Friday, July 29, 2016

Mark Schultz - All Things Possible - music video with lyrics

Mark Schultz - All Things Possible with lyrics

Published on Aug 28, 2012
Album: "All Things Possible"
Copyright 2012, Fair Trade Services

Feel Like You're Right Here on the Jaffe Promenade ✡ "Rafts on the Sea of Jaffo" - ISRAEL365

And we shall cut timber from Lebanon, as much
as you need, and we shall bring it to you as rafts on thesea of Jaffo, and you will bring them up to Jerusalem.

וַאֲנַחְנוּ נִכְרֹת עֵצִים מִן הַלְּבָנוֹן כְּכָל צָרְכֶּךָ וּנְבִיאֵם לְךָ רַפְסֹדוֹת עַל יָם יָפוֹוְאַתָּה תַּעֲלֶה אֹתָם יְרוּשָׁלִָם

דברי הימים ב ב:טו

va-a-nakh-nu nikh-rot ay-tzeem min ha-l'-va-non k'-khol tzar-ke-kha u-n'-vee-aym l'-kha raf-so-dot al yam ya-fo v'-a-ta ta-a-le o-tam y'-ru-sha-lai-yim

Shabbat Inspiration

In the times of King Solomon, mighty cedar trees of Lebanon were sent by Hiram
"as rafts on the sea" to the ancient port of Jaffe, to be used in the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. It was deemed a great merit to Hiram, Solomon's non Jewish friend and ally, who bestowed these trees for such a holy purpose. Today you can share in the special merit of planting trees throughout all of Israel.

Talk a Stroll on the Beautiful Jaffe Promenade

Feel like you're right here strolling the popular Jaffe boardwalk!

Summer Forest Fires Hit Israel From North to South 

Amidst scorching temperatures, forest fires have repeatedly ignited all the way from Israel’s most northern locations to her most southern cities, with no less than 55 forested areas burned.

Today's Israel Photo

If you're looking to find this lovely boardwalk near Jaffe port, ask the locals for the "ta-ye-let," which is Hebrew for "promenade." The Jaffe Promenade runs 14 km along the beach and by foot or by bicycle, it's a fun day's activity.

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26 Christians Were Martyred Here, Now it Could Become a World Heritage Site - CBN News

26 Christians Were Martyred Here, Now it Could Become a World Heritage Site
The earliest church in Japan, built on a site where 26 Christians were martyred by crucifixion in 1597, is a candidate to become a World Heritage Site by 2018.
According to Japan Today, Nagasaki's Oura Church was the main target of extensive Christian persecution from 1603-1868, when the faith was banned in the country.
From 1614-1640, up to 6,000 Christians were put to death for their faith.
Christianity was "presumed extinct" for many years, according to Christian Today. However, thousands of believers survived by living in the remote islands of Nagasaki and Sakitsu village, keeping the traditions of their martyred fathers.
When Japan opened its borders in 1865, villagers visited a newly built Catholic church in the area and told the priest they continued their hidden worship for 250 years. 
The U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization will examine this site during the summer of 2018, after the government submits its letter of recommendation on Feb. 1, next year. 
Shusaku Endo, in his book Silence, retold the story of the Japanese persecution of Christians. A movie by filmmaker Martin Scorsese is expected later this year.
"Christ did not die for the good and beautiful," Endo says in the book. "It is easy enough to die for the good and beautiful; the hard thing is to die for the miserable and corrupt."

