Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Deliverance from Sexual Sins - Jim Croft

Deliverance from Sexual Sins 
- Adapted from sermon on Omega Man Internet Radio Show 11/19/13

Jim Croft

This article is designed to give Christians a biblical perspective about sexual practice and orientation. It is presented to answer questions that Christians frequently asks about sex practices. The word definitions offered can be verified by Strong’s Concordance; the footnotes and lexicon of Zodhiates’ KJV Study Bible; Dake’s Bible; and English language dictionaries. 

Please be forewarned that the explanations given require vividness beyond the comfort zones of routine Christian reading. As you read, it would be beneficial to keep a scriptural proverb and a spiritual principle in mind. The scriptural proverb: "I am not my own. The members of my body are for the Lord. I have been bought with a price: The precious blood of Jesus." 

The spiritual principle 

Without discipline, there cannot be any lasting enjoyment of life’s pleasures. 

Target Audience 

This piece is not intended to be overlaid on the unconverted of American society. It is not a demand that they see the matters at issue from a Christian perspective. Those who have not experienced the light of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ are not automatically predisposed to sense a need to distinguish right from wrong in regard to sexual activity and sexual orientation. 

There are believers who claim that our society’s preoccupation with sex and acceptance of aberrant sexual practice is a primary cause for national woes. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community are often named as a major focus of blame. The attitudes displayed by many toward those of homosexual orientation are un-Christian, unbiblical and un-American. 

 It is inappropriate to suggest that they should be barred from public employment based upon private sexual practice. The Bible admonishes Christians to be at peace with all men and to honor all people. (Heb 12:14; 1Pet 2:17) Cordial respect for people in the thoroughfares of life does not carry innuendo that every aspect of lifestyle is condoned. The Corinthian believers were guilty of grievous sexual sins. Nevertheless, the opening remarks of Paul’s first letter gave them credit for where credit was due. (1Cor 1:4-7) He made honorable mention of the many areas of spirituality where they excelled. (1Cor 1:5-7) 

Lesbians and Gays tend to have reputations for dedication to vocational excellence and to pleasing business clients. Christians called to exemplify the peace of God should be willing to honor LGBT people for the contributions they make to daily life without making an issue of their chosen sexual orientation. 

Some pulpits assert that the reason that there has not been widespread national revival is because of its decadence. This position does not have biblical support. It is a deception directly from Satan’s playbook. This can be seen by considering the evangelistic success of the First Century Church and by examining the writings of the Apostle Paul. 

The Gentile cultures of his day had been steeped in every form of deviate sexual practice for centuries. It was en vogue for the wealthy to have mistresses. Male and female temple prostitutes were available for idolatrous heterosexual and homosexual rituals. Pedophilia was a point of pride and bestiality was not uncommon. 

The intensity of their societal decadence far surpasses that of present American culture. Nevertheless, the cultural preoccupation with sex did not hinder evangelism. Churches had numerous people who had once been adulterers; promiscuous libertines; and those of (LGBT) orientation. Overall, the adversarial environment to which some Christians have contributed by not minding their own business has not enhanced the world’s view of the Body of Christ. (1Pet 4:15) 

Our Business & God's Business 

Even though Paul commended the Corinthians in his opening remarks, he later reprimanded them for the various forms of sexual immorality that were common among them. He made special emphasis about a man guilty of incest with his stepmother. Paul compared sexual sins to yeast that spoiled the purity of the loaf of Christian fellowship. He called for cleansing repentance from sexual sin’s yeast. (1Cor 5) 

Paul insisted that believers were not to keep company with professing Christians who persisted in sexual immorality. He specified that he was not speaking of the necessary interaction that believers must have with the unconverted in this life. Restrictions that broad would require removal from the planet. (1Cor 5:9- 10) The world’s attitude about what it means to be Christian would tend to be more favorable if believers would abide by New Testament principles. The Word does not commission Christians to judge and condemn the people of the world for any sins, sexual or otherwise. 

The apostle Paul stated emphatically that it was not his place or ours to condemn deviate behavior among the unconverted. (1Cor 5:9–13) We are, however, charged to gently approach fellow believers when we sense that they are snared by aberrant behavior. It is our business to judge ourselves to prevent God’s judgment from falling on any of us. It is God's business to convict the unconverted about the danger of judgment for sin, including sexual impropriety. (1Cor 5:9-13)

Perverse Sex Insults God’s Holiness 

After God created Adam and Eve, He commended His handiwork by saying it was very good. The goodness God spoke of included their capacity to enjoy sexual relations. The bond of physical intimacy between a husband and wife typifies the relational non-sexual intimacy that the redeemed are to have with the Godhead through the Holy Spirit. (Eph 5:30–32) 

Husbands and wives are one flesh. Those who are joined to the Lord are one in spirit and body with Him. Salvation’s mystical union unites believers with the Trinitarian oneness of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Satan and his evil spirits have never been offered an intimate familial relationship with the Godhead. The devil and his minions, therefore, are insanely jealous of the quality of trust that sexual intimacy between married couples of the opposite sex represents in the eternal realm of the Spirit. Satan and evil spirits are incapable of attacking God directly. 

This is why demons throughout human history have concentrated so much effort on polluting sexual intimacy. The unholy and unnatural defilements that mankind invents at the urging of evil spirits are designed to insult God. 

Origins of Perversity 

Romans 1:18–32 outlines how sex perversions evolved. Subsequent to the fall of Adam, mankind began a downward spiral. The motivating factor was pride. It caused mankind to suppress the truth that God’s invisible attributes and the path to godliness can be clearly understood by observing creation. There are many facets of life that are designed to reflect God’s glory. 

