Saturday, January 24, 2015

"Get Ready, The Prophetic Realm Is Increasing" - Dr. Theresa Phillips

Word Of The Lord: "Get Ready! 
The Prophetic Realm Is Increasing!"
Dr. Theresa Phillips, Saint Charles, IL
The Elijah List

While in prayer over 2015, the Lord burst Himself into me. I could feel the presence so very strong. I began to travail over 2015, when the Lord began to speak to me. His first words were:

At that moment, I began to sense more of the prophetic coming forth. Different spheres of prophecy for many different people. I waited.

The Prophetic Realm is About to Increase in 2015

"The prophetic realm is about to increase! Some prophets will be emerging with a FRESH revelation which is in tune with Scripture that has been dormant. Yes, dormant, for I have hidden some of My Word for such a time as this," says the Lord. (Photo by Jennifer Page"My Firm Foundation" via

"Oh yes, it's going to be an extremely insightful year packed with REVELATION ahead. Pay attention to the prophets of the WORD. These prophetic utterances will adhere to the Holy Writ while they release REVELATION to My people. Many will become saved in the releasing of the Holy Writ."

Two Types of Prophets, Plus a Warning

"Two types of prophets will emerge: "One will be filled with the precious love of GOD coupled with passion for the Word of GOD. These prophets will show no fear nor discouragement when they speak. They will be kind, reverent, and they will have blazes in their eyes, for their eyes have been seared with the written Word. They will not misuse grace nor will they abuse their place. YET they will be accurate! 

The second will resemble the love of the Lord and have a revelation steeped in mysticism and legends of people of the past. They will have a quiet, subtle pride, making them exclusive...A PART from the Holy Spirit.

"By mid-2015 a FRESH wind of discernment will flow like a river and many battles will be won for those who have seen well," says the Lord, "and I shall perform the vision."

Jeremiah 1:12 Then said the LORD unto me, "Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten My word to perform it."
"Many prophetic people will begin to display outward repentance, leading many into repentance. While they openly repent, this will start a wave of evangelism this land has yet to see. It will begin in 2015."

God Will Give Many of You Rest and Joy

"In 2015, I the Lord will shut some doors of the past and open a realm of joy for the future in the NOW moment. God will give many rest. (Photo via Pixabay)

"Yes, I will wipe out your past and give you a fresh start. Do not struggle within the rest, for in it you will be getting your house in order so that you may live through the days ahead.

"Arise, My sons and daughters. Arise! Go about doing well for others and you will see that that JOY you once had will return with gusto! The JOY will return and, wow, you will be happy! VERY HAPPY! For the days of darkness will cease and springtime will emerge in the spirit of man while he rests in the BODY of GOD."
Psalm 118:15 Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: "The LORD's right hand has done mighty things!"

"During this time I will release inventions, ideas, crafts and arts, and prophecy, and music will emerge for new sound."

The Glory of God...Get Ready to Receive It!

"A new sound of GLORY is coming! I say again, a new sound of glory is coming – coming to the land of America, then abroad.

"Yes, I am pouring out this sound on America, for she has seen her woes. I have felt the Church in America feel faint and often lose heart and patience. Get ready, I am pouring out a new wave of glory to excite you once ready to receive it.

"In this new glory I will release a heavenly sound. It's a new sound accompanied by the sounds of the angelic realm. They will come and minister with you, to you, and for you. They will be fire starters and make many run like the wind."

Hebrews 1:7 In speaking of the angels He says, "He makes His angels spirits, and His servants flames of fire."
"Watch, for there will be seven artists who will emerge together to make a sound. Get ready for that will be marvelous. Watch for this and enjoy what you hear and see. Yes, seven will come together. They will not all have the same background, but they will have the same heart."

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

A Word For the Women: "Esther-ella, Come Forth!"

"I have hidden a group who will come forth in 2015; they are 'Esther-ellas.' They are the WOMEN who have been in the background. Many will come forth, for they are now prepared to run the race, win the race, and take the reins of many different spheres of influence: the political arena, the judicial arena, the spiritual arena, the musical arenas, corporations, and more. I have called them to these places," says the Lord.

