Thursday, September 28, 2017

Emissaries of Hashem ✡ "Hashem Supports All Who Stumble" - Israel365

Hashem supports all who stumble, and makes all
who are bent stand straight.

סוֹמֵךְ יְהוָה לְכָל־הַנֹּפְלִים וְזוֹקֵף לְכָל־הַכְּפוּפִים

תהילים קמה:יד
so-MAYKH a-do-NAI l’-khol ha-no-f’-LEEM v’-zo-KAYF l’-khol ha-k’-fu-FEEM

Today's Israel Inspiration

The above verse is taken from Psalm 145, which in Hebrew is referred to as Ashrei (Blessed be He). The Ashrei prayer is meant to be recited daily. In fact, this specific psalm is considered to be one of the pinnacles of the morning prayer service as it reminds worshipers of the universal message that it is Hashem who sustains every living being; "You give it open-handedly, feeding every creature to its heart’s content." (Psalm 145: 16) In His wisdom, Hashem has created various means to provide for and sustain His children. Often times, Hashem assigns emissaries to carry out His will, such as is the case with Meir Panim. This organizationworks valiantly to feed the hungry across Israel. During this current High Holiday period, Meir Panim is carrying out the will of Hashem by running a large-scale fundraising campaign to ensure that no Israeli goes hungry during the holiday season. Please partner with Meir Panim.

Good Deeds Day

The idea of doing good deeds may not be an Israeli creation, but Good Deeds Day is. This annual event brings together people young and old who chose to volunteer their time, energy and expertize to try and improve the lives of others and hopefully change the world for the better.

Sharing Compassion

Jon and Anna Crane, a Christian couple from Scott City, Kansas, love the Holy Land and its citizens and decided to spend three months in Israel in order to better experience daily life in the country.


Keep A Bible With You At All Times

In the incredible Nano Bible, the spirit and technology of Israel have come together to produce the world’s smallest bible, printed onto a single 5mm x 5mm surface, and set into a beautiful piece of silver jewelry so that you can take the Bible with you wherever you go.
Save 30% off all Nano Jewelry! »

Plant a tree in Praise of God and his endless goodness.


Today's Israel Photo

"Hashem supports all who stumble, and makes all who are bent stand straight." Photo by Shutterstock.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Michelle D. from California; Marvin W. from Pennsylvania; Edgar M. from Australia; Kathryn Z. from Utah.
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Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Mathilde F. from Norway; David K. from Illinois; Isaac Z. from California; Cynthia J. from Indiana.
Donate to Holocaust Survivors Now » 

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Could 'Steve McQueen: American Icon' Trigger an Evangelism Explosion? - DEWAYNE HAMBY CHARISMA NEWS

(Courtesy of Lovell-Fairchild)

Could 'Steve McQueen: American Icon' Trigger an Evangelism Explosion?

