Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Picture of Peace and Pardon - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

A Picture of Peace and Pardon

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
The desecration of a Jewish cemetery in Manchester comes amid rising anti-Semitism in the UK, particularly over controversial remarks from leading Labour politicians.
Fourteen headstones have been destroyed by vandals at the Blackley Jewish Cemetery in the city’s north-east district.
Police described it as “a deliberate and targeted attack”, although no anti-Semitic graffiti was found, and have vowed to do everything in their power to track down those responsible.
In a cemetery in Leeds, just across the Pennines from Manchester, is the tomb of Dr M L Rossvally, who died in 1892. He was a remarkable Jewish man who ended his days in the northern city as an evangelist to his fellow Jews. While a surgeon in the US Army during the American Civil War, he tended to the shocking wounds of a drummer boy called Charlie Coulson.
Charlie was ultimately beyond saving, but used his remaining breath to plead with the doctor that he needed no pain-killing brandy, for he was at peace with his Saviour and longed to be with Him! The surgeon never forgot the young man’s faith and courage, eventually putting his own trust in Jesus (Yeshua) as his Messiah – and spent the rest of his days sharing his great discovery with his own people.
On my recent holiday in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales – not far from Leeds – the Lord spoke to me through the wonder of nature and of his creation. While out on a run, the only sound that broke the silence was the bleating of sheep and their young lambs enjoying the rich pasture of these grassy slopes. It was all so perfectly peaceful and reminded me of the spotless Lamb of God, who also brought peace to the world. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, was led like a lamb to the slaughter (Isaiah 53.7) as he brought us both peace and pardon. He is, after all, the prophesied ‘Prince of Peace’ (Isaiah 9.6) who bore our sins through his death on the cross (1 Peter 2.24 & Isaiah 53. 4, 5 & 12).
We are told that when Jesus came into Jerusalem for the Passover, which was to be his last, the lambs were being gathered in at the same time in preparation for the feast. But they first had to pass the test as to whether they were flawless.
And so when Jesus too had passed the test and was found to be sinless – “he committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth” (1 Peter 2.22, quoting Isaiah 53.9) – he became our Passover Lamb!
True freedom from the world’s hatred and spite can be found only in the loving arms of the Jewish Messiah, who clears a path through a sea of trouble for all who follow him.

