Sunday, February 9, 2014

Money and Faith: Can the Two Walk Together? - ISRAEL TODAY

Money and Faith: Can the Two Walk Together?

Sunday, February 09, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY  
In the wake of celebrity Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto’s supposed attempt to bribe a senior police officer, Finance Minister Yair Lapid stated, “Three tycoons were known to counsel rabbis - Moti Ziser, Ilan Ben Dov and Nochi Dankner – all of whom saw their [financial] empires crumble. Maybe they should have consulted economists rather than rabbis.”
In the increasingly tense debate between religious and secular views in Israel, Lapid seized the opportunity provided by Rabbi Pinto to widen the divide between the spiritual and the material. Money and faith, so Lapid and many Israelis believe, are two unrelated and even opposing spheres.
Pinto set a bad example, so be sure, but to conclude from his scandal that rabbis should not be consulted on financial matters is like concluding from one rotten apple that all apples should be avoided.
Moreover, in light of the presumably sound economic theories and policies that led the Western world into financial crisis, relying on economists for good counsel is apparently as risky as consulting a rabbi.
People’s ill judgment in the financial sphere, as well as just about every other sphere of human life, is ultimately a testimony of human frailty, not a rebuttal of spirituality. If anything, that the ultra-rich, who presumably don’t need any help on financial matters, would seek spiritual guidance should have been cause for concern that they are unable to find the good counsel they need from secular economists.
There are those who will insist that the rich, just as the poor, are simply superstitious. Be that as it may, I believe more credit should be given to one who seeks the company of a rabbi, or the spirituality that he represents.
A case in point was the 2008 gathering of 500 of Israel’s upper echelon in honor of Rabbi Haim Kovalski, who had earned great respect among many Israelis due to his Project Meorot Hadaf Hayomi that aimed to help every Jew study the Talmud on a daily basis.
Asked by a reporter what a respected lawyer was doing at such an event, Gideon Fischer replied: “…people are looking for a wise man. A rabbi has no radio and he doesn’t read secular newspapers. He knows all that is needed to be known, and avoids everything one need not know and need not read or see. All of his time is devoted to studying and casuistry. He has hundreds of thousands of studying hours, and we, how much time are we wasting on television, nonsense and vain things? We want to sit around a refined person.”
True religious people, and by religious I mean anyone who puts his or her faith to practice, knows that the division Lapid suggests between the spiritual and the material is false at best. The Bible has much to say about debt, usury, alms giving and a host of other purely economic issues that if given their proper weight can bring much relief to individuals and society.
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Pressure Our Enemies, Not Our Friends - Breaking Israel News

Pressure Our Enemies, 

Not Our Friends

Syria is devastated by civil war. Egypt is immersed in violent turmoil by Islamist insurgents. Iran continues to work on advanced centrifuges at an alarming pace. And al-Qaida and affiliated groups continue to threaten traditional Arab regimes and Western interests throughout the area.
With the region aflame, with so many crises demanding attention, the US has made a baffling decision to focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and make it the crux of its Middle East policy.
US Secretary of State Kerry has made nearly a dozen visits to the region in the past year in an unceasing effort to broker an agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. He is expected to announce a framework for a peace deal in the coming weeks.
While everyone wishes for peace, many of us in Congress are troubled that the Obama administration is unduly pressuring Israel into making far-reaching concessions in peace talks with the Palestinians. These are concessions which will be detrimental to its long-term security, and which are likely to backfire.
It is our firm belief that bilateral negotiations between the two sides are the only viable path to a true peace accord. Past history has repeatedly shown that outside pressure – however well intended – is a recipe for failure.
Peace will be made from the ground up – not in the meeting rooms of five-star hotels.
Moreover, our concern over the administration’s heavy-handed tactics is only heightened by the fact that this pressure is coming under the shadow of a nuclear-armed Iran. Indeed, Iran is continuing to spin its centrifuges – and work on more advanced ones – and top Iranian officials have said they will never dismantle them.
We should be putting pressure on our enemies not on our friends.
Especially at this time, Israel must not be coerced into any moves that could endanger its security. It is my belief that a strong majority in Congress share this view.
Israel has legal, moral, historical and security claims to this land. Giving up any of these claims has not brought peace in the past, but has only strengthened those who want to destroy Israel.
A viable peace can only be worked out in direct bilateral negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.
In the meantime, continued economic progress in the West Bank will do more to bring about the kind of solution the US administration wants.
Progress will improve the quality of life of Palestinians, and thereby indirectly weaken Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
A true peace will only be decided in bilateral peace talks that both sides freely agree on. It will certainly not come from unilateral concessions that the US forces upon Israel.
Reprinted from The Jerusalem Post

How pleasant are the footsteps ... Israel365

How pleasant are the footsteps 

of the herald upon the mountains 

announcing peace, heralding good tidings, 

announcing salvation, saying unto Zion, 

'Your God has reigned!'

ISAIAH (52:7)

מַה נָּאווּ עַל הֶהָרִים רַגְלֵי

 מְבַשֵּׂר מַשְׁמִיעַ שָׁלוֹם מְבַשֵּׂר

 טוֹב מַשְׁמִיעַ יְשׁוּעָה אֹמֵר לְצִיּוֹן מָלַךְ אֱ-לֹהָיִךְ

ישעיה נב:ז

ma na-VOO al he-ha-REEM rag-LAY
me-va-SER mash-mee-AH sha-LOME me-va-SER tove
mash-mee-AH ye-shoo-OH oh-MER le-tzee-OWN
ma-LAKH eh-loe-ha-YEEKH
Today’s Israel Inspiration

The first Hebrew word most people learn is “Shalom” שלום
- which has three meanings: Hello, Goodbye and Peace.
The root of the word is very significant in Hebrew as it
describes someone or something that is complete or perfect.
When we say goodbye to someone in Hebrew we bless them,
“Lech Le-shalom“-לך לְשָׁלוֹם – literally “go in peace.” There
are many ways to speak about God and one of them is,
“the One who makes peace in the heavens”- or as we say
in prayer, “oseh shalom bi-meromav“- עוֹשֶׁה שָׁלוֹם במרומיו. -
He who makes peace in high places.

Learn More Hebrew and Enter to Win 2 tickets to
Israel and a Tour of Jerusalem! »

Learn Hebrew - Lesson One
Watch this preview of an eTeacher lesson teaching
basic Biblical Hebrew, starting with the Alef-Beit.
Watch Now »

Former CIA Chief Favors Freeing Jonathan Pollard
In an interview Saturday with Israeli news Channel 10,
former director of the CIA James Woolsey expressed his
 position that Jonathan Pollard ought to be released
after more than 25 years in prison. Read More »

Holy Land in Maps

Get a historical panorama of the maps of the Holy Land:
from a 6th-century mosaic from Jordan; through early
Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic maps; to maps of the
recent past. These graphic representations manifest
the geographical and political changes that have marked
this region over the centuries.

Check out this Amazing Deal »

Today's Israel Photo
Today's beautiful photo by Boruch Len shows the
 mountains of northern Israel.

More Boruch Len Photos »

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Shalom Rabbi Tuly, Thanks for the news, insights and
offers on your daily communication. H.Z.

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Why Israel? - Ahava Love Letter/Now Think On This (Steve Martin)

Why Israel?

“Because I love Jerusalem, I will continue to speak for her; for Jerusalem's sake I will not stop speaking until her goodness shines like a bright light, until her salvation burns bright like a flame.” (Isaiah 62:1 New Century Version)

In 1979 Laurie and I, still newlyweds after two years, were part of a church group in LaSalle/Peru, Illinois. The former Baptist pastors, Stan and Dixie Buren, had gathered a small group of charismatics around them. Many of the members were seeking to be more involved with a national Christian movement called discipleship. To better achieve that purpose, we were invited to a conference held by Shiloh Fellowship in East Lansing, MI. The gathering was at Mackinac Island, in the very north of the great state of Michigan. Laurie and I made the long trip, with our two boys, Josh and Ben in arms, along with a few other carloads.

As a young couple (24 and 20 years old) we were fervently seeking the Lord. We wanted, in our heart of hearts, to be right in the middle of what He was doing. We were going to do what it took to follow Him, trust Him, and see His will come, on earth as it is in heaven. We were strongly committed.

The name of one of the speakers, Derek Prince, was familiar to us. He was an author too. The magazine, New Wine, published in Fort Lauderdale, had regular articles featuring five Bible teachers on a monthly basis. They were Derek, Don Basham, Bob Mumford, Charles Simpson and Ern Baxter. Personally, I devoured the messages each month, appreciating everything that was written. Derek was one of my favorites of the five. 

(To this day I have kept all the editions of the magazine’s publications from 1974-1986. Dick Leggatt, an editor of the magazine over its life span, is now President of DPM-USA, Derek Prince Ministries. Thank you Dick. And eight years after that Mackinac Island conference, in 1987, I began my eight years of working for Derek Prince Ministries, with David Selby, International Director, as my boss. Thank you David!)

Derek Prince

Derek spoke on the last night of the conference, Saturday, and shared a message based on a little pamphlet he had written. It was called “Our Debt To Israel.” The words, spoken straight forward, hit my heart. I knew there was something very special about what he was saying, and that I needed to understand it. For this I am eternally grateful, as he made the Bible’s words on the subject clear, as to why Israel.

Pointing out that the Bible itself was written and accurately kept over these several centuries, by God’s chosen people, the Jews, was the starting point. All of the writers - Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah and more – were all Jews. Because of this reason alone we have a huge debt to the Jewish people.

But the most important reason of all, in regards to our debt to Israel and the Jewish people, is the historical fact that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, was, is, and ever shall be a Jew. He came down from heaven, God becoming man, to the nation of Israel two centuries ago, to bring salvation to the world, both for Jew and Gentile alike.

In our daily reading of the Torah, the Scriptures, the Bible, as believers, we can know and understand the Lord’s heart for the Jewish people, through which He came, and His everlasting love for them now. We can see the fulfillment of His promises of restoration to them, how He has brought them back to their rightful Promised and Holy Land. It is now our part of our debt payment to them, to stand with them to the end of time.

Having been to Israel 11 times as of this writing in February, 2014, my heart for Israel and the Jewish people continues to grow in love and appreciation, with a firm, long standing commitment. Our ministry, Love For His People, founded by Laurie and I in April of 2010, monthly send financial and prayer support to Jewish families in the Land. We are always looking to do more, as God the Father directs.

Why Israel? Because without the Jews, which remain as God’s eternal choice to reveal Himself to the nations, we would not have had a Bible. Nor would we have a living Messiah/Savior.

The Word says that in the last days all the nations will again rise up against these whom have continually been blamed for everything that has gone wrong. Really? Well, it is about time that someone like us, as believers, prove them all liars, and that His eternal Word is true. We are to stand for Israel because the Lord God of Israel, Who sees them as the "apple of His eye", has promised to protect and keep them in His care. He has proven this over and over again.

Why Israel? Because God said so. And that is certainly enough for me and my house. May your heart and commitment be to do the same.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Contribution checks can be sent to: 

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter/Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

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  Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter/Now Think On This #107 - Why Israel?”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.09.14 Sunday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter/Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Now Think On This - Steve Martin's 4th book - Paperback $7.16 and Kindle $3.95 - 144 pages and 50 photos

Messages to strengthen
the hope within,
as you press on with
His love through you.

Available on Amazon: paperback $7.16 and Kindle $1.95

Now Think On This are thoughts I have written and shared on my two blogs Love For His People and Ahava Love Letters/Now Think On This. They cover a variety of topics that believers in Jesus (Yeshua) are interested in. Each one can also be a means of bringing encouragement to you as you walk the daily walk. 

Many times these messages came as a result of inspiration by the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). I would be driving along, and He would give me a thought, which I would then write down on a notecard or whatever piece of paper was handy, If my good wife Laurie was riding with me, I would ask her to write the thought down, so as not to risk our lives while driving down the interstate highway at a high speed, headed to our next destination. 

My previous book of similar messages, Ahava Love Letters, published in the fall of 2013, first began showing up on the written page in November of 2010, after I had returned from Israel for the 10th time. We had just established our ministry to bless friends in Israel and the nations, which we named Love For His People, Inc, in April of 2010. I was asking the Lord for the next directive. His response was to use one of the gifts He had given me – to write. Some would call it a teaching gift. It took me a long time to see it that way, but now I do. And so I write. 

Daily we are bombarded with negative news, pressures of the job, and conflicts to be dealt with. We all need encouragement. We need the assurance that our Creator, the One who knows the plans He has for us, is still in control. These messages will bring you hope, give you the solid sense of His hand on all, and increase your faith to stand strong on your convictions. I purposely kept each one short so you can read them alongside your Bible or other daily material.


Dedication                                                              Page 9

  1. The Father                                                                Page 10

  1. Show Us The Father                                                  Page 12

  1. Hope. Gotta Have It.                                                  Page 15

  1. Love the One You Are With                                        Page 17

  1. Marriage – His Plan. His Purpose. His Way.            Page 20

  1. Explosion of Love                                                      Page 23

  1. Beautiful Bride                                                           Page 25          
  2. What Do You Want                                                    Page 28

  1. The Hiding Place                                                        Page 31

  1. They Are Loved Also                                                 Page 34

  1. Little Orphan Chuckie                                                Page 37

  1. “I Like Mike”                                                             Page 50

  1. Disappointed With Small Beginnings                       Page 54

  1. The Cities                                                                  Page 57

  1. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart                          Page 59

  1. Anxious                                                                      Page 61

  1. Get Back in the Boat                                                     Page 64
  1. Need Money?                                                               Page 67

  1. Rejected?                                                                    Page 69
  1. In Your Building – Guard Against Distractions        Page 71

  1. Connections                                                                Page 73

  1. Your Name                                                                 Page 77

  1. Lost, But Not Forgotten Friends                      Page 80          
  2. Dad, Are You There?                                                   Page 83

  1. Birthdays                                                                    Page 85

  1. Expectations & Hope                                                    Page 87

  1. Alone and Lonely                                                         Page 90

  1. To The Jew First                                                         Page 93

  1. Pass the Test                                                               Page 97

  1. Miracles Occur                                                            Page 99
  1. No More Namby Pamby Christians                              Page 101

  1. Joy. You Can Grow It.                                                Page 104

  1. Pressing On – Encouragement for the Long Haul     Page 107

  1. Weary But Not Quitting                                             Page 110
  2. How Shall We Then Give?                                         Page 112

  1. Less IS More                                                             Page 116

  1. Condemn You?                                                           Page 119

  1. Five Fingers and a Paw                                               Page 122

  1. It May Not Be As You Think                                        Page 124

  1. Demons & Fire Trucks                                                Page 127

  1. Rise Again                                                                  Page 130

  1. Why is a Gentile Like You Celebrating
             The Feasts of the Jews?                                  Page 134

  1. Israel Support for the Household of Faith              Page 137

All of these paperback and Kindle editions 
are available on Amazon. 
Click here: Steve Martin books