You are awake. You see how the overreach of radical leftists has permanently ruined people’s lives. You have come to realize they aren’t trying save the lives of everyone— just the ‘preferred’ lives—the lives of those who advance their narrative; the lives of those who, in their minds, justify this draconian house arrest, this imposition of undeclared martial law.
You see how lives are being lost to suicide—because people’s jobs, homes, and hopes have gone up in flames. But those losses don’t count. The thousands, who in every economic crash become addicted and overdose, don’t count either. Opioid overdoses are expected to claim 25,000 lives in the U.S., this year.
What would we learn if we could really calculate how many people the lockdown is killing? Even if it’s killing more than it is saving, it would not matter to the Left. What if the permanent damage to our economy is the real horror? We will never know, because that kind of investigation is strictly verboten.
This lockdown is vital to the Left. They need it. They need it because their plan is to topple Trump and make socialism appealing. They need the Deep State-controlled media to keep touting its benefits—it’s their new “inconvenient truth.” It’s their humanitarian camouflage. It’s why they unceasingly shame voices like yours and mine.
Gavin Newsom just confirmed what we suspected. He will oppress the churches in California for months. Banning singing is just the beginning. This is the abuse of the shutdown to punish the church I predicted. His malice is just starting. Wait’ll Newsom really gets his hands on the church.
In a national crisis, all lives should matter. Logical people would conclude that there will never be a day when there is no risk, and because of that, we must make some hard choices in order to save the most lives. Such logic evaporates under the tyranny of zealots with a raging fever to control every aspect of human life.
But just being aware that America is being destroyed is not enough. If you have fire in your belly, that is not enough either. We must take action, both as Christians and as patriots. So then, what do we do?
We begin with a rude awakening. It was ‘safe church,’ led by impotent shepherds, oozing false politeness and allowing ignorance of both government and the Bible that frittered away our rights as Americans. We were told by those in power to be nice little Christians, when instead, we should have been equipping disciples capable of pushing back the evil.
Next, you need to quit fooling yourself about what it will take to save America. Decades of neglect and apathy have forced God to use strong medicine on us. Trump was a key part of that medicine—medicine that is hard for many to swallow.
So, here are your instructions:
STEP 1. Separate yourself from the carnal church which is aiding and abetting the failure of the Body of Christ to impact this culture. You must ask yourself: Why is your time, money, and allegiance going to a shell corporation with religious overtones? Why are you sitting under leadership that never mentions repentance, the Bible, the Cross, the Blood, or revival?
How can you expect to pray prayers that prevail unless you are in the company of serious believers who are contending in the Spirit for mercy and revival?
Satan loves the Laodicean churches. He knows they are distracting the people from forming a true army of God.
STEP 2. Preachers must repent. They need to repent of the fear of losing tithing members and the need for acceptance, so they can lead God’s people to urgent prayer, repentance, and training. This repentance is especially needed among urban minority pastors who know the Democrat party hates Jesus and the Bible, but are too afraid of breaking ranks with tradition and race. The blood of a nation is on the hands of preachers who know better, but refuse to obey the Holy Spirit
STEP 3. Empower those among us who already understand the system—who are actively engaged in confronting politicians. Churches have vehemently opposed voter registration. How crazy is that?! So many have tried to show us who to call, write or email, but it has been ignored. Men of God, such as Lance Wallnau, Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ, and David Barton of Wall Builders, immediately come to mind. But there are many more worthy ministries in the political arena. Just make sure you find a ministry that has a plan, and not just platitudes.
There are many ministries that are gifted in assisting and organizing the church to be politically active. We need to start listening to them, and get to work.
STEP 4. Civil disobedience. Yes, it has come to this. We need to understand the ins and outs of illegal laws and prepare to resist them. When it is clear that a law violates the Constitution and the Word of God, we must find ways to refuse to obey those laws. This civil disobedience can be well planned and peacefully executed. We need leadership!
When the left moves to shut down the church, after the pandemic threat is over, that is when we say a loud and collective, “No!” and risk arrest, if necessary. The church which has been a cruise ship for so long must turn back into a battleship.
God will give you courage you never imagined. God will give you wisdom from beyond this world. God is looking for someone just like you to transform this dark situation. It’s your turn to do what heroes of faith have done down through the ages.
Hebrews 11:33-34, “…who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight foreign armies.”
P.S. A Special message to all of our friends from Mario Murillo Ministries
Why do we offer you books? It is certainly not to blunt the impact of the message you just read. In fact, these books reinforce the message we are trying to spread. More on that in a moment. So, why do we offer them to you?
When the pandemic closed our tent crusades, church meetings and rallies, the Holy Spirit commanded Mario to keep our staff on at full salary, and trust Him. He obeyed and God has provided. But another thing the Holy Spirit grants are wise ideas. And we needed one. That is when the War Chest Collection was born.
If you look at the page you will see no advertising. And there never will be. And if you get our newsletter you will see that we have stopped raising money for projects we can’t do right now. But even that was not good enough for us.
In this pandemic we needed something that was truly a win-win situation. We prayed for something that would help the people, and us, that was not a garish fund raiser.
Then, we remembered how John Wesley taught his young preachers to always bring books with them that would help the people. Why not then, at a time when people have time to read, offer them something that will empower them and at the same time keep us strong and ready to go as soon as the door reopens?
We are amazed at the impact of Vessels of Fire and Glory. That book is not just blessing people—it has started a movement! Critical Mass remains required reading in many Christian schools and has never stopped influencing people who pray for revival. Edgewise offers wisdom for living in the last days. Together they provide you with solid, hard-hitting and encouraging truth. Not a bad thing just now.
The War Chest Collection has handed the enemy a double defeat by empowering God’s people and keeping us strong and ready.
Thank you for listening and get your War Chest Collection today. Turn your summer read into equipping, encouragement, and fire! We are all going to come out of this mightier than ever! -Mario Murillo Ministries
The War Chest Collection: three powerful books by Mario Murillo for only $27. This amazing offer includes free shipping and a signed copy of Vessels of Fire and Glory. The war chest is an army’s first order for victory. The doors will soon open for tent crusades and we must replenish our war chest. This is a true win-win situation. Not only will you get three excellent books for only $27 but your money will go toward winning souls.
Use this link to order right now
mariomurilloministries | July 8, 2020 at 10:57 pm