Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Every RINO Needs To Go - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 18 Jul 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

It looks like the effort to repeal Obamacare is completely dead, and that says a lot about the current state of the Republican Party.  For decades, RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) have been using labels such as “Republican”, “conservative”, “pro-gun” and “pro-life” to get elected, but then once they get into office they govern like Democrats.  There was so much hope when Donald Trump won the election last November, but thanks to the RINOs in Congress not much has actually been accomplished so far.  In fact, this is being called “the most unproductive Congress in 164 years”.  The following is an excerpt from an article published by The Week
Just six months ago, it looked like the Republican Party was about to go on a legislative blitzkrieg, shredding law after law passed by the Obama administration. ObamaCare would be vaporized and replaced with a nickel rattling inside an empty Mountain Dew can. Dodd-Frank was sure to be tossed aside for a transparent giveaway to Wall Street. And Republicans would pass their regressive tax reform, their perplexing border-adjustment tax, and so much more. The GOP hadn’t held total power in American politics since 2006, and the party had become much more conservative in the interim.
Most of us were anticipating that so much would get done over the past 6 months, but instead we have seen nothing but gridlock.

The most recent example of this has been the Obamacare debacle.  After failing to push through “Obamacare 2.0”, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell decided that he would switch gears and try to get a clean Obamacare repeal bill through the Senate, but unfortunately that effort has already failed
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s sudden move to try to repeal Obamacare without a replacement plan appeared doomed Tuesday as at least three moderate Republicans rejected the idea.
Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said they will not support a motion to proceed to the bill, which would repeal Obamacare in two years. Without their support, McConnell cannot get the 50 votes he needs to pass a repeal bill.
Collins, Capito and Murkowski are perfect examples of what I am talking about when I use the term “RINOs”.  They are essentially Democrats, but they have been able to successfully use the Republican label to get elected.

Unless we are able to start kicking the RINOs out of Congress, most of Trump’s agenda is going to go nowhere.

Obviously Trump is not happy about what has transpired in the Senate, and now his plan is to basically sit back and let Obamacare fail
Now his plan is to “let Obamacare fail; it will be a lot easier,” he said. “And I think we’re probably in that position where we’ll just let Obamacare fail.”
“We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it,” the president said. “I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us.”
But will the Democrats come to the Republicans ready to compromise as Obamacare comes apart at the seams?

I seriously doubt it.

I think that they are convinced that they can successfully point the blame at the Republicans as our health care system continues to deteriorate.

Personally, I believe that the more the federal government gets involved in health care the worse it is going to get.

Unfortunately, once you establish a program that gives out free goodies to people it is hard to take that back.  For RINOs such as Collins, Capito and Murkowski, one of the biggest obstacles to repealing Obamacare is that it would roll back the Medicaid program to pre-Obamacare levels.

Today, more than 74 million Americans are on Medicaid and CHIP, and more than  58 million Americans are on Medicare.  That means that more than 130 million Americans are enrolled in these government programs at this point.

That is nearly half the country.

Of course many Democrats would like to go all the way and put everyone in such programs, but then we would have a completely socialized health care system.

The big problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.  

Everybody likes free stuff, but somebody has to pay for all of that free stuff somewhere along the line.

And if people are forced to expend time and effort in order to get their free stuff, interest in the free stuff drops substantially.  In Alabama, food stamp enrollment plunged dramatically once work requirements were re-instituted…
Alabama began 2017 by requiring able-bodied adults without children in 13 counties to either find a job or participate in work training as a condition for continuing to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
According to, the number of those recipients declined from 5,538 to 831 between Jan. 1 and the beginning of May – an 85 percent drop.
Similar changes were implemented in select counties in Georgia and by the end of the first three months, the number of adults receiving benefits in three participating counties dropped 58 percent, according to the Georgia Public Policy Foundation.
In my brand new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters”, I open up about why I want to run for Congress.  For way too long we have had a federal government that has just gotten bigger and bigger and bigger.  We need to swing the pendulum way back in the other direction, and we need to educate people on the benefits of having a very limited central government.

If you take the shackles off, the free market system works incredibly well.  And once upon a time, the United States actually had a free market health care system and it was the best on the entire planet.

