Thursday, June 1, 2017

Religious Liberty Groups Praise President Trump's Rule Proposal - 6/1/2017 BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Religious liberty groups are praising a leaked draft of a revised final rule that would change how the federal government enforces the so-called "contraceptive mandate" in Obamacare under President Donald Trump. (Reuters photo)
Religious Liberty Groups Praise President Trump's Rule Proposal
Wednesday, a draft of a final revised rule was leaked to the media that demonstrates President Donald Trump's continued dedication to protecting Americans' religious liberty.
The rule, which would apply to the Department of Health & Human Services and its enforcement of the so-called "contraceptive mandate" in the Affordable Care Act—also known as Obamacare—would protect the conscience of those who wish to follow their sincerely held religious beliefs. As several have pointed out, including the president himself, no one should be punished for following his or her faith.
Several religious liberty groups have applauded the draft, even though it's not yet in its final form. Among the first to do so was Family Research Council. Its president, Tony Perkins, issued the following statement after reading the leaked draft:
"While this apparent leaked document is a draft, it is a very positive sign to see the federal government work to cease its hostility toward Christians and those who object to the Obama era health care mandates. This draft regulation shows that Secretary Tom Price and President Trump intend to make good on their pledge to vigorously protect and promote American's First Freedom.
"As many Americans of faith have experienced, the extent of the Obama administration's hostility toward their beliefs was astounding. From President Obama's dismissal of people of faith as Americans 'clinging' to their religion, to threatening millions in crushing fines against charities like the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Obama administration made clear they believed people of faith had no place in the public square and that religious beliefs or moral convictions were irrelevant to the health care they provide.
"Respecting the freedom of Americans to follow their deeply held beliefs is a long-held American tradition and grounded firmly in the Constitution. The draft regulation would continue the process of righting this wrong and restoring Americans' full First Amendment rights. The freedom to live out faith in all areas of society without government punishment or intimidation is fundamental to making America great again."
First Liberty Institute also weighed in:
First Liberty Institute represents multiple religious ministries across the country seeking relief from Obamacare's so-called "contraceptive mandate."  As a result of today's leaked interim final rule, First Liberty's clients—including retirement ministries like Shell Point Retirement Community and the Alliance Community for Retirement Living in Florida, Town and Country Manor in California, Chapel Pointe at Carlisle in Pennsylvania, and the denominational colleges of Simpson University in California and Crown College in Minnesota—look forward to having their religious liberty fully restored for the first time in well over three years.
The religious ministries first filed suit seeking relief from the Obama administration's contraceptive mandate in October of 2014 and have been waiting for resolution on appeal since the spring of 2015. Today's leaked interim final rule should end these lawsuits since the ministries would be exempt under this rule.
"The Trump administration has clearly announced its intent to adopt an important new policy for religious ministries across the country: the government will no longer force a religious ministry to violate their faith or face a government penalty," Jeremy Dys, Deputy General Counsel of First Liberty Institute says. "Our clients are delighted to see their religious liberty potentially restored and to be freed to pursue their mission without the threat of punishment by their government hanging over their heads."
Click here to read the draft final rule.
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A List Of 100 Things That Liberals Hate About America - Posted: 31 May 2017 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 31 May 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Why do liberals seem to hate just about everything that is good and true and right about this country?  

Earlier today I was writing an article about Kathy Griffin and the hate-filled ideology that she represents, and it got me thinking about a lot of things.  I truly believe that her now infamous photograph will turn out to be a defining moment in American politics.  It has become exceedingly clear that Kathy Griffin and those like her have nothing to offer but anger, hate and violence, and that is not a message that most Americans are going to embrace.  

So if true conservatives can start communicating a message of love, peace, prosperity, liberty and freedom that is based on the principles and values that this nation was founded upon, there is no way that the left is going to be able to compete with that.