The devil enticed humans to become preoccupied with self-centeredness that led to idolatry. His first subsequent step was the perversion of sex. According to the Bible, the natural sexual functions of men and women were exchanged for unclean acts that were unnatural. The progressions within the verses seem to indicate that women led the way in craving unclean sex acts that were against nature. 

We need to examine the implications of terms used in Rom 1:24-27. The basic meaning in Greek for “unclean” can be physical or moral, or can infer both simultaneously. The Old Testament was given to enlighten us about godly principles. This has relevance to what falls under the term, unclean.

God walked among the tents of the Israelites in the Wilderness and their camp was to be kept holy. When pressed to have bowel movements, which are routinely accompanied by urination, they were instructed to go out of the camp. The refuse was to be buried with a digging implement. The instruction’s purpose was to prevent God from seeing the uncleanness and removing his protective hand from his people. (Deut 23:12-14)

The concept that refuse and urine polluted the camp and was repulsive to God can have a message for Christians. It might be considered strong suggestion that oral and anal sex is unclean. Those acts bring the partner performing the act directly into contact with the residue of the fecal material or the urine residue of the recipient. Some might complain that they are under grace and not the Law. 

In the context of sex the apostle Paul disagrees. He said that the Law was specifically for those who committed unlawful acts that were against sound doctrine. Fornication and sodomy were in the list. (1Tim 1:8-10) Later in this article, you will see that sodomy’s definition includes oral and anal copulation. The word translated as “lusts” in Rom 1:24 is the longing for that which is forbidden. The definition for “against nature” in Rom 1:26, is “against germination.” 

Here is the gist of what is conveyed in Rom 1:24-27: Perhaps to avoid unwanted pregnancy and surely with ungodly craving, men and women engaged in forbidden immoral sex acts that were unnatural and physically unclean. Eventually, the sex acts expanded to use among same sex partners. In other words, the corruption of sexual relations began with heterosexuals and subsequently homosexuality evolved as a deeper unnatural corruption. 

By definition, activities designed to implant seed emitted from the reproductive organs of one sex into that of the opposite sex for fertilization are natural. Emissions with those of the same sex are unnatural. The same might be said of emissions into body cavities that do not lead directly to fertilization. 

This puts heterosexual oral and anal sex at question to the same extent as homosexual practice. Rebellion by committing unnatural sex acts led to other sins such as greed, deceit, strife, unforgiveness, and hatred for God. Mankind was permitted to go its own way. All the while the voice of conscience warned that those who sow such acts chance reaping self-inflicted judgments. (Rom 2:1-16) 

Further Definitions 

Newer translations of the Bible do not give the clarity of the KJV in relation to terminology related to sexual practice and compulsions. The definitions become more understandable by Greek Lexicon and English language dictionary searches. I will provide some definitions and will make remarks that you can weigh with your conscience to evaluate what might be applicable to you. 

Sexual immorality 

According to Webster’s Dictionary the word immoral is defined as not conforming to accepted patterns of what is considered right and wrong behavior in a culture. This is problematic for Christians because the societal understanding of what is acceptable sexual practice has changed over the past generation. Many converts that have come into our churches in recent decades have a concept of sexual morality that is far more permissive than that of previous generations. 

Much of what they practice and think is morally OK is actually sexual immorality. At this point newer translations of the Bible are not helpful. Sexual immorality is often used as a generic term that blurs the meaning of distinct objectionable sex acts. 

One of the words often blanketed is fornication. Throughout the Bible, fornication denotes most every unlawful sex act that is against sound doctrine. Its use in the KJV includes promiscuity among the unmarried, adultery and incest. (Matt 5:32; 1Cor 5:1, 6:9) 

In Heb 13:4, avoiding adultery and fornication are mentioned in relation to the sanctity of the marriage bed. This leads me to believe that fornication might also apply to some sex acts within marriage by which many are polluting the marriage bed without knowing it. 

Many relatively recent converts do not understand that the mindset they brought into the salvation about sexual morality might not meet authentic biblical standards. 

I once had a conversation with a minister who had a broad ministry with Christian singles. As he traveled from church to church, he frequently asked for a show of hands from those who were sexually active. He said the norm was well over 80%. 

Sodomite (1Cor 6:9 NKJV) – Sodomy defines the sexual practices of LGBT people and of many heterosexual teens, adult singles, and married couples. The dictionary definition of sodomy gives reason for concern. It is anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; and it is also copulation with animals. 

For the sake of decency, I cannot go into details about how the bestiality happens. However, it is not unusual for ER workers to be called upon to extract declawed rodents from the body cavities of homosexuals. 

Oral sex is extremely common in Christian circles. Girls as young as eleven are giving oral sex to lines of waiting boys. It is touted in some areas as “the new goodnight kiss.” 

Twenty years ago, I frequently ministered at the 3rd largest Pentecostal assembly in a faraway State. The music team of young singles trusted me as a spiritual confidant. They once asked if I thought it was OK for them to service one another to relieve stress. I asked what servicing meant. They said it was giving oral sex to team members of the opposite sex who were chosen at random. 

The answer that I gently gave them was nothing akin to what they had hoped. Anal sex is less common, but there are Christians who have no pang of conscience about engaging in it as a substitute for vaginal intercourse and as sexual foreplay. Like oral sex, it is at times employed with dating couples who plead monogamy as they intend to marry. 

Most would concede that marriage plans do not always work out. Even if they did, the concern of believers should be to do all things as unto the Lord. 


