Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A 'New Chapter of Hope Between Jews and Christians' in Israel

A 'New Chapter of Hope Between Jews and Christians' in Israel

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The Israeli defense establishment this week decided to begin actively recruiting local Christians into the Israeli army.
The move comes after years of encouragement by the Nazareth-based Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum for young Arabic-speaking Christians to voluntarily join the IDF so as to better integrate into Israeli society.
Israel Today has repeatedly reported on the activities of the forum, whose leaders have long insisted that local Christians can only expect equal opportunity when they decided to take on equal responsibility.
The forum has had great influence on a number of recent government decisions, most notably the passing of a law in February that officially recognized local Christians as an independent minority.
The decision to send official recruitment letters to young Christians is expected to significantly boost the number of Christian soldiers in the IDF. Though the recruitment letters will look the same as those sent to young Israeli Jews, service in the IDF will remain voluntary for Christians.
Israel Today sought out the reaction of the spokesman for the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum, Maj. (ret.) Shadi Khalloul. This is what he had to say:
"The Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum welcomes this brave decision by the defense minister and the IDF chief of staff. Though the (recruitment) orders are voluntary, they demonstrate the seriousness and firm desire of the state to incorporate and promote the Christian population.
"This is a historic decision and the start of a new chapter, a chapter of hope between Jews and Christians in the State of Israel. It will allow young people from the Christian community to more seamlessly integrate into Israeli society and to more easily climb the ladder of progress in both military and civilian life.
"The Christian community is an important strategic asset for Israel and its security. Christians are one of the best educated communities in the country, meaning our young people can make a significant contribution both to the IDF and the state.
"We believe the IDF is a central component of Israeli society that can bring the various populations together so that in unity we can build a better future for everyone, while also ensuring the security of our community and the democratic Jewish state. [Army service] is an important step toward equal opportunity. [All must share] the rights and duties.
“The time has come for Christians to take it upon themselves to strengthen their position alongside the Jews. We see what is happening [to Christians] in the Arab countries. They lived the lie of unity [with the Muslims] and ignored the impending danger until it was too late. Conscription to the IDF is a small part of strengthening a community that seeks to live in peace and security with everyone. It seems that is the only way defend against the broad array of enemies.”
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Bobby Conner: Golden Shafts - It's About The HARVEST! A Dream Visitation From Bob Jones

Bobby Conner:
The Elijah List

Bobby ConnerA Vivid Dream: "You Have a Visitor"

In the early morning hours of March 28, 2014, around 3:30 AM, I received a very vivid dream, which I feel is significant to help the Body of Christ gauge the season we have entered into. This was much more than a mere dream. This was a prophetic encounter! As the dream commences, I am in my study at my desk in Moravian Falls, North Carolina, and I am working on a new book.

The Holy Spirit said, "You have a visitor." Thinking someone was at the door, I am about to open the door. However, the Holy Spirit said, "Your visitor is at the window." Turning to look at my windows, suddenly with a flash of light appearing just outside my window, striding down what appeared to be translucent, pearl-colored stairs, was Bob Jones. He had the most winsome, warm smile and looked absolutely wonderful. However, in the dream I was completely aware that Bob had passed and gone to Heaven on February 14, 2014.

Bob JonesBob simply stepped into my study. I did not need to open the window, he just walked right in. His appearance was incredible: He was firm and fit, and he was dressed in a wonderful, soft, beautiful, elegant, white robe past his waist down below his knees, like a long shirt. 

His hair was extremely white and glistening. I was amazed at his skin: It was without blemish, white and soft, and his smile was truly radiant and beautiful. His eyes were bigger than normal and extremely clear, sparkling like that of an excited child.

I had been expecting his visit; nevertheless, words can't describe my delight and thrill! I was so excited to see my dear friend, I said, "I've been expecting this meeting! And looking forward to it." He quickly replied in an excited tone, "Me too!" His next words were, "You are doing fine!" And he said, placing both hands on his chest, "And I am doing wonderful."
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Golden Shafts

In this encounter it seemed as if we could communicate without actual conversation, spirit to spirit, with our hearts. Then he said, "Have you noticed your hair?" I replied, "No, not really!" He said in an instructive tone, "Run your hand through your hair." Accordingly, I ran my right hand through my hair; it felt perfectly normal. Then Bob said in a delighted, gleeful tone, "Look in your hand." 

When I looked at my hand, I had hundreds of golden pieces of strands. These golden particles seemed to me like the shaft of arrows, only much smaller! They were round and very straight, about one foot in length.

