Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I Will Not Sell My Soul for 'Success' - Dr. Michael Brown

I Will Not Sell My Soul for 'Success'

Dr. Michael Brown
Dr. Michael Brown

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
I absolutely believe in the glorious, overwhelming success of the gospel, but I will not sell my soul or compromise my convictions for the sake of carnal "success."
I encourage you to stand strong in your resolve as well. It's better to be scorned by this world than to lose your integrity.
Recently, a young pastor wrote to me with a heavy heart.
He had been invited to a closed leadership meeting, with many well-known pastors in attendance. He explained to me that they talked openly about not using entire verses or passages from the Bible in their sermons and that it was fine to pull snippets of verses and to build entire messages from them, as if too much of the Word would drive people away.
He said that they instructed the leaders in attendance not to speak on sin, judgment, conviction, obedience, morality, etc., stating that it is not our job to convict of sin, only the Holy Spirit's job, as if the hundreds of verses in the Bible dealing with these issues were irrelevant, and as if they knew better than Jesus and the apostles, who often preached with words of deep, biting conviction as they labored together with the Holy Spirit.
And of course, he wrote, they told the other leaders to avoid politics and political issues, which is similar to the mindset of those who chose not to get involved in the divisive slave-trade controversy in centuries past or to oppose the Nazis last century.
This, they said, was the path to follow if you wanted to be "successful."
I categorically reject such a definition of "success."
It has nothing to do with the true success of the gospel, which I love and revel in before God.
To be absolutely clear, and so that no one thinks that this is a matter of "sour grapes," I am not speaking about any particular ministry and I have no idea which pastors and leaders were at this meeting. I love and embrace the expansive blessing of God.
By God's grace, I have had the privilege of preaching in some of the largest and most influential megachurches in the world, and their growth was the result of the work of the Spirit in their midst, not the result of carnal techniques.
One of our ministry school grads, Daniel Kolenda, has taken over the leadership of Reinhard Bonnke's Christ for All Nations, and Daniel regularly preaches to crowds of multiplied hundreds of thousands. Praise God for Spirit-anointed, Jesus-exalting, Word-based success!
When God opens new doors for our ministry on radio and TV, in print and online, or when He blesses our material with greater circulation and impact, I rejoice and take this as an answer to prayer, as providing another avenue to advance the work of the kingdom. Onward and upward in Jesus' name!
So I am all for growth and numbers and prosperity when it comes from heaven as a gift from God, although I know that often, the most significant gospel work is totally hidden and obscure, taking place behind closed doors, with God using unknown saints who live in the midst of persecution and poverty. Their lasting fruit will put most of us to shame.
That's one reason Jesus said that many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first.
Remember, it was the church of Laodicea that Jesus rebuked saying, "For you say, 'I am rich, and have stored up goods, and have need of nothing,' yet do not realize that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked" (Rev. 3:17).
In stark contrast, He said to Smyrna, "I know your works and tribulation and poverty (but you are rich). And I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Look, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tried, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life" (Rev. 2:9-10).
In the same way, He rebuked Sardis, which had a reputation for being alive but was dead (see Rev. 3:1) and commended Philadelphia, which had little strength but had not denied His name (see Rev. 3:8).
What would our worldly minded leaders have told these congregations? And how would they have rated the "success" of these different churches? Obviously, their perspective would be a lot different than the perspective of the Lord.
Without a doubt, we have different callings and emphases, and while we should all do our best to be faithful to God's Word and "balanced," it's clear that one may be called to emphasize evangelism, another social justice, another holiness, another grace, another family and another the Spirit, just to mention a few. Some congregations excel in administration and management, while others excel in building community, and still others excel in sending out missionaries.
That's what makes the body of Christ a truly functioning body.
Let us learn from each other however we can, and let us complement each other in the work of the ministry, honoring one another as colleagues rather than criticizing each other as competitors.
But let us not deviate from the high calling of God, let us not form a theology that bypasses the cross, let us not water down the Word, and let us not mistake earthly growth and "success" for the blessing of God.
In the words of Charles Spurgeon, one of the most truly successful gospel preachers of all time, "Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed on the altar of conformity and popularity."
Don't sacrifice your soul on that very seductive altar.
Michael Brown is the author of 25 books, including Can You Be Gay and Christian? and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show "The Line of Fire." He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience.
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Netanyahu: Israel in 'Profound Disagreement' With Obama Admin