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

When Steve McQueen: American Icon opens in theaters this week, viewers will be offered a comprehensive look at the late box-office hero who starred in films such as The Great EscapeThe Towering Inferno and Bullitt. The man who was dubbed "The King of Cool" came to faith in Jesus Christ shortly before his untimely death, a fact not widely reported but now the focal point of the new film.
Evangelist Greg Laurie, a McQueen enthusiast, discovered the story of McQueen's conversion and explored it in the recent book Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon. In the new documentary, Laurie steers the conversation, which also includes commentary by Mel Gibson, McQueen's widow Barbara and other notable confidants. Gary Sinise (Forrest Gump, CSI: NY) narrates the film.
In a recent interview, Jon Erwin (October Baby, Woodlawn), who directed along with Ben Smallbone, explained how the documentary came to production and the strategy behind the stories he champions.
Some documentaries just have talking heads but this one has action—cars racing around and biplanes flying as well as movie clips. Why did you direct the film in such a way?
We do a very old thing in a new way. We tell stories for a living. God willing, those stories will impact people's lives. We are storytellers serving the greatest storyteller of all time. It begins and ends with us with a passion for story.
I grew up watching McQueen films with my mom and dad. The Great Escape we probably watched over and over again. But just had no idea that Steve McQueen became a believer. And that this was a very meaningful part of his story and come to find out it was the only time, the only place that he truly found peace and happiness. There were even audio recordings. He did an interview shortly before his death where he said the cure to my life was finding the Lord. He wanted to tell people and never had a chance. Those tapes had never been heard. For 35 years, they've been buried. It blew me away.
Greg Laurie came to me. I was working with the Hacksaw Ridge marketing campaign a bit and Mel Gibson had come down to his Southern California crusade and I sat with Mel. Greg shared the story from the stage and Mel was thoroughly intrigued and wanted to finish. The day after the crusade, Greg said, "We have to make a documentary film about this." I just caught his vision and got really excited. We were right in the middle of I Can Only Imagine and prepping that movie, getting ready to go. I thought it was a fantastic idea and couldn't stop thinking about it. The more I studied it, I just wondered, "Did this really happen?" The more we dug into it, the bigger the story got. It was like a journalist breaking a story. This thing had never been unearthed before. I really don't know why that is. I'm glad to tell it.
Our vision is to reach for quality and try to make these films better and better and better. Excellence is an aspiration. It's never an accomplishment for us. We should always be trying a little harder and do a little more. Also, I go to the movies to be entertained and to feel things, to get wrapped up in a story. We made it much bigger than a documentary would be. It's much more immersive. We took this biplane up in the sky. Mel Gibson does an incredible commentary on the film. Gary Sinise is cutting the narration for it. We're trying to put the gospel on as big a stage as we can.
Woodlawn, the first true story we did, we've seen over 25,000 people come to Christ, mostly high school kids, from that. I think we just saw the power of the true story. It's not just films, it's for us all as Christians. We forget that the biggest weapon in our arsenal is just our story, what God has done in our life and how it's changed our life. The gospel is good news, and it can change your life. There are so many stories of that happening. We've fallen in love with so many stories of that happening but also real stories that are accessible, that are really emotionally relatable no matter what you believe.
We had come from documentary films before we did features, so to go back was very gratifying. I had a blast on the film. We assembled a great team, including Ben Smallbone, who's also in Nashville, came and co-directed it with me. And we had some ferocious cameramen and great editors, producers. You feel this youthful energy, because it was a lot of up and coming talent in our ranks. I feel that it's very entertaining and it far exceeded my hopes and expectations for what we set out to do. His widow did an incredible interview and those closest to him. It was an authentic, direct look at the spiritual quest of an American icon. And it asks the questions we all ask. I think we all think, "If I just accomplish this, I'd be happy." McQueen was one of those guys who checked all those boxes of accomplishments and found that he still wasn't happy.
