Friday, September 16, 2016

10 Things That Every American Should Know About Donald Trump’s Plan To Save The U.S. Economy - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 15 Sep 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Can Donald Trump turn the U.S. economy around?  This week Trump unveiled details of his new economic plan, and the mainstream media is having a field day criticizing it.  But the truth is that we simply cannot afford to stay on the same path that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have us on right now. 

Millions of jobs are being shipped out of the country, the middle class is dying, poverty is exploding, millions of children in America don’t have enough food, and our reckless spending has created the biggest debt bubble in the history of the planet.  Something must be done or else we will continue to steamroll toward economic oblivion.  So is Donald Trump the man for the hour?

If you would like to read his full economic plan, you can find it on his official campaign website.  His plan starts off by pointing out that this has been the weakest “economic recovery” since the Great Depression…
Last week’s GDP report showed that the economy grew a mere 1.2% in the second quarter and 1.2% over the last year. It’s the weakest recovery since the Great Depression – the predictable consequence of massive taxation, regulation, one-side trade deals and onerous energy restrictions.
And Trump is exactly right about how weak this economic recovery has been.

So how would he fix things?

The following are 10 things that every American should know about Donald Trump’s plan to save the U.S. economy…

#1 Donald Trump would lower taxes on the middle class
The tax savings under Trump’s plan would actually be quite substantial for middle class families.  The following numbers come from a recent Charisma article
• A married couple earning $50,000 per year with two children and $8,000 in child care expenses will save 35% from their current tax bill.
• A married couple earning $75,000 per year with two children and $10,000 in child care expenses will receive a 30% reduction in their tax bill.
• Married couple earning $5 million per year with two children and $12,000 in child care expenses will get only a 3% reduction in their tax bill.

#2 Donald Trump would lower taxes on businesses
Under his plan, no business in America would be taxed more than 15 percent.  Alternatively, Hillary Clinton’s plan would tax some small businesses at a rate of close to 50 percent.  So Trump’s plan would undoubtedly be good for businesses, and it would encourage many that have left the country to return.

But where would the lost tax revenue be made up?

#3 Childcare expenses would be exempt from taxation
For working families with children this would be a great blessing.  Without a doubt this is an effort to win over more working women, and this is a demographic that Trump has been struggling with.

It is definitely an idea that I support, but once again where will the money come from to pay for this?

#4 U.S. manufacturers will be allowed to immediately fully expense new plants and equipment
This would undoubtedly lead to a boom in capital investment, but it would also reduce tax revenue.  As an emergency measure this would be very good for encouraging manufacturers to stay in America, but it would also likely increase the budget deficit.

