Thursday, April 24, 2014

He is your life - Israel365

To love the Lord your God, to listen to His voice and to cleave to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days, to dwell upon the land that God swore to your forefathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, to give them.


לְאַהֲבָה אֶת יְ-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ לִשְׁמֹעַ בְּקֹלוֹ וּלְדָבְקָה בוֹ  כִּי הוּא חַיֶּיךָ וְאֹרֶךְ יָמֶיךָ לָשֶׁבֶת עַל הָאֲדָמָה אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּע יְ-הוָה לַאֲבֹתֶיךָ לְאַבְרָהָם לְיִצְחָק וּלְיַעֲקֹב לָתֵת לָהֶם

דְּבָרִים ל:כ

l'a-ha-VA et a-do-NAI e-lo-HE-kha lish-MO-a b'ko-LO u-l'dav-KA vo kee hu kha-YE-kha v'o-REKH ya-ME-kha la-SHE-vet al ha-a-da-MA a-SHER nish-BA a-do-NAI la-a-vo-TE-kha l'av-ra-HAM l'yitz-KHAK u-l'ya-a-KOV la-TAYT la-HEM

Jerusalem Inspiration

Through every trial and tribulation, the Jewish people have leaned on the empowering words of today's verse, to cling to God's Word throughout the generations for "He is our life." We pray that as we "dwell upon this Land," the one earthly thing that can heal and give life to all people, Israel’s blood supply and the resources to protect it, are always abundant.

Easter in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, thousands of worshipers attended services at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the holiest spots in the Christian world, to light candles as a celebration of Easter.

U.S. Supreme Court: Is Jerusalem in Israel?

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed this week to examine whether or not to allow Americans born in Jerusalem to list Israel as their place of birth.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Michael Shmidt's beautiful photo of Jerusalem at twilight. In the distance we see the golden domed Hurva Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo was the Chagall Windows in Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital. The 12 stained glass windows represent the 12 Tribes of Israel. Damaged during the Six Day War, Chagall told the hospital to focus on the defense of Israel, and he would make them new, more beautiful windows.

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Bible partner, Milos Bogdanovic. Toda raba!

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The Womb of Awakening: The Birth of the Mysteries of God by Ian Johnson

The Womb of Awakening: 

The Birth of the Mysteries of God 

by Ian Johnson

Identity Network

New life is always hidden in its conception, but the fruit of conception results in the birth of and revelation of the mysteries of God.
Mysteries only remain mysterious while they are hidden, but when the ways of God come into the light, the Sons of God know His ways. In an age where many are saying the Church is irrelevant, God is bringing new life to the fruit of her womb.
If we look for a revival (a fresh release of an old move) all we get is the revival of an old move. But if we seek revelation of the pattern of heaven, we get the birth of the mysteries of heaven on earth.
We are in the third day of the Church and it's worth noting here that the revelation of the fruit of Eve's womb didn't appear until her third child was born. The fruit of Gods salvation didn't come from Able or Cain but from her third son Seth. So the third day of the Church is going to reveal the fullness of the salvation offered by God to mankind.
The Hidden is Revealed
Romans 8:22 says that the Worlds groan for the revelation of the SONS as in childbirth. That which has been a mystery in the darkness of the womb is about to be revealed in the birth of SONS.
When that which is hidden is revealed, it becomes the engine to transition, from mystery to revelation. The revelation of SONS and fruit is the glory of the third day church. Currently we live in the fruit of the Reformation of 1517, but that was just a pregnancy, not a birth
The Church for a long while now has been pregnant with promise, we have seen stirrings in the womb and even known that the womb contains wonderful new life. But we haven't been able to describe the awakening because its image has been hidden in the darkness of the womb. Psalm 139 so beautifully paints a picture of God knitting us together in our mother's womb. This is true for us as individuals but it's also true of the mysterious womb called the Church.
The picture of childbirth is the picture I want to portray in this article, before birth the awakening clung to its mother through the mystery of blood in the womb, (the Womb called the Church) but when the awakening is presented at birth; the revelation of the SON is there for all to see and the one who carried the awakening has a role change. She now has to train up a child in the way he should go. Her role is no longer to steward the mystery but to help the mystery to become a fully grown SON. Hence it says in the book of Ephesians that the role of the Pastor, teacher, evangelist, Prophet and Apostle is to present fully grown, mature, functioning SONS. 