Ripe grainBob said in an excited, informative manner, "Do it again, and again, and again!" Each time, more and more golden shafts appeared until my hands as well as his were overflowing with these golden strands. Bob declared with a wonderful twinkle in his bright blue eyes, and a smile of someone who knows a secret that you are about to learn, "Watch closely!"

Suddenly these golden shafts appeared to turn into wonderful, huge stalks of ripe grain

These golden stalks filled not just our hands, they were now so huge you could hardly get your arms around them. And they continued to expand larger and larger. The rapid acceleration of their increase was breathtaking. 

(Photo via Flickr by Tom McCagherty)

It is Harvest Time

Bob said with a childlike smile, "YOU know what this means don't you?" I replied somewhat tentatively, "I think I do!" He said in a most confident tone, "It is the HARVEST!" He said, "The coming harvest will be spearheaded by the prophetic."

The prophets will be used in an unprecedented way to announce and declare the fields that are now ripe and ready for harvest. The prophetic voices will sound a clear trumpet call to bring forth the Body of Christ to stand up and speak up, becoming anointed evangelists.

Bob said, almost in a personal matter-of-fact manner, "It is so much better to watch from my vantage point." He added, "I know we have much to talk about, but we will do that later!" And suddenly there was a strong flash of light extremely blue bright, and he was gone. In the dream, I am standing in my study, my body and mind both pulsating, shaken to the core by the visitation.

Abruptly, I am awake laying in my bed, my body still responding to the event that I just experienced, my heart pounding and my spirit electrified.

The main enlightenment we must comprehend from this encounter is: It is harvest time. The end of the age is now upon us. Arise prepare your heart to thrust yourself into the harvest field.

Bobby Conner
EaglesView Ministries


Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! 

Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years
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Steven Colbert Stood Up for Jesus' Divinity

Steven Colbert - Stood up for Jesus' Divinity

WATCH: Remember the Time Steven Colbert Stood Up for Jesus' Divinity? Neither Did We

Bart Ehrman, Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert (right) argues that the Bible is real and presents the divinity of Christ to well-known Bible critic Bart Ehrman.
Since Stephen Colbert was named as David Letterman's successor on The Late Show, a video of an interview he conducted with well-known Bible critic Bart Ehrman has been getting a lot of attention.
In the following clip from an April 2009 Colbert Report episode that aired on Maundy Thursday, Colbert, an outspoken Catholic, argues that the Bible is real and presents the divinity of Christ in a way that leaves Ehrman speechless.
Watch the video below.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Be sure to read Bible scholar Andreas Köstenberger's recent article (click to see website or read below), where he provided Christian Life News with a few more reasons Ehrman's latest book, How Jesus Became God, is wrong.

Don't Cancel Your Easter Service: Why Bart Ehrman's 'How Jesus Became God' Is Wrong