#5 A temporary freeze on new regulations
Red tape is one of my big pet peeves, and so I greatly applaud Trump for this proposal.  I think that Bob Eschliman put it very well when he wrote the following about Trump’s planned freeze on new regulations…
In 2015 alone, federal agencies issued over 3,300 final rules and regulations, up from 2,400 the prior year. Studies show that small manufacturers face more than three times the burden of the average U.S. business, and the hidden tax from ineffective regulations amounts to “nearly $15,000 per U.S. household” annually. Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion dollars per year, and Trump will end it.
#6 All existing regulations would be reviewed and unnecessary regulations would be eliminated
In particular, Trump’s plan would focus on getting rid of regulations that inhibit hiring.  The following are some of the specific areas that he identifies on his official campaign website
  • The Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, which forces investment in renewable energy at the expense of coal and natural gas, raising electricity rates;
  • The EPA’s Waters of the United States rule, which gives the EPA the ability to regulate the smallest streams on private land, limiting land use; and
  • The Department of Interior’s moratorium on coal mining permits, which put tens of thousands of coal miners out of work.
#7 Donald Trump would fundamentally alter our trade relationships with the rest of the globe
Donald Trump is the first major party nominee in decades to recognize that our trade deficit is absolutely killing our economy.  I write about this all the time, and it is a hot button issue for me.  So I definitely applaud Trump for proposing the following
  • Appoint trade negotiators whose goal will be to win for America: narrowing our trade deficit, increasing domestic production, and getting a fair deal for our workers.
  • Renegotiate NAFTA.
  • Withdraw from the TPP.
  • Bring trade relief cases to the world trade organization.
  • Label China a currency manipulator.
  • Apply tariffs and duties to countries that cheat.
  • Direct the Commerce Department to use all legal tools to respond to trade violations.
#8 Donald Trump’s plan would be a tremendous boost for the U.S. energy industry
Barack Obama promised to kill the coal industry, and that is one of the few promises that he has actually kept.  Obama also killed the Keystone Pipeline, and right now the energy industry as a whole is enduring their worst stretch since the last recession.  To turn things around, Trump would do the following
  • Rescind all the job-destroying Obama executive actions including the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.
  • Save the coal industry and other industries threatened by Hillary Clinton’s extremist agenda.
  • Ask Trans Canada to renew its permit application for the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Make land in the Outer Continental Shelf available to produce oil and natural gas.
  • Cancel the Paris Climate Agreement (limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius) and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs.
#9 Trump would repeal Obamacare
Trump claims that Obamacare would cost our economy two million jobs over the next ten years.  And without a doubt, it has already cost the U.S. economy a lot of jobsNot only that, but Obamacare has also sent health insurance premiums soaring, and this is putting a tremendous amount of financial pressure on many families.

Trump says that he would “replace” Obamacare, but that is a rather vague statement.
What exactly would he replace it with?

#10 Trump’s plan says nothing about the Federal Reserve
This is a great concern, because the Federal Reserve has far more power over the economy than anyone else does.  It is at the very heart of our debt-based system, and unless something is done about the Fed our debt bubble will continue to get even larger.
Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by more than 96 percent and our national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger.  For Trump to not even mention the Federal Reserve in his economic plan is a tremendous oversight.
We are in the midst of a long-term economic decline, and things have not gotten better during the Obama years.  If you can believe it, a study that was just released by Harvard even acknowledges this
America’s economic performance peaked in the late 1990s, and erosion in crucial economic indicators such as the rate of economic growth, productivity growth, job growth, and investment began well before the Great Recession.
Workforce participation, the proportion of Americans in the productive workforce, peaked in 1997. With fewer working-age men and women in the workforce, per-capita income for the U.S. is reduced.
Median real household income has declined since 1999, with incomes stagnating across virtually all income levels. Despite a welcome jump in 2015, median household income remains below the peak attained in 1999, 17 years ago. Moreover, stagnating income and limited job prospects have disproportionately affected lower-income and lower-skilled Americans, leading inequality to rise.
That same study found that the percentage of Americans participating in the labor force peaked back in 1997 and has been steadily declining since that time…


If we continue to do the same things, we will continue to get the same results.

Donald Trump is promising change, and many of his proposals sound good, but there are also some areas to be concerned about.

Ultimately, just tinkering with the tax code and reducing regulations is not going to be enough to turn the U.S. economy around.  We need a fundamental overhaul of our economic and financial systems, and Trump’s plan stops well short of that.  But without a doubt what he is proposing is vastly superior to Hillary Clinton’s plan, and so he should definitely be applauded for at least moving in the right direction.

The Meaning of the Hebrew Word Ya-Ar ✡ "Is the Tree of the Field Man" - ISRAEL365

For is the tree of the field man,
that it should be besieged of thee?

כִּי הָאָדָם עֵץ הַשָּׂדֶה לָבֹא מִפָּנֶיךָ בַּמָּצוֹר

דברים כ:יט

kee ha-a-dam aytz ha-sa-de la-vo mi-pa-ne-kha ba-ma-tzor

Today's Israel Inspiration

A story goes that after a massive hurricane, research was conducted to determine why some trees had fallen, while others in the very same vicinity had not.  After much investigation it was revealed that the trees that grew very close to their water source had been uprooted, while those further away had stood their ground.  Why was this so?  Quite simply, a tree will find water, however deep or far it needs to spread its roots, and the harder it works, the stronger those roots are!  King David's analogy of man to a tree is not simply poetic.  Like a tree, the strength of man corresponds to the effort that he puts forth to achieve his goals. Put down YOUR roots in the Holy Land.

