Friday, April 25, 2014

"It has been a pathway of preparation into a time of greater purpose." Morris Ruddick

"We have entered challenging times. It is a time requiring more than what the best of human effort can achieve. With it has been a pathway of preparation into a time of greater purpose; a time of preparation for ones who bear a mantle like Joseph to prepare. The preparation to prepare involves walking through a fire, not unlike what Job, Joseph, Daniel and many other heroes of faith went through." 

Morris Ruddick, "Righteous Power In A Corrupt World", Xulon Press page 121 

Amazon - paperback & Kindle: Righteous Power In A Corrupt World

Employing righteous power is a leadership calling. It builds and wields influence. It is God's strategy for change that requires a mix of biblical community, Kingdom entrepreneurship and heeding the voice of the Lord, as a people. With extraordinary examples drawn from an extensive track record in lands of persecution, its practical, grass-roots application exceeds expectations. 

This book outlines the steps being successfully applied in a diversity of extremely adverse spiritual climates. Righteous power doesn't operate like worldly power. It goes against the grain. It's the way of the Kingdom. Jesus described its employment as being a narrow, difficult path. Yet, against the odds, it is a catalyst for opportunity that brings blessing. It is the explosive power that demonstrates God's reality to those in darkness and releases societal change. 

The author's calling has been one of leadership for change. He was recently described by a long-time associate with these words: "Morris Ruddick heads several organizations and corporate entities, including Global Initiatives Foundation, The Ruddick Int'l Group, and a global intercession network. He has led development of entrepreneurial activities in critical needy areas and brought together business and ministry in several nations, including the Messianic Jewish community in Israel, as well as in Africa, Asia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Russia and other areas of need." 

Mr. Ruddick's Kingdom agendas reflect a unique merging of the secular and the spiritual. He sums it up as "an interlinking of secular business enterprises with overriding Kingdom objectives." 

Since 1995, Mr. Ruddick has been a voice encouraging and mobilizing Kingdom leaders and entrepreneurs.

Purchase at Amazon - paperback & Kindle: Righteous Power In A Corrupt World

FaceBook tags: Steven Louis MartinSteve MartinMorris RuddickSteven L MartinLaura Jean Martin and Steven L Martin at Love For His People

Morris & Carol Ruddick of Denver, CO
Steve Martin (Charlotte, NC)

Shabbat Shalom to my Jewish friends in Israel!

We love, appreciate and support 
our Jewish friends in Israel!
Shabbat Shalom!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railroad (in Hebrew, but good to see anyway for English speaking viewers.)

Concept of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem hi-speed train

Dear Family and Friends,

I thought some of you "Israel Lovers" might be interested in this 10-minute video.
The narrative is in Hebrew, but you can still get the gist of the story through the video.

Naturally we have seen much of this under construction as we drive between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem several times a month when we are in Israel.  The bridges spanning the valleys are truly majestic!  Also, at the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem one can see the underground construction going on where the train will enter town.  

It will come into the area of the Central Bus Station about 50 or 60 feet below ground.  (Between the Central Bus Station and the Crown Plaza Hotel one can actually look into this big hole and see the work going on about 5 or six stories below; it's pretty spectacular.)  

Anyway, when you have a spare 10 minutes, enjoy the video...

Ahava ,
~Bill Duerfeldt

Videos taken from the air in Israel

Double rails on line

Tunnel passage construction

Can You Guess the One Word That's Banned From Disney Movies?

Is Disney anti-God?

Disney has relaxed its appropriateness standards a lot in recent years - but one standard that doesn't seem to have any sign of budging is its unspoken rule: don't mention God. (
Walt Disney Animation Studios)

Can You Guess the One Word 

That's Banned From Disney Movies?

 ALEX KOCMAN  Christian Life News

Now, the writers of several of the movie’s hit songs, including “Let it Go,” are revealing one unsurprising fact about Disney.
God is banned.
“Well, you can say it in Disney but you can't put it in the movie,” songwriter Kristen Anderson-Lopez told NPR.
Disney prides itself for having an open attitude. It hasn’t filtered out creative talent that has worked on inappropriate and questionable content, hiring the makers of the grotesque musical “Little Shop of Horrors,” which even Anderson-Lopez described as “off color and racy.” Disney’s Touchstone division was responsible for the entertainment empire’s first R-rated film, and regularly hosts gay pride events at its theme parks.
“Disney is not this sanitized place that you might imagine it to be,” fellow songwriter Robert Lopez said in the interview.
But the only place where it draws a line is anything hinting of God—much less Christianity in general.
“It's funny. One of the only places you have to draw the line at Disney is with religious things, the word God,” Anderson-Lopez observed.
For those who have follow Disney in recent years, such news is likely to cause little surprise. Late in 2013, Glenn Beck, a notable Mormon and proponent of biblical values, described the company as “rotted fruit” on-air.
Still, however, American evangelicals have yet to take a broad stance on whether the company has overstayed its welcome in the conservative Christian home.
But one thing is certain—if God was ever welcome in Disney before, he’s long since gone.