Netanyahu: Israel in 'Profound Disagreement' With Obama Admin

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday released a statement explaining that he intends to go ahead with a contentious address to the US Senate on March 3 in order to dissuade the Obama Administration from negotiating with Iran a nuclear agreement that would endanger the Jewish state.
“I am going to the United States not because I seek a confrontation with the President, but because I must fulfill my obligation to speak up on a matter that affects the very survival of my country,” said Netanyahu.
The Obama Administration has been irate over Netanyahu’s scheduled speech, and a number of top Democrats, including Vice President Joe Biden, have announced they will not be present for the Israeli leader’s appearance.
But many in Israel, Netanyahu among them, have suggested that it is Israelis who should be upset over the Obama Administration’s handling of the Iran nuclear crisis, which first and foremost threatens the Jewish state.
“…we do have today a profound disagreement with the United States administration and the rest of the P5+1 over the offer that has been made to Iran,” Netanyahu noted. “This offer would enable Iran to threaten Israel’s survival. …It would be able, under this deal, to break out to a nuclear weapon in a short time, and within a few years, to have the industrial capability to produce many nuclear bombs for the goal of our destruction.”
Netanyahu further pointed out that it was not unusual for Israeli and American leaders to disagree, and took aim at those who warn the current disagreements could harm, rather than ultimately strengthen, bilateral relations. Some of those issuing such warnings are to be found within the Obama Administration itself.
“Disagreements over Israel’s security have occurred between prime ministers in Israel from the left and from the right and American presidents from both parties,” the Israeli leader said. “None of these disagreements led to a rupture in the relationship between Israel and the United States. In fact, over time, our relationship grew stronger.”
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Astonishing 1968 Prophecy by 90-Year-Old Woman