Why Are the Jews Still Here?

Based on the poetic verse of Chloe Valdary, this powerful short film asks 'What is the essence of the nation of Israel?'

Why Did Donald Trump Don a Tallit?

As the emerging phenomenon of Christians adopting Jewish rituals grows, Jews are beginning to ask if this sign of a newfound closeness is a positive thing, or if it is even allowed by Jewish law.

Today's Israel Photo

The Jerusalem forest in full springtime bloom!  In Hebrew, 'ya-ar' means forest.  This is 'Ya-ar Y'-ru-sha-la-yeem'.

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What is God’s Hebrew Name? By Tsivya Fox - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


What is God’s Hebrew Name?

“Moshe said unto God: ‘Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them: The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me: What is His name? what shall I say unto them?’ And God said unto Moshe: ‘I AM THAT I AM’.” Exodus 3:13-14 (The Israel Bible™)
In the first verse of the Bible, God is referred to as Eloheem (אֱלֹהִים). Yet in Genesis 12:7, God introduces himself to Abraham as יְהוָה (we do not know how to pronounce this name, which is described as the “Ineffable Name”). And, just a bit later, in Genesis 17:1, God reintroduces Himself to Abraham as El Shadai (אֵל שַׁדַּי). What do all of God’s names in the Bible teach us about Him?
“God’s essence is eternal and unchanging. However, in order for man to gain a clearer understanding of his relationship to God, He changes His name,” explained Roni Segal, the academic adviser for eTeacher, an online language academy, to Breaking Israel News.
The importance of names is established early on in the Bible. In Genesis, after God creates “every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air”, the animals are brought to the first man, Adam, to be named. Adam calls each animal by its essence.
From here, we understand that, in Jewish thought, a Hebrew name is not an arbitrary designation but rather more of a definition. In fact, the Talmud states that, in today’s world, the only prophecy left is when a parent names a child. Naming a child is considered one-sixtieth of prophecy and called Ruach HaKodesh (רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ). Ruach HaKodesh comes to parents in the form of an angel who whispers into their ears what Hebrew name to give.
Therefore, our first Biblical introduction to God is as Eloheem (אֱלֹהִים). This is actually a plural word, yet we know that God is only one. Eloheem encompases the idea that God contains all powers and essences of the world, especially as The Creator, The Mightiest, The Ruler and The True Judge.
Start a spiritual journey of a lifetime
God’s Ineffable Name (Yud-Hay-Vav-Hay) reflects that His existence is eternal. Contained in these four Hebrew letters is the idea of past (הָיָה- hah-ya), present (הֹוֶה- hoh-veh) and future (יִהְיֶה- yih-hee-yeh). This name also is used when discussing God’s relationship with man through His qualities of loving kindness and mercy.

El Shaddai usually translates as “God Almighty”. “Dai” in Hebrew means enough or sufficient. As God’s strength is endlessly mighty, when creating the world, in essence, His creation would have gone on forever had He not said, “Dai”.
El Shaddai is the name of God which is written on the outside of mezuzah scrolls placed on the doorposts of Jewish homes. The letters shin dalet yud (שדי) stand for the acronym, “Shomer Daltot Yisrael” which means, “Guardian of the doors of Israel”.
God Himself chooses a unique name for Moses to introduce Him to the Jewish people in ancient Egypt. In Exodus 3:13, Moses asks God what He should be called. God answers, “I AM THAT I AM”, implying that He is eternal and not really knowable except through His creations and deeds, as seen through His various names.
Learning Biblical Hebrew can transform the way one reads and understands the Bible,” noted Segal. “Hebrew is God’s holy language. Shouldn’t we know the names of its creator?
“Although all Bible study is a blessing, the importance of studying it in Hebrew cannot be stressed enough,” she explained. “The sacred Hebrew language contains many levels of understanding which gets lost in translation.”

