Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pray in Tongues. Persecuted?

When You’re Persecuted for Praying in Tongues

silencing prayer
When I sent my daughter on an inner-city mission trip in another state, I was shocked to later learn that her temporary home church did not believe in miracles or some gifts of the Spirit.
Indeed, this revelation was more shocking to me than the Hawaiian church where parishioners believe that a painting and a cross miraculously produce myrrh or the fake miracle scandal that rocked a church in Uyo recently.
In other words, it’s more surprising that a Bible-believing church that claims to fully embrace the Trinity would shun the miraculous than it is to read about people who believe questionable miracles or even downright scams.
When it comes to miracles, it seems we have at least four camps in Christendom: those who believe the Word of God at face value, including the gifts of the Spirit; those who are easily deceived by gold dust, gemstones and miracle soap; those who want to believe in the miracle-working power of God so much that they see miracles where there are no miracles; and those who believe God stopped being God at the conclusion of the book of Acts.
For all my writing about merchandising prophets who seek to fleece the sheep with hyped-up prophecies and fake miracles, those who don’t believe in the power of God to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and cast out demons (Matt. 10:8) also grieve my spirit. That’s because although the motives of a cessationist are not dark and deceptive like a false prophet or false teacher, these highly vocal nonbelieving believers are nevertheless doing damage to the church.
My daughter was actually persecuted by some leaders and members of this non-miracle-believing church, which argues that some of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, including speaking in tongues and the gifts of healing and miracles, were temporary and intended for confirmation in the early church before the New Testament was completed. The pastor had unkind words to say to my daughter—and at least one mother wouldn’t allow her daughter to come near to mine because I believe in praying in the Spirit, casting out devils, waging spiritual warfare and all the rest of what mainstream Pentecostals and charismatics believe.
The Holy Spirit offers nine gifts, and Paul wanted to make sure we weren’t ignorant of them. Let’s review Scripture:
“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills” (1 Cor. 12:4-11).
You can’t pick and choose which gifts of the Holy Spirit you want to believe in any more than you can pick and choose which Scriptures to live by: “The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times” (Ps. 12:6). Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). The gifts of the Spirit did not cease when Luke crossed the last t and dotted the last i in the book of Acts. It’s the spirit of religion that denies the power of God. Indeed, Paul warned Timothy:
“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Tim. 3:1-5).
I am witnessing a disturbing trend, and it goes beyond miracle soap sellers, gold dust and gemstone collectors. I’m seeing more people who have a form of godliness but deny the power of God. As we move deeper into the end times, we need to build more faith in the supernatural power of God to provide for our needs, keep our bodies strong, keep our minds free from deception and the like. But it seems the enemy has already deceived many into thinking God isn’t who He says He is and can’t do what He says He can do. It seems many in the church are already deceived. And none of us are immune to being deceived.
God, open our eyes—all of us—to our wrong thinking and wrong believing so that we can see You rightly and respond to Your Spirit quickly in the name of Jesus!
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Jerusalem snow - by Alex Levin

Alex Levin artwork - Jerusalem snow

A Prophetic History of MorningStar - Rick Joyner on Prophetic Perspectives video

A Prophetic History
Rick Joyner
Monday, December 9, 2013

Rick Joyner tells about prophesies that were given to him and how they played out in the course of events. Everything MorningStar Ministry is doing today is the result of prophetic revelation.

Jerusalem Post - snow to subside...thousands without power

Storm weakens across Israel, thousands still without power as recovery efforts begin

LAST UPDATED: 12/14/2013


Light snow and low temperatures expected throughout Saturday, storm to pass by days end; Defense ministry deploys equipment, food rations to assist emergency services.