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Jennifer Eivaz Shares Dramatic 'Tornado' Dream: What Does This Mean for the Church? - CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Prophetic Insight newsletter
One year ago, the Lord gave me a clear word for California while traveling to the Carmel coast. He said, "The drought is over, and the rains are coming back to California" (read it here). Thank God the rains have come, giving needed relief to this dry and thirsty land! 
A Dream of 30 Tornadoes
After the massive prayer effort in Azusa last month, my heart is stirred for what is to come, and I'm passionately seeking the Lord on these matters. When I received the word in Carmel last year, I was also given a dream. Here it is again:
"I was in a two-story educational facility in the middle of a well-watered lush valley and hillside. The facility didn't belong to me, but in the dream, I held authority to provide counsel within this building. I only saw one room on the top floor, but it needed some attention! It was dusty and the furniture was all out of place. I looked out the window and watched a white tornado hit a home about 1/3 of a mile away. It flattened the garage and then went through the interior and gutted the inside. I also knew there were 30 tornadoes coming toward this educational facility very soon. The facility leader was a pretty red-haired woman who had a small company of followers with her. I warned her in the dream about the coming white tornadoes."
I initially understood this dream as saying to expect white "storms," more like movements of glory to launch out of California. These moves of God would emphasize holiness, evangelism and glory. And then being true to natural weather patterns, these movements would pick up force as they headed east across the United States. I realize now that the dream was set in a well-watered lush valley and hillside, which could be the time frame of these moves.
These moves seem to be clocked to emerge as the physical rains saturate and heal the dry land. California land isn't there yet, but it's on its way. Like Elijah did on Mt. Carmel, we too are to pray boldly for the things God has said will come (1 Kings 18:41-43; Is. 45:11). 
Declare with me now: "Thank You, Jesus! We bless the rain in California, and we ask You for more!"
In the dream, there were 30 tornadoes. Why did I see the number 30? Again, I didn't account for it until now—the significance of this number. First of all, it means the beginning of rule and ministry. For example:
  • The priests did not begin their priesthood until age 30 (Num. 4:23).
  • Joseph began his leadership in Egypt at age 30 (Gen. 41:46).
  • David began his kingship at age 30 (2 Sam. 5:4).
  • Jesus began His ministry at age 30 (Luke 3:23).
Prophetic interpretation: Get ready for powerful new beginnings. Get ready to lead out in this glory movement. You've been prepared in secret, but you won't stay a secret. God will shine His light on you and reveal you to the others.
Promotion and Betrayal: Identify With Christ and Be a Glory Carrier
With promotion there always comes betrayal. Joseph and David, both being a type of Christ, experienced significant betrayal from friends and family. Even Jesus was betrayed by His teammate Judas for 30 pieces of silver, which was the price of a slave and not a king. 
The number 30 is about significant promotion from God, but also a number for betrayal. Betrayal will come, but it carries a dual purpose and comes as the "sifter." It sifts wrong people out of your life, but it also sifts out your true heart identity. Who do you identify with more? Do you identify more with Jesus or do you identify with your friends, family, denomination or movement?
If your identity is firmly in Christ, your heart will remain in Christ even when wounded. If your identity is in someone else, you will lose your identity and not overcome your season of sifting. You have to know who you are and whose you are or you will stumble at this point and fail to carry the glory.
As a prophet who carries an intercessory burden from the Lord for this state (California), I often live out such prophetic words and become the message as much as I proclaim the message. Last October, I had a series of dreams that told me the things to come in my life. The dreams had similar themes with slight differences throughout. I only realize now that what followed these dreams in my life was actually mirroring, more like forerunning, this prophetic word for California.
First of all, I dreamed about changing rivers. I went from one river to another, and in my dream that new river was called the Stanislaus River. This river does physically exist in my area, but the dreams were really about an upcoming transition. I also found out what the word Stanislaus means. It means "becoming glorious." I also dreamed about a specific betrayal that did play out within days of this dream occurring. Again, this just follows the pattern connected to the number 30 as I mentioned earlier.
More Sifts and More Shifts
Going back to last year's original dream, there was a need to clean up and put things in order in the top places. This is about pruning, transition and significant change. I felt strongly then and even more strongly now that this is also about the reordering of relationships.
Prophetic word: More sifts and shifts coming ahead! Some were removed from you, but now people will be added to you. It's all part of a realignment to strengthen the body of Christ, which includes you. You need to run with those who are running in the same direction.
The glory of God is weighty, and He is doing what is needed to prepare individuals and groups of people to carry His glory. This glory is something we carry in our flesh. Since the Bible describes our flesh as being at war with the things of the Spirit and the Spirit being at war with flesh (Gal. 5:17), we have to put down our flesh and pay the price to carry what is costly.
We are to cultivate, expect and prophesy an "uncommon devotion" to Christ and His church. Raise your expectations and see it happening in the masses and not the few!
I've had the privilege of ministering throughout California in different organizations and churches consistently, and I've noticed one thing everywhere I go: hunger. People are hungry for the Spirit and to experience the move of God. I've witnessed the level of hunger to be much different this year than in previous years. There has been a shift. Let's go for more!
To the prophetic intercessor: You might feel like you are "spinning." The other morning, I woke up feeling like I was spinning. I knew it was spiritual and not physical. and the entire day seemed to be a whirlwind of issues. There were things spinning together and there were some things spinning apart. I felt this to be a sign in connection to these movements of glory and the shaking that comes with it.  
Spinning does a few things: 1) It shakes out what is not anchored to you or God, and 2) it creates momentum and force. If you want the momentum and force, then you need to accept the shaking. 
If you are spiritually sensitive and begin to experience bouts of "spinning," ask the Lord for discernment, but consider that it's a prophetic word from the Lord and something to prophesy and pray into.
California Starts Things
California has historically started things in the nation. Each state has its own glory, and California is no different. She is going to start something for good and push into the nation what is pure and powerful.
With that said, prepare yourself in prayer and:
  • Put things in order
  • Accept realignments
  • Reposition yourself for glory
  • And get moving! 
Jennifer Eivaz is a vibrant minister and international conference speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an executive pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California, and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others. She is married to HCC Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz, and she's a featured writer for several online publications, including the Elijah List.
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Benham Brothers Predict an End to This Murderous Atrocity in North Carolina - JASON AND DAVID BENHAM CHARISMA NEWS

Even in the darkest night, you can be a flashlight.

Benham Brothers Predict an End to This Murderous Atrocity in North Carolina

Even in the darkest night, you can be a light. (somewebpixels/flickr/Creative Commons)

