Monday, August 28, 2017

Israel: We'll Bomb Assad's Palace if Iran Expands in Syria - CBN News John Waage

Israel: We'll Bomb Assad's Palace if Iran Expands in Syria
CBN News John Waage
JERUSALEM, Israel – A senior Israeli official has issued a warning to Russia that the Israeli military will bomb Syrian President Bashar Assad's palace in Damascus if Russia allows Iran to make military advances in Syria.
The official added another caution in the Al-Hayat al-Jadida newspaper that if regional changes don't take place in the current advance by Iran, Israel will act to scuttle the Syrian ceasefire deal recently concluded by the U.S. and Russian governments in Kazakhstan.
The warnings came during a meeting last week on the Black Sea between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
According to Reuters, Netanyahu told Putin, "Iran is already well on its way to controlling Iraq, Yemen and to a large extent is already in practice in control of Lebanon."
He said Israel will act unilaterally if need be to halt Iran's influence in Syria and added, "We cannot forget for a single minute that Iran threatens every day to annihilate Israel."

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Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church: This Is Going to Devastate Us for Years to Come - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Texas National Guard soldiers assist citizens in heavily flooded areas from the storms of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, Aug. 27, 2017. Picture taken Aug. 27, 2017.
Texas National Guard soldiers assist citizens in heavily flooded areas from the storms of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, Aug. 27, 2017. Picture taken Aug. 27, 2017. (Lt. Zachary West/U.S. Texas Military Department/Handout via REUTERS )

Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church: This Is Going to Devastate Us for Years to Come

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

"If you don't laugh, you'll cry," Lakewood Church's Senior Communications Director Don Iloff tells Charisma News while standing outside in the pouring rain in Houston.
Though the megachurch has received some flak for not opening its doors as an emergency shelter, there's virtually no access to Joel Osteen's campus, which is considered one of the largest in the country. Instead, staff and volunteers are meeting through conference calls to coordinate efforts. The church, located in Houston's inner loop, is just a few miles away from the city's largest shelter, the George R. Brown Convention Center. 
Although Harvey's damage was initially labeled as a once-in-500 years flood, Iloff says it's now closer to 1-in-800.
"We are this city," he says. "When you talk about 75,000-80,000 members of the church with 45,000-50,000 showing up on any given weekend, not to mention visitors, when you talk about Lakewood, you're talking about city. It's blacks, whites, Hispanics, rich and poor, everything. It's been interesting the last several days. We've had members and staff who have been rescuers, and members and staff who have been rescued. Nothing like this has ever occurred."
More than 3,000 National Guard troops have been deployed to the state, and ministries from around the country have loaded trucks with supplies to serve the refugees.
Iloff says Lakewood's efforts will be more focused on the aftermath.
"Right now, it's hard to know how devastating it's going to be. Even FEMA doesn't know the scope until the waters recede," Iloff says. "That's really where we're going to end up make the biggest impact, and we're going to make efforts for years to come. Lakewood is currently involved in our community, and we have lot of efforts happening in an ongoing basis, like in the 5th Ward, around the city, and we're working with everyone we can imagine. Our membership is so diverse, and we work with homeless, with unwed mothers. ... We truly believe that because this is such a big deal, that this storm is a such devastating thing, our efforts are dealing with this storm in almost everything we do from this point forward at least a year, years to come."
It's the diversity that hits home for Iloff.
Leading up to the hurricane-turned-tropical storm, Iloff says the media focused on division. Stories dove into the racism in Charlottesville and the aftermath as the country considered how to handle statues commemorating the Civil War Confederacy. Headlines read of free speech—or lack thereof—of intense protests over the president's actions. But in Houston, diversity breeds heroics.
In flood pictures, black men carry small white children, white women help elderly Hispanic people, Hispanic people hand out water to whoever is in need—regardless of skin color or religion.
"Maybe it's because I go to Lakewood, which is very diverse, and we love each other and focus on the greater good, which is Jesus Christ," Iloff says. "We all focus on something greater than ourselves. They don't pay attention to the differences between us because commonality is so important. Our race doesn't matter. I'm a believer, you're a believer.
"I don't know that mainstream media is missing it, and right now, I hope they focus on the heroic love and sacrifice that people are making for one another regardless of any kind of difference they may have with that other person. I hope they continue to cover this, not necessarily dividing us up. At least it's good for us, and it's really bringing about making us aware of how much more alike we are than different. You can drown no matter what your religion, your ethnicity. Water can kill us all. We all need to be saved. We are all one, and it takes these things to make people realize that. That is something good to come from this."
For those who want to pray for Houston, Iloff has two requests that boil down to one word: Strength.
"Strength is the single most important thing, the ability to endure through this and after. I think, in the aftermath, that people strengthen their faith. A lot of faith is tested right now, because the single greatest question that comes to us is, 'How did God let this happen?'" We also hear, 'Why did this happen?' 'Why do bad things happen to good people?' and other big faith questions. ... During this storm, pray for endurance, and in the aftermath, pray that our faith is strengthened, because it's up to Christians to answer these hard questions."
Jessilyn Justice is the director of online news for Charisma. Born and raised in a pastor's family in Alabama, she attended Lee University and the Washington Journalism Center. She's passionate about sharing God's goodness through storytelling. Tell her what you think of this story on Twitter @jessilynjustice.
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Prophetic Word to Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu - youngest person to ever be elected as Prime Minister of Israel.