The Defense Ministry deployed a large quantity of heavy vehicles, equipment, and food rations to assist emergency services operating in the snow in Jerusalem and the North.
Over 30 vehicles, bulldozers, plows, tractors, generators, and salt scattering trucks have been sent to roads around the capital and Safed. Containers of fuel and diesel fuel have been sent to police to assist people stranded without electricity.
On Saturday morning, a chunk of the country's residents remained without electricity as precipitation continued. While at around 9 a.m., the Israel Electric Corporation reported that 29,600 households were without power, only two-and-a-half hours later the company upgraded that number to 35,000 – or 1.4% of the country's total 2.5 million customers.  About 13,000 of these outages were in Jerusalem and 2,400 were in Safed, the company said.
Emphasizing that crews worked throughout the entire night to restore power to customers, the company said that it continues to operate in emergency settings, and that "it will take a long time to fix problems," warning that broken wires pose life threatening dangers.
Due to conditions, Israel Railways said it operated a special train on Saturday departing from Jerusalem toward Haifa.
The first of two special trains departed at its scheduled time of 11:00 a.m. and  an additional train will depart at 4:00 p.m. and will stop at the following stations: the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, Beit Shemesh, Lod, Tel Aviv Savidor center, Netanya, Binyamina and Haifa Hof Hakarmel.
Due to fears of a potentially overflowing Ayalon River on Friday night – when the river was about 50 centimeters from spilling over – the Israel Police closed a portion of the Ayalon Highway from 9:30 to 11 p.m.
However, after it became clear that the level of the Ayalon River had once again receded, the police reopened the highway to traffic, which was flowing as normal on Saturday morning, according to Netivei Ayalon. At that time, the company said that the Ayalon water level was 170 centimeters below the road.
Treachery on the roads
Police worked to help dozens of drivers stranded on Jerusalem's streets and on the entry roads into the capital as intermittent snow continued to fall on Friday morning. Roads to the capital remained closed Friday morning. In the evening outbound lanes of Route 1 closed again to traffic from Jerusalem in the direction of Tel Aviv.
IDF vehicles and snow plows were also aiding police and municipal employees in efforts to aid motorists.
Ben-Gurion Airport closed on Friday for about an hour due to the storm battering the country.
The Home Front Command set up a control center in Latrun overnight Friday, and deployed units to snow-stricken areas. Drivers stranded on Route 1 and Route 443 at the entrance to Jerusalem were being evacuated to emergency help centers established at the Jerusalem Convention Center, in Mevaseret Zion and at the Ofer military camp.
Some 2,000 stranded motorists in the capital and on the highways leading to the city were rescued by police, IDF and Border Police forces.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat turned to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz and Jerusalem District police chief Yossi Pariente for help in evacuating the motorists.
"We are currently using all means available to save the people stuck in the storm. Only after the weather calms will we be able to open all of the roadways in the city," Barkat said Friday morning, adding that the city was facing "a battle against a rare storm, the likes of which we have never seen."
The municipality called on drivers to avoid coming to Jerusalem and instructed the city's residents to stay off the roads until the storm had subsided.
Due to heavy rains and snow conditions in many parts of the country, Police
issued a general advisory on Friday morning for the public not to leave their homes.
Police said that there was an increased risk of fatality for drivers in the current conditions.
The Egged bus company announced that it had stopped service to the capital and that it would only restart service on Saturday night contingent on improved conditions.
Jerusalem received between 30 centimeters and half a meter of snow by Friday morning depending on the area in the city, Israel Radio reported. 
"We expect difficult weather conditions to continue, and we're asking all civilians to listen to instructions from emergency services and not come to Jerusalem," an IDF source said on Friday. The army has gone on a state of alert on the Golan Heights due to the storm, and has deployed dozens of rescue crews and heavy vehicles there on standby. "We are more experienced with dealing with this kind of weather in the Golan," the source said.
Some ten centimeters of snow had accumulated Friday morning in the northern Golan Heights from Kibbutz Ortal northwards.
A number of area roads were partially closed and snow removal was in progress. Public transportation was shut down in the northern Golan until further notice.
The Golan Heights regional municipality warned tourists not to cross fences and walk into fields due to the risk of stepping on mines.
Snow was also coming down Friday morning in Safed, Meron, Sasa, Ma'alot, and in Upper Nazareth and continued throughout the night and into Saturday morning.
Police told motorists not to travel to Safed as the access roads to the city were closed. A number of vehicles were stuck on the roads leading to the Galilee city.
The Forecast
Rain is expected to continue through Saturday until it begins to weaken and eventually ceases by nighttime, the IMS reported.
Snowfall in Jerusalem should turn to sleet by noon and stop by the afternoon. As the skies become clearer, however, the temperatures will remain cold, falling to below zero in many places and causing icy – "black ice" – road conditions, the IMS warned.
Yaakov Lappin and Sharon Udasin contributed to this report.
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Friday, December 13, 2013

Breaking News Videos - Tens of thousands without power in Jerusalem - total of 20" of snow expected 12.13.13

Breaking News - 590x148
Click here to watch: Jerusalem Gets Hit By Worst Storm Ever

The Jerusalem Municipality said that the city was expected
Friday afternoon to be hit by a wave of stormy conditions
“three times worse” than what has been experienced so
far since late Thursday night. Beginning at approximately
16:00 pm local time, municipality officials told The Times
of Israel that it was urging all residents of the capital and
the surrounding areas to stay indoors as weather
conditions worsen.