No matter how spiritually dark it may get in today's culture, just remember—you can be a voice. You can make a difference. All you have to do is just shine the light.
When you go to bed at night, do you turn the darkness on, or turn the lights off?
When you open a closet door, does the darkness from the closet fill the room, or the light from the room fill the closet?
You get the point: Light is greater than darkness. And the only way darkness prevails is when the light is turned off. As our good friend, Dr. Michael Brown, says, "The problem today is not the presence of darkness. It's the absence of light."
So when you step up to be a voice for truth and start shining God's light, you will make a difference, because light always overcomes the darkness.
We're watching this happen in our home state of North Carolina—and we're not talking about the controversy surrounding HB2 and the pushback against radical bathroom bills. We're talking about the light of God's love shining at three local abortion clinics in our hometown of Charlotte.
Hundreds of Christians from various denominations have joined hands under the banner of Cities4Life to help bring healing to abortion-bound mothers who feel they have no other choice—and the results are unprecedented.
Since Cities4Life began in 2010, we've seen more than 3,300 mothers choose life for their unborn babies! And the follow-up ministry from organizations like Truth & Mercy Ministries (baby showers), Monroe HELP Center (pregnancy care), Option Adoption (adoption facilitation) and others has been incredible.
The outpouring of Christian love for these mothers and sweet unity among believers has shined God's light so brightly in our state that even the Washington Times has taken note. Check out the Times' headline after the North Carolina Department of Health released our state's abortion statistics: "NC's drop in abortions is among nation's sharpest since 2010."
When Christians in our city decided to shine the light of God's love into the darkest places—our three abortion clinics—the light of God overcame the darkness of death by over 26 percent! There's no denying it—we're winning.
Because light is stronger than darkness, all we have to do is flip it on.
Our good friend and young entrepreneur Justin Reeder, is a great example of this. He started a campaign called Love Life Charlotte this year, through which he mobilizes churches across denominational lines to adopt a week for life in our city. It begins with the pastor preaching about life on Sunday. Then he asks the congregation to pray and fast on Wednesday, and finally, he gathers the church for a prayer walk at the clinic on Saturday. And the churches are pouring out support.
We feel it's just a matter of time before abortion will end in our city because mamas who feel they have no other choice will have so many churches from which to choose, and those churches are ready to help those mamas and their families, whatever the cost. When Christians shine the light, darkness has to flee.
No matter how dark it seems today, it's time we stand up and shine God's light. We can be a voice, we can make a difference, we can save lives, and we can be involved.
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
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From Genesis to Revelation: Artist Unveils Mural of the Bible in Jerusalem - CBN News Chris Mitchell

From Genesis to Revelation: Artist Unveils Mural of the Bible in Jerusalem

CBN News Chris Mitchell

GERMAN COLONY, Israel -- In Jerusalem, artist Patricia Solveson recently completed a daunting task: Over the course of several years, she painted the entire Bible.
Called the Jerusalem Wall of Life, the biblical mural is longer than a football field and portrays scenes from Genesis to Revelation, including Moses parting the Red Sea.

It took six years for Solveson to finish what she calls her life's work.
"I'm probably more changed by painting this mural than anything else," Solveson told CBN News.
"I was very relieved, very relieved. But I felt His heart. I felt the Lord's heart of joy because He knows this is His place and His message can come forth," she shared.
"In a place where the Good News has been quenched, very seriously quenched, here are the walls shouting out His name," she said.

Creating the mural wasn't easy.  
"Such a vast job. It was just overwhelming -- many, many times," she said. "But then someone would come in. They'd be so touched and then I'd be revived again to keep going."
Solveson completed the mural under the auspices of the Alliance Church in the Holy Land, which held a dedication service for the work.    
"I think the mural is just a beautiful representation of our faith, of our hope, of the story," said Marshall Mullinax, field director of the Christian Alliance Center.
The mural wraps around the walls of the Alliance Church cemetery in Jerusalem's German Colony. Some may think it strange for this art to surround a cemetery.  

"Perhaps one of the least expected evangelistic platforms in the world, a cemetery," Mullinax noted. "But we're one of the few groups of people that actually don't find cemeteries disturbing because our hope, our lives, our story doesn't end with the grave."
"We're a people who can walk without fear because we know that death's been conquered. We know that this is a stop in the story but it's not the end of the story," he said.    
The cemetery, now an official Ministry of Tourism site, enjoys a rich heritage and history.  
Rev. Jack Sara is vice president of Bethlehem Bible College and pastor with the Alliance Church.
"It's great to have this place dedicated and especially putting this mural on the wall where they talk about the story of God through all the history and especially the story of salvation for all humanity," he said.
Justina Steiner was in awe of the painting.
"The mural itself is just gorgeous and the colors and vibrant... and just the story depictions are really, really thought provoking," Steiner observed. "Especially the end with the coming back of Jesus and the Lion and the Lamb… Yea, it's really awesome."
Solveson calls the artistic style 'impressionistic realism.' Her favorite scene? The Resurrection. 

"Because Miriam, she thought this was the gardener and she said, 'Where did you put His body? And He spoke her name and she had this love relationship with him. That's the kind of relationship I have with him," she told CBN News.