"They will hold themselves with a fresh wave of dignity. They will come forth polished, respectable, and humble. 

They will all have one goal: WIN THE PEOPLE BACK TO JESUS BY VISITATION with the King.

"These women have been well prepared; they have sat, learned, and waited for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. Despise them not," says the Lord. (Photo by Donna Smallenberg "For Such a Time as This"

"Esther-ella, come forth out of the ashes into the realm of the King and WIN THOSE LOST. O yes, ESTHER-ELLA, come forth! It's your time!" says the Lord.

"For there are some that will have an audience with Jesus like they never had before. They will be like the ancient ones who have been taught, caught, and released by the Word. Many have been taught by godly spiritual mothers and fathers.

"Those mothers and fathers will emerge strong, and many will seek shelter in their houses, for in their houses they will find teaching. Yes, teaching stations all across the nation with wisdom and fervor of the Lord will release the younger ones and experienced ones with GRACES, POLISH, and FINESSE, and most of ALL, an anointing dispatched from the King's own presence. 

For in the teaching station many will be taught how to become kings and priests. That release will come late in 2015...a release of kings and priests, to empower a nation and nations in peril, for God is Victor and He will not hold back any longer. He wins.

"The latter end of the year will see mighty armies of the nations begin to form as if a battle is raging. I tell you, I will still this battle one more time and say to My Church, 'Arise and shine, for your time has come. I do have need of you,'" says the Lord God.

Some Scriptures to pray about:

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
Ephesians 5:14 This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
Isaiah 58:8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

Let us all pray for the Word of the Lord to be sure, clear, and concise, for surely we are the beloved of the Christ. Happy 2015!

Dr. Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice 


Dr. Theresa Phillips is senior pastor of Praise Ministries Church and dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Commentary: Why Won't Obama, Kerry Meet with Netanyahu?

Commentary: Why Won't Obama, Kerry Meet with Netanyahu?

AP file photo
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Not long after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted the invitation to speak to a joint session of Congress next month, the White House and State Department announced that neither President Barack Obama nor Secretary John Kerry would meet with him.
They cited the proximity of upcoming Israeli elections, saying top-level meetings might give the impression of favoring Netanyahu. The address itself was moved to March, in part to coincide with the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy meeting, which Netanyahu will also address.
This latest diplomatic tennis match has all the earmarks of past meetings between the two leaders.
Remember President Obama complaining to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy on a hot mike of having to deal with Netanyahu every day? Or the time the president left Netanyahu to fend for himself at mealtime? Or when the Israeli delegation was ushered into the White House through a back entrance?
Remember their taped conversations in the White House, with Obama sometimes looking uncomfortable as Netanyahu thanked him for his friendship with Israel?
When Obama came to Israel at the beginning of his second term, he was treated like a king. Israelis will fall over backward if you just say something nice to them. Obama exuded warmth and friendship during his visit.
It seems safe to say that from the beginning, the two leaders were destined to clash. They have differing world views, which makes interaction all the more difficult. Past displays of friendship appear to have been for public consumption.
The Obama administration also expressed support of a Palestinian unity government composed of the PLO's (Palestine Liberation Organization) Fatah faction and Hamas, the Islamist faction ruling the Gaza Strip, which the U.S., Britain and Egypt designate a terror organization. And that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to differing views, such as future borders and the status of Jerusalem.
Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, has been around Capitol Hill a long time. No doubt he's very familiar with protocol between the legislative and executive branches.
Boehner believes a nuclear-armed Iran and Islamic extremism can no longer be put on a back burner. He also sees Israel as a U.S. ally and Netanyahu as a reliable leader.
The bottom line is all the stalling is playing into Iran's ability to become a nuclear threshold state.
Netanyahu knows the stakes are too high to drop the ball. It seems Congress agrees. As such, both appear willing to play hardball with the White House if need be.

March: Why Should Only 'Perfect' Children Be Born?

March: Why Should Only 'Perfect' Children Be Born?