There's enough story in there just about the actor that would draw in somebody who's just fascinated with McQueen.
It is kind of a covert strategy. One of the things I've noticed and I've fallen in love with Harvest Ministries and their crusades and everything they stand for. An interesting thing I've heard is that they've had 500,000 decisions for Christ and 5 million people attend the crusades. About 85 percent of the decisions are when Christians bring their friends. That really is how it's supposed to work.
We're beginning to build our films where, if you look under the hood of our movies, we're trying to make them more and more accessible to people that don't believe while maintaining the power of the message, not watering it down at all, but making it more accessible, translating it better. Sometimes there are phrases we use as Christians that non-Christians don't understand. It's also kind of a slow burn in essence. We start the film in a very relatable way, and the true message we're trying to convey to people creeps up on you, and it only creeps up on you after you're engaged in the film. That's the goal anyway. McQueen is that way. I Can Only Imagineis that way. The films get to this powerful place where you say, "I need this in my life." But you don't realize it. We don't come out of the gate swinging. It's a more covert strategy. These films are engineered for you to bring your friends.
Story is the language of our hearts, and entertainment is the language of our time. The movie theater is kind of where those two meet. Other Christian filmmakers, the movies are designed to encourage Christians and the body and you need to be a Christian to watch them. But we're focusing more on the power of the life-changing gospel. Who knew that one of those was the biggest movie star of all time?
This is the first complete documentary of Steve McQueen, mainly because this part of his life doesn't match the "King of Cool" rebel brand. No one has shared his entire story so we just set out to make an authentic, honest, relatable movie that just shared the entire life of Steve McQueen from cradle to grave. It's a very powerful, multi-layered, up-from-nothing story. What I found fascinating is this movie star that had so much going for him. When he was young, it was completely opposite, he was deprived of everything, had a horrible childhood. Yet when he got the chance to remedy that and didn't deprive himself of anything, wealth and fame, everything that society says would make you happy. Yet he still had this gaping hole in his heart and life. In an airstrip in Santa Pala, in a beautiful biplane, he accepts Christ because his pilot instructors. He found a father figure. That's just a powerful story, so much to glean from it. I think a great film is a complete look at a question. The question of this film is—what really makes you happy in life? Most of us think if we just had one thing, I'd be happy. We don't realize it because we don't get it. But here's a guy who had it all. I work in this business and I work with a lot of very famous miserable people. The top of the cultural ladder is not a very happy place.
You are part of an exciting, emerging movement in Christian entertainment. How does that feel?
There's no us versus them. It's us versus us. It's trying to improve every day and get better at what we do ... and mentoring talent. There's not a lot of talent, young, emerging talent in film and television for Christians. We're trying to remedy that and incubate and empower some of these incredibly skilled younger people. I think if we can do that, we're the first generation that could look at the Great Commission as possible in our time. There are more cell phones than people on the earth, and entertainment is America's second greatest export. This is a way to get the gospel out to people in the world and get them to pay for it. They want the product, so what we have to do is dream bigger and make the films better and do that again and again and again over time. I think we'll blink our eyes and realize we've far exceeded where we are right now as far as faith-based entertainment. It's a slow and steady progress.
Steve McQueen: American Icon premieres in theaters Sept. 28 and has encore presentations scheduled for Oct. 10 and Oct. 19. For more information, including purchasing tickets, visit
DEWAYNE HAMBY is a communications specialist and longtime journalist covering faith-based music, entertainment, books, and the retail industry. He is also the editor of the White Wing Messenger, director of communications for the Church of God of Prophecy and author of the book Gratitude Adjustment. Connect with him at or on Twitter—@dewaynehamby. 
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Tens of Thousands of Muslims Coming to Christ, Experiencing True Freedom - SAM ROHRER CHARISMA NEWS