Has the Biblical Garden of Eden Been Discovered Here? CBN News

Has the Biblical Garden of Eden Been Discovered Here?
CBN News 07-28-2016
The wetlands of southeast Iran, believed by many to be the location of the ancient Garden of Eden, is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. 
The vast Ahwar marshes are fed by the Tigris and Euphrates river and are home to one of the world's most diverse ecosystems. UNESCO describes the region as dating back to the "4th and 3rd millennium BCE," and truly "unique."
But it was not always this way. 
When dictator Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq with an iron fist, he almost completely drained the marshes to punish the Arab inhabitants for rebelling against his reign. What was once one of the most fertile places in the world became a desert. 
The marsh inhabitants re-flooded the wetlands after Hussein was overthrown. 
Although in recent years, the marshes have been used for drugs and arms smuggling and keeping hostages for ransom, many consider it a reflection of paradise on earth. 
Many believe the vast wetland could be the location of the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, the paradise where God once walked and visited his prized creation, Adam and Eve. 
"The Bible describes the area around the Garden in Genesis 2, even using recognizable place names such as Ethiopia. It mentions a spring in the Garden which parts into four major rivers, including the Euphrates," says Dr. John Morris from the Institute for Creation Research. "This has led many, including Bible scholars, to conclude that the Garden of Eden was somewhere in the middle eastern area known today as the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley."
But Morris is skeptical that the ancient Garden of Eden rests in the Ahwar marshes of today. He believes another piece of biblical history destroyed the chance for the discovery of modern-day Eden -- the Flood. 
"As described in Genesis 6-9, the Flood would have totally restructured the surface of the globe," Morris said. "It would have done what major floods do--erode the land surface in one area and redeposit those sediments elsewhere."
He said the earth looks vastly different from what it was a few millennia ago.
"No present topography or underground surface could possibly bear any resemblance to the pre-flood world," he explained.
Therefore, although many believe the marshes of Iraq can be appreciated for their biodiversity, there is little evidence this is actually the home of the Garden of Eden. 

Bye Bye Middle Class: The Rate Of Homeownership In The United States Has Hit The Lowest Level Ever - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Abandoned House - Public Domain

Posted: 28 Jul 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded.  During the second quarter of 2016, the non-seasonally adjusted homeownership rate fell to just 62.9 percent, which was exactly where it was at when the U.S. Census began publishing this measurement back in 1965.  This is not what a “recovery” looks like.  

All throughout the Obama years, the percentage of Americans that own a home has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller.  The reason for this, of course, is that the middle class in America is dying.  Last year, we learned that middle class Americans now make up a minority of the population for the first time ever.  In order to have a high rate of homeownership, you need a thriving middle class, and you can’t have a thriving middle class without good paying middle class jobs.  

This is why I write about the evisceration of the middle class so extensively, because the U.S. economy is systematically being hollowed out and most Americans don’t understand what is happening.

Traditionally, owning a home has been a sign that you have arrived as a member of the middle class, but under Barack Obama the percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen every single year.  In the past, we have talked about how it had fallen to the lowest level in decades, but now it has officially fallen to the lowest level ever.  The following comes from CNBC
After rising just over a decade ago to its highest level ever, the nation’s homeownership rate fell to match its all-time low and could drop even further in the months to come.
In the second quarter of this year, the rate fell to 62.9 percent, not seasonally adjusted, which is the same as it was in 1965, when the U.S. Census started tracking the metric. During the epic housing boom in the mid-2000s, the rate soared as high as 69.2 percent. That was when politicians touted the so-called “ownership society.”
So why is this happening?

Well, according to Wolf Richter analysts are blaming many factors…
  • Rising home prices in an economy of stagnant wages (for the lower 80%) have pushed entry-level homes out of reach for many people.
  • Lower priced homes in many urban areas entail a huge and costly ($ and time) commute every day. And even then, these homes may be too much of stretch for big parts of the population in expensive urban areas.
  • First time buyers are having trouble saving for a down payment since they spend their last available dime to meet soaring rents.
  • Millennials have been blamed. They always get blamed for everything. They saw their parents deal with the American Dream as it turned into the American Nightmare, and they learned their lesson early in life.
  • The super-low interest rate environment hasn’t made homes more affordable because home prices, in response to super-low interest rates, have soared, and in the end, mortgage payments are higher than they were before.
  • Higher home prices entail other costs that are higher, including taxes, brokerage fees, and insurance.
Certainly all of those points are legitimate, but the truth is that what we are facing is much broader than all of that.  The middle class in the United States has been dying for decades, and in recent years the long-term trends that have been slowly eating away at the middle class like cancer have accelerated significantly.  Just consider these numbers…

-In America today, nobody has a job in one out of every five families.

-At this moment, 102 million working age Americans do not have a job.

-According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of American workers currently make less than $30,000 a year.

-In 1970, the middle class brought home approximately 62 percent of all income. Today, that number has plunged to just 43 percent.

-The Federal Reserve says that 47 percent of Americans could not pay an unexpected $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money from somewhere or selling something.

-One recent survey discovered that 62 percent of all Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.

-If you currently have no debt and you also have ten dollars in your pocket, that gives you a greater net worth than about 25 percent of all Americans.

-According to Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer, the authors of a book entitled “$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America“, there are 1.5 million “ultrapoor” households in the United States that live on less than two dollars a day.  If you can believe it, that number has doubled since 1996.

-Back in 2007, approximately one out of every eight children in America was on food stamps. Today, that number is one out of every five.