We can get there again, but first we need to get rid of the RINOs in Congress and replace them with people that deeply believe in true conservative values.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

LoveMusic! - Paul Wilbur - The Shadow of El Shaddai

Featured Song

- Paul Wilbur


July 19, 2017

Greetings to my fellow music friends,

If you have been viewing the Love For His People blog in the past two months, you will now be familiar with these Love Music! posts. I love passionate, believing and encouraging music about the Lord Jesus (Yeshua), and it seems that a lot of you do too. These LoveMusic! posts have become very popular on our ministry site.

And...when I selected songs by Paul Wilbur as the featured one, the interest has been very good. With his Messianic sound, Jewish heritage, and his tremendous voice and guitar skills, no wonder!

So this edition features a new song off his latest CD called "The Shadow of El Shaddai" which actually came out last year. I wasn't aware of it until I was searching for some of my other favorites sung by Paul. This particular song, along with several on the CD, including Blessed Is He Who Comes, Forever Good and Call On The Name, has become one of my favorites too!

I encourage you to listen to The Shadow of El Shaddai using the YouTube link below and then get the CD or MP3 to have the full list of songs. 

You will see three shopping website choices listed below. Just today I bought three more from Paul's website - for gifts to give out, and to support Paul's ministry!

You too be blessed in your blessing,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, NC

P.S. I hope you will be generous and help us provide teaching materials for pastors in other nations. Please give a contribution today: Blessing Pastors In Other Nations

P.S.S. Spanish version! The Shadow of El Shaddai - Spanish

Support Paul Wilbur directly on his website shop: Paul Wilbur Ministries shop: Forever Good $12 CD with coupon, good until 07.25.17. You must enter the Coupon Code FG12SH at checkout. Free shipping too! (I bought 2 today. Steve Martin)

If interested in MP3 or CD - purchase on Amazon: Forever Good - Paul Wilbur

The Shadow of El Shaddai
Sung by Paul Wilbur
Fear not the arrows that fly by the day
Or terrors that stalk in the night
Fear not the sound or the heat of the battle
Fear not the flame of the fight
For there is a refuge, a tower of strength
A fortress for all who will call on the name
El Shaddai, El Shaddai
Our mighty sustainer, the God who provides
Elohai, Lord of life
The One who delivers, our faithful Defender
A shelter for all who abide
In the shadow of El Shaddai
You speak a word and the sun will set still
The rivers will turn to dry land
A pillar of fire in the darkness of night
They all await Your command
Your shield is called faithful
Your Word is a sword
There’s victory for all
Who will call on the Lord
Though a thousand may fall by my side
Still I will trust, I will fix my eyes
Copyright© 2016 Integrity Worship Music/Clear Brooks Music & Songs From Exit 71/All Essential Music
CCLI Number: 7036058

Ray Comfort Condemns the 'Horrible Mistake' Fascinating Teens Across the Country - JEN THOMPSON CHRISTIAN NEWSWIRE

Ray Comfort, whose movies have been seen by millions, said, "I forced myself to watch the scene, and even though I know it's only acting, with special effects, I found it horrific. It brought me to tears."
Ray Comfort, whose movies have been seen by millions, said, "I forced myself to watch the scene, and even though I know it's only acting, with special effects, I found it horrific. It brought me to tears." (Jeff Montgomery/Flickr/CC)