( REUTERS/Stephanie Keith)

Tens of Thousands of Muslims Coming to Christ, Experiencing True Freedom

"I call heaven and earth to witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live" (Deut. 30:19).
As America's sesquicentennial year approaches, and as we have recently remembered the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, we reflect on some of the history of our nation and actions undertaken so we might live free.
Without dispute, the war that's underway around the world against freedom, Israel, the United States and the entire Western world—and witnessed in increasing acts of wanton terrorism worldwide—is Islam. Most disturbing, but something of which most non-Muslims seem oblivious, is that Islam is the primary source of terrorism and war worldwide and the reason we're sacrificing the lives of precious freedom-loving American men and women every day.
The terrorism of ISIS as we've seen it acted out on our televisions in multiple countries is not some hijacked form of Islam. It is clear and pure Islam. Throughout the world, these horrendous acts of terror are nearly universally perpetrated by so-called "good Muslims," not lone wolves or a small group of "outliers" who have hijacked a "peaceful religion." Islam by definition, by the way, means submission—either willing or forced.
The fallacious and dangerous 'peaceful' view of Islam espoused by former President George W. Bush launched an Islamic propaganda strategy that is enabling the assault on freedom we see today. The murder of innocent people as they are rounded up and ruthlessly raped and killed in some countries and the acts that kill hundreds in events such as the Florida nightclub attack are lauded by Muslim leadership and considered perfectly normal to the Muslim belief system. In fact, it's a political philosophy of expansion of Islam and condoned as a means of establishing a worldwide ruling caliphate.
Some professing Christians and many pulpits have chosen to believe the Bush view and become silent enablers of this "grand deception." As a result of the Bush view and rising calls for peace through political correctness, Western governments and militaries have become impotent in the face of militant jihadist Islam. This assures the growth of worldwide jihad.
We are now at a critical and crucial point of understanding the true threat of Islam. It is the lie that, if not soon understood, will cause the collapse of America and the Western world.
Unlike Islamic sympathizers or biblically ignorant non-Muslims, jihadist terrorists are not exceptions to the rule, they are the rule. They are the "point of the Islamic jihadi spear." The mainstream media would have us believe all Muslims are benign in their beliefs. They are selling us the lie that good Muslims are peace-loving and simply want to live their lives, practice their faith, attend their mosques and raise their families.
This is despite the fact that "good Muslims," including their children, attend mosques where sharia law is drilled into their minds and hearts as dictated by Muhammad and the Quran. It is totally unlike any other religion that people can halfway practice in peace like Catholicism or Evangelicalism. The truth is hard to believe, but it should make every non-Muslim revolt in horror. When a 'good Muslim' attends a mosque, they learn jihad because this is what is taught:
  • Imams who lead these mosques are "certified in sharia" by one of two Muslim Brotherhood-directed institutions either in Egypt or Saudi Arabia.
  • It is the teaching of sharia that requires jihad as mandated by Muhammad and the Quran. It is this teaching that makes Islam incompatible with Judeo-Christian or Western thought.
  • It is why this ideology is antithetical to our U.S. Constitution and can never be compatible with or protected under the First Amendment.
  • It is this teaching of sharia in mosques that recruits and trains "good Muslims" to follow the dictates of Muhammad and the Quran, which commands them to kill or subdue all infidels (all non-Muslims).
  • It is this reality that makes mosques not centers of legitimate worship but recruiting and training centers for terrorists, and why mosques are not "churches" in the sense as envisioned by most Americans and by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
  • Islam's teaching authorizes the use of lying and deception—taqiya—to whatever degree possible to undermine and destroy all ideologies or political systems opposed to the Islamic political system and way of life.
  • It is taqiya that commands every Muslim to lie and deceive to further the cause of Muslim world domination.
  • The local mosque is where "good Muslims" are taught to follow and pursue sharia, which demands the death and destruction of all unbelievers and the United States of America (the Great Satan) and Israel (the Little Satan). It is also where the destruction and the collapse of the entire Western world is demanded.
  • Another advanced strategy of deception taught to be used in this war is the silencing of the pulpits of America and Islamic infiltration into the government to aid in the unwitting facilitation of the destruction of America.
This is not a hijacked view of Islam (read the Quran chapters 1-9) but the historic, pure view of Islam and Muhammad. The lie that Islam is peaceful, that ISIS-type terrorists are untypical of Islam, and Muslims generally are "good Muslims" who want just what Jews, Christians and those who believe in a Judeo-Christian view of life have is the lie that must be addressed.
The truth is that Islam teaches, yes commands, Muslims, to be involved in jihad—actions like those of the 9/11 hijackers, the Paris, London and Orlando bombers and the perpetrators of death and destruction around the world.
"Good Muslims" are commanded to be either active jihad, like ISIS, al Qaida, al Shabob or any of the groups that spring into existence seemingly out of nowhere, or to be "stealth jihad." The choice to become an active jihadist like ISIS is to become part of the "tip of the jihadi spear."
The more common choice is to become part of "stealth jihad/civilization jihad"—a part of the larger and less visible "shaft of the jihadi spear." Those who choose the path of "stealth jihad"—the "peaceful appearing" Muslim chooses to quietly send money to support the training and recruitment of active jihadists in the over 3,000 jihadi training centers across America called mosques.
These Muslims finance, otherwise facilitate or enable the 'tip of the spear' jihadists. They quietly work to advance a most sophisticated propaganda machine dedicated to advancing the strategy perpetrated by such Islamic organizations as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood of North America—the world's leading jihadist terrorist organization. This leaves a third group of Muslims who, while still possessing a choice, do so with potentially fatal results.
This third group of Muslims, of which there are hundreds of thousands, are Muslim by birth or Muslims by the fact that they grew up in a Muslim culture or a sharia-led society. These are Muslims, not by choice, but by coercion or forced involuntary servitude. These Muslims are not "good Muslims" but they must still make a choice. When confronted with the truth, all Muslims must choose to be part of the tip or the spear or to leave Islam altogether.
In reality, tens of thousands of Muslims worldwide are coming to faith in Christ and experiencing true freedom. For many, this choice results in death because Muhammad and the Quran mandate the death of all Muslims who choose anything other than the way of Muhammad.
For American Muslims who are still protected by the civil laws of the United states, there is still an opportunity to choose. They must choose life and freedom in Jesus Christ or choose death and slavery in Islam. In America, they can still choose life without the promise of death under sharia. But they must choose.
As an American Christian, I desire all people to come to Christ, experience the assurance of eternal life with God and to enjoy an earthly life blessed by God. That means Muslims, Christians-in-name-only, atheists or any other person who has not yet agreed with God, repented of their sin and accepted Jesus Christ as Savior still has hope. Those who know the truth of God's Word and stop believing the lies must choose life in Christ or this nation will fall. The shining city on a hill will grow dark and the world will fall into the hands of a totalitarian regime that will make all previous wars and atrocities appear like child's play.
From this day forward, may American Christians, pastors standing in the pulpits of America, members of the government and all "gatekeepers" of truth in our country redouble their effort to help those who hear them to choose wisely.
When America's sesquicentennial year comes, will there be Christian faith left on the earth? Truly, the future of our homes, families and country are at stake.
The Hon. Sam Rohrer is president of the American Pastors Network, a national network of pastors with constitutional and biblical teachings that discusses today's pressing issues. He was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for 18 years and is co-host of the daily "Stand in the Gap Today" national radio program on 425 stations.
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Israel Celebrates 50 Years of Resettling the Biblical Heartland - Israel Today