Astonishing 1968 Prophecy by 90-Year-Old Woman

soldiers, military, war

The Flaming Herald, by Bert Farias

An old woman of 90 from Valdres in Norway had a vision from God in 1968. The evangelist Emanuel Minos had meetings (services) where she lived. He had the opportunity to meet her, and she told him what she had seen. He wrote it down, but thought it to be so unintelligible that he put it in a drawer. Now, almost 30 years later, he understands he has to share the vision with others.
The woman from Valdres was a very alert, reliable, awake and credible Christian, with a good reputation among all who knew her. This is what she saw:
"I saw the time just before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. I saw the events with my natural eyes. I saw the world like a kind of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia. I saw Norway. I saw certain things that would take place just before the return of Jesus, and just before the last calamity happens, a calamity the likes of which we have never before experienced.
She mentioned four waves:
1. "First before Jesus comes and before the Third World War breaks out, there will be a 'détente' like we have never had before. There will be peace between the super powers in the east and the west, and there will be a long peace. (Remember, that this was in 1968 when the cold war was at its highest. —E. Minos) In this period of peace there will be disarmament in many countries, also in Norway and we are not prepared when it (the war) comes. The Third World War will begin in a way no one would have anticipated—and from an unexpected place.
2. "A lukewarmness without parallel will take hold of the Christians, a falling away from true, living Christianity. Christians will not be open for penetrating preaching. They will not, like in earlier times, want to hear of sin and grace, law and gospel, repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead: prosperity (happiness) Christianity.
"The important thing will be to have success, to be something; to have material things, things that God never promised us in this way. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and emptier. Instead of the preaching we have been used to for generations—like, to take your cross up and follow Jesus—entertainment, art and culture will invade the churches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.
3. "There will be a moral disintegration that old Norway has never experienced the likes of. People will live together like married without being married. (I do not believe the concept 'co-habitor'? existed in 1968. —E. Minos.) Much uncleanness before marriage, and much infidelity in marriage will become the natural (the common), and it will be justified from every angle. It will even enter Christian circles and we pet it—even sin against nature. Just before Jesus' return there will be TV programs like we have never experienced. (TV had just arrived in Norway in 1968. —E. Minos)
"TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it teaches people to murder and destroy each other, and it will be unsafe in our streets. People will copy what they see. There will not be only one 'station' on TV, it will be filled with 'stations.' (She did not know the word 'channel' which we use today. Therefore she called them stations. —E. Minos.) TV will be just like the radio where we have many 'stations,' and it will be filled with violence. People will use it for entertainment. We will see terrible scenes of murder and destruction one of the other, and this will spread in society. Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that takes place in a marriage." (I protested and said, "We have a paragraph that forbids this kind of thing." —E. Minos.) It will happen, and you will see it. All we have had before will be broken down, and the most indecent things will pass before our eyes.
4. "People from poor countries will stream to Europe. (In 1968 there was no such thing as immigration. —E. Minos.) They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. There will be so many of them that people will begin to dislike them and become hard with them. They will be treated like the Jews before the Second World War. Then the full measure of our sins will have been reached (I protested at the issue of immigration. I did not understand it at the time. —E. Minos.)
The tears streamed from the old woman's eyes down her cheeks. "I will not see it, but you will. Then suddenly, Jesus will come and the Third World War breaks out. It will be a short war." (She saw it in the vision.)
"All that I have seen of war before is only child's play compared to this one, and it will be ended with a nuclear atom bomb. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one's breath. It will cover several continents, America, Japan, Australia and the wealthy nations. The water will be ruined (contaminated?). We can no longer till the soil. The result will be that only a remnant will remain. The remnant in the wealthy countries will try to flee to the poor countries, but they will be as hard on us as we were on them.
"I am so glad that I will not see it, but when the time draws near, you must take courage and tell this. I have received it from God, and nothing of it goes against what the Bible tells.
"The one who has his sin forgiven and has Jesus as Savior and Lord, is safe."
Bert M. Farias, revivalist and founder of Holy Fire Ministries, is the author of several books including the newly released My Son, My Son—a beautiful father-son journey co-written with his son Daniel for the purpose of enriching and empowering parents to train their children in God's ways. He is also the co-host of the New England Holy Ghost Forum, a school of the Spirit. Follow him at Bert Farias and Holy Fire Ministries on Facebook or @Bertfarias1 on Twitter.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Bible Comes to Life in the City of David ✡ "The Gentile Calls Out to You"

Hear, in heaven Your dwelling place, and do according to all that the Gentile calls out to You, that all the people of the world may know Your name.

I KINGS (8:43)

אַתָּה תִּשְׁמַע הַשָּׁמַיִם מְכוֹן שִׁבְתֶּךָ וְעָשִׂיתָ כְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִקְרָא אֵלֶיךָ הַנָּכְרִי לְמַעַן יֵדְעוּן כָּל עַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ אֶת שְׁמֶךָ

מְלָכִים א  ח:מג

a-ta tish'-ma ha-sha-ma-yeem m'-khon shiv'-te-kha v'-a-see-ta k'-khol a-sher yik'-ra ay-le-kha ha-nakh'-ree l'-ma-an yay-d'-un kol a-may ha-a-retz et sh'-me-kha

Jerusalem Inspiration

Upon his dedication of the Temple, King Solomon declares in front of the entire People of Israel, that the Temple must fill a universal role and that Jerusalem would host all those who, “call out to You.” These prayerful words are etched in glass and displayed prominently today on a large monument at the Western Wall, the same site Solomon stood at 3,000 years ago. 'Karmey Chessed' answers the call of those who call out to God in need by providing food, money and medical supplies to those who can't provide for themselves.

Where the Bible Comes to Life

The City of David, located south of the Temple Mount, is rich with archeological treasures that map out the stories of the Bible and the Jewish kings.