Ray Comfort Condemns the 'Horrible Mistake' Fascinating Teens Across the Country

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

The wildly popular Netflix program called 13 Reasons Why has started a massive controversy. It not only details why the main character took her own life, garnering sympathy, but it shows her committing suicide. She doesn't jump off a bridge, leaving what happened to her to the imagination. Rather, she sits in a bathtub fully clothed, takes a razor blade and slits her wrists.
Ray Comfort, whose movies have been seen by millions, said, "I forced myself to watch the scene, and even though I know it's only acting, with special effects, I found it horrific. It brought me to tears."
The controversy is over whether this scene will deter young people from committing suicide or will stir up copycat suicides because the character seen taking her life is a celebrity in their eyes.
Comfort added, "I believe it was a horrible mistake. This is because I greatly value my life, and the thought [of suicide] ... sends me into a shudder of horror. I had a similar feeling as I interviewed a suicidal girl for our new movie, EXIT: The Appeal of Suicide. She said that she wanted to end her life and explained to me that very few are able to kill themselves by overdosing with pills because of complications. She then described why other means of suicide were very difficult. We left that part of the interview out of the film for fear of giving ideas to vulnerable people."
Comfort then explained that when he asked her if it was scary to be continually contemplating suicide, she said, "You get used to it."
"And there is my concern with the death scene in 13 Reasons Why. It seems that the series producers didn't take into account the thousands of young people known as 'cutters.' These people regularly cut their skin and draw blood, and in doing so repeatedly, they get used to it. It loses its intuitive horror. Studies show that 40 percent of cutters have thought of suicide. In essence, many cutters may be actually rehearsing their own deaths. Someone slitting their wrists is not as horrific to them as it would be to you and me. Couple that mentality with a celebrity hero who slits her wrists, and you have potential copycats."
The parents of two teenage girls in San Francisco, who committed suicide in separate incidents, are blaming their deaths on 13 Reasons Why. Both girls had viewed the series two days before they took their lives.
Newsweek said, "Decades of research prove that a startling range of emotions and behaviors can be contagious—from moodiness to yawning. Young people are especially susceptible; they obsess over fads and fashion trends and copy illicit behaviors from peers, such as smoking, drinking or speeding. Or suicide." 
The award-winning producer also said, "Although EXIT includes clips of two suicide jumpers leaping from the Golden Gate Bridge, we have left their hitting the icy waters of the San Francisco Bay to the imagination. There are big differences between the two films. The people shown in EXIT are not actors; nor are they celebrities. And most importantly, the film offers the solution to the tragic problem of suicide. It doesn't leave viewers hopeless in the face of the horror of death, as 13 Reasons Why doesEXIT gives people a reason to live and explains that we all have great worth because we are made in the image of God." 
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Jews Openly Pray Atop Temple Mount For First Time in Decades - Israel Today

Jews Openly Pray Atop Temple Mount For First Time in Decades

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
Jewish visitors to Jerusalem's Temple Mount on Monday did something that many are calling a prophetic breakthrough–they prayed, openly and without harassment.
Typically, non-Muslim visitors to Judaism's holiest site are accompanied by officials from the Islamic Trust (Waqf) to ensure they don't engage in acts of Christian or Jewish worship, which in the eyes of Muslims would desecrate the sacred compound that is today occupied by several mosques.
But this week, the Waqf was boycotting the Temple Mount over Israel's decision to reinstall metal detectors at its entrances.
Previously, Israel had removed the metal detectors at the behest of the Waqf and its Jordanian overseers. That ill-advised move enabled three Israeli Arab Muslim terrorists to enter the Temple Mount with guns last week. Following Friday prayers, they proceeded to murder two Israeli police officers there.
So Israel reinstalled the metal detectors. And the Waqf stayed away (and urged other Muslims to do the same). And Jews flocked to the Temple Mount unhindered for the first time in many years.
The first thing one of the Jewish groups did was go to the very point where the police officers were killed last week and recite prayers for the deceased and their families.
What made this action particularly poignant was that the officers themselves weren't Jewish. They were both members of Israel's Druze minority.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

David Brody premieres new show on Facebook Live! Watch "Faith Nation" - CBN News

David Brody premieres new show on Facebook Live! Watch "Faith Nation" 

CBN News

July 18, 2017

From the creators of The Brody File comes the new show, “Faith Nation.”

I'm excited to launch my new show on CBN News along with my co-host Jenna Browder. It debuts tomorrowWednesday July 19th at 12:30pm ET LIVE on the CBN News Facebook page. Tens of millions of people get their news from Facebook so what better place to do the show! Plus, we’ll be interacting with the audience as the show goes along.

It’s clearly a new day in Washington, D.C. God has blessed CBN with tremendous access at the White House and around the nation’s capital. So, expect interviews with major newsmakers as we delve into issues of faith and politics. The show will serve as a place for lawmakers in D.C. to break news and interact with a Christian conservative audience and many others! We’ll cover topics that Americans care about, told with truth, context and perspective. There is an underserved audience out there whose views are not reflected in the mainstream media. We hope and pray this show will fill that vacuum. Hope you’ll tune in!

David Brody
Host, Faith Nation
CBN’s Chief Political Correspondent