A harlot is a woman who sells a variety of sex acts. The Old Testament expands harlotry to “playing the harlot.” This was reference to young women having premarital sex. The penalty was death by stoning. (Deut 22:20-21) 

We can all be grateful that the death penalty does not apply under the New Covenant. But, we cannot assume that God has dismissed his objections to single women playing the harlot. And, for sure men are not given a free pass in the matter. 

This is made evident in 1Cor 6:15-20. Whether male or female the bodily parts of a Christian’s body are joined to the Lord. Entrance into the body of another and conversely being entered, whether vaginal, oral or anal; in affect unites the Lord and the two committing the sinful act together as one. 

Our temples of the Holy Spirit are not to be used to drag the Lord through sinful mires. 


There are Christians who say there are not any explicit admonitions in the Bible against masturbation. Jesus stated that any man, who looks on a woman with lust, has committed adultery in his heart. (Mt 5:28) 

During masturbation, normally speaking, another person is envisioned as a participant. Does it not stand to reason that the fantasies imagined while bringing about orgasmic release intensifies the sinfulness? Those who are lenient with themselves about masturbation risk giving invitation to depraved sex spirits.  
I once dealt with a seminary student who confessed addiction to necrophilia. He masturbated with dead fur-bearing animals. God set him free of that hideous demon. There are those who claim that masturbation can be enacted mechanically without thinking about another person. The Book of Jude speaks about those who are sensually minded and are not exhibiting the Spirit of God. A sensual person has excessive devotion to fulfilling bodily appetites. 

Jude compared the sensually minded to the people of Sodom who were only interested in self gratification. He stated that the wayward believers were acting like brute beast. (Jude 1:4, 7-8, 10, 16, 18-19) Beasts seek sexual release without reasoning about anything beyond the drive to fulfill a bestial urge. Can it possibly be righteous for a Christian to release an urge in a non-thinking manner that was intended to foreshadow eternal intimacy with God? I think not. 

We are new creations in Christ and we must not be reduced to acting like brute beasts. 


Most anyone who counsels churched people has encountered closet homosexuals and bisexuals. In the context of Christianity and the born-again experience, the argument about whether homosexuality is genetic or acquired is rendered moot. Even the rare instances in which a person is born with homosexual desires or tendencies do not provide a free pass to engage in a sodomistic homosexual lifestyle. 

It is just as ungodly to live out the tendency toward homosexuality as it would be to live out an inborn tendency to be a drunkard. 

Some complain that homosexuality is natural because some same sex animals ride one another sexually. They did not do so at creation. God referred to them as good and blessed them with the good ability to be fruitful in producing after like kind. (Gen 1:21-25) 

The fall of Adam corrupted the entirety of creation. For this reason creation groans, waiting for redemption from the ugly futilities of the fall of Adam (Rom 8:20-22) 

It is not life-threatening to say no to the forbidden behavior for the sake of Christ. One can go to heaven with unfulfilled sexual compulsions. No one can see God unless he or she has reckoned those unlawful passions as dead in the active pursuit of holiness. (Col 3:5; Heb 12:14) 

The claim of Satan’s propaganda machine is that that sexual abnormalities do not succumb to reparative therapy. That is not what the Bible teaches. In 1 Corinthians 6:9–13, there is a list of unrighteous individuals who will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, drunkards and revilers are mentioned specifically. 

The passage proclaims boldly, however, that these ones can be changed by salvation. I have added italics to verse eleven to emphasize that after being born again, those who previously sinned in that way were no longer ensnared in those sins: “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” 

Without question, those who want to continue homosexuality after experiencing the new birth often exhibit a double standard. Let us imagine a professing Christian homosexual couple has one partner who is a thief and is given to abusive speech. It is highly probable that the law-abiding, verbally abused partner would press the offending partner to stop stealing and to control his tongue. Furthermore, he would expect him to succeed at doing so. 

Biblically, thievery and abusive speech appear in the same list as fornication and homosexuality. Remember the phrase that such were some of you in 1 Corinthians 6:11: Is there any biblical reason why it applies to thieves and revilers and not to homosexuals? There is no difference. Sin is sin. 

Christ within empowers believers to put all sinful inclinations into the past tense. 


There is a need for the churched to confess and to receive deliverance from homosexual temptation. When I was 9 years old, my father invited a member of our church to have Sunday lunch with us. While my parents were preparing the table, the man watched television with me.  He began to fondle my privates through my clothing. 

It was very frightening and after a few minutes I jumped up and ran to tell my father. He expelled the man from our home. However, the man continued attending our church and no one was warned about his predatory homosexual pedophilia. 

Several years later it was discovered that the church's minister of music was a ravenous bisexual. I never gave the incident another thought until after my salvation at age 24. I had no interests in homosexuality and in fact had no idea about what they did to one another. 

However, shortly after I accepted Christ I began to have weird compulsions and fears. At times, I wondered what it would be like to dress like a woman. This gave me the tormenting fear that I might be a latent homosexual. I never gave in to the compulsions nor did I ever experiment with what I feared. Where did this plague come from?

Fear trauma had gripped me as that man briefly fondled me at age 9. This gave entrance to evil spirits that fueled the compulsion and my unreasonable fears. The light of Christ and the rain of the Holy Spirit that came with my baptism in the Holy Spirit exposed the evil spirits and caused them to surface with fury. (Eph 5:8-14; Heb 6:7-8) 

I praise God that I had the Christian discipline to resist the cross dressing compulsion. I learned about deliverance from evil spirits. Through self- deliverance, I expelled the effeminate demon and the demon of the fear of latent homosexuality from myself. I have been completely free since that time. Through deliverance ministry, Satan’s plans to destroy my marriage and my ministry were spoiled. 