WASHINGTON -- Every year the March for Life has a different focus, and this year it focused on the group most aborted -- the pre-born diagnosed with some sort of disability.
As the marchers gathered on the National Mall near the Washington Monument, they declared those babies are every bit as deserving of life as any other child.
Americans abort about one out of five of their unborn children. But among these 'special needs' unborn, the abortion rate is a staggering 85 percent.
Kristan Hawkins, a pro-life leader who heads up Students for Life of America, is also mother to a special needs child who didn't get aborted. Six-year-old Gunner suffers from cystic fibrosis.
"Which is a deadly, incurable genetic disease," Hawkins told CBN News.
But she said Gunner's life is so precious, a world without him is unimaginable.
"He's smart. He's articulate. He's so tenderhearted," Hawkins said. "I can't imagine our lives without Gunner."
And Hawkins can't imagine denying him his rich, full existence.
"Gunner likes life. He has a pretty good life with his iPad, his brothers, and all of his Legos," she said, laughing.
Potential GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina also attened a pre-March for Life gathering this week held at the Heritage Foundation. She praised women who refuse to go along with the mainstream and give birth to special needs children or even risk their own lives with troubled pregnancies.
Fiorina spoke of one mother-to-be given a stark medical judgment in 1949.
"That an abortion was her only choice. Her doctors feared for her life," Fiorina said.
But the former Hewlett-Packard CEO told the Heritage Foundation audience that particular pregnant woman had deep faith and great courage. She trusted God with her life and refused to abort, giving birth to that baby she was carrying at tremendous danger to her own life and health.
"She spent almost a year in the hospital following his birth," Fiorina said. "But her son -- my husband -- was the joy of her life, and for over 30 years he has been the rock of mine."
CBN News met up with Dr. Grazie Christie at the March for Life. She often works with parents of the unborn as a radiologist.
But this Catholic Assocation Advisory Board member is philosophical about who is and isn't "disabled."
"All of us are disabled. All of us suffer," she said. "You know we can't avoid all the vicissitudes of life. So why should only 'perfect' children be born? Our lives won't be perfect anyway."
Dr. Christie came to tell the March for Life crowd that ultrasound technology is a wonderful thing for showing people so clearly that a fetus is indeed a human being.
"But ultrasound has a dark side," she explained. "It allows us to make pre-natal diagnoses that are then used to eradicate children that don't quite measure up to the standards that we are developing as a society."
And she said it's those standards that should be eliminated, not the children found unacceptable by them.
Even before this year's March for Life began, Fiorina summed up why the marchers come to Washington D.C. every year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.
"We gather here because we know that no one of us is any better than any other one of us," she said. "We gather here because we know that every human life has potential and every human life is precious."
As every year before this since the U.S. Supreme Court announced it's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the marchers made their way more than a mile from the National Mall, up Constitution Avenue, and massed in front of the Supreme Court.
There they bore witness to the more than 56 million unborn babies slain since Roe v. Wade.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Lance Wallnau's Latest on 2015 the Hebrew year 5775!


There's a great contest in the spirit realm that is connected to and revealed by world events such as the civic unrest in Ferguson and New York and the recent terrorist events in Paris. The warfare is setting things up for the advancement of the kingdom...IF WE CAN SEIZE THE MOMENT.

We are entering the season that Mike Bickle spoke about saying: "The Lord visited me in Cairo, Egypt, in September 1982, and said: "l will change the understanding and expression of Christianity in the earth in one generation." The words "Changing the understanding" speak of the way unbelievers will perceive the Church. Today, many unbelievers see the Church as irrelevant - but that is about to change.

You are being divinely positioned for a global shift. The church is awakening to its role in addressing the unsolved and unresolved issues of our time. It is being forced into engagement.

If you have ever felt the calling of a “Joseph," you need to watch this update because JOSEPHS ARE BEING RELEASED NOW. The purpose of your rising is this: “Go into all the world and make disciples of nations. Penetrate every world system and demonstrate the power of the kingdom as an alternative to the anarchy, anger, and lawlessness that a world without Jesus is destined to produce.”

Joseph was given the ability to model three aspects of an end time people:
1. He saw the future.
2. He had insight into what to do next.
3. He became the trusted advisor to those in power.