The role of the five-fold is not to rule but to bring them forth as mature SONS of the Kingdom. The role of ruling belongs to the SONS. So the five-fold gifts are only there to train the SONS to rule as SONS. This is the great birth and the great awakening taking place right now in the womb called the Church.
The Role of the Church
The SONS become the mystery revealed, it's taking a while for the Church to understand her role, but she will because God has chosen the Church to be the Womb of awakening in the earth - the place where SONS reveal the Kingdom of God. So that we proclaim with the saints in heaven, The Kingdoms of the earth, have become the Kingdoms of our God and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.
In the same way Mary carried the Messiah in her womb until it was time for Him to be presented, so the Church has carried the SONS, remember that Jesus was the firstborn among many SONS. When Mary released Jesus into the world she lived in every range of emotion possible to a human - joy, sadness, sorrow, fulfillment, etc., the whole range. It's the same for the Church, as she learns to let the fruit of her womb go into all the world and become Jesus to the nations.
There is a great awakening upon us and this article is a call to SONS to come forth, out of the reformation of 1517 and into Sonship and dominion. Placed before us is an open door; into the realms of heaven and heaven on earth. A place that will bring great honor  to Jesus. A place that will bring delight and shouts of joy from those who have gone before, from the Church in heaven who are waiting to see their reward revealed in a generation of SONS. This is your day and your hour to bring forth the reward for the suffering of our Messiah Jesus.
Ian Johnson
By Kerry Kirkwood
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Blessing or Curse - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Blessing or Curse
- Now Think On This
Steve Martin

"Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known.” Deut. 11:26-29 NKJV

The words you speak impact people more than we often realize. An encouraging word sown at the right time to a person wanting and needing some more hope, for their troubling heart or worrisome mind, can change a direction a person is going in, and effect their life beyond the immediate vision. Spoken with a prophetic impact that the Holy Spirit generates, a spoken word at the right time can even mean life or death for that person. It can be as a lifeline thrown out to one needing a pull out of the engulfing water.

A believing life “spoken” to a generation, one that is lived out of obedience to the voice of the Lord and following after Him, will have even more impact on many people; even a generation or more that follows behind. The lives of countless men and women, who heard the call of the Lord, and responded with, “Here I am Lord, Your servant is listening. Do unto me according to Your word,” have been so instrumental in changing nations by their simple obedience, day after decades of days.

In offering themselves in entrustment to His plans and purposes, their families, their communities, their nations were given the opportunity to be in the overflow of the Lord God’s blessing and provision that fell on them, and then flowed from and through them. Hearing and obeying the Father does that.

In our day, leaders in religion, business, media, entertainment, government, arts and education have a tremendous impact on their cultures – the communities, families and all the ones their waves of influence touch, for good or bad. Understanding that our actions will bring either blessing or curse upon those who look to us for guidance, knowingly or unknowingly, will have long lasting, even eternal, effects as a result of our actions. For those who hear and obey the Creator of all - blessings will flow downward. 

Ones who disregard and even despise the natural and spiritual laws put in place to guide and protect, those set forth by God Himself, the resulting just judgment will come forth, now or for sure later. What we sow we will reap. It is a natural and spiritual law that cannot be broken, except to result in bearing bad fruit.

You break the natural and spiritual laws in the universe and they will ultimately break you. (Any argument on that? Just have a reality check look in the nation you abide in.)

This truth has been proven out again and again in history, both in the written Scriptural documentation of the people of Israel, and in every nation which either followed the Lord’s way or opposed His purposes. Blessing or curse is our choice.

Having been a parent myself for over 35 years now, at the time of this writing, and also having served in several top leadership roles in ministry and secular business for over 40 years, I have seen that the actions leadership take will have even more of a lasting effect in a child’s life, or a company’s future, than just words spoken. The ripple of those actions taken at each point show up years later down the road.

It is true that actions do speak louder than words, for what is really in your heart will truly come out, especially in those times when a decisive response is needed in a critical situation. Then it really shows what you have, or don’t have, in your character. Blessing will follow, or a response as a curse will result.