If we want to make America great again, we need to embrace the things that made us great in the first place.  Unfortunately, the left tends to hate most of those things.  In fact, many leftists will actually tell you that America was never great.  These “progressives” want our nation to be fundamentally “transformed” into an entirely different place than our forefathers intended, and they plan to use big government as the tool to conduct that “transformation”.

If they ultimately win, the country that you and I love so much today will be gone forever.  I want you to read the list below and imagine what the United States would be like if all of these things were eradicated.  The following is a list of 100 things that liberals hate about America…

#1 The U.S. Constitution
#2 Liberty
#3 Freedom
#4 Success
#5 Big Trucks
#6 Capitalism
#7 Free Markets
#8 Wealthy People
#9 Economic Prosperity
#10 The Rule Of Law
#11 Traditional Values
#12 The American Flag
#13 The Founding Fathers
#14 Guns
#15 Limited Government
#16 Religious Freedom
#17 Homeschooling
#18 Private Schools
#19 Christian Schools
#20 Entrepreneurs
#21 Ronald Reagan
#22 Donald Trump
#23 Mike Pence
#24 Country Music
#25 Rush Limbaugh
#26 The Tea Party
#27 Lower Taxes
#28 Old-Fashioned Light Bulbs
#29 Jesus
#30 The Bible
#31 The Christian Faith
#32 The Drudge Report
#33 John Wayne
#34 Alex Jones
#36 Tupperware
#37 Big Cheeseburgers
#38 Football
#39 Clint Eastwood
#40 The Army
#41 The Navy
#42 The Marines
#43 The Air Force
#44 Ron Paul
#45 Rand Paul
#46 Marriage
#47 Family
#48 Babies
#49 Wal-Mart
#50 Flag Pins
#51 Steakhouses
#52 Chuck Norris
#53 Bottled Water
#54 George Washington
#55 The 1st Amendment
#56 The 2nd Amendment
#57 The 10th Amendment
#58 The Pledge Of Allegiance
#59 McDonald’s
#60 Coca-Cola
#61 Fried Food
#62 Muscle Cars
#63 Charlie Daniels
#64 Dolly Parton
#65 Duck Dynasty
#66 Johnny Cash
#67 Sarah Palin
#68 Cheesesteaks
#69 Sean Hannity
#70 Rodeos
#71 Cadillacs
#72 Barbie Dolls
#73 Ted Cruz
#74 Fiscal Sanity
#75 Charlton Heston
#76 Israel
#77 Benjamin Netanyahu
#78 Miners
#79 Loggers
#80 The Coal Industry
#81 National Sovereignty
#82 National Borders
#83 Uncle Sam
#84 The Washington Redskins
#85 Small Businesses
#86 Self-Employment
#87 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
#88 Military Veterans
#89 The Phrase “Islamic Terror”
#90 Big Families
#91 The Bible Belt
#92 The Creation Museum
#93 The 10 Commandments
#94 Anyone That Is Pro-Life
#95 Anyone That Disagrees With Them
#96 Hard Work
#97 Patriotism
#98 Winning
#99 The Truth
#100 The American People

Trump Yells at Palestinian President amid Proof they are Paying Terrorists! - Ron Cantor MESSIAH'S MANDATE


Trump Yells at Palestinian President amid Proof they are Paying Terrorists!

Ron Cantor —  June 1, 2017 —  Comments

President Donald Trump YELLED at Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas saying,
“You tricked me in DC! You talked there about your commitment to peace, but the Israelis showed me your involvement in incitement [of violence against Israel],”
according to Israel’s Channel 2.
You might remember a few weeks back, the diplomatic Abbas came humbly to the White House, where he spoke of his peaceful people. He told President Trump:
“Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace.  And we are endeavoring to bring about security, freedom and peace for our children to live like the other children in the world, along with the Israeli children in peace, freedom and security.”
But apparently, Trump was provided with evidence to the contrary. It’s that whole thing about words verses action. For instance, just this week the Palestinians named a women’s center after Dalal Mughrabi who, along with others from the PLO hijacked a bus full of Israelis and killed 38 civilians. The Norwegians, who provided funds for the Women’s Center demanded their money back and their logo be removed from the center. Good for them. Even the U.N., notoriously anti-Israel, pulled support for the project.
Furthermore, just reported today, we now know the extent of payments to terrorists and their families from the Palestinian government. No doubt, this is what caused President Trump to dress down the Palestinian leader.
“The Palestinian Authority has paid out some NIS 4 billion — or $1.12 billion — over the past four years to terrorists and their families, a former director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and ex-head of the army’s intelligence and research division told a top Knesset panel on Monday.”

