Saturday, April 19, 2014

"Love Your Name Yahweh" - Beit Yeshua's Passover Seder 2014

"Love Your Name Yahweh" - Beit Yeshua's Passover Seder 2014

"Love Your Name Yahweh" - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014 in Lincolnton, NC

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Sh'ma Yisrael - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Sh'ma Ysirael - sung by Joshua Aaron

Sh'ma Yisrael - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Curtis Loftin leads the prayer in Lincolnton, NC April 18, 2014

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Shofars (Shofarot) - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Shofars (Shofarot) - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Shofars (Shofarot) sounded - Beit Yeshua's Passover (Pesach) Seder 2014

Lincolnton, NC April 18, 2014

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Kadosh - Beit Yeshua Lady Machol Dance Team - April 2014

Beit Yeshua Lady Machol Dance Team

Kadosh - Beit Yeshua Lady Machol Dance Team

Passover Seder 04.18.14 in Lincolnton, NC

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Pope Francis And A Word I Received on the Catholic Church - Kim Clement (April 19, 2014)

Pope Francis And A Word I Received
God's Warriors,
What an unusual and incredible season we are in!!!!!After our powerful prayer gatherings and the Prophetic Alert these past few weeks, on Monday I finally sat back, breathed a sigh of relief and thought, “Time to sit back and take a breath.” Within minutes I was in a state of an “ecstatic” perception, caught into a prophetic elevation, and during this moment I caught a glimpse of a variety of religious garments and oil being poured on them. Then I saw Pope Francis, a massive spiritual renewal, and a shaking in heaven and on earth.  Over the next few hours and especially when I went to my Garden to pray the next morning,I realized how BIG this global event was going to be.  A few days later I received a phone call confirming that what I had seen was already in the making. This Easter weekend, the prophetic utterance will be released when we gather together on Saturday. 

On the very night/day of the blood moon, April 14/15, this all unfolded without us actually realizing it until later.  Israel was affected by the blood moon in 1948-49 and in 1967-68, but this blood moon (April 15th) was the beginning of a global shaking that will affect the Roman Catholic Church. 

There is MORE. Join me live this Saturday at THE DEN -12 PM (Pacific time) only on

Hours after Pope Benedict shocked the world by unexpectedly resigning on February 11, 2013, a clear sign from the heavens struck the heart of the Vatican, a sign connected to a prophetic declaration uttered several years ago on the soil of Portland, Oregon on April 2, 2005.  On 
Codebreakers, we will investigate this prophecy and other prophetic utterances spoken years in advance, which are connected to the Catholic Church and this present Pope. What new and unusual manifestation has the Spirit planned for hundreds of millions around the world?
Do not miss. 

Kim Clement
Saturday's broadcast (April 19th) will be LIVE online from12:00PM PT/3:00PM ET/7:00PM GMT. You can join us at at the scheduled time. We will replay this event immediately following the LIVE broadcast.

Derek Prince - Inspiring Quotes to Live By

Following are quotes of Derek Prince, a Bible teacher with whose office staff I had the blessing to serve with, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (1987-1990) and Charlotte, NC (2001-2005). 

I consider Derek to have been one of the best Bible teachers I have ever known.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

The "Other" Passover Commemoration -- The Samaritans Still Sacrifice the Pascal Lamb (Updated from two years ago)

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 18 Apr 2014
Samaritan high priest Yitzhak ben Amram
ben Shalma ben Tabia (circa 1900). View
other pictures of priests here and here
The Samaritan population in the Land of Israel numbered more than a million people 1,500 years ago, according to some estimates.  This ancient people lived in northern Israel and claimed to have been descendants of those tribes of Israel which were not sent out into the Babylonian exile.  One line of Samaritans traces their lineage back to Aaron the priest, and they consider their "holy mountain" to be Mt. Gerizim outside of Nablus (Shechem) -- not Jerusalem.  

Samaritan family (1899)

The Samaritans worship the God of Abraham, revere a scroll comparable to the five books of Moses, and maintain Passover customs, including the sacrifice of the Pascal Lamb. 

Samaritan synagogue in Shechem
(1899). Also view here

Jews ceased the Passover sacrifice with the destruction of the second Temple.

Already in Talmudic days, Jewish authorities rejected the Samaritans' claims to be part of the Jewish people. The Cutim, according to rabbinic authorities, arrived in the Land of Israel around 720 BCE with the Assyrians from Cuth, believed to be located in today's Iraq.

Over the millennia, the Samaritans almost disappeared.  Persecuted, massacred and forcibly converted by Byzantine Christians and by Islamic authorities, the Samaritans' community today numbers fewer than 1,000 who are located on Mount Gerizim near Nablus (Shechem) and in Holon, Israel.

Baking matza on Mt. Gerizim (circa 1900)

 This year, the Samaritans celebrated their Passover on Sunday, April, 13, 2014.

Preparing a lamb (1900)

The photographers of the American Colony photographed dozens of pictures of the Samaritans' sacrificial service.  Their photos, and other early photographers can be found in the Library of Congress online archives.

"The prepared carcasses
ready for the oven" (1900)

Praying on Mt. Gerizim (1900)

According to Samaritan officials, the community totals 751 persons.  Here is the breakdown with the first figure showing the number near Nablus (Shechem) and the second number showing the number living in Holon.

On January 1, 2012, the Community numbered 751 persons [353 in Kiryat Luza-Mount Gerizim, Samaria; 398 primarily in Holon in the State of Israel: 396 males [190:206] and 355 females [170: 185].  These included 350 married persons [158:192], 215 unmarried males [104:111], 153 unmarried females [70:83];  7 widowed men [4:3]; 23 widowed women [15:8]; 2 Divorced Men [0:2]; 1 Divorced Woman [0:1].

 Color photographs of a recent Passover sacrifice on Mt. Gerizim can be viewed here.

Passover (Pesach) Seder at Beit Yeshua in Lincolnton, NC

Passover (Pesach) Seder celebrated 
in North Carolina with Beit Yeshua 
Paul Miles and Chuck Anthony

"Moses and Yakov"


Doug Williams - Co-Founder of Beit Yeshua

Love For His People - our names

Laurie Martin - lighting table candles

Cathy Hargett - Highway To Zion Founder