To say it again - how you respond and deal with situations that come your way will be shown, as that which you really are will come out from that which is within. You can’t give out what you don’t have within you. From a pure spring flows pure water. From a cesspool flows accumulated filth.

“The good person produces good things from the store of good in his heart, while the evil person produces evil things from the store of evil in his heart. For his mouth speaks what overflows from his heart.” Luke 6:45 Complete Jewish Bible

“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.” Mark 7:21-23 NKJV

Speaking to my generation, we have the responsibility, the daily choice to walk in the righteous path we know is the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is black and white. It is already firmly stated in the Lord’s Word. By choosing to follow Him daily, we are impacting the life the next generation will see and then also have the choice to walk in or not. We must do our part if we expect them to do theirs.

We have the option to daily live a righteous and holy life, set apart for the Lord’s purposes. We can choose to “do our own thing, in seeking our own pleasure”, which ultimately will bring a curse on us and the generation that follows, or we can heed the Lord’s word and follow Him.

But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

"As for this house, which was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, ' Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?' "And they will say, 'Because they forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers who brought them from the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this adversity on them.'" 
2 Chronicles 7:19-22 NASB

As it was for Israel, so choices taken will bring the same results in any nation. We must choose the blessing, and not allow the curse to come upon our land. Today, we must choose the Lord.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #146 “Blessing or Curse” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.24.14) Thursday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

US Backs Israel in Quitting Peace Talks (LFHP Editor's Note: GOOD FOR THE USA! Finally!)

US Backs Israel in Quitting Peace Talks

Thursday, April 24, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The Obama Administration on Wednesday signaled its support for Israel’s decision to cancel further peace talks with the Palestinian Authority after the latter concluded a unity agreement with the Hamas terrorist organization.
“It’s hard to see how Israel can be expected to sit down and negotiate with a group that denies its right to exist,” US State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki said in reference to Hamas.
Israel has long insisted that it cannot make genuine peace with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas.
In 2006, the Palestinian public responded to Israel’s position on the matter by overwhelmingly voting Hamas into power in national legislative elections. An internal power struggle with its rival Fatah kept Hamas from exercising its full authority. But Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah) this week demonstrated that he had no problem reconciling with Hamas, even if doing so put peace with Israel further out of reach.
The deal forged between Abbas and his Hamas rivals calls for the formation of a unity government in the next five weeks, and could see the Palestinian leader visit the Gaza Strip for the first time since it was seized by Hamas in a bloody coup in 2007.
“I said this morning that Abbas needs to choose between peace with Israel and an agreement with Hamas, a murderous terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and which both the United States and the European Union define as a terrorist organization,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a statement released to the press.
“This evening, as talks are still ongoing about extending the negotiations, Abbas has chosen Hamas and not peace,” he continued. “Whoever chooses Hamas does not want peace.”
Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator in talks with the Palestinians, agreed: “The reconciliation agreement that Mahmoud Abbas signed with Hamas is a bad step, which not only caused the cancelation of [negotiations], but cast a heavy shadow on the possibility to progress.”
Livni added that Israel “has a duty, even when we want peace, not to stop seeing reality with eyes wide open: Hamas combines religious Muslim extremist ideology with terrorism and doesn’t recognize our right to exist.”
Finance Minister Yair Lapid said both the Fatah-Hamas unity agreement and Abbas’ recent decision to violate agreements with Israel by unilaterally seeking recognition for “Palestine” called into question whether or not the Palestinians really want a state of their own, or rather, a state alongside Israel.
“Hamas is not a government, it is a Jihadist terror organization that has inscribed on its flag the killing of civilians — women, children, old people — just because they are Jewish,” Lapid reminded a gathering of the European Jewish Congress in Tel Aviv.
At an emergency cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Thursday, Netanyahu was reportedly urged to go beyond simply canceling a few negotiating sessions, and to impose real sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.
Palestinian leaders, meanwhile, maintained that unity with Hamas should not preclude a negotiated settlement with Israel. Abbas was quoted as saying that bringing Hamas into the PLO (the parent organization of the Palestinian Authority) would somehow bolster the chances of a lasting peace.
PHOTO: Hamas and Fatah negotiators shake hands in Gaza
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Love For His People Editor's Note: 
Finally! Supporting Israel again!!!
Steve Martin