With married couples, the voice of God within is a trustworthy gauge to help discern what is appropriate and what is not. Certainly within the bonds of married love, there is room for variety in sexual positions and so forth. 

If, however, the “so forth” experimentation makes either partner uncomfortable, the uneasiness is likely justified. It is sinful to coerce a spouse to engage in a sexual activity that they cannot perform in good conscience. Anyone who continually ignores godly inhibitions is at risk of opening up to spirits of perversion. 

Further enticements for more intense types of experimentation are likely to follow. Astonishingly, for example, there are sophisticated people who are addicted to pain during sex. Two of the bizarre practices are choking and fisting. Both were surely spawned by demons. 

With choking, the female’s breath is cutoff when she signals nearing orgasm. This supposedly heightens intensity of orgasm. Fisting is used in masturbation. The operative partner puts direct finger pressure on a male recipient’s prostate to bring about excessive ejaculation. Or, the operative partner yanks on a male or female recipient’s lower bowel when told orgasm is beginning. 

It is not unusual for hospitalization to be requited for the severely injured. Satan’s objective is to inundate the marriage bed with activities that cause couples to cast aside all thoughts of holy union. In such instances, many would testify that any momentary gratification they might experience carries a heavy price tag of emptiness of soul the morning after. 


I realize that this reading has provoked varying reactions. Some are relieved for clarity about practices about which they have had doubts. Others wish I would keep my opinions to myself. It would be appropriate for the latter to weigh their motives. 

All of the ways of a man are right in his own eyes, but God weighs the motives. (Prov 16:2) What is driving your resistance? Are you sure that the Holy Spirit within your conscience is giving you liberty to do whatever you like in sexual practice? Or, could it be that what you long for is actually your carnal mind warring against the truth in your spirit? (Rom 8:5-9; 1Pet 2:11; Gal 5:17) 

Believers are to set their affections on complying with God’s Spirit. We are to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive unto righteous behavior. Our bodies are to be considered dead to the fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affections and evil concupiscence that we once walked in that provoke the anger of God. (Col 3:1-7) 

Some practices and attitudes are physically filthy and morally defiling. The footnotes and lexicon of Zodhiates’ KJV Study Bible bring clarity to those found in the Col 3 passage. Zodhiates defines fornication as the sexual sins of the unmarried and married, including adultery, homosexuality, and incest. 

The Greek for inordinate affections is pathos epithumia. Pathos is to have a diseased condition of soul. Epithumia is the lusts that are spawned by a diseased soul. Evil concupiscence is a longing, especially for that which is forbidden or constitutionally bad, evil. Older translations of the Bible make reference to lasciviousness in 2Cor 12:21 and Gal 5:19. 

Biblically it means to stir-up lusts in others that cannot be legitimately fulfilled in holiness. Isa 3:16-25 gives a flaming indictment against the daughters of Zion who walked in haughty flirtatious. Christian women and men are of Zion and there are those who dress and behave in a sexually provocative manner to draw attention. (Heb 12:22) 

It must be remembered that the scriptures warn that those who do not repent shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. I do not know the full implications of inherit. I imagine that at best it means that such individuals will be granted entrance into heaven, but will not ever have right to wield authority in the eternal Kingdom. I shudder even to think about the far worse alternative consequence for rebellion. 

Christians are in a race to win God’s crown of approval at the Judgment Seat of Christ. We are to keep our bodies under subjection lest we reject conscience and make shipwreck of our faith. Those who do so risks shrinking back in shame at the Lord’s coming. 

We are to be able to face the Lord in full expectation of the highest afterlife rewards. (1Cor 9:24-27; 1Tim 1:19; 1Jn 2:28-30; Philip 3:13; 2Tim 4:6-8) 


The first step toward liberation from all forms of sexual sins is to genuinely want deliverance. It is unproductive to submit to deliverance just to please parents or to comply with the wishes of a spouse or to ease momentary guilt pangs. The primary motive must be the Spirit-inspired conviction that the act at issue insults the holiness of God. 

All sins are primarily of the flesh and any can be exacerbated by evil spirits. For this reason, it is appropriate to employ deliverance as well as repenting of the particular sin when it has not previously responded to routine Christian discipline. Going after a possible demon can completely eradicate some problems and can lower the intensity of others so that you can effectively resist temptations. (Gal 5:19-21) 

You must be absolutely committed to the reality that the old carnal nature was crucified with Christ at Calvary. That entity is dead and was buried in the waters of baptism. With those factors established, the specific demon of perversity must be expelled. 

If you are seeking help in this area, treat that demon with utter hatred over the despicable acts it has compelled you to perform. Homosexuals who have flaunted gayness in spiteful arrogance should repent of glorying in that which is shameful. (1Cor 5:1–2, 6; Eph 5:11–12) 

When I minister to those given to sex perversions and to sex addicts, I ask them to lay their hands on their erogenous zones, one by one. As they do so, I command the particular evil spirit to leave each location in Jesus’ name. 

In addition, sex addicts I have counseled have described what I define as an erotic demonic energy resident in them. It causes their flesh to tingle with desire for erotic flesh on flesh contact internally as well as externally. I have them repeat the laying-on-of-hands procedure and ask them to personally command that demonic energy to leave them. They often report that they felt the energy draining from them. I have seen the siphoning sensation weaken some to the extent that they physically collapsed. Have confidence that the Lord has given you authority to minister self-deliverance. 