A Twisted Sense of Freedom

The announcement of the second Iranian Holocaust denial competition came shortly after the first post-massacre issue of the Charlie Hebdo magazine, which also depicted a cartoon of Mohammed. In a twisted plea towards freedom of speech, Iran boasts of the last competition's winning cartoon.

Bibi for President 2016 Bumper Sticker

Show your support for Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu who has been snubbed repeatedly by President Barack Obama. Make a statement on your car to let everyone know who you would want leading the USA as the threat of terrorism spreads. Get a Bibi 2016 bumper sticker!

Jerusalem Photo Trivia

Thousands of notes hidden amidst the cracks of the Western Wall, by Yehoshua Halevi. Doesn't the wall ever overflow? What happens to the excess? Do you know? Send me your answer or post it onFacebook.

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Thomas Salas. Toda Raba!

“Thank You For the Teaching”

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  Shalom and greeting to you form Tucson, Az. U.S.. Thank for the teaching I am so elated and so blessed to see what our G-d in doing in the mist of Israel to see the words of G-D's prophets come to past. I love to see God display and reveal HIs love and faithfulness to His people and to show that His Word is true. That He keeps His covenant to a thousand generations. As mentioned in Deuteronomy 7:9. Blessings to you and thank you for the teachings and the inspiring photo's.!!!- Pamela Silvera
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Letters: What Did Thomas Jefferson Really Think of Christianity?

Letters: What Did Jefferson Really Think of Christianity?

There is a lot of discussion about the faith of American presidents, and one in particular: Thomas Jefferson. Some wonder where he stood exactly when it comes to Christianity.
Dr. Mark Beliles, who co-authored the book Doubting Thomas? The Religious Life and Legacy of Thomas Jefferson, explores the faith of this founding father.
Reporter/Anchor Mark Martin spoke with Beliles about the book, which among other details, contains letters written by Jefferson that have never been published until now.
For the complete story: Watch Interview

10 Reasons Some Worship Leaders May Be Spiritually Bankrupt

10 Reasons Some Worship Leaders May Be Spiritually Bankrupt

How can you tell if your worship leaders are spiritually bankrupt?
How can you tell if your worship leaders are spiritually bankrupt? (Facebook)