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nigerian Christians: 'Our Blood Will Speak about Christ' - CBN News

Nigeria, West Africa
Nigerian Christians: 'Our Blood Will Speak about Christ'
In Nigeria, Christians in the Muslim-majority North have been the targets of relentless deadly attacks by Islamic extremists.
More than 200 pastors in the Northeastern Borno state have either fled, closed their churches, or have been murdered by the militant Islamic group Boko Haram.
Christian leaders who remain have committed to fasting and praying for the region one week each month.
"We have to stay and uphold the name of Christ in this state," one pastor named James told the international ministry Open Doors.
"We are willing to pay the price for our calling. We don't only share the Gospel when things are rosy," he continued. "It is to be done in every situation. Hunger and want will never discourage us. Swords and guns, even the roar of the devil, will only encourage us to stand first for Christ."
"If we die, our blood will speak about Christ to our killers," he said.
"We are seeking the face of God in this situation," Rev. Pona, whose full name we cannot reveal for security purposes, told Open Doors. "Brethren are being killed all over the state. Thousands of homes have been destroyed. Our churches have not been spared. We are being struck from every direction. Only Christ can deliver us from this trial."

New Documentary Unveils 'Schindler' of Music World

New Documentary Unveils 

'Schindler' of Music World

Most people have never heard of Branislav Huberman. The great Polish violinist founded the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra and used music to rescue hundreds of Jews from Nazis death camps.

Now, a new documentary, called "Orchestra of Exiles," is profiling the man some are calling the "Oskar Schindler of the music world."

"Schindler saved a thousand people. Huberman saved a thousand people and no one knows him," Academy Award-nominated director Josh Aronson explained.

"He was a hero. He was a heroic character. He was a great, great violinist, he was a great artist and was a great man," Aronson said.

Founder of Israel's Cultural Life

A Jewish child prodigy from Poland, Huberman began playing the violin at age 8. He performed throughout Europe and fell in love with audiences in Palestine.

"The film is about a man who starts the cultural life of Israel by founding the Palestine Symphony. It's about the difficulty and the obstacles, tremendous obstacles that were in the way of Huberman in doing this," Aronson said.

"It was before concentration camps," he continued. "It was before we knew what was coming in Germany. He talked to people about how dangerous it was going to get and it was eerie that he had that sense ...that Jews had to get out."

Stand-Off With Hitler

By the end of 1935, every Jew in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra had left. Most had been fired.

Eventually the Nazis invited only so-called "special Jews" to perform, but Huberman refused.

"The moment that Hitler came in, Huberman said he would never play in Germany again until every musician who had been fired from the Berlin Philharmonic was back in their seats and from the Frankfurt Symphonies and so forth, and he said he wouldn't go otherwise," Aronson recounted.

Birth of the Palestine Orchestra

Eventually, Huberman decided to form the Palestine Orchestra, a symphony of exiled Jews that would perform music at the very highest levels to show the world that the Nazis and their anti-Semitic beliefs could be opposed with the only weapon many Jews possessed -- music.

Huberman spent two years traveling throughout Europe, auditioning the best musicians. Most were Jews exiled from Central European orchestras, musicians like highly regarded soloist David Grunschlag.

Fleeing Germany

Huberman helped Grunschlag and his family move to Palestine.

"Luckily for my family, nobody had to go through the ordeals of concentration camps, thanks to Huberman, because getting my father out in 1936 to Palestine not only saved his life, but also his sisters," Dorit Grunschlag, the daughter of David Grunschlag, said.

One sister was 20 years old. The other was only 16.

As Hitler's power and influence grew, the Grunschlag girls knew they had to get out. After several embassies rejected their visa requests, they sent a letter to Huberman who was housed at the Budapest hotel.

"So, Toni wrote him. Dear maestro, you're our last hope. Please help us," Rosi Grunschlag, one of the sisters David Grunschlag, recalled.

Huberman agreed to help. Six weeks later, the two women received student visas and were on their way to Palestine.

"He made it all happen, yes," Rosi said.

"He knew, any Jew he gets out of Europe, he's probably saved his life or at least spared him a lot of misery and a lot of suffering," Gad Lewertoff, a historian, explained.