-Things continue to get worse for the middle class as we head into the second half of 2016.  Gallup’s U.S. economic confidence index just hit the lowest level so far this year.

I could keep quoting numbers at you all day, but hopefully you are getting the picture.
The middle class in America just keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and our politicians just keep on conducting business as usual.  They don’t seem to care that they are strangling the life out of what was once the largest and most thriving middle class in the history of the planet.

And things could soon get much worse for the middle class as this new global economic crisis accelerates.  In fact, highly respected economist Peter Schiff believes that a major downturn in the U.S. is imminent
HERE IS THE REALITY: The world has caught on, and the gig is up. Under Obama’s stewardship, the U.S. national debt has gone from $10 Trillion, to what will be $20 Trillion by the time he leaves office, with nothing more than 100 MILLION Americans out of work, and 50 MILLION in poverty and on food stamps. That’s what cheap money bought for us. It was all “borrowed” cheap money too, making it infinitely worse, and the world is tired of lending.
There are so many families out there that are really struggling right now, and more than two-thirds of all Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track.

I would like to tell you that happy days are here again and that the best times for America are just around the corner, but unlike the politicians at the Republican and Democratic national conventions, I am not going to lie to you.

Very rough times are coming, and things are going to get much harder for the middle class.

Plan accordingly, and get prepared while you still can.

This Year’s Top Five Natural Biblical Phenomena - Number Two Will Scare You! Abra Forman - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Breaking Israel News)

This Year’s Top Five Natural Biblical Phenomena - Number Two Will Scare You!

“Thine are the heavens, Thine also the earth; the world and the fulness thereof, Thou hast founded them.” Psalms 89:12 (The Israel Bible™)
With the incredible return of fish to the shores of the ancient Dead Sea, more attention than ever is turning to the revealing of God’s miracles, presence and prophecies all over the globe. This year, which the Nascent Sanhedrin has declared a Jubilee year, has seen amazing evidence of the Bible coming to life.
Breaking Israel News took a look back at the top five Biblical phenomenon stories of the year proving that in these modern times, God is more visible than ever before to those who are willing to see Him.

1. Life Discovered on the Shores of the Dead Sea as Prophesized in Ezekiel 47:9

The Dead Sea (Photo:
The Dead Sea (Photo:

Breaking Israel News broke this earth-shaking story about the fulfillment of Ezekiel 47:8-9, in which the prophet foresaw the returning of live fish and healing waters to the Dead Sea, an ultra-saline, inhospitable environment where no life can survive. Incredibly, a young woman from Jerusalem stumbled upon fresh-water ponds filled with fish along the shores of the Dead Sea and quickly saw their significance. Her video documenting the phenomenon has received over 12,000 views.

Read here: Dead Sea Prophecy - Comes To Life

2. End of Days Yellowstone Volcano Prophesied in Zechariah


In May, unusual seismic and geological activity in America’s massive Yellowstone National Park raised concerns that the dormant volcano could be due for an enormous eruption, which would have devastating effects on the region. Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri explained that the rash of earthquakes throughout the globe and the increase of volcanic activity at Yellowstone and other locations fit exactly with Zechariah’s prediction for the End of Days, which states that two-thirds of the world will be destroyed by fire.

3. Nile River “Turns” Blood-Red in Biblical Nature Phenomenon

A satellite photo taken of the Nile River, released on April 1, 2016. (European Space Agency)
A satellite photo taken of the Nile River, released on April 1, 2016. (European Space Agency)

An incredible satellite image, released by the European Space Agency in April, amazed the world with a Biblical tableaux of the Nile River seemingly turned to blood. The photo showed the Egyptian Nile rendered in bright red, evoking the first plague that the Lord sent to the Egyptian pharaoh for refusing to free the Israelite slaves. The timing was considered extremely significant, as the photo was released only a week before the holiday of Passover, when Jews celebrate the Israelite exodus from Egypt and slavery.

4. Another Biblical Plague Mysteriously Appears as Passover Approaches [WATCH]

Photo: Jag_cz /
Photo: Jag_cz /

Quick on the heels of the blood-red Nile story, another scene from the Bible came to life when a video from Afghanistan revealed the incredible mixing of fire and water in one mysterious geological phenomenon. The video showed water and fire pouring out together from the same opening in the earth in a display eerily similar to the fire and ice described in Exodus 9:24.