No Respecter of Protocol

It is a HUGE breakage of protocol to rebuke a fellow head-of-state (though Abbas is technically not a head-of-state), especially in front of his team, but Trump is no respecter of protocol. Abbas, who had been treated gently by Obama, was shocked at the President’s tone and reportedly, there was stunned silence for several minutes.
Israeli Knesset Member Michael Oren is right when he says, if we created a Palestinian State tomorrow, it would fail the next day (or shortly thereafter). When you teach your children hate and incite them to violence, you are not preparing to govern a country. Instead of focusing on education, institutions, medical facilities, infrastructure or the economy, they are focusing on glorifying suicide bombers. The issue is not merely “Do Palestinians deserve a state?” but can they govern a state? And that’s in the secular area of the West Bank.

What about Hamas

Gaza has been overrun by Hamas, who makes the Palestinian Authority, corrupt as they are, look like angels in comparison. After they won the hearts of the people through building hospitals and schools, they staged a coup and have been running Gaza like Iran for a decade. Their citizens live in terror. (Haven’t seen that reported on CNN!)
There is very little focus on building a functioning state, but instead they rely on donations from state-sponsors of terror to pay their bills. They literally can’t even afford the electricity that Israel provides them, but rely on the P.A. to pay the bill! In this way, they can focus on the more important matters of building terror tunnels with stolen concrete meant to rebuild homes, stealing U.N. aid from their people and using women and children as human shields.

Diplomatic Quicksand

President Trump has no idea of the diplomatic quicksand that surrounds this issue—an unsolvable puzzle and that has sucked the life out of more than a few diplomats. You are dealing with a people that has been brooding for 70 years or more in a culture of religious and racial inspired hate. And if the President pressures Israel to give up land, then he will be at odds with the God who put him in power.
There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. (Joel 3:2)
My prayer is that President Trump will see clearly and understand that as Jeremiah said, a leopard cannot change his spots. I understand the temptation. He is a dealmaker. But you are not dealing with two equals. One, a thriving democracy—creating breakthroughs in medicine, technology and defense. Another, an archaic region that condones wife-beating, death without trial and teaches hate and murder on television shows for children.

It is difficult to be in the business of killing innocent women and children for decades, celebrating murder like a holiday and setting up suicide bombers as role models, and then to suddenly love life, govern in righteousness and show goodwill to your neighbors.

The Big Letdown

In Israel, we have gone from elation over the President’s bold promise recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the Embassy from Tel Aviv, to deep concern over a $350 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia and him suddenly becoming convinced that he can bring peace to Israel and her neighbors. Don’t get me wrong. Every Israeli wants peace. But we have learned time and time again, it takes two to tango.
The best hope for the Palestinians is a new leadership. But with Hamas on one side and the Palestinian Authority on the other, there is little hope that a genuinely peaceful movement could even survive to gain power.

Prime Minister is Sober

Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear this week that he is concerned. Yes, Trump has displayed more love and friendship towards Israel than Obama ever did, but Bibi made it clear that the US has not given Israel carte blanch as seen by the reversal on moving the embassy. The excitement in Israel over a Trump administration has quickly met reality.
“It is true that relations are warm and that there is a great understanding of our position, but a blank check? That is far from reality.”
“You heard President Trump. He came here, did extremely important things and touched us deeply, but he also said that he believes that Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) wants peace, and that I want peace. He also said that he believes that it is possible and necessary to arrive at an agreement.

