the gap, repenting and making atonement for the iniquity of His people. It takes the righteous to operate with this anointing and with this level of authority.
"Then Daniel turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer and petition, with fasting and sackcloth and ashes." Daniel 9:3

Today's righteous prophetic intercessors must accept their role of standing in the gap and repenting and making supplication as Phinehas and Daniel did. In no way overlooking the potential of the role of righteous political leaders, the household of faith in the West has been guilty of putting their trust in the government for their answers while succumbing to confusion, as the anti-God forces have systematically usurped the elements of authority bearing on the spiritual climate of our society.

In the mid-1980s there was a planning conference held in Boulder, Colorado by gay activists. They mapped out a 25 year plan and proceeded to execute it. Their influence and agendas went beyond talking the talk and penetrated key circles of the media, entertainment industry, politics and even technology and business. They declared war, while the Christian community at the time was consumed with a mix of abuses of power and division -- or simply found themselves confusing their role in upholding a higher standard with projecting a superficial image of being "nice people."

 Spiritual climate change will not come without unequivocal confrontation.
"Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at the sorcerer saying, "You who are full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? Now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing for a time." Acts 13:9

The Maturity Factor
Operational maturity within the household of faith is no longer an option. For far too long we've promulgated a mind-set of being a band of followers, ever-learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The great deception in this mode of thinking is that spiritual maturity is somehow tied to a higher level of doctrinal knowledge. That's the "one ups-man" approach the Pharisees gave the people. It immobilized them. Jesus came to set the people free from that trap and mobilize them. True spiritual maturity is putting your faith in action, being doers of the word and not hearers only, who deceive themselves (James 1:22).

Elijah risked it all to face overwhelming odds arrayed against him in order to confront evil and uphold God's honor. All it takes is a righteous remnant with the faith and courage to risk everything.

"Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen the storehouse of hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?"
Job 38:22, 23

The wedding feast is fast approaching, which will distinguish those who will be the chosen from those called.

The heroes of faith spoken of in the book of Hebrews were not seduced by their comforts or their quest to sustain their survival. They conformed to the truth spoken of by Jesus that the greatest love (John 15:13) is that evidenced by those willing to give up their lives for God's honor and for those who would follow them. Some did just that. Some, in facing the crucible, walked into spectacular miracles.

Such a resolute mind-set is the maturity factor needed to trigger His glory and change the spiritual climate. God's glory will not abide with the glory sought by men. The ground occupied by those willing to sacrifice at the level Jesus pointed to is sacred ground. God is not looking for glory-hounds, but rather the Stephens and those with the spirit and spiritual maturity to confront the realities and uphold God's honor with their all.

"The LORD said to Moses, 'Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my honor among them, so that in my zeal I did not put an end to them. Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him.  He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites.'" Num 25:10-13

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from www.Amazon.comwww.apple.com/ibooksand www.BarnesandNoble.com.

Global Initiatives Foundation (www.strategic-initiatives.org) is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card athttp://strategicintercession.org/support/

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your congregation on the wisdom the persecuted church has for the West or on anointing the creative.

2015 Copyright Morris Ruddick -- sign@strategicintercession.org

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:http://www.strategicintercession.org
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt ministry.

Jonathan Cahn: God Doesn't Have to do Anything at the Climax of the Shemitah

Jonathan Cahn: God Doesn't Have to do Anything at the Climax of the Shemitah

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has some strong words for America, but cautions God is not bound by the Shemitah cycle.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has some strong words for America, but cautions God is not bound by the Shemitah cycle. (YouTube)
With Roe v. Wade and now Obergefell v. Hodges, America has hammered the final nail in coffin of standing on biblical principles.
"We are watching changes of tectonic significance, the ground is shifting beneath our feet," says New York Times best-selling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. 
No longer are we looking to God to inspire our government.
Instead, we are calling ourselves a post-Christian nation. Watch the video to see what that means for our future. 
The Charisma Podcast Network is now live. Featuring a variety of programs including news, leadership, inspiring stories, women's topics, sports, and even more.
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Monday, July 6, 2015