"But I also love the scene with the Lamb because it's not a traditional Calvary scene, -- it's a scene, it's a scene with the Passover Lamb, like when John the Baptist said, 'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,'" she said.
Solveson found inspiration from her own transformed life.  
"Inspiration is a four letter word, L-O-V-E," she explained. "Really because of the Lord who did for me what I could not do for myself--He took me out of this pit. He put a song in my mouth, a paintbrush in my hand and he said, 'You're going to live.'"
"It's really a love story for all people, from all over the world," she concluded.

Watch interview: Jerusalem Wall of Life

Canada Hopes to Jail People Who Stand Against Transgenderism - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

 At least in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a troubling statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.

Canada Hopes to Jail People Who Stand Against Transgenderism

At least in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a troubling statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. (Reuters)

Watchman on the Wall, with Jennifer LeClaire
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

The slippery slope is slicker than we thought—and it could land Bible-believing Christians into a cold, dark jail cell. At least in Canada.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a troubling statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. 
I agree, as he says, that everyone deserves to live free of stigma, persecution and discrimination. I agree, as he says, that all people—regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity—have the right to feel safe and secure, and empowered to freely express themselves. God gave us all a free will. 
But that's about where my agreement ends. 
"As a society, we have taken many important steps toward recognizing and protecting the legal rights for the LGBTQ2 community—from enshrining equality rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the passage of the Civil Marriage Act. There remains much to be done, though. Far too many people still face harassment, discrimination and violence for being who they are. This is unacceptable," Trudeau says.
"To do its part, the government of Canada today will introduce legislation that will help ensure transgender and other gender-diverse people can live according to their gender identity, free from discrimination and protected from hate propaganda and hate crimes."
I am all for legal rights—but not special rights. 
I am all for ending hate speech—but the Bible is not hate speech.
I am all for ending violence—but this bill of which Trudeau speaks may ultimately encourage violence against those who don't embrace the LGBT lifestyle, and it will most certainly lead to persecution, discrimination and perhaps even jail time. Here's a summary of the bill: 
"This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. The enactment also amends the Criminal Code to extend the protection against hate propaganda set out in that Act to any section of the public that is distinguished by gender identity or expression and to clearly set out that evidence that an offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on gender identity or expression constitutes an aggravating circumstance that a court must take into consideration when it imposes a sentence."
It doesn't take a prophet to see where this is headed. Christians need to speak up now before it's too late.  
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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A Close Look At The Rapture - Michael Snyder on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: A Close Look At The Rapture - Michael Snyder on The Jim Bakker Show

 Jim & Lori Bakker

Michael Snyder
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3000 | Aired on May 24, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Get a U.S.-Israel Flag Pin! ✡ "Armed Shall You Cross Over" - ISRAEL365

God gave you this Land for a possession, armed you shall cross over before your brethren, the Children of Israel, all the men of valor.

יְ-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֵיכֶם נָתַן לָכֶם אֶת הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת לְרִשְׁתָּהּ חֲלוּצִים תַּעַבְרוּ לִפְנֵי אֲחֵיכֶם בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל כָּל בְּנֵי חָיִל

דברים ג:י’’ח

a-do-nai e-lo-hay-khem na-tan la-khem et ha-a-retz ha-zot l'-rish-ta kha-lu-tzeem ta-av-ru lif-nay a-khay-khem b'-nay yis-ra-ayl kol b'-nay khai-yil

Today's Israel Inspiration

Why does God command the Children of Israel in war; wouldn't it have been easier for God to simply give them the Land in peace?! We reveal our deepest values in what we are willing to give our lives for. The IDF stands with America this coming U.S. Memorial Day, honoring all those who lost their lives while defending peace and freedom for ALL people.

Beautiful Video from the Army! "This is Why We Defend Israel"

Thank you to the Israeli army for creating such an inspiring video! With beautiful scenes of the People and Land of Israel, it is clear why the soldiers are devoted to defending this wonderful land.

Crack this Code and Join the Mossad

The Mossad Operational Cyber Arm published a recruiting ad with a series of columns of numbers and letters, complete with its logo and a slogan—a verse from Proverbs, as befits a Jewish clandestine operation.

Our politically correct society silences their voice,
but you can now hear the stories of those being abused!


Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess which top tourist destination these Israeli Air Force jets are about to fly over? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

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“Thank You for All These Beautiful Photos”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Hi, I am a Jew living with my family in Düsseldorf, Germany. I have a long history as I was born in Africa in an Arab country and when the British left we had to leave because of politcal and religious discrimination to the UK. After my studies in the UK, I moved to Germany. We just had the Maccabi games in Berlin where my Israeli born son-in-law was Captain of the Basketball Games... Thank you for the information in your channel about Israel and Jews around the World... Cesar Sweid, Germany

Thank you for all these beautiful photos and the scriptures you share. I love Israel and the Jewish people. Blessed be the Lord G-d of Israel. By the way I live in Tacoma, Washington - Robert Van Aken
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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