June 1, 2017  Israel

“There is one fundamental thing that I always say: The reason there is no agreement is because they (the Palestinians) educate their children, generation after generation, that there will not be a State of Israel in any borders whatsoever.”
Bibi clearly thinks that President Trump is mistaken to believe that Abbas wants real peace. Bill Clinton learned this the hard way with Arafat, when, after investing countless days in a peace deal, Arafat simply said no, took his marbles and went home to start the second intifada. Hopefully Trump will see sooner rather than later, and by the tone of his rebuke to Abbas, it is looking like sooner, that peace with Israel has never been what they’ve sought—rather the elimination of Israel.

Dear friends, we are outgrowing out space at Tiferet Yeshua and we are “Expanding the Tent”. We are doubling our seating capacity from 150 to 300 and we will start live streaming our services to reach Israelis wherever they may be.

We need your help

We have raised $37,000 of the needed $200,000. You can partner with us here or learn more here. Thank you for helping is Reach Tel Aviv!

Joshua Aaron // Immanuel (Sea of Galilee Lyric Video) עמנואל // ים כנרת

Joshua Aaron // Immanuel (Sea of Galilee Lyric Video)
עמנואל // ים כנרת

Published on Dec 12, 2016
Official Lyric Video for “Immanuel” by Joshua Aaron from his new album "Every Tribe" - LYRICS BELOW - Available on iTunes at: or visit

Joshua Aaron takes you on an epic aerial journey to "the lake" (the Sea of Galilee) & the Jordan River near his home in northern Israel. Set to his new song, "Immanuel" (God with us).

Get it. Rate it. Share it with your tribe! #everytribe
Google Play:

Glory to God, peace on earth
Goodwill to all men
Here with the angels we sing
And as He reigns from above
May He reign in our hearts
Our sovereign Lord and King

Oh, Immanuel
Oh, Immanuel
Oh, Immanuel
God with us

Hallelujah to the One who made His home among us
And took our sin away
Oh, hallelujah!
He has torn the veil
That separated
To bring us face to face

Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest
Worthy, worthy, worthy is our Messiah

Video made by Hananya Naftali
Written by Joshua Aaron, Don Poythress, and Krissy Nordhoff
© 2016 Integrity’s Praise! Music/BMI, Integrity Worship Music/Clear Brooks Music/ASCAP, Integrity’s Alleluia! Music/Nordinary Music/SESAC (all adm worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family)
Produced by Cody Norris
Executive Producers Ed Cash, Scott Cash, Joshua Aaron
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    • Standard YouTube License

Christians Urged to Share God's Love 'Where there are no Believers, no Bibles and no churches' 05-31-2017 - CBN News George Thomas

Christians Urged to Share God's Love 'Where there are no Believers, no Bibles and no churches'