This article has covered some sensitive core issues. It is fitting to spend some time seeking God as to whether or not areas in your life need adjustment. I suggest that you remember this article’s introductory scriptural proverb and repeat it several times. "I am not my own. The members of my body are for the Lord. I have been bought with a price: The precious blood of Jesus." 

If you sense deliverance from evil spirits is needed, confess the introduction’s spiritual principle with this add on before ministering self-deliverance: “Without discipline, there cannot be any lasting enjoyment of life’s pleasures. I will exercise discipline in all bodily appetites. By the power of the blood of Jesus, I will keep my body under subjection to the Cross of Christ. I command every sexual demonic spirit to leave my mind and soul now. The power of the strips of Jesus now heals my soul of its pathos diseased condition. My soul is healthy in righteousness and no defiling lusts will spring from it again. In Jesus’ name Amen.”

Jim Croft

Thy kingdom come has broad applications - Jim Croft

Thy kingdom come has broad applications 
- Jim Croft

Most everyone is familiar with the Lord’s Prayer. The first petition within it is thy kingdom come. When Jesus issued the prayer to his disciples, it is doubtful that the first thought of kingdom that came to their minds was that of the supernatural dynamics of Charismatic church services. 

At that juncture, the concept of what authentic church services might entail had not fully evolved. That would not begin until the first introduction of the Lord’s functional Church on the Day of Pentecost after his resurrection. 

 It is clear from the Gospels and Acts 1, that when kingdom was mentioned, the first thought that likely came to the mind of Jews was the restoration of the kingdom of Israel to the Jews. The ministry of Jesus gave the Jewish population great hopes of riddance of Roman occupation. 

 Political activists were among his 12 Apostles and the population wanted to crown him as King. The longing for the restoration of the kingdom to Israel was heavy on the minds of the 120 at the time of Jesus’ ascension from the Mount of Olives. The last question they asked the Master was when the kingdom would be restored to the Jews. 

Interestingly, he did not dismiss the issue as having no importance whatever in God’s plan. He told his followers that the timing of that event was in his Father’s hands. (Act 1:3, 6-7) The text does not remotely imply that it will not happen. 

I will not attempt to list all of the events that must happen to usher in the 2nd Advent of the Lord. But, I’ll try to give a thumbnail sketch pertinent to the restoration of the kingdom to Israel and the onset of the Battle of Armageddon. The restored kingdom must include every inch of land promised to the descendants of Abraham and Jacob. 

 If God does not fulfill his ancient vow about the restoration of Israel’s kingdom borders, we have no reason to believe that the Bible’s other unfulfilled prophecies are reliable. (Deut. 1:7-8) 

The Promised Land’s northern boundaries are to extend from the Mediterranean on the west and then eastward all the way to the Euphrates River. From the north to south, it must cover the territory from the middle of Lebanon; a bit of Syria; most of present-day Jordan to near proximity southward to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Israel has not had full possession of the land promised since Solomon’s day. 

Presently, hostile forces occupy the largest portions of the Jew’s homeland. Only 34% of the world’s Jewry resides in Israel. The other 66% remain dispersed in other locales. The entire acreage must be under Jewish control and they must dwell there safely for a considerable time without fear of invasion. 

The prophets declared that the Lord would gather Israel into her land for a second time. (Isa. 11:11-12) There are at least 4 biblical references to that era evolving into the Jew’s full possession of their homeland and unprecedented national peace with no fear of enemies. (Ezek 38:8, 11, 14, 39:26) 

The nature of their state of peace is exemplified by a symbolic vision. Cattle will graze with bears and little kids can stick their hands into venomous snake dens without harm. (Isa 7:6-9, 65:17-25) We have not seen much of that recently and much less Israel dwelling with no concerns about attacks. 

At some point Israel’s peace will be disrupted as the combined military forces of the nations gather to marshal a unified assault. This will take place on Israel’s Plain of Megiddo. Armageddon is the Hebrew translation for the Mount of Megiddo. (Rev 16:16-21, 19:11-21) 

In regard to a short term countdown toward any battle akin to Armageddon, there are 2 essential facts to keep in mind: It cannot happen until massive numbers of Jews are engrafted into the Church. (Ezek 20:34-38; Rom 11:17-36; Eph 2:14-16, 4:13) And, the Jews must be enjoying full peaceful possession of their Promised Land. 

I cannot claim that the Jews of Israel don’t have any culpability for getting dispossessed from settlements that legitimately belong to them by world leaders that have Islamic sentiments. God said he would uproot the Jews from their land if they disobeyed his statutes. (2 Chron 7:19-20) 

They continually do so and worse still, they refuse to acknowledge the identity of their Messiah. I suggest that you insert a new focus of prayer when you pray thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let it be about more than legitimate kingdom perks for your household and deliverance from evil. 

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; the salvation of the Jews; and that they will soon gain full possession of the land promised to them by God. (Psa 122:6-8; Rom 9:3-5) I have done so for years and enjoy a level of blessings that I am zealous for all believers to enjoy. What say you?

Photo/ and map added by Love For His People.

Just for fun - dogs and cats. Which do you have?

Scroll down

Your dog's reaction when you get home.

Your cat's reaction when you get home.

Cat waking up.

Dog waking up.

How you know a dog is hungry.

How you know a cat is hungry.

How a dog feels after misbehaving.

How a cat feels after misbehaving.

How a dog feels when you get him a doggie friend.