The Pulse, by Joseph Mattera
The past several years there has been no shortage of prominent contemporary Christian leaders denouncing Christ either with their words or their actions. One time I ministered to a young man involved in the gospel music scene, and he confided in me that he almost lost his faith because of what he experienced when he went on tour with a band. (He said other gospel music performers regularly propositioned him!)
That being said, as a pastor and trans-local minister for more than three decades, I have come to the conclusion that many involved in Christian worship seem to have a very superficial relationship with the Lord and His Church. (I thank God we have had a strong process for ministry involvement in our local congregation. Hence, we usually have worship leaders with a solid walk with the Lord.)
Also, I write this in the context as one who was a professional musician who served on the worship team of our local church for more than 25 years.
The following are some of the reasons I believe why many worship performers are spiritually bankrupt:
(Based on my personal observation, not based on hard data)
1. Many are hirelings and not committed members to one church.
I have been shocked and dismayed to see how many large churches just hire out their worship team members, even if they are not committed Christians or committed to their local church. Consequently, when a gifted singer or musician first comes to Christ, they are sucked into a culture of play for pay and go where the dollars are rather than where the Lord is truly leading them.
2. Pastors do not enforce the same standards upon talented singers and musicians.
Many pastors turn the other way when it comes to the immoral or unethical behavior of their most talented musicians and singers. The reason for this is obvious: These performers help draw crowds into their congregation. 
3. Often talented people get ahead without being deeply rooted in Christ.
Many people in this field find they get promoted, idolized and celebrated in their church merely because of their talent. Consequently, they have a superficial lifestyle and rarely see the need to die to self, seek God and allow God to penetrate their soul.
4. Gifted Christian performers are idolized in the church.
We, evangelicals, have created a culture of entertainment that empowers and promotes the most gifted among us. These very gifted singers and performers are admired and celebrated for their abilities in a way that is not different from "The Voice" or "American Idol." With all this adulation in the environment, it is no surprise that many Christian bands and performers are lifted up with pride and never mature in their faith.
5. The focus of worship is more about them than about Jesus.
The church usually puts talented singers and performers front and center during Sunday services. Hence, a service is largely judged by how good the band performed. This is the kind of setting that engenders man worship instead of Jesus worship. Worship leaders and performers often have big egos to match their talent and many subconsciously (and erroneously) think that the service is all about them.
6. They often don't sit under the Word after they perform.
I am amazed with how often I see many worship team members leave the service after they perform. I guess they think that the highlight of the service was their performance and everything else that ensues, including preaching, is a letdown.
7. They perform but do not worship from the heart.
When the pastor and congregation only care about the talent and effect of the worship experience, they perpetuate a culture of performance more than a culture of worship. Consequently, band members and singers will then focus more on performance than on worship. This result is band members programmed to equate worship more with performance than with drawing close to God.
8. They are overly sensitive and do not easily receive correction.
In my opinion, many in the music world are overly sensitive, ego-driven megalomaniacs. (I know, because as a professional guitar player for many years, I was or am guilty of this!) Folks like this are very competitive and have a hard time admitting they are wrong. This does not make it easy for a pastor to bring correction to them since their identity is rooted more in their ability than in their God.
9. They do not study the Word but rely upon performance sessions in church for their walk.
Many years ago I was shocked to realize that many of the worship leaders I got to know had no prayer life and rarely cracked open the Bible for personal study! Often they depended upon worship practice or the Sunday services to try to connect with God. It alarmed me that many worship leaders were not themselves worshippers!
10. They do not have a spiritually mature worship person leading the team.
All of the previous points mentioned could be dealt with if the worship leader held them accountable. Of course, this will only happen if the worship leader is not a diva but a real disciple of Christ. Leaders set the culture of a team, and if he or she is a spiritually immature "performer," then most likely the whole team will be more about performance than worship.
In conclusion, I pray pastors and leaders will have the courage to sit down talented but prideful, worldly worship team members, so that Jesus will once again be the center of our worship.
Joseph Mattera is overseeing bishop of Resurrection Church and Christ Covenant Coalition, in Brooklyn, New York, and author of numerous books including Ruling in the Gates: Preparing the Church to Transform Cities. Follow him on Facebook or visit him online at
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Israel Boycott Resembles Nazi's 'Judenfrei'

Israel Boycott Resembles Nazi's 'Judenfrei'

LONDON -- The Nazis sought to rid Germany of any trace of the Jews. They called it "Judenfrei" or "Jew-free."

Some warn this same anti-Semitic spirit has returned today in a new form. It's a drive to erase any sign of Israel.

Across Europe, more and more campuses, cities and regions are trying to become "Israel-free zones," free of the taint of what Israel critics would call an "apartheid state."

Boycotting Israel

The Leicester City Council in England voted last year to boycott goods made in Israeli settlements in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).

It's as if cities like Leicester want to cleanse themselves from Israeli impurity. And that reminds some of a very dark chapter in Europe's history: the Nazi drive to purify Germany of any trace of the Jews.

The city of Leicester declined our request for an on camera interview and issued this statement:

"Leicester City Council condemns anti-Semitism and all forms of racism and discrimination in the strongest possible terms. This is not a boycott of Israel by Leicester. The motion relates specifically to produce originating from illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank."

While Leicester city government doesn't think it is being anti-Semitic, Jeffrey Kaufman, the former head of Leicester's progressive Jewish congregation, disagrees.

"The fact that the city has chosen to pick on Israel exclusively, with the exclusion of anything else, in my view makes it anti-Semitism," he said.

Other cities across Europe have gone further than Leicester. Last summer during the Gaza conflict, the Irish town of Kinvara went completely Israel-free: no Israeli products in stores or restaurants.