Thursday, September 15, 2016

God is not Finished with You Yet by Elaine Tavolacci - Identity Network

God is not Finished with You Yet by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network
This afternoon a friend of mine was praying for me over the phone. It was a powerful prayer of decreeing and declaring miracles over my life and I sensed the anointing of God as she was releasing faith filled words. Suddenly I had a strange sense of a voice from the kingdom of darkness saying - "I am not finished with you yet." I thought about this for a few seconds but then the presence of God flooded my body and the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a still small voice saying, "I Am not finished with you yet". He confirmed this word with the scripture Jeremiah 29:11. His voice was gentle but strong. It was not commanding or forceful but filled with love and compassion.

The Lord is showing me that many of you are listening to the voice of the enemy and it is bringing fear and torment into your life. There are numerous voices in the world that vie for your attention throughout the day. They come in mere thoughts and images in your minds. They come with enticement and temptations. I remember a cartoon that seemed silly at the time, but when I think about it now, it was actually profound. In this cartoon there was a person who had a little angel sitting on one shoulder telling them to do the right thing, and a little devil sitting on the other shoulder persuading them to do bad things. That is a great metaphor of what is actually taking place in the spirit realm. Jesus will never lead you in the wrong direction. The Holy Spirit is your comforter.

Ignore the Enemy's Voice and Lies

The Lord says; don't submit to the voices that bring defeat and confusion, but listen for the voice of truth. I have given you ears to hear and I speak with clarity. My voice will bring peace and it will carry My presence. It will always glorify Jesus for who He is and what He has done for you. It will release healing and it will bring favor. Don't allow your emotions to become entangled with thoughts of failure and defeat but allow Me to release My presence into every situation.

You were once in the kingdom of darkness but now you are the light of the world. The enemy has trained you to fight well when you were in his camp, but now is the time to take those same weapons of warfare and use them against him. I have given you authority over powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in heavenly places. I have put My word in your mouth and have given you dominion to decree and declare what is rightfully yours. Your words have authority to call things into existence and transform atmospheres. The powers of darkness will have to obey and submit as you speak My word.

Do not submit to the lies of the enemy about your future. I Am your healer, I Am your provider, I Am your deliverer, I Am the God of your destiny and I Am with you in the fire of affliction. Rejoice at all times and know that all that I have promised to you will come to pass. When the voices of darkness try to rise up against you in intimidation and accusation, know that your victory is assured. I will watch over My word to perform it says the Lord.

Jeremiah 1:9-10 Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant."

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

Elaine Tavolacci

God is not Finished with You Yet by Elaine Tavolacci

By Elaine Tavolacci
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Prophecy: We're Entering Into a 'Wow' Season - RYAN LESTRANGE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Prophetic voice Ryan LeStrange says your coming in and going out will be blessed.
Prophetic voice Ryan LeStrange says your coming in and going out will be blessed. (iStock photo )