“Jesus was a lower-class Jewish preacher from the backwaters of rural Galilee who was condemned for illegal activities and crucified for crimes against the state. Yet not long after his death, his followers were claiming that he was a divine being. Eventually, they went even further, declaring that he was none other than God, Lord of heaven and earth. And so the question: How did a crucified peasant come to be thought of as the Lord who created all things? How did Jesus become God?” (1).
This is how Bart Ehrman, professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, frames the question in his latest attempt at deconstructing the Christian faith in his popularly written, often lopsided,1 and at places eccentric book How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee. While Jesus was a Jewish preacher from Galilee who was crucified for political reasons (though surely also for religious ones) and whose followers claimed was divine shortly after his death, Ehrman’s portrait neglects Jesus’ miracles, his messianic claims,2 and his followers’ confessions of him as Messiah and even God during his public ministry and immediately following his resurrection (e.g., Matt. 28:17Luke 24:52John 20:28). Right from the start, one gets the impression Ehrman’s Jesus is a truncated version construed by a historical-critical scholar—and an unduly skeptical one at that. This isn’t only Ehrman the historian; it’s also Ehrman the ex-believer and notorious skeptic.3
From beginning to end Ehrman dichotomizes between faith and reason, history and theology, the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith.4 With such premises in place, the outcome of his historical research is predictable: Jesus never claimed to be God; he viewed himself as an apocalyptic prophet (echoes of Albert Schweitzer); and his followers never considered him to be God either. In customary fashion, Ehrman assigns the emergence of the notion of Jesus’ divinity to the latest possible date. He asserts ancient people frequently thought of a particular human as a god or of a god having become human, so there’s nothing unique about Christians’ claim that Jesus was divine.5
As is also customary for Ehrman, he paints a rather monolithic portrait of scholarship on the issue. There are sober-minded, realistic historians—that is, “the majority of critical scholars”—who for “more than a century” have maintained Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet and didn’t even claim to be divine (6). Then there are others who are naïve and uncritical, if not unreasonable, refusing to follow the lead of the self-proclaimed critical scholarly elite and thus condemning themselves to unenlightened historical-critical darkness and ignorance. Tertium quid non datur. (Editor's note: that means a statement must either be true or false.)
Bombshell Explodes
A bombshell explodes when Ehrman admits he no longer believes Jesus was actually buried or that the tomb was empty. He claims, notwithstanding the unanimous testimony of all four Gospels and Paul, [6] that “Christian storytellers” had a compelling reason to fabricate Jesus’ burial: “If Jesus had not been buried, his tomb could not be declared empty” (160). Pilate, he says, was not a “beneficent prefect who kindly listened to the protests of the people he governed” (163) and was therefore unlikely to grant the request to release Jesus’ body. Ehrman also claims the resurrection narratives are replete with contradictions.7
What we do know, Ehrman says, is that many of Jesus’ followers (Peter, Paul, and Mary, among others) had visions of him still alive, perhaps out of bereavement. Belief in those visions (not the historically resurrected Jesus) then led them to posit Jesus’ exaltation—the first exaltation Christologies. However, there was no precedent for belief in a resurrected Messiah, as first-century Jews did not anticipate a suffering Messiah (and a God who doesn’t die needs no resurrection). Later on, Ehrman alleges, an alternative view was posited that Jesus pre-existed as divine and became human (incarnation Christologies). In so doing, Ehrman posits a radical discontinuity between the Synoptics and John (270). He also claims Jesus didn’t exist prior to the incarnation; only the Logos did (274).
Later still, Christians espoused views eventually declared heretical (e.g., Jesus was fully human but not divine; he was fully divine but not human; he was two beings, divine and human, united temporarily during his earthly ministry). Finally, the fourth-century AD Arian heresy claimed Jesus was God but not on the same level as the Father (subordinationist Christology).
Essentially, Ehrman sketches a trajectory during the course of which the prevailing Christology evolved from “no God” (Jesus, his first followers) to “exaltation” (based on belief in visions; Mark) to “incarnation” (John) to the more sophisticated Christological formulations of the early councils and creeds. In other words, as Ehrman puts it, from “not . . . God in any sense at all” to “divine . . . in some sense” to “equal with God Almighty in an absolute sense” (44). The model is simple, but is it the most plausible way to characterize what happened?

"I have placed life and death before you..." ISRAEL365

I have placed life and death before you, blessing and curse; and you shall choose life, so that you will live, you and your offspring.


הַחַיִּים וְהַמָּוֶת נָתַתִּי לְפָנֶיךָ הַבְּרָכָה וְהַקְּלָלָה וּבָחַרְתָּ בַּחַיִּים לְמַעַן תִּחְיֶה אַתָּה וְזַרְעֶךָ

דְּבָרִים ל:יט

ha-khai-YIM v'ha-ma-VET na-ta-TEE l'fa-ne-KHA ha-b'ra-KHA v'ha-k'la-LA u-va-KHAR-ta ba-khai-YIM l'ma-AN ti-khi-YE a-TA v'zar-e-KHA

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Almighty urges us to value, protect and "choose life" by following God's eternal words. We stand to gain so much vitality and meaning in our lives, and the ultimate blessings of life and security in the Land of Israel. Did you know that more than 80% of abortions in Israel are due to economic concerns? Stand on the side of life and make your voice heard today!

Spring Flowers in Israel

Come see the spring flowers of the Holy Land here at Jerusalem's Botanical Gardens. In this peaceful oasis, more than 10,000 species of plants can be found, and guests can learn about biblical plants and a tree planted by Abraham.

Giving Thanks for Life

The Passover holiday commemorated the events surrounding the exodus, including the salvation of Jewish babies at the hands of the Jewish midwives.

Wood Cutting Board

Cleverly designed to be both useful and beautiful, this pomegranate shaped wood cutting board, also doubles as a challah tray, and features a beautiful painted motif, perfect for any home.

Today's Israel Photo

Zev Rothkoff's photo of the Samarian Iris overlooking the Biblical valley of Tirzah, a town first mentioned in the Book of Joshua. In Hebrew, the word "Tirzah" means "she is my delight."

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Ilan Rosen featured an inlet of the Red Sea off the coast of Eilat, one of the world's most spectacular underwater preserves. Divers can see more than 100 kinds of coral and over 800 fish species in this main attraction of the region.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Bible partner, Milos Bogdanovic. Toda raba!

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Thank you for the beautiful photos and information. I love them. My passion is to pray and support the Jewish people. God bless you. Rose McKinlay, from Aussie, the land down under

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