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Chuck D. Pierce: The Next 40 Days Seem Critical for God's Children - Counting Your Days to a New Dimension of Increase!

Chuck D. Pierce:
Newsletter Dated: Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chuck D. PierceDear Prospering Saints:

This past weekend was nothing less than a performance of God in our midst to prepare us for our future. As we approach Pentecost, we must continue to shift our minds and thinking processes toward HARVEST. Even though the time frame from Passover to Pentecost is 50 Days, the next 40 days seem critical for God's children.

This is the beginning of the next 40 days of critical revelation.


To "form" means to develop or mold the shape or outline of something or to give meaning, character or nature to something. Another way of looking at a forming time is when something is becoming what it will be in days ahead. This includes the conditioning of our mind and body in regard to its mental performance ahead.

A forming season includes conceiving, training, and disciplining.

This phase denotes the arrangement of the part of a thing that gives its distinctive appearance.
A key Scripture reference about Pentecost time is 1 Corinthians 16:8. Paul purposed to stay at Ephesus until Pentecost, because an effectual door was opened to him for his ministry.

Many enemies are behind this forming door, but the Lord says:

"Do not focus on your enemies during this season, but watch the door form and be ready to enter into this new opportunity. I will give you grace over your enemies. I am releasing your new assignment and you will go forth into new mission fields."

(Photo via

Revelation Now!

Incredible revelation starts pouring in between Passover and Pentecost. We are presently in the time of counting the Omer – the counting of days between Passover and Pentecost. This counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover (which commemorates the Exodus) and Pentecost (which commemorates the giving of the Torah).

Omer literally means sheaf. Leviticus 23:15 shares the blessing of counting the omer. The time between Passover and Pentecost is a transition time. Transition means you cross over.

The omer time is the time of looking at how you will consume your supply and unlock supply for the future. This is an important period of growth and introspection. We must review all revelation from the past season, and the way we operated in supply in our last season.

Freed to Receive the Word! This counting reminded the Israelites that their redemption from slavery was not complete until they received the Torah. The people were freed from Egypt so that they could receive the Torah.

A major reason of this season is to show your desire for revelation from God to come alive in you.

If you enter into this time of "counting the omer" you will press in to new revelation.

Why This Timing? Why Even Be Concerned About the Feasts?

Our covenant was established around the understanding of the sun, moon, and the earth in alignment with Father's plan of redemption. The Word of God revolves around the Feasts. They were holy assemblies, for holy rehearsals. The remembrance of these physical events causes us to understand the spiritual significance of what came and what is to come!

The Feasts forecasted His sacrifice for us.

Also, they foretell the full redemption of His people and the alignment of all nations, which are His inheritance (Psalm 2). When we participate in the waving of the First Fruits at Passover time and then receiving the anointing to gather and increase at Pentecost (Feast of Weeks), our faith is displayed and our confidence arises for our provision to be released.

Today, there is a futility in legalistically participating in the Feasts. We cannot legalistically keep the Feasts, but we can honor the Father by remembering Him and receiving from Him at these appointed times (Galatians3:10).

(Photo via

No longer do we have to seek an ultimate Sacrifice - He was already given on the Cross. This broke satan's headship over us personally, as well as mankind corporately. However, we must still "enter in" to the fullness of this plan.

By participating and remembering the Feast times NOW, they cease to be shadows of things to come. They actually cause us to see our future path to our promise. May you eat the Word below, and journey closer to His plan of Fullness for your life. Psalm 34 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Take time to join in and allow your FAITH to arise so you are positioned for a new dimension of increase!

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

How to Begin!

Stop! Review your blessings! Bless God! Get to know Him!

See the fullness of who He is, through His Son who was sent to redeem us. The seven weeks associated with counting the omer are meant to press you into spiritual improvement, new relationships, new respect, spiritual correction and restoration from the mistakes of the past, and the development of a triumphant mindset for the entire season ahead. Initially, I had thought to send you a daily process on how to do this, but realized that many people get into legalistic formulations and miss the point of why we do something.

Make a list of the promises that you wish to see manifest in this new season. List those promises and then speak them into the atmosphere around you. Decree that things you never saw in last season will manifest in this season. Remember, they may take another form in this season.

Realign Your Emotions Over the Next Few Days!

May you realign your emotions so the function of your "expectation" is restored and receptive from Holy Spirit. May your vision to be shifted, redefined and established. "Without a vision (prophetic revelation and utterance) a people perish." Unlock the supply lines for our future. This will entail warring to break the conformity of our thinking processes and develop a harvest mentality. This will also include understanding the dynamic of warring with structures that would stop the transference of wealth.