How a cat feels when you get it a kitty friend.

How a dog steals food.

How a cat steals food.

When a cat annoys a dog.

When a dog annoys a cat.

A dog's reaction to getting wet.

A cat's reaction to getting wet.

A dog's relationship with birds.

A cat's relationship with birds.

Dog's reaction to a walk.

Cat's reaction to a walk.

Cat at 6 a.m.

Dog at 6 a.m.

Son of God Movie Trailer 2014 - Official [HD] - opens Feb. 28, 2014


Son of God trailer 2014 

- Official movie trailer in HD 1080p - starring Roma Downey, Diogo Morgado, Louise Delamere - directed by Christopher Spencer - The life story of Jesus is told from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. 

"Son of God" movie hits theaters on February 28, 2014.

Now, "Son of God" the larger-than-life story of Jesus gets a larger-than-life treatment in the stand-alone feature SON OF GOD. Told with the scope and scale of an action epic, the film features powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar®-winner Hans Zimmer.

 Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado beautifully portrays the role of Jesus as the film spans from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. This movie has been able to bring leaders together with support from across all denominations. 

The producers, Mark Burnett & Roma Downey focused from the very beginning on creating an experience that would be shared by all. Son of God movie trailer 2014 is presented in full HD 1080p high resolution.

SON OF GOD 2014 Movie
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama 
Director: Christopher Spencer 
Starring: Roma Downey, Diogo Morgado, Louise Delamere 
Writer: Nic Young 
Producer: Mark Burnett & Roma Downey

Son of God movie trailer courtesy 20th Century Fox

Israel's Magdala Center Brings Gospel to Life - CBN

Israel's Magdala Center 
Brings Gospel to Life

By Chris Mitchell
CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

MAGDALA, Israel -- Discoveries from a new archaeological dig are creating excitement in the area where Jesus began his ministry. The village is called Magdala (Migdal in Hebrew), and it's the home of Mary Magdalene.

"She lived here and she met Jesus here and she continued with Him. Yes, it's that place," senior Israeli archaeologist Arfan Najar, who oversees the excavation at Magdala, told CBN News.

Najar said the city lay hidden all this time by just a small layer of dirt.

"Some place almost you touch the surface and you have the wall, waiting for us for 2,000 years to when we are coming," he said.

The most important discovery in Magdala has been a synagogue dating back to the time of Jesus. According to archaeologists, it's the first one discovered in the Galilee.

"An expression that appears many times in several places of the Gospel, 'Jesus went around Galilee preaching in their synagogues," Father Solana, general director at the Magdala Center, explained. "So this is the closest synagogue to Capernaum where He lived. So it was likely He was here many times."

In the synagogue, the team discovered a 2,000-year-old treasure. They call it the Magdala Stone, and some archaeologists say it's the most important discovery in decades.

Magdala Stone

CBN News first reported on the stone just after it was uncovered in 2009. Father Kelly, of the Catholic order Legionnaires of Christ, showed CBN News a replica while overlooking the Temple Mount.

Father Eamon Kelly 
- Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center

"This particular Magdala Stone is the most important discovery ever made in relation to the Second Temple, the temple at the time of Jesus, which Herod redid. So that's quite the statement," Father Kelly said.

The Menorah (six-lamp candelabrum) on the stone is one of a kind, the first one discovered before the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. The Legionnaires of Christ own the land and are building an entire center at Magdala with an archaeological park, hotel and spiritual center.

Father Solana dreamed up the project and wants it to be a center for all.

"I'm pretty sure it's a gift for the world, for culture, for religions, for Israel of course," he said.

Visitors to the center see the Bible come to life.

"The altar is in the shape of a boat, a fisherman's boat," said Monica, a Christian pilgrim from Australia. "You're reminded of Jesus standing in the boat and preaching to the people on the shore."

Fisherman's boat on the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret)

Jane, another Christian from Australia, said "…the whole Gospel story has come alive for me here. It will never mean the same ever again."

Father Solana sees the motto of the center, "Duc in Altum," Latin for "go into the deep," as a message for today.

Jesus walks on water

"Somehow Jesus tells to all of us, 'Go into the deep, try again, you can. Go, go, go!'" he said. "So I think this a beautiful message that the world needs in this moment. Financial crisis, problems with jobs, many situations and we need to try again. God is on our side."

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Darlene Zschech: 'Grace, Grace' as Chemo Starts

Darlene Zschech

Darlene Zschech: 'Grace, Grace' as Chemo Starts


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Christian singer-songwriter Darlene Zschech says she has started to lose her hair as she begins chemo treatments for breast cancer but she hasn't lost her desire to worship.

Zschech, who announced on her blog in December that she has breast cancer, recently finished round one of five chemo treatments.

On her most she shared what she is learning through her battle with cancer and where she finds her strength.

"All I can say is, 'grace, grace and more grace'," she wrote. "I am learning to rest in every promise from Jesus. In fact, it's His Word that is giving me the strength to inhale and exhale, moment by moment."

"To be completely honest, this has been very confronting. It definitely makes me look sicker than I feel. In saying that, I am finding great freedom through this. Mark [her husband] keeps reminding me how much money we'll save over the next while on hairdressers!" Zschech said.

The famed worship artist also said writing has been a great comfort to her during this season. She said she plans to share songs birthed from this trial.

"I have songs and thoughts that I will share with when I am on the other side of this mountain," she shared. "In fact, we are already planning a Thanksgiving service at our church in November, where we will record songs birthed during this season."

"We simply want to fill the place with praise for all that God has done," Zschech wrote.