ARE YOU READY? In the year 2015 there will be unexpected chaos and unprecedented progress for the kingdom. It is the hour of increased manifestation of Heaven and Hell - BUT IN THIS CONFLICT LIGHT WILL DISPLACE THE DARKNESS.

This is the time to:
REMEMBER the original dream God gave you
REFINE your strategy. Watch for new alignments and unexpected opportunities.

It feels like NFL Spiritual "Super Bowl" Time! The BIG game is about to start. Its the thing you have been preparing for your whole life.

This webinar will empower you to enlarge your SPHERE OF INFLUENCE in your work, your calling, your assignment.
2015 is the year of “Turn Around’ and “MANIFESTATION." In Hebrew numbers it is the year 5775.
  • 5 and 7 are repeated twice because it is doubly established! 5 is the Hebrew word/number “Hei” It is formed by taking the number 4 and adding a Hebrew mark called a “Yud.” Rabbis teach that this “Yud” steps into the open door that is formed by the number 4.
  • When the 5 is out front it means “Lo” as in “Lo and behold - Watch and See!"
  • God is about to step through the door He formed for your life.
  • The number 5000 (in 5774) is the Hebrew word = “Beautiful"
  • 700 is the Hebrew word for "Zion” and “Kingdom” and is formed by the symbol of a sword and crown working together!
  • 7 is the Hebrew word for “SEE”

This the the year the loose ends come together and God steps into the door and reveals the beauty of His plan. A remnant is being positioned to manifest the wisdom of Christ and the authority of His kingdom!

"As One"

Lance & Annabelle

Get our Health Benefits of the 7 Species eBook! ✡ "Pomegranates are in Bloom"

“Let us go early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine has flowered, if its blossoms have opened, if the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give my love to you.”


נַשְׁכִּימָה לַכְּרָמִים נִרְאֶה אִם פָּרְחָה הַגֶּפֶן פִּתַּח הַסְּמָדַר הֵנֵצוּ הָרִמּוֹנִים שָׁם אֶתֵּן אֶת דֹּדַי לָךְ

שיר השירים ז:י’’ג

nash-kee-ma la-k'-ra-meem nir-e im par-kha ha-ge-fen pi-takh ha-s'-ma-dar hay-nay-tzu ha-ri-mo-neem sham e-tayn et do-dai lakh

Today's Israel Inspiration

All of God’s bounty is beneficial for us and there are many delicious foods that grow in the Land of Israel, yet the Creator of the world singled out seven species of fruit and grain as being particularly blessed (Deut. 8:8). Did you know that Israel’s Seven Species are not only delicious foods, but contain special properties contributing to a healthy body and spirit as well? Just in time for the upcoming festival, the Jewish new year for the trees, our fascinating eBook will contribute to your understanding of the Lord’s secret pharmacy.

Treat Your Senses at Jerusalem's Market

This fantastic video brings to life Jerusalem's largest outdoor market where you'll meet Ezra the Juice Man and others while learning some great local lore and history.

Israel's Bedouin Schools Flourish in Negev

Reflecting the diversity of Israel, this is the story of the Al-Sayed tribe in the northern Negev whose teenagers attend Israel's Al-Sayed Technological School, one of eight high schools operating for Bedouin students by the Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network.

Health Benefits of the 7 Biblical Species eBook

There is a Jewish custom on the upcoming festival of Tu B’Shvat (the New Year of the Trees) to eat from the foods that are mentioned in describing the Land of Israel, “A Land of wheat, barley, grape, fig and pomegranate; a Land of olive oil and honey” (Deuteronomy 8:8).  Learn more about the power packed nutrition and healing in the Seven Species in our fascinating eBook!

Today's Israel Photo

A pomegranate juice stand in Israel by Ron Shoshani. Pomegranate in Hebrew is "rimon" [plural "rimonim"] and juice is "meetz," so on your next trip to Israel, be sure to order it in Hebrew: "meetz rimonim b'vakasha! [please!]"

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Carolyn Hanks from Mount Sterling, Ohio. Toda Raba!