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu was the youngest person to ever be elected as Prime Minister of Israel. During his first term as Prime Minister in the late 1990s a Christian African minister named Robert Mawire received a word from God that he must speak to the leader of Israel.

Robert came to Dallas Texas to meet the man who would introduce him to Netanyahu. Benjamin agreed to give him a minute to give his word while jokingly telling Robert to “remember what we do to prophets who say things that don’t come true”. Of course, he was referring to Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
Robert’s first prophetic word to Netanyahu.

Undeterred, Robert turns to Netanyahu and tells him “I have placed you in this position, says the Lord. Do not give up my land. If you do give up my land, I will remove you from this position”.
Benjamin kind of laughed and didn’t take it seriously. One of the people who was there to witness the warning was Ariel Sharon, a man who would later become Prime Minister and give up land for peace that never came. Ariel had a stroke, that put him in a comma for eight years and then he died.
"I have placed you in this position, says the Lord. Do not give up My land."
After the prophecy was given, then President Bill Clinton pressured Netanyahu to give up some of the land to PLO leader, Yasser Arafat. Not long after that, Benjamin’s government collapsed and he was removed from power.

A number of years later, then ex-Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Florida at a gathering in support of Israel. The same African minister says “I have another word. I have to speak to him again” and he gets access to Netanyahu again. This time, Netanyahu remembers Robert and takes him seriously.
Robert’s second prophetic word to Netanyahu.

Robert says to Netanyahu, “You will once again become Prime Minister of Israel. If you honor His covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, regarding Israel, He will honor you and exalt you. But if you disregard His covenant and give away His land, He will dishonor you. Be strong and of good courage, for unto this people you shall divide an inheritance, the land that I swore to their fathers that I would give them. Do not ever negotiate land for peace… God is not done with you. You will be Prime Minister again in a critical time of history.”

Now about this time, Barak Obama became president of the United States and Benjamin Netanyahu became Prime minister of Israel again, according to the prophecy. The Obama administration had pressured Benjamin to give up land, and even tried to get him removed from power. For a time, it looked like Netanyahu would be removed from office but, almost miraculously, Netanyahu was re-elected. Not only that but he’s about to become the longest serving Prime minister in the history of Israel.

But something else was said to Netanyahu in that prophecy, which was this, “You will be the Prime minister for the restoration of the tabernacle of David.”

The tabernacle can signify any of the following:
The kingdom of Israel
The throne of David
The church of God
The temple of Jerusalem
"You will be the Prime minister for the restoration of the tabernacle of David."
What does this prophecy mean?