Israel Celebrates 50 Years of Resettling the Biblical Heartland

Thursday, September 28, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
It was 50 years ago that Israel liberated Judea and Samaria from Jordanian occupation and began resettling the biblical heartland in accordance with both the Word of God and the original League of Nations decisions.
At a ceremony marking the occasion on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:
"Settlement is important to you in the same way that it is important to me, so I say very clearly: There will be no further uprooting of settlements in the land of Israel.
"The way to make peace is not through uprooting — not of Jews and not of Arabs. We did not get peace when we uprooted settlements, we got terror and missiles and we will not do that again.
"Any territory that falls into the hands of radical Islam becomes the basis for violence, murder and death, and so we will not abandon our national home to danger. Instead we will strengthen our home with this momentum."
While Netanyahu ran all of his past election campaigns on a platform of strengthening the Jewish communities in the disputed territories, he has come under harsh criticism for repeatedly bowing to international pressure by implementing construction freezes.
One of Netanyahu's most outspoken critics in this regard has been Education Minister Naftali Bennett, who told Wednesday's gathering in the Etzion Bloc of settlements south of Jerusalem:
"I don’t take such a step lightly, in order to implement sovereignty, it takes timing and courage. There is no better time than now, as it is clear that we are here by right and not by grace.
"There is no better time that this, even if world resists, we shall overcome it. The world also understands what the Israeli public understands, the Land of Israel will never again be divided!"
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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

LoveMusic! - In the Latter Days - Barry & Batya Segal

In the Latter Days
Barry & Batya Segal

Sept. 27, 2017

Greetings LoveMusic! friends of Love For Your People,

With these being the days to celebrate the fall feasts of the Lord (thanks to the Jews for obeying the Living God of Israel to maintain them!), we must recognize the great Messianic music of Barry and Batya Segal. For many decades they have been out front with their Hebrew/Israeli Messianic sound, producing over 7 CDS in that period. (You can see and purchase them on their Vision For Israel website here.)

I first met Barry in 1982 in East Lansing, Michigan, on the softball field! We were both members of the Shiloh Fellowship church's men's softball league (different teams). He was on the elder's team (pictured here with another, Jeff Williams.) Me? Another one. Barry then made aliyah and moved to Jerusalem, where he served in the IDF, before becoming the Personal Assistant to Bible teacher Derek and Lydia Prince. He met his bride Batya in the gift shop he owned, called "Greetings From Jerusalem." (I believe she was an employee, and also a Sephardic Jew, with  parents having made aliyah.)