Daily Scripture and Prayer Focus:

I decree that after doing this focus your "end will be greater than your beginning". Biblically, the "counting of the Omer" would begin on the first day of the barley harvest by waving their harvest before the Lord. Pentecost is when the wheat harvest begins. Let's move from one level of harvest to another.


Day 1: Read Genesis 11-13; Leviticus 23: Luke 14:25-33. All Biblical understanding revolves around covenant.

Day 2: Read Exodus 15-16, Matthew 14:13-21, and Revelation 15. Rejoice and sing the song of the Lord. Thank the Lord for your deliverance. Meditate on the song of Moses. The suffering covenant people sang at their time of deliverance; we as Christians will sing it again. Thank Him for all the provision that you are receiving. Even if it is "wilderness" provision, thank Him! Let Him take what you have and break it open and multiply it. This song was a corporate song.

Day 3: Read Exodus 20 & 23, Matthew 17:5 and 28:20. These are key chapters in understanding justice. Ask the Lord to give you revelation of Feast times. This will cause you to understand God's timing for your life, as well as unlocking supply. Ask Him to make you aware of angelic visitation and leading. Confess as sin, the times when you were resistant to be led properly. Ask Him about a First Fruit offering for the Feast of Pentecost. Much promise will be unlocked to you in these chapters.

Day 4: Read Joshua 3-5; 2 Samuel 5-7. These are chapters on preparation, and how to follow (the ark and the priests) into your future. Let me suggest a day of fasting. Focus on your place of crossing over for this season. Also, ask the Lord about those whom you have relationship with that are helping you move forward. Let the Lord revive your life by re-circumcising your heart. Many of us hang on to last season's provision.

Declare that new provision will begin.

The manna ceased and the Children of Israel had to learn to use the provision in their Promised Land. This allowed them to reinstate the Feast of Passover, to get them back on track. They were unable to do Passover for 40 years, because all they had was manna and quail. God changes our provision many times, to get us back in synch with His full plan. Get ready to face what has always seemed invincible to you. David had to learn the procession of the Ark! We must watch the Ark now!

Day 5: Read Matthew 14:22-36, John 6, and Exodus 33. Be willing to cross over into the place the Lord is calling you. You might want to pull aside into a quiet place, to really seek Father. Declare that you will not move forward without sensing His presence.

Day 6: Read Acts 12 and Esther 9. Memorize Philippians 2:27. Ask the Lord to do a new thing in your prayer life. The beheading of James was during Passover. Ask the Lord to hide you from the religious world. Many times our past failures propel us into a whole new fervency of prayer. Pray and ask God for angelic help to come down, so you can move into the next season. Make a declaration that every decree that is set against you will be exposed and overturned, and that you WILL advance.

Day 7: Read Ephesians 1-4. Recognize your condition, as well as your position. Thank Him, for the change that Holy Spirit has brought you. Thank Him, for His love that has gotten you through so many situations. Thank Him, that we are maturing into the fullness of His plan. Look at the government of the Church. Jesus ascended to Heaven to take His throne next to Father. He gives us access. Ask the Lord to be sure your gift is aligned corporately.

Get started now and do not look back!


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms.

Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren.

He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Possessing Your InheritanceThe Future War of the ChurchThe Worship WarriorGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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From the desk of Steve Shultz:

Chuck Pierce has the clearest understanding on the timings of God and prophetic seasons we are in – more than anyone I've ever known. I've often described Chuck as an Issachar Prophet.

What's an Issachar Prophet?

The "Sons of Issachar" were those who "understood the times and knew what Israel should do."
1 Chronicles 12:32: "...from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do – 200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command..."

Chuck has studied how God operates in the "times" we live, using the Hebrew calendar He (God) created.
Using that knowledge and using prophetic revelation, Chuck teaches and prophesies here what God is saying for the next 40 days. He even includes here – day by day prayer focus directives for the next seven days. I intend to read and pray through each day on Chuck's daily prayer calendar included here.

Be encouraged and enjoy!


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ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Re-air: Called and Commissioned - Rick Joyner. Watch now the video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Rick Joyner - Founder/President of MorningStar Ministries

Re-air: Called and Commissioned
Rick Joyner

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

We often think of harvest as a gathering of souls, but harvest is also a time of maturing.  As we mature in the Lord, He teaches us about our calling and brings it into greater focus. Commissioning, however, is a  time when we receive the release from the Lord into our calling and are now held to a greater standard of accuracy and responsibility. We must learn not to confuse calling with commissioning.

Rick Joyner

MorningStar webstore: Purchase Here

Pastor and Singer Donnie McClurkin Says God Used Music to Free Him From Bondage of Shame

Pastor and Singer Donnie McClurkin

Pastor and Singer Donnie McClurkin Says God Used Music to Free Him From Bondage of Shame

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April 23, 2014
Donnie McClurkin, pastor and recording artist, shares his testimony at