Divine Sign for Israel? Hagee Explains Blood Moons - Erick Stakelbeck, CBN News

Divine Sign for Israel? Hagee Explains Blood Moons

SAN ANTONIO -- The Book of Genesis says God uses the sun, moon, and stars for signs and seasons. Examples can be found throughout the Bible.

Think of how a star led the wise men to Jesus or how the sun stood still as Joshua led Israel to victory over its enemies.

According to Pastor John Hagee, God is getting ready to speak this way once again.

"There's a sense in the world that things are changing and God is trying to communicate with us in a supernatural way," Hagee told CBN News.

"I believe that in these next two years, we're going to see something dramatic happen in the Middle East involving Israel that will change the course of history in the Middle East and impact the whole world," he predicted.

Four Blood Moons

In his latest book, Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change, Hagee lays out what he calls celestial signals. He describes how a series of blood moons in 2014 and 2015 will have great significance for Israel.

Although single blood moons happen fairly regularly, four appearing so closely together is extremely rare. There have only been a series of blood moons a handful of times over the past 500 years.

So what exactly is a blood moon and what is the biblical significance?

"A blood moon is when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon," Hagee explained. "And the sun is shining through the atmosphere of the Earth and casts up on the moon a red shadow. And so the moon appears to be red."

Such moons appear several times in scripture.

In the book of Joel, God says there will be "wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire…the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."

In Acts, the Apostle Peter repeats that verse from Joel. And the book of Revelation says that during the Great Tribulation, "the moon will become like blood."

Blood moons are set to appear in April 2014, on Passover, and then again in September 2014 during the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot.

The timing is the same for 2015 -- a total of four blood moons, all appearing on Jewish feast days.

"The sun and the moon and the Earth are controlled by God almighty," Hagee said. "He is the one that is getting them in a direct alignment on a certain day at a certain time -- but each time, it's a Passover or Sukkot.

Historic Significance

In the past, the rare appearance of four blood moons on these feast days has coincided with major events for Israel and the Jewish people.

In 1492, Spain expelled the Jews. Columbus also discovered America, which became a safe haven for the Jewish people.

"In each of these blood moons, you have something that begins in tragedy and ends in triumph," Hagee explained.

For instance, in 1948, Israel was reborn as a nation.

"After 2,000 years, God supernaturally brought them from 66 nations and a nation was born in a day," Hagee noted. "That again was a supernatural something that happened following the tragedy of the Holocaust."

In 1967, Israel won the Six-Day War and recaptured Jerusalem.

"For the first time in 2,000 years, Jerusalem and the State of Israel were together again," Hagee said.

Nuclear Threat

The blood moons of 2014 and 2015 are poised to appear as Iran works toward nuclear weapons and Israel's neighbors, Egypt and Syria, are in chaos.

"The only reason that Iran will not acquire a nuclear bomb will be that Israel chooses a military solution to that crisis," Hagee told CBN News.

"I believe that if that happens, it will start a series of events that will change the course of world history," he said. "If Israel does not, then it will still change the course of world history."

Hagee has been warning of the Iranian nuclear threat through his work with Christians United for Israel, which he founded in 2006. It is now the largest pro-Israel organization in America, with some 1.3 million members.

He holds nights to honor Israel across the country and at San Antonio's Cornerstone Church, where he serves as senior pastor. The first event, in 1981, drew bomb threats and vandalism from anti-Semites.

Yet Hagee continues his mission.

"If there was ever a time for the Christians of America to stiffen their spine and stand up and speak up, it's now," Hagee admonished. "To see evil and not call it evil is evil. Not to speak is to speak. We cannot be silent and receive God's approval at a time like this."

He said it's still unclear what the coming blood moons will bring, but he is certain of one thing.

"When all is said and done, the flag of Israel will be flying over the walls of the city of Jerusalem when Messiah comes, and it's going to be forever," he said. "And every nation that rises up in judgment against Israel God will punish and punish severely."

"Is God Done With This Earth, With America, With Israel?" - Kim Clement

Kim Clement:
"Is God Done With This Earth, 
With America, 
With Israel?"

"God Told Me Something Has Been Planned 
for the Month of February by a Terrorist"

Kim Clement
God Is Not Finished With This Earth Yet

January 18, 2014 – From The Den:

You know, the Spirit of the Lord has clearly spoken that the promise that He has given to the nations of the earth – you are entering that season and time.

"It doesn't matter what leader you have politically in any country, I have taken complete charge, and I will put My words in their mouth; and some of them will even have a lying spirit in their mouths. It doesn't matter, for ultimately, My will shall be done."

Now, this is the promise of the Lord. There are unique visitations, and manifestations, and displays that are going to take place in the heavens, and take place on the earth.

You may say, "We've heard this before," but God It Is Finished, by Jennifer Pagesays, "It's nothing like you're going to see." 

God said, "It's nothing like you're going to see. What you've seen before is nothing compared to the shaking that's taking place in the heavens. I will use My hand to write across the skies. I'll use My hand to write across the silver screen.

"This year My name will be pronounced through the major networks throughout the earth. 

They shall speak about Jesus; they shall speak about the Christ; they shall speak about Yahweh. They shall say, 'Why are we seeing so much of the Lord and the Bible?'

Because," God says, "I ain't finished with this earth yet! I've only just begun," says the Lord. 