It's part of a movement called BDS -- Boycott, Divestment and Sanction -- but only against one nation: Israel.

Beyond BDS

Israeli musicians and actors have their performances disrupted by BDS protestors. An Ahava cosmetics store in London was picketed until it finally closed down. Ahava is an Israeli company. But the BDS movement will boycott any company that has dealings with Israel, including large multinationals like Coca-Cola and Nestle.

The anti-Israel boycott movement says it's not anti-Semitic, but they don't boycott any other nations.

Israel is a democracy. There are plenty of cruel dictatorships around the world they could boycott, but they don't.

"No other country. Just Israel. You won't see this against any other country in the world that they don't agree with," Richard Millet, who tracks the BDS movement through his website, said.

"They won't be calling for a boycott of America, which they don't agree with, or the British government, which they don't agree with, before we get into China, Russia, Syria, or Saudi Arabia," he continued. "You name it. All the other countries, there is no boycott. So you answer why?"

The BDS movement is taking over college campuses in Europe and America. Ronnie Fraser, a college lecturer and founding director of the Academic Friends of Israel, warns that the next generation of leaders is being brainwashed that Israel is the worst nation on earth.

"Britain's students are being fed a diet of 'Israel is a racist state. Israel is a Zionist state. Israel equals the Nazis," he said.

Fraser sued his own union, the University and College Union, for institutional anti-Semitism, saying it attempted an academic boycott of Israel that crossed the line into anti-Semitism.

He accused the BDS movement of "the de-legitimization of Israeli, the destruction of Israel."

Ignoring the Double Standard

According to European Union guidelines, the Israel boycott movement is anti-Semitic.

The EU says anti-Semitism includes, "Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor," and by "applying double standards [to Israel]."

A new poll shows Britons now have a more favorable view of Iran than of Israel.

Polling also shows that more than half of British Jews feel they do not have a future in the United Kingdom. One in four have thought about leaving.

Jonathan Sacerdoti with the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which conducted some of the polling, said it reveals that British Jews are beginning to feel unwelcome.

"In the past two years, 56 percent agreed they had seen more anti-Semitism in the past two years than ever before," he said.

“When you see a Jewish-owned shop, whether it be Israeli or not, it's still a Jewish-owned shop. When you see it targeted for boycotts and violence against the store itself, you can't not think that this is this exactly what happened in Nazi Germany; that they were boycotting Jewish-owned shops," Millet said.

In Germany, Nazi persecution of the Jews began with a boycott in April 1933. While some who are boycotting Israel may truly believe they’re only trying to help Palestinians, but to Jews, the goal of the Israel boycott is a destination similar to Nazi Germany’s.

"People want to see the total destruction of Israel. When people say, from the river to the sea, that's what it means," "Mandy Blumenthal with the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism explained.

There are undoubtedly those in the Boycott, Divestiture (change to Divestment) and Sanction movement who believe they are only trying to help Palestinians. But Jews see that the movement has a destination very similar to that of Nazi Germany.

The boycott movement wants the full right return of the Palestinians; "from the river to the sea," which means Israel would be erased. The Nazis would call it "Judenfrei" or "free of the Jews."

Dale Hurd also reported from Leicester, England.

Watch video: England Anti-Semitism

Franklin Graham Rebukes Obama

Franklin Graham Rebukes Obama

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham (File)
After U.S. President Barack Obama's controversial remarks comparing radical Islam to the Christian crusades, Franklin Graham took to social media to call out America's leader: 
"Today at the National Prayer Breakfast, the President implied that what ISIS is doing is equivalent to what happened over 1,000 years ago during the Crusades and the Inquisition. Mr. President, many people in history have used the name of Jesus Christ to accomplish evil things for their own desires. But Jesus taught peace, love and forgiveness. He came to give His life for the sins of mankind, not to take life. Muhammad, on the contrary, was a warrior and killed many innocent people. True followers of Christ emulate Christ—true followers of Muhammed emulate Muhammed." 
The post has more than 107,000 likes, 9,000 comments and 51,000 shares.