Prophecy: We're Entering Into a 'Wow' Season

As I was spending time with the Father, my heart began to swell with tremendous expectation. I had this growing sense of new beginnings and alignments coming this fall. We are entering into a WOW season! It is a time of blessed transitions and radical shifts. In the midst of all that, there will be unexpected alignments as God connects you to the right people and disconnects you from the wrong ones. This is part of the advance in your life.
"You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out" (Deut. 28:6).
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from now and forever more" (Ps. 121:8).
There is a blessing in the coming and the going! Transitional seasons are often pivotal moments that require the wisdom, timing and favor of the Lord. It is easy to mishandle a transitional period. It is much like a birth in the natural—there is a lot of preparation and then a sudden push! In that moment there is tremendous promise but also potential danger. We must navigate these transition avenues well.
"He keeps the paths of justice, and preserves the way of His saints" (Prov. 2:8).
In the midst of a significant transition you may not understand the pathway the Lord is taking you on. There are times when we are absolutely convinced we are to head down a particular path; then all of a sudden the Lord takes us in a totally different direction. This is part of the WOW that I sense coming for many.
Some will say, "Wow, God this is so good!" Others will say, "Wow, this is totally unexpected." Some may even say, "Wow, I did not see these things coming at all." Real champions and world changers live as surrendered people. The source of the power and authority that Jesus displayed was connected to the level of total obedience.
"Jesus said to them, 'My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work'" (John 4:34).
There is great grace, authority and power in the surrender. It is part of His process for your life. Surrender and trust are vital ingredients for the elevated pathways on which you are about to walk. You must make these verses part of your confession! Put faith in motion and speak this thing:
Your coming in and going out is blessed. The transition from one era to another is blessed. The shift from one assignment to another is blessed. The alignment that God has revealed to you is blessed.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths" (Prov. 3:5-6).
Signs to Look Out for on Your Pathway
During a kingdom shift in your life, the enemy will do his best to abort the plan, break your focus and disrupt the process. You need to be on the lookout for two primary traps in the midst of transition:
1. Attacks that are sent to offend. It is vital that you quickly discern and cover these in prayer. There will be ugly accusations and people speaking from the low places.
I will never forget a number of years ago I had a person unload a series of evil word curses on me. It wasn't just any person but someone that I had been in relationship with.
The words not only stung me but they were a clear invitation for offense.
A man of God who had no idea what I was going through called me and released a prophetic word over my life that armed me for battle. He told me that God was elevating me and that it was critical that I tune out the voices from the low places. He said that these voices were sent to pull me down from elevated understanding, spirit leading and kingdom progress. That word broke the lies of the word curses and armed me for battle.
When God favors you, promotes you and takes you into new dimensions, there will be those who have been carrying open wounds that will speak against you and will release word curses. You must recognize the assignment and not allow it to distract you. You cannot and must not take offense but must stand firm in prayer and stay rock solid. Don't take the bait. Pray for them. The enemy wants to use their words to offend you and get you off course.
2. A false sense of confusion. This is because some of the steps in the shift will not make sense to your natural mind. You have to really tap into the wisdom of God and call out to Him. Lift up your voice and make your cry loud. Pray also in the spirit and access the mysteries of God. Refuse to be lied to and dominated by your fleshy human brain.
Instead choose to believe the Word of the Lord. An elevated pathway will require greater understanding. This comes in the presence of God. Seek wisdom and allow Holy Spirit to give you powerful spiritual downloads and insight. He prepares you for the process. Also, be willing to accept wise counsel. The Lord has placed people around you that will speak into where you are going and prepare your heart for the promotion.
Transition can be an invitation to the next level of destiny. There will be unexpected twists and turns; unseen detours may pop up. It is all part of the journey. As we live fully surrendered to the Father, He is guiding us and establishing us in His kingdom plans. This WOW season really demands total surrender. Great realms of power are unleashed by great measures of obedience!
Ryan LeStrange started in ministry after training and serving under his spiritual father, Dr. Norvel Hayes. Ryan and his wife, Joy, lead Impact International Ministries based in Bristol, Virginia, which consists of several local churches and revival ministries. Through Ryan LeStrange Ministries, he travels the globe preaching, igniting revival and moving in the power of God. Ryan can be seen weekly on his television program, Power 4 Today, airing around the world on GodTV. He is the founder and apostle of Impact International Apostolic Fellowship, networking and fathering ministers around the world. Ryan has written several books releasing an apostolic and prophetic perspective to the body of Christ.
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
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8 Ways to Recharge Your Prayer Life - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

How would you grade your prayer life these days?
How would you grade your prayer life these days? (iStock photo )