CBN News George Thomas

CBN's Sr International Correspondent George Thomas interviews Christian artist and American Idol finalist Phil Stacey to see why he is lending his voice to the prayer initiative.
"If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?" asked David Livingstone, the famed Scottish medical missionary and explorer to Africa.
Livingstone was referencing the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, when Jesus told his followers:
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Image Credit: IDU
More than 2,000 years after Christ's ministry on earth, about one-quarter of the world's population has yet to hear of the love, forgiveness and grace of Jesus Christ.
"With more than 2 billion people who haven't had a chance to meet Jesus, it's time … to take a radical stand and say 'This has to end in our generation," said Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback church in California.
On June 4, which also happens to be Pentecost Sunday, the Alliance for the Unreached is calling on churches, media outlets, and believers around the world to come together to reach out to those who have never heard the Gospel.
Image Credit: IDU
"Just as the Book of Acts records that people from all over the world were there that day, we are expecting a global gathering," said Wayne Pederson, chairman of the Alliance for the Unreached. "And we hope for a similar empowering of the Holy Spirit to take the message of the good news to those who are 'far off,' as the apostle Peter said when he spoke that day."
Pederson's group is organizing a virtual "Upper Room" gathering on that day by hosting a "Facebook LIVE for the Unreached!" on June 4 at 7:00PM ET.
The event will be hosted at and feature a message by David Platt, author and president of the Southern Baptist Convention's International Missions Board, plus music from Christian recording artist Phil Stacey.
"Jesus told his earliest followers to pray for more workers to go into the harvest field, and we hope that many thousands will join us in doing that on June 4," Pederson said in a statement.
"So many unreached people groups across the globe are still waiting to hear the good news of the Gospel.  We want as many people as possible to experience the privilege of responding to their need."
The Alliance for the Unreached has designated June 4 as the International Day for the Unreached and hopes the initiative will "educate, inspire and motivate believers in North America to take a stand on behalf of those who have yet to hear the Good News."
The group claims in a press release that "while there is support for missions work in many countries, currently only 5 percent of missionaries are serving among the world's least evangelized. 
And their efforts receive only 0.5 percent of American evangelicals' giving."  
Image Credit: IDU
The International Day for the Unreached was started in 2016 to rally the global church to share God's love "where there are no believers, no bibles and no churches."
"There is no more pressing need than a greater focus on the unreached peoples of our world," said Platt.
Those planning to participate in the initiative are also urged to adopt and share the "Manifesto for the Unreached"-- as a way of praying and supporting the work of global missions.
CBN's Sr International Correspondent George Thomas interviews Christian artist and American Idol finalist Phil Stacey to see why he is lending his voice to the prayer initiative.
For more information about "Facebook LIVE for the Unreached!," go to
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NEW VIDEO from Joshua Aaron! - "Every Tribe" - video // Joshua Aaron & Chief Riverwind // Ein Gedi Springs, Israel

"Every Tribe"

 Joshua Aaron & Chief Riverwind
 Ein Gedi Springs, Israel

Released May 30, 2017

(Screen shots from video.)

 Joshua Aaron

Published on May 30, 2017
Official music video from Joshua Aaron's independent album (reached #1 in iTunes "world" genre) "Every Tribe". Feat. Chief Joseph Amahura Riverwind, Shuki Aaron and vocals by John Schlitt (Petra). Filmed in Ein Gedi Springs, Israel.
Now on iTunes: // LYRICS BELOW //

Get it. Rate it. Share it with your tribe! #everytribe
Google Play:
or visit

In memory of those martyred by ISIS and organized Terror.
Directed, Filmed & Produced by Jeremiah Kaufman
Written by Joshua Aaron and Chief Joseph Amahura RiverWind

Chief Joseph RiverWind & Dr. Laralyn RiverWind

Rev. 17:14
They will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and He will be accompanied by His called and chosen and faithful ones."

Malachi 1:11 1 My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord Almighty.

Every tribe, every tongue
Immanuel, your King shall come
End of sorrows, end of pain
Come and praise Creator's Name

Woah, oh, oh, oh
Woah, oh, oh, oh

Speak to the land, oh, man of war
To every isle and distant shore
All God’s people say, “Amen”
Raise a shout, He's come again!

Terror shall return to them
To the ones who harm the innocent
They’d better lay down their sword
For the battle is not man's
It belongs to the Lord

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai
Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord

Joshua & Shuki Aaron
Chief Joseph Amahura RiverWind
Dr. Laralyn RiverWind
BG Vocals (audio): John Schlitt
Camera 1: Jeremiah Kaufman
Camera 2: Carl Seiler
Drone: Lucas Gasiorowski
Photography: Sarah Gasiorowski
Logistics and master desert mascot: Chaim Malespin

© 2016 Integrity’s Praise! Music/BMI (adm worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family) & Joseph Amahura RiverWind
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    • Standard YouTube License