In 2005, when I was with Derek Prince Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina as Director of Finance and Operations, Barry requested of my boss, David Selby, (International Director of DPM) to let me come work for Barry, who had by then founded Vision For Israel/The Joseph Storehouse (established in 1993) in the Jerusalem area. Barry wanted to move his USA office from Savannah to Charlotte. David agreed, I accepted, and for the next five years I was the Vision For Israel - USA Director. I left that position in 2010 to start our own ministry Love For His People, Inc.

During those five years with Barry and Batya, I admired the hard-working and passionate spirit these two have, for their Land and all the people in Israel. I was a blessed man to make five Sukkot Celebration tours and conferences in Israel, and listen to their worship times during the conferences. 

(Photo to the right by Steve Martin)

We also held a few conferences here in the USA for the ministry.

Their humanitarian work has blessed the IDF, school children, those needing assistant after making aliyah from the nations, and much more. Barry's adventurous TV program Roots and Reflections is the Israel travel magazine I watch weekly (schedule is on their website). Barry's JNN News has weekly reports; and their tours (Sukkot Celebration and Roots and Reflections), with Barry as "co-guide", are really fun! He might even share some of his choice food ideas with you. 

Check this out: VFI Tours 

With all that said, enjoy their music! It is now my joy to share this special song In the Latter Days, which was joyfully sung at every conference. I have also included links to several more of their popular songs, following this video.)

After listening, I also strongly encourage you to support of Vision For Israel! During this fall Feasts of the Lord special season, now would be a great time to do so to start the new 5778 Jewish new year (which by the way, "5778" represents "going through the gates." It just happens to be the album name containing In The Latter Days.)

It is my joy to share this special song In the Latter Days!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina

More video recordings by Barry and Batya Segal: 

Barry & Batya Segal - In The Latter Days

Published on Jun 29, 2017

Provided to YouTube by TuneCore In the Latter Days · Barry & Batya Segal Go Through the Gates ℗ 2002 Greetings from Jerusalem Released on: 2002-01-01 Auto-generated by YouTube.

Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Fulfilled Jerusalem Prophecies—Including Isaiah 37:33 - JONATHAN FELDSTEIN CHARISMA

Archaeologists have found arrows only from the Babylonian and Roman period, but none from the Assyrian besiegement. (Pixabay/suju)

Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Fulfilled Jerusalem Prophecies—Including Isaiah 37:33