8 Ways to Recharge Your Prayer Life

How would you grade your prayer life these days? Are your spiritual batteries drained? Do you need a recharge? It's easy for prayer to become monotonous and predictable, but the Holy Spirit is always willing to offer a jumpstart. Even if you feel like a failure in this area, He can turn a spiritual wimp into a warrior.
After a recent string of answered prayers, I've discovered a fresh excitement about my own prayer journey. I've also realized that if I want to mature spiritually, my prayer life must go to a higher level. Here are eight ways you can turn up the heat:
1. Develop your spiritual confidence. Many Christians live on the far edges of God's blessings because they don't believe they have been made righteous by Christ's sacrifice. You will never expect answers from God if you think He is mad at you. Don't act like a slave who begs for things. You are His heir, and He has given you His royal robe, His signet ring and His estate. He wants to give you the kingdom. God tells us to "draw near with confidence to the throne of grace" (Heb. 4:16). You can ask Him for anything.
2. Be more specific. Zig Ziglar used to say: "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time." That's why vague prayers are inferior to specific ones. I have recently begun the habit of making a "Top Seven List" of prayer requests. When I did this during my recent out-of-state move, the Lord answered six of my seven requests within two months. One of my prayers was that when I bought my new house, my new house payment would not be more than my old one. It turned out to be one dollar less! I was reminded that James 4:2 says: "You do not have because you do not ask."
3. Ask big. We can limit what God wants to do in the Earth by praying in a puny way. Why would we settle for less when God can do the impossible? Elisha boldly asked his mentor, Elijah, for a double portion of the Holy Spirit—and God gave him that mantle. God may want to double what you are requesting of Him. The Lord said: "Ask of Me, and I will give the nations for Your inheritance... " (Ps. 2:8). His vision for your life is far greater than what you supposed.
4. Become more aggressive. Status quo prayers won't be enough in seasons of spiritual battle. There is a time to go to war in the spirit, and this will require a militant attitude toward the enemy. When Elisha told King Joash to take arrows and strike the ground, in preparation for a battle, the king halfheartedly hit the ground only three times. Elisha said: "You should have struck five or six times, then you would have struck Aram until you would have destroyed it" (2 Kings 13:18-19). Too often we are satisfied with small victories because we didn't pray with enough intensity. Your zeal will often determine your outcome.
5. Groan when necessary. People who have allowed God to use them in intercession know that certain situations require travail. This is not easy prayer—it is the spiritual equivalent of childbirth! When Elijah prayed for rain to end a seven-year drought, the Bible says he "crouched down upon the earth and put his face between his knees" (1 Kings 18:42). If you really want a crime wave to end in your city, or a nation to find Jesus, or your own children to be saved, let the Spirit pray through you in a deeper, messier and noisier way.
6. Combine fasting with prayer. Fasting is not a way to bribe God. You do not need to forfeit food to get His attention. But fasting helps you focus on the Lord—and it can intensify prayer power. There are certain spiritual obstacles that need an extra push. When speaking of a demon that needed to be cast out, Jesus told His disciples: "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting" (Matt. 17:21). If you are hitting a spiritual brick wall, it may be time to fast.
7. Do a night watch. I am not the kind of guy who typically gets up at 3 a.m. to pray. I like my sleep! But there are moments in our lives when the Lord may woo you to spend time with Him in the night hours. In Song of Solomon, the bride hears her Beloved calling her to get out of bed (5:2-6) and she doesn't respond quickly enough. Many of us are too distracted by the busyness of life to hear God call us to a season of prayer. Yet the Lord is looking for people who will carry His burdens. Will you let Him pray through you?
8. Expect God to fill in the gaps. I used to fight discouragement about my prayer life because I didn't feel my prayers were powerful enough. But then I read Ephesians 3:20 in a new light. It says God is able "to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20). That means after I pray, God adds His own miraculous ingredient. My prayers may seem feeble and flawed, but He is able to amplify them. Like the tiny lunch of five loaves and two fish, Jesus can take something insignificant and feed a multitude. When you pray, expect Him to increase the impact. What you whisper in your closet can shake the world. 
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
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