(Photo of lion via The Elijah List Store by Jennifer Page)

God Has a Plan To Protect America And Her Troops

January 22, 2014 – Prophetic Workshop:

Listen to me; every one of you can hear me out. God has already told me about something that is going to happen or has been planned for the month of February by a terrorist. They have focused on the United States of America, and in my prayer this morning, I knew that it was my duty to take the word that He gave me as a young boy; and he took me back to the hills of Uitenhage, where I started, and He gave me a promise. 

He said, "I will send you to a land that will love you and embrace you, and that land you will protect by prayer; and that land you will protect by sharing the secrets of God." 

That land is America; that land is Israel.

United In Christ, by Jennifer PageAnd He said to me when I was 20-something years of age, "I'll groom you, I'll train you, I'll put you through every kind of experience – valley and mountain – so that you will qualify to stand on a platform and speak to the great nation of this earth and protect them." 

(Photo of USA and Israel flags via The Elijah List Store by Jennifer Page)

Hence in 1996, when I stood in Detroit, Michigan, and I prophesied about a terrorist attack, and then I said, "Never again will this happen to this magnitude," it hasn't. There have been attempts, but I'll tell you this – they are planning, in the month of February, God said, and into the spring, to do various attacks that are very subtle, very unusual. 

But He has already told His prophet, who does not believe in the destruction of America.

He will not share His secrets with those who believe in the destruction of America. He will not share His secrets with those that look down on the military and look down upon our soldiers and say, "What are you fighting for? This nation has no worth at all."

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

I disagree, and that's why I put those soldiers on in the beginning of the show (referring to the opening segment of the broadcast), because this is my show and I will say exactly what God told me.

He said, "I will protect these troops from the dangers that are coming in February and March and I will make sure that they are exposed, one after the other, and this very subtle thing that the enemy is trying to bring, and the terror, the act of terrorism in this nation, I will cause My prophet to pray in his garden and prophesy until there is preservation and this nation rises; and by the summer it will once again say, 'We can see the light, we can see the light.'

"There has been one exposure after the other, and as a result of it," God said, "I will rise up in the midst of it and cause My Son to shine upon this nation again. I've given you that promise before, but this is different." God said, "You've entered into a whole brand new time of accelerated favor that's not only for My people, but that's for the people of the nations of the earth that believe it and would proclaim it," says the Spirit of the Living God.

God Never Forgets His Promises

February 1, 2014 – From The Den:

"Why are you downcast, O soul? Why are you downcast, O soul? Is not the Lord, the Almighty, able? Consider the antiquity of His covenant – before the Daystar began and before the stars made their rounds, you were in His mind, on His mind, and in His heart.

Covenant Promise by Jennifer Page"Consider the antiquity of this great covenant. Would I forget your soul? Would I forget My promise? The same God who directs the earth in its orbit, the same God who feeds the fiery furnace of the sun, the same God who trims the lamps of Heaven, who takes from dust, breathes, and life comes, has promised, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' Why do you question this same God, as promised? 

(Photo of heart via The Elijah List Store by Jennifer Page)

"Therefore, today, I speak to the stronghold, for when David ran to the cave of Adullam, to the stronghold of Adullam, he was running, seeking refuge. David was on the run until he found a place of refuge, which became a stronghold. 

Therefore, he was afraid. Therefore, David had to stand, waiting for the enemy to come, and the prophet Gad came to him and said, 'David, you do not belong in Adullam! Get away and go to Judah! Go to the place of praise and I will destroy your enemy.' David stood and left the stronghold and freedom came.

"Therefore," the Lord says to you today, "leave the cave of Adullam. Do not stay there, for you have been stifled; you have been held back. 

I free you today from the cave of Adullam where you have sought refuge, but it has become a stronghold upon you. Arise and come to Judah and watch what I do with your soul today," says the Lord!

Kim Clement
Kim Clement Center

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. 

Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Source: The Elijah List

Palestinians Demand Control of Western Wall - BIN

Palestinians Demand Control of Western Wall

“Beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King.” (Psalms 48:2)
(Photo: Yehoshua Ha'Levi)
(Photo: Yehoshua Ha’Levi)
The Palestinian Authority’s Religious Affairs Minister is now demanding that the Western Wall in Jerusalem must be brought under Palestinian control in any peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
In an interview with Israel’s Channel 10 News, Minister Mahmoud al-Habash said that “every inch” of territory Israel captured during the 1967 Six Day War must be returned to the Palestinians, including one of Judaism’s holiest sites.
“Every piece of land Israel occupied in 1967 belongs to the Palestinian state,” al-Habash explained. “The Buraq Wall [Western Wall] too will be under Palestinian sovereignty.”
When asked about freedom of worship at the Western Wall, al-Habash answered that all Jewish worshipers would be allowed to pray at the wall. “No problem,” he said. “There will be no restrictions on freedom of religion.”
The newest demand of the Palestinian Authority comes in the wake of increased terrorism and violence towards Israel over the last several weeks. Just last week, Palestinian rioters attacked and stoned Israeli police at the Temple Mount.
Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians appear to be taking a nosedive with Mahmoud Abbas refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. Abbas recently told The New York Times that “The Palestinians will never recognize the Jewishness of the state of Israel.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stood firm in his demand that the Palestinian Authority legitimize Israel’s right to exist.
Saeb Erekat, the chief negotiator for the Palestinian Authority, confirmed on Monday that the U.S. brokered peace talks are at a complete standstill. Speaking on Radio Sawa from Ramallah, Erekat announced that the current round of negotiations will not be extended beyond April. He also affirmed the PA position that Israel would never be recognized as a Jewish state.
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/10851/pa-minister-demands-control-western-wall/#WX4bHW7fQs8fycti.99