A while later, Robert saw Netanyahu again and Netanyahu pulled out a picture, held it up and said “This is what it’s all about”.

What was the picture? It was a picture of the future temple of Jerusalem.
Friends, in this prophetic period of history, we need to be watchful for the signs of the end times. We can’t ignore what’s happening in the world. And for our sake, we need to support Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). 

While you’re at it, pray for Benjamin Netanyahu that he will never again give up God’s land.

God blesses those who bless Israel,

Moses Julius

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Moses Julius Yes Advocate shaib 
It's very interesting information

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Victor Amanat Advo HallelYah

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Missiah Mussa Gill HallelYah

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What should we make of the Law of Moses, now Messiah has come? - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 
Aug. 28, 2017


We often get asked about how we understand the Law of Moses, now that Yeshua has come, and it can be hard to answer in one sentence - the answer is not simple! 

We have been working on a fuller explanation about our love of the Torah and how it all points to Yeshua in our new book, "READING MOSES, SEEING JESUS".

Some people get caught up in trying to diligently keep Jewish laws and traditions... or go to the other extreme of not seeing why the Jewish scriptures matter at all today, and miss the beauty and power of God's word. We hope to share with you where we stand on these important, biblical matters.

How do you relate to the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, as a follower of the Messiah?

In "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus", we give our Messianic Jewish perspective to the following questions:
  • What is the purpose of the law?
  • Why did God give the Torah in the first place?
  • Did Messiah come to point us back to the law?
  • Are we under the law?
  • Should we follow Rabbinic traditions?
  • What about our Hebraic Roots?
  • Should we keep the Torah? How?
In this short book, Dr. Seth Postell (our Academic Dean), Eitan Bar (Media-Evangelism Director), and Dr. Erez Soref deal with these questions. 

If you enjoy the book, it would be a great blessing to us if you would give it the rating you feel it deserves on Amazon, and leave a positive review! 

Here are some of the reviews it has received from Christian leaders so far:
(read more reviews here)

Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus is a tremendous resource for anyone interested in understanding the 'whole counsel' of Scripture, the fundamental purpose of the Mosaic law, the power of the Messianic prophecies, and how to engage in effective and fruitful Jewish evangelism and discipleship. 

I absolutely loved this book and highly recommend it to pastors and lay people alike!"

"Exegetically solid, theologically sound, contemporaneously relevant, eminently readable - all these qualifers are true and will prove to be vindicated by its intended readership. Especially commendable - and that lends it authenticity - is the fact that its authors are Israeli scholars who embrace messianic faith that names Jesus of Nazareth as Savior and Lord. This is a must!"

If you would like to meet us and hear more about the great things that God is doing in Israel, you are welcome to join one of our banquets where we will share about the ministry, and how you can be involved. 

The Concept Of Sin From A Hebrew Perspective

The condition of sin is like a swamp - the more we try to fight it ourselves, the deeper we sink. A cosmic swamp that all creation is affected by.
Due to the sinful condition humanity is in, no one can escape, we are all affected. No one can stand before a holy God, claiming "I had nothing to do with this". Just as being stuck in a swamp, there is nothing we can do but only to hope that someone from the outside will reach out to rescue us and pull us out - we need God Himself to provide the way of justification for us! Continue reading...

The Month Of Elul: A Time To Turn

In the Hebrew calendar, we are now in the month of Elul - a special month of preparation and repentance before the "Ten Days of Awe" starting with Rosh HaShanah (the Feast of Trumpets) and continuing until Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement ten days later. It's time to turn our backs on sin and turn towards God again. It's a time to turn away from the world, and look to the face of the One who loves and leads us. If we want to say "repent" in Hebrew we say, "Lachzor be Tshuva" - to return to the answer. Actually the two words both imply a return - one is to return as one might go away from home and return later, and the other is from the root word to respond, or reply, to come back with an answer. Continue reading...

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