Satisfying the Cultural Thirst

And in the process, Huberman brought music and culture to the desert.

"It was a big deal, coming to a land where the culture is almost non-existent. But everyone was very, very thirsty for it. There was a lot of excitement in the air, you know, hustle and bustle. This was a country in the making," Thalia Fenyves-Reichard, daughter of a Palestine Symphony musician, said.

Led by Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini, the Palestine Symphony performed its first concert on December 26, 1936. The event was broadcast on radio and heard by millions around the world.

Each One Teach One

Huberman also started a music school. He insisted that all symphony players instruct others so a new generation of musicians could be built in Palestine.

When Israel became a state in 1948, the Palestine Symphony was renamed The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

Huberman died in 1947. Although he never heard his orchestra perform the Israeli national anthem, The Hatikva, his legacy lives on.

"The seeds of culture that Huberman planted here, that he brought from Central Europe, we are reaping its rewards today and we will continue to reap its rewards," Zubin Mehta, music director of the IPO, declared.

The Sacrifical Musician

When CBN News asked Aaronson what he admired most about Huberman, he replied:

"For a man to stand up against intolerance and to sacrifice so much of himself and to change himself in doing it. He saw something happening in the world that demanded a response. And so many people today-and I hope this is the lesson of the film-so many people are so quick to look the other way."

Aronson's film helps people look at Nazis anti-Semitism and see how one man not only used music to save hundreds of lives, but also to restore a little bit of humanity to an entire world.

Source video: Schindler of Music

Israel Air Force Welcomes 'Samson' to Fleet

Hercules cargo plane from the USA to Israel

Israel Air Force 

Welcomes 'Samson' to Fleet

JERUSALEM, Israel -- While talk of politics and peace talks lead some to question the U.S.-Israel relationship, the delivery of a new Hercules cargo plane highlights the strong military ties between the two countries.

Top U.S. and Israeli officials greeted the first of six U.S.-made transport aircraft sold to Israel as it landed at the Nevatim Air Force base, in Israel's southern Negev Desert. The deal is seen as a milestone in U.S.-Israel relations.

"The new capability will extend the long arm of the Israeli Air Force," Israeli Air Force chief Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel said.

The C-130 has been around since the 1950s. But this newer model can fly higher and is bigger, faster, and quieter. It can fly 4,000 miles without refueling. That's like flying from Canada to Israel or nearly four times the distance from Israel to Iran.

Eshel calls it the best plane of its kind.

"It will be able to operate long ranges, variety of missions, day and night, all weather. All type of joint operations with other special forces in the Israeli Defense Forces," Eshel said.

Almost 40 years ago, Israeli commandos used an older C-130 as part of the raid on Uganda's Entebbe Airport to rescue hostages from a hijacked Air France flight.

"Traveling over 2,500 miles at low altitude under cover of complete darkness it was Israeli C-130s Hercules aircraft that brought the commandos to the fight and delivered the hostages from peril to freedom," U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro said during a welcoming ceremony.

Dubbed the Super Hercules, Israel named its new C-130-J after the biblical hero Samson, or Shimshon in Hebrew.

Shapiro called the name fitting.

"More than 3,000 years ago Shimshon became a judge for Israel, renowned for his cleverness, wisdom, fearlessness, and above all his strength," Shapiro said.

"These three qualities epitomize the Israeli Air Force -- clever technological innovations, wise and judicious use of force, calm in the face of adversity and valor, bravery combined with compassion," he added.

CBN News received an inside look at the aircraft. Lt. Col "A," whose identity we've hidden for security reasons, flew this first plane to Israel.

"It's better than what I ever flew," Lt. Col "A" said. "It has a lot more capabilities, a lot more possibilities of being precise and safe on missions."

Developed by Lockheed Martin in the United States, Israel customized its aircraft with some special systems.

"With all the Israeli systems in it it will out-perform any C-130-J in the world, I think, and give the Israeli Air Force and the IDF better possibilities and advantages in all its challenges," Lt. Col. "A" told CBN News.

American chief test pilot Wayne Roberts said they're pleased to have the plane in the Israeli Air Force.

"It's really neat to be a part of it. The crew worked together and they just really did a great job and it was really fun to work with them," Roberts said.