I'm Excited About The Sequel to the Movie God's Not Dead

I'm Excited About The Sequel to the Movie God's Not Dead

Some of the cast members from "God's Not Dead 2," including Melissa Joan Hart, third from right.
Some of the cast members from "God's Not Dead 2," including Melissa Joan Hart, third from right.
One of the most successful Christian movies of 2014 was a low-budget film about apologetics called God's Not Dead. It was made for a little over $1 million, but grossed $100 million at the box office, including DVD sales. It now has more than 7 million fans on Facebook.
I knew about the movie before it happened because it was based on the book by the same title written by my longtime friend Rice Broocks. I knew Rice was a passionate apologist for the Christian faith and skilled at explaining complex Christian concepts in a way anyone could understand. I was also aware of the many faith films being made—most of them were mediocre. So I was skeptical when Rice called wanting coverage for the movie, especially since they were having trouble getting theaters to screen the movie. But wanting to encourage any effort to bring Christ into the wider culture, we gave the movie extensive coverage right at its release launch.   
I'm not the only one who liked the movie. When we ran our article, it was shared and reshared by our readers. The first weekend, the relatively few theaters showing the film were nearly sold out. The number of theaters showing the movie doubled the second week. Clearly something was happening. The rest is history.
I tell you this because last week I visited the set for God's Not Dead 2 in Arkansas. I was the guest of Troy Duhon, who provided the funding for the first God's Not Dead movie (which an insider told me may be one of the most successful movies in history based on return on investment).
I wasn't sure what to expect for a sequel, though. Would it be the same actors in a different setting? I rewatched the first as I flew to the set and noticed all sorts of subtleties in plot and characterization that I missed the first time I saw it.
I was impressed again by how good the movie was: the acting, cinematography, the Louisiana State University location. The film even featured a huge rock concert from the Newsboys and a scene where car struck and killed one of the main characters (but not before he accepted Christ).
The basis of the plot is how a young Christian university student defended his faith (using apologetics arguments from Rice Broocks' book) in his philosophy class before a hostile atheistic professor. Yet it had interesting subplots that somehow all fit together: a leftist reporter who discovered she was dying of cancer, and a Muslim student expelled from her home when she accepted Christ (but her father, who was a strict Muslim, was shown to be emotionally torn over losing his daughter).
Another subplot was the anguish of a Christian mother with Alzheimer's. But when she spoke with her wayward selfish son, she spoke about spiritual things with clarity as if she was being led by the Holy Spirit.  
The movie had star power: Willie and Korie Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame made two short appearances as themselves that added to the plot.
Hollywood has taken notice that clean "faith-friendly movies" are more successful than R-rated films. I'm constantly being invited to screenings where the marketers are hoping Christians will pack the theaters and fill marketers' pockets with money. I walked out of one screening recently, horribly disappointed at a movie that claimed to be faith based, but was nothing more than a Catholic priest, a couple of Scriptures and a heart-warming plot. It didn't come close to communicating the gospel or even real Christians being a light in a dark world.
But God's Not Dead filled this need—a strong Christian witness in a well-written, well-acted film. Its sequel is about a high school teacher, played by Melissa Joan Hart, who is arrested for speaking about Jesus in the classroom.
The movie climaxes with a courtroom scene in Little Rock, complete with real experts playing themselves being called to testify.
I was pleasantly surprised by what I heard and saw. The stars like Melissa Joan Hart and Sadie Robertson were likable and seemed passionate about this new movie. Everyone I talked to from Director Harold Cronk down to the extras said they believed the movie would help teach a generation of Christians how to defend their faith in an increasingly hostile environment.
It was fun watching the takes and retakes and to watch and listen on the monitors at Benton High School in Benton, Arkansas, about a half-hour outside of Little Rock. They used an actual classroom and some local teens, along with members of some Christian bands and the children of a few well-known Christian leaders as students in the school.
Troy was at my side most of the day, explaining the movie business and talking about some of the exciting things that resulted from the first God's Not Dead movie. He also gave me a play by play on what I was seeing and who was who. But when he would reel off how this actor or that actress was on some well-known network TV program, I was clueless because I don't follow those programs.
Many of the actors professed to be Christians, including Hart—who I know as a spokesperson for Wal-Mart—who told me being in the movie allowed her to "come out" as a Christian in Hollywood.
I've traveled the world, interviewed three U.S. presidents and spoken at the United Nations. But I was unprepared for how much fun this was. Even though I play the role of a CEO at the office, I think I must still be a reporter at heart, because I quickly fell back into that role as I interviewed Troy the financier, Harold the director and some of the stars.
While at the filming, I recorded numerous interviews to be used on upcoming podcasts of The Strang Report. You won't want to miss them over the next few weeks. If you haven't subscribed, click here to do so. We're excited how the number of our podcast subscribers is growing every day.
The first time around, no one knew how God's Not Dead would succeed. The promoters were starting from scratch to get an audience. This time around, they have a brand, and many people like me eager to see what is next. How many of their 7 million fans on Facebook do you think will want to see the sequel?
Leave your comments on what you thought about God's Not Dead or this trend toward faith-friendly films in Hollywood. Share this with your friends. Let's get a buzz going in anticipation of this exciting new movie that I believe will be better than the first.
Steve Strang is the founding editor and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook stephenestrang.
The Charisma Podcast Network is now live. Featuring a variety of programs including news, leadership, inspiring stories, women's topics, sports, and even more.
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'90 Minutes in Heaven' Resurrects on the Big Screen