“We are expecting a second storm triple the size of the
one we’ve seen now and possibly up to 20 inches of snow,”
said municipality spokesperson Brachie Sprung Friday at
1:30 p.m. “During the storm the highways will remain
closed and all public transportation services will
be suspended.”

The Israel Electric Corporation declared a nationwide
state of emergency Friday as tens of thousands of
homes in Jerusalem and the surrounding region
remained without power amid the severe winter
storm currently besieging the area.

The electric company said it was manning a situation
room to receive reports of outages and was calling
in emergency workers to help restore power to those
affected in certain parts of Jerusalem, Mevasseret Zion,
Har Adar, Abu Gosh and Tzur Hadassah where many
power lines were hit by fallen trees. “We did not
anticipate the storm to be on this scale,” Oren Helman
from the electric company told Channel 2 news.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat turned to IDF Chief of Staff
Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz and Jerusalem District police chief
Yossi Pariente for help in evacuating the motorists.
"We are currently using all means available to save the
people stuck in the storm. Only after the weather calms
will we be able to open all of the roadways in the city,"
Barkat said Fridaymorning, adding that the city was
facing "a battle against a rare storm, the likes of
which we have never seen."

Earlier Friday, Ben Gurion Airport closed briefly as
the unprecedented winter storm — bringing the
heaviest December snows on record to Jerusalem
— continued to batter the country for a third day.

Two incoming flights initially rerouted to Larnaca,
Greece were set to land in Tel Aviv. Police instructed
citizens Friday to stay indoors and avoid driving on
roads, citing life-threatening dangers. The main arteries
leading in to and out of Jerusalem, Highway 1 and
Road 443, were closed off after thousands of people
were left stranded overnight Thursday-Friday by the
heavy snowfall, leading the IDF, the police and volunteers
to launch rescue operations. Police said Friday
morning that a rescue operation on Road 443 was
completed, after rescuers evacuated some 600
travelers from that route.

Crews worked throughout the night and into the morning
to rescue travelers in cars and buses trapped on the
roads, at one point putting out a public call for help
from anybody with a 4X4 vehicle. Around 2,000
people were rescued from vehicles during the night,
according to Israel Radio, and hundreds were
evacuated to shelters set up at convention centers
in the city, including the International Convention Center,
or Binyanei Hauma. The Defense Ministry said it was
sending emergency generators and meals to those
currently at the centers.

On Thursday, the IDF’s elite 669 search and rescue
unit retrieved 10 trapped passengers from a
commercial vehicle that was swept away by flood
waters in Nahal Gerar, north of Beersheba.
The passengers, nine of whom were children, were
airlifted to Beersheba’s Soroka Medical Center
in fair condition.

Over 24 hours between Wednesday and Thursday
morning, some 103 millimeters (four inches) of rain
— the monthly average — fell in the capital and
35 mm (1.4 inches) in Tel Aviv. There were several
 incidents of people caught in flash floods that
swept their cars away.


The stormy weather was expected to persist
into the weekend, with snow reaching elevated
areas as far south as the Negev Desert on Friday.
On Wednesday, high winds, torrential rain and
floods inflicted damage in many areas, with some
injuries caused by flying debris.
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The Church of Ireland's Library Uncovered a Photographic Treasure 115 Years Old - Part 1 of 2

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 01:12 AM PST
What a treasure looks like. Boxes of lantern slides -- the precursor to 
photographic slides and slide projectors

In 2011, Rev. Stephen White brought to Dublin several old cardboard boxes found in the old Church of Ireland Killaloe deanery in Limerick.  He brought them to Dr. Susan Hood, the archivist for the Church of Ireland's Representative Church Body Library.