Recently I got to spend more time over one week in Jerusalem's City of David than I've spent there in the past 30 years. Living a mere 15 minutes from Jerusalem, I try to be mindful of how incredible it is to have the privilege to be in the holy city often, even for things as mundane as business meetings, to see a movie or go shopping. However, there are special places within Jerusalem that are at the very foundation of the city, literally, and being able to spend time there is indescribably awesome.
My visit was in two parts, under the auspices of The Jerusalem Watch, which hosts extensive and compelling daytime tours (The Jerusalem Watch Tour), offering those who are passionate about Jerusalem a "tangible opportunity to connect by taking an active role in uncovering the glory and history of ancient Jerusalem; literally becoming part of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy."
The excitement of any visitor is magnified by that of AnaRina Heymann, director of The Jerusalem Watch. Her passion for being able to share and connect people to the City of David's significance is matched by the abundance of information she transmits; connecting ancient Jerusalem to the Bible and making it come to life with incredible depth.
Because Jerusalem is built with Jerusalem stone, a pale limestone common 3000 years ago and today, I've always been frustrated that pictures don't do the scenery justice. Up close, the majestic beauty is vivid, and made even richer by the dimension and color AnaRina adds.
While the history of the City of David goes back 3000 years to King David, only in the past 150 years was it clear that the original biblical Jerusalem lay just south of and outside what's today known as the Old City. It doesn't make the Old City any less significant, but in finding and excavating the original city makes that all the more important. It's the very foundation of Jerusalem, wrapped up in biblical prophecy that's unfolding today, the foundation of both Judaism and Christianity, and of course biblical history and modern politics.
Simply, visiting the City of David is a must for anyone visiting Israel.
In 1867, British officer and engineer Charles Warren set out to discover Jerusalem. He was the first to begin to unearth 2000 years of civilizations that had been buried as foreign occupiers destroyed and then built new atop the old. For thousands of years, while the world looked inside the relatively modern walls of the Old City, the original Jerusalem lay buried.
Just 50 years later, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, the world power affirming the Jewish right and destiny to return to Zion. In the same year, as he conquered Jerusalem from the Ottomans, and in a moment of great humility, General Allenby depicted how awesome a moment it was and dismounted his horse to enter the Old City by foot. If he had only known what lay buried just several hundred yards south and east, he might have prostrated himself and kissed the ground.
Fifty years after Allenby conquered Jerusalem, Israel, already a thriving albeit newly reborn Jewish state, reunited modern with biblical Jerusalem. And today, 50 years later and 150 years since Charles Warren discovered the ancient City of David, the intersection of the Bible as a roadmap with modern archaeology is revealed one bucket of dirt at a time, with stones restored one by one to the wall of the city King David built.
There are many unique and indeed compelling aspects of a tour of the City of David that are a must. Each will have his own highlights. Mine were varied.
I saw a 3000-year-old olive tree just south of David's palace. Did David plant it or was it planted at his instruction? Either way, the tree has witnessed and survived countless wars and sieges, majestically still bearing fruit today.
I appreciated a deeper understanding of ancient Hebrew and how the biblical names overlay the history and geography, and enrich understanding of the biblical accounts about which we read and pray.
It was awesome seeing actual spots at which biblical kings were anointed, where King David spotted Bathsheba bathing, and where pilgrims prepared to ascend to the temple, providing a vivid depiction and understanding that's unparalleled and transforming.
With an ancient aqueduct at the end of my block miles away that used to provide water to biblical Jerusalem, it's incredible to see Jerusalem's original water sources, and engineering to harness the water before our eyes.
Seeing the prophecy of Isaiah 37:33, "Therefor, thus says the Lord concerning the king of Assyria: He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shields, no build a siege ramp against it." In fact, archaeologists have found arrows only from the Babylonian and Roman period, but none from the Assyrian besiegement.
The second part of my visit was to the new nighttime multimedia program, "Halleluyah." I enjoyed it thoroughly and found it meaningful on a variety of levels. Children and those who are more visual will especially appreciate this unique multimedia presentation of Jerusalem's history, where the canvas depicting the destruction and restoration of the city is the actual walls of the original City of David over which Jews wept 2500 years ago.
In short, I came away with the awareness that there is no more significant place in Jerusalem. It underscores 3000 years of unbreakable Jewish history as well as the foundation on which Christianity was born, and makes the 1400-year old mosque sitting above it seem all the more out of place.
As I emerged from a hefty hike ascending through an ancient drainage tunnel from the bottom of the City of David until almost the point where it reaches the Temple Mount, I was refreshed by a cool breeze. But I was chilled by the realization that in this same place, the breeze that felt so good to me was the same breeze that David himself felt sitting in the exact same location.
I found another unintended meaningful part of the visit. At the end of the "Halleluyah" multimedia presentation, the prophesy of Jews returning from exile is depicted, beginning with Nehemiah and continuing throughout the millennia, including me and my family. Animated arrows represented the sources and origins of Jewish migration back to the Land. But it is also a metaphor for something archeologically incontrovertible.
The opposite of arrows and siege is strength and reinforcement. Unlike the arrows found from ancient armies that sought to conquer Jerusalem, these arrows depict the prophetic Jewish return to the Land, also representing the strengthening of Jerusalem today, which is how we will continue to be protected from arrows and sieges in the future.
If you want to see and understand the foundation upon which Jerusalem, and all of the past 3000 years of Jewish history, is built, and to see the fulfillment of Isaiah's words, ""Shake yourself from the dust; arise, O captive Jerusalem" (Isa. 52:2a), the City of David needs to be your next stop
Jonathan Feldstein was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. Throughout his life and career, he has been blessed by the calling to fellowship with Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He writes a regular column for Standing With Israel at He can be reached at
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