'90 Minutes in Heaven' Resurrects on the Big Screen

ATLANTA -- It's a story that's captured hearts around the world and addresses the question, "What happens after this life is over?"
After being translated into 46 different languages, Don Piper's best-selling book 90 Minutes in Heaven is now being resurrected on the big screen.
The movie will tell the story that began on a Texas highway in 1989. Don Piper was traveling from a conference when a truck plowed into his car head on. Piper broke every bone in his body except his right arm from the impact. His heart flatlined when the paramedics arrived.
As traffic passed, the accident scene caught the attention of passerby Dick Onarecker, who happened to be a pastor. Onarecker begged police to let him enter the car to pray for the victim. The police repeatedly dismissed the request, since Piper had no pulse.
Watch a preview and commentary from Don Piper below.
After numerous attempts, Onarecker finally got permission to enter the car. There sitting under the body tarp with Piper's lifeless body. Onarecker began to pray for a miracle.
"Dick was singing that hymn, 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus,'" Piper told CBN's Angela Zatopek. "After about an hour and a half, I apparently started singing it with him. I was back."
It's a modern day Lazarus story. But what happened in those 90 minutes?
"The moment the truck struck me, I was standing at the gates of heaven," Piper said.
He remembered his visit to heaven in vivid detail and knew he couldn't stay silent. His book has brought comfort to many searching for faith after losing loved ones.
Now the film version will bring his story to life in a whole new way.
"On a personal level, the movie is kind of a logical conclusion. People can see now what we felt. What they read about and it will be portrayed very well by some very fine actors," Piper said.
Actor Hayden Christensen from "Star Wars" plays Piper, and Kate Bosworth from "Remember the Titans," portrays his wife, Eva Piper.
"I love that he refers to her as the real hero of the story because I do believe she held it all together with such grace and patience and dignity. This is certainly a huge aspect to the success of his life and their family. I am incredibly honored to be apart of it," Bosworth said.
The film also includes singer Michael W. Smith, E! News Jason Kennedy, as well as some new faces to the big screen playing the Pipers' children.
While skeptics still debate stories of other people claiming they have gone to Heaven, Piper's story stands apart. His heart was declared flatlined by medics for 90 minutes. With the question of his death off the table, producers were careful to keep the script to the true story.
Piper described the gate of heaven he stood at much like the inside of a pearl filled with dazzling light. The gate stands ornate and large, but the entrance is narrow.
Piper said the entrance is clearly only for the entry of one.
"I saw colors I've never seen before. I heard angels, not their voices, but their wings," he said. "Hearing music, thousands of songs but it wasn't chaos. Only one song distinginguished itself ... "Holy Holy Holy"... because He is."
The film is set to release Sept. 11, 2015, as a story of hope. It aims to show the power of prayer and make audiences think, "What's important in this life?"
"I came back from heaven with a question, 'Who are you going to greet?'" Piper said. "I think that's why we're all still here… those of us who are followers of Jesus are here to help others get there."

Video: Caesarea National Park

Video: Caesarea National Park

Sunday, July 05, 2015 |  Israel Today staff
Caesarea’s antiquities park is one of Israel’s most impressive parks, housing unique buildings from various periods, bearing silent witness to the upheavals that have visited Caesarea over the past 2,300 years. Standing side by side over an area of 500 dunams (125 acres), there are architectural remains from the Hellenistic period (the 3rd century BCE) to the Crusader period (the 12th century), when Caesarea was a port city and spent many years as Israel’s capital.
Caesarea was given to King Herod as a present by Augustus Caesar and is named after him. Herod built a massive port there alongside entertainment facilities, bathhouses and temples. In the Byzantine period, the Crusader period the city was fortified with walls and gates, which were eventually destroyed by the Mamluk Conquest in the 13th century never to be rebuilt.
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