Dr. Hood understood she had 
    Coming ashore at Jaffa Port (Credit: RCB Library, 1897). Note the
    Turkish flag flying

just received a photographic treasure: hundreds of century-old "lantern slides" of  sites in Ireland, India, and the Holy Land.

Dr. Hood deserves credit for preserving the images, digitizing them last year and posting them on the RCB's homepage.  

We thank her for granting us permission to publish the RCB photographs.

Last year, Dr. Hood and BBC undertook an investigation into discovering the name of hitherto anonymous photographer.  They were able to identify him as David Brown, a soap manufacturer from Donaghmore who was also an amateur photographer.  In 1897 he joined a pilgrimage led by his brother in law, a Presbyterian minister from Northern Ireland.

We present here Part 1 of the RCB Library Collection.  

Click on pictures to enlarge.  Click on the caption to view the original.

Damascus Gate (Credit: RCB Library, 1897) 
View inside Damascus Gate HERE

View Herod's Gate HERE
View Lions Gate HERE

Jews praying at the Western "Wailing" Wall.  The day is a Sabbath or Jewish Festival since the men are wearing their Sabbath finery, including fur hats. The photograph is very unusual since in virtually all of the other 19th century pictures at the Wall men are not wearing their customary prayer shawls (talitot) perhaps because of a Jewish prohibition of carrying objects on the Sabbath, or because of the harassment of Muslim authorities.
 (Credit: RCB Library, 1897)

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The man on the right is believed to be the photographer, David Brown. Note
the Turkish soldier on duty inside the Church.  (Credit: RCB Library, 1897).  A Turkish soldier was also on guard
in Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus). See below.

Joseph's Tomb (Credit: RCB Library, 1897). Certain 
pictures, such as this one, were almost obligatory to
all visiting photographers assembling a travelogue.

Turkish guard inside Joseph's Tomb (Library
 of Congress 1900)



A "hides market," according to the RCB's Library caption, but no location is given. Actually, the photo is taken
in Jerusalem at the entrance of the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. Looming over the complex on the hill is the Tifferet Yisrael Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter  (Credit: RCB Library, 1897). The synagogue was destroyed along with the Jewish Quarter in 1948.

Billy Graham Ready to Go Home to the Lord, Grandson Says - CharismaNews

Billy Graham Ready to Go Home to the Lord, Grandson Says

Billy and Will Graham
Billy Graham with his grandson Will Graham. (BGEA)
Billy Graham’s grandson, Will Graham, has said the 95-year-old evangelist is close to going home to be with the Lord.
Will Graham is the son of Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham. In an exclusive interview at Hosanna Christian Fellowship in Bellflower, Calif., last month, Will Graham spoke about his grandfather’s frail condition.
“I saw my grandfather last week, and he is not doing well,” Graham said, according to Assist News Service. “He’s not suffering or anything. It’s just that old age has caught up to him and is sucking the life out of him.”
Franklin Graham recently spoke about the declining health of his father.
“My father's health has declined quite a bit in the last few days,” Franklin Graham told the Charlotte station WSOC-TV Friday. “He hasn't been able to get his strength back. Vitals are good. He's just weak and at home.”
Billy Graham turned 95 in November, just a month after a hospital visit for tests on his pulmonary system. He has suffered from respiratory problems for years. Will Graham said though he can walk, he has been in a wheelchair for a long time because it is safer.
“On Nov. 7 [with his "My Hope America With Billy Graham" outreach], he finished his race and up until that time, God had protected his health and gave him supernatural strength and now, the only thing left is for him to come home,” Will Graham said. “God has removed His hand of protection, and old age has set in."
Franklin Graham requested prayers for his father this week.
“Our family would appreciate your prayers for him that the Lord would strengthen him. He has been so encouraged by the release of his most recent book, The Reason for My Hope: Salvation, that he immediately began work on another book about a subject that he feels God has laid on his heart. Only the Lord knows what is in store as we move forward in service to Him.”
When asked how to pray for his grandfather, Will Graham replied, “I don’t know how to answer that anymore. I wish He would give him strength, but I don’t think he needs strength anymore. It’s time to go home.”

PSALM 95 prophecy about Israel - Israel Video Network

PSALM 95 prophecy about Israel

Israel Video Network