5. Global Wave of Earthquakes a Prelude to Redemption?


Seven major earthquakes hit both coasts of the Pacific and a number of smaller quakes struck around the world over a 96-hour period in April, leading seismologists to warn that the Earth may be in for some shaky days in the future. Rabbis and scientists alike predicted that Israel is overdue and could soon feel a major earthquake “at any time”; experts pointed to the End of Days prophecy in Psalms 104:32 which foretold tremblings of the earth before the final redemption.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Remembering Schindler's Legacy: 'We Don't Have to Be Silent This Time' - CBN News Chris Mitchell

Remembering Schindler's Legacy: 'We Don't Have to Be Silent This Time'
CBN News Chris Mitchell

JERUSALEM, Israel – "Schindler's List" stands as one of the most moving films of all time. It tells the story of Oskar Schindler and the nearly 1,200 Jews he rescued from the Nazis, in part by employing them in his factory. 
At the end of the film, released in December 1993, survivors place stones of remembrance on Schindler's grave in Jerusalem.
Christian leaders recently met one of Schindler's survivors, Ewa Ratz, during a seminar at the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. Ratz addressed seminar participants at his gravesite.
"Every time I come here I am very moved, really because he's my survivor," Ratz told CBN News. "They asked me in Poland, 'How did you survive the Holocaust?' I say, first of all, the Almighty God; second, my mother; and third, of course, Oscar Schindler."
As a young child in 1945, Ratz was number 201 on Schindler's list. Her mother, Fela, was number 202.
"I loved Oscar Schindler, 'Herr Director.' All of us loved him – an angel of mercy, really. We knew exactly what he was doing and how difficult it was to do it," she said.

Ratz later spoke with the group about surviving the Holocaust and life in the camp before she met Schindler. 
"The Germans were terrible – [they gave us] 25 lashes on the behind almost every day," she recalled. "They hang people in the upper plats every two days, with no reason. I think that Hitler and the Nazis really convinced them…that they [the Jews] are not human."

Yad VaShem is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust for future generations. It's also committed to educating this present generation about the dangers of anti-Semitism and the consequences of remaining silent in the face of evil.
"We think about the Holocaust, the Church was silent. We don't have to be silent today," Susanna Kokkonen, director of Christian Friends of Yad VaShem, told CBN News. 
Susanna Kokkonen
Kokkonen leads the Christian leaders' seminar.

"This seminar is for Christian leaders to learn more about anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Israel today," she explained. "And when we think about anti-Semitism, we used to think about it in the past. But now in the past few years we have seen how much it's rising all over the world.  So we understand suddenly that this topic is urgent and it's really important for church leaders to understand what's happening."

The 10-day seminar has had a deep impact on the visiting Christian leaders.
"I would say this seminar has been a life-changing experience," Pastor Ed told CBN News. "It has been a stretch spiritually, intellectually, emotionally. It has really impacted my view of the history of the Jewish people. To be here in the Land, to meet people, to meet survivors, it's been quite a moving experience."

Pastor Josh Phillips plans to take home a new passion.
"A love for Israel and the Jewish people that I didn't know I had, I didn't know I needed, but a desire to be a partner and an advocate for Israel and for the Jewish people," Phillips said.

Yet Kokkonen believes much of the Church is still silent.
"I see the silence of the Church. We are silent about anti-Semitism. Most of us don't feel that it touches us," Kokkonen continued. "We might say that it's awful, it's terrible, it's wrong. But we don't need to take any concrete steps and that same kind of conspiracy of silence also exists with regard to the persecution of the Christians."
Ephraim Kaye, Yad VaShem's director of international seminars, sees world events forging a bond between Jews and Christians.

"Today we're in the same boat, Christians and Jews. More Christians are being murdered every day than Jews throughout the Middle East and in other places," Kaye told CBN News. "We need each other. There is a clash of civilizations."  
"And we both have to work together because this is something that affects us all," he continued. "And we have to know what the dangers are in fundamentalist radical, extremist Islam. Evil cannot be overlooked. You cannot put your head in the sand today, especially after the Holocaust."

Kaye sees the value of these seminars.

"When we come in contact with these evangelical pastors, it gives up hope, Israelis, as Jews, living here in the Middle East," he said. "We're in a tough neighborhood; it's not easy.  But they give us a lot of support, a lot of optimism. We embrace them. They embrace us. Couldn't be better!"  

Ratz agreed.

"I wanted everyone to know Schindler was not a Jew. He was a Christian and I'm sure many Christians maybe they will do the same. I believe in the Christians," she said.