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Shalom Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Israel365 has my complete support as does the entire nation of Israel. I am sending my best to you in support of your work, I wish it were more. Please know Israel is in my daily prayers for peace and blessings. - Sharron Quimby Cleaveland, TN

Thanks for the good news you send me everyday. God bless Israel - Willem C.
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Israel Produces World's Tiniest New Testament

Israel Produces World's Tiniest New Testament

MIGDAL HAEMEK, Israel -- You may have heard about the Lord's Prayer engraved on the head of a pin. Now an Israeli company says it's created the smallest New Testament in the world.
It's called the Nano Bible.
"All 27 books of the New Testament were printed in a less than 5-millimeter square chip," Russell Ellwanger, CEO of Tower Jazz, the semi-conductor foundry manufacturing the chip, told CBN News.
David Almog is one of the creators who came up with the idea for the Nano Bible.
"We know Jerusalem and we thought about this idea of, and a vision, to create something incorporating the Nano technology that already exists in Israel and basically spreading the energy, the vision that we have for what it means to have the Bible close to you," Almog told CBN News.
To enter the sterile environment of the laboratory in northern Israel where the chips are produced, CBN News suited up.
"Within the manufacturing processes at Tower Jazz, we have anywhere from 500 to 900 processing steps," Ellwanger explained. "What is processed is called a silicon substrate, which is any one of these 25 slices in this box. Every one of these boxes goes through its own specific processing flow."
Using cutting-edge technology, they print the mini-Bibles in the original Greek text.
Greek scholar Jack Pastor, who read from the chip with the help of a computer, affirmed the Bible's veracity.
"This is the part where Matthew is going through the genealogy of both the Jews and of Christ," Pastor said. "There's no question that this is the text of the New Testament."
"We have about over 1,000 books on this 8-inch silicon wafer," Ellwanger said.
The tiny chips are currently made into pendants, and in the future, they'll be crafted into other jewelry.
"We think that something like that can have such a positive impact on people's lives wherever they live," Almog said.
"I think that for people who are believers in the New Testament, it gives a very nice reminder that can be worn as cuff links, can be worn as a pendant around one's neck, of the values one, if they are a believer, should be adhering to," Ellwanger added.
Jerusalem Nano Bible submitted the tiny scriptures to the Guinness Book of World Records. They believe they'll soon hold the record for the tiniest New Testament in the world.

White House Miffed at Netanyahu Invite by Congress

White House Miffed at Netanyahu Invite by Congress

AP file photo of Speaker Boehner and PM Netanyahu May 2011
JERUSALEM, Israel -- The White House voiced its displeasure at the invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address to a joint session of Congress on February 11, focusing on Iran and radical Islam.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest called the invitation by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, "a departure from diplomatic protocol."
"The typical protocol would suggest that the leader of a country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling here," Earnest told reporters aboard Air Force One en route to an event in Idaho.
"That certainly is how President Obama's trips are planned when he travels overseas. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol," he said.
Boehner, in turn, told reporters it's well within congressional protocol to invite a speaker without consulting the White House.
"Congress can make this decision on its own," Boehner told the press. "I don't believe I'm poking anyone in the eye. There is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night [during the State of the Union speech] papered over it."
In his remarks, Obama said he would veto any legislation that called for new economic sanctions against Iran.
Boehner says American needs "a more serious conversation" about the threat of radical Islam and Iran.
Now that Republicans hold the majority in both houses, the differing perceptions with the White House seem more evident than ever. Still, some Democrats are not happy with the Obama administration's approach to Iran.
"After 18 months of stalling, Iran needs to know that there will be consequences for failure -- and that consequence will be additional sanctions," USA Today quoted Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., at a hearing Wednesday on the status of negotiations with Iran. Menendez co-sponsored legislation that would impose new sanctions on Iran if talks fail.
In an official statement posted on his website, Boehner said, "I am asking the Prime Minister to address Congress on the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life. Americans and Israelis have always stood together in shared cause and common ideals and now we must rise to the moment again."
For more than a decade, Netanyahu has been warning about the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran, pointing out that Iranian leaders call Israel "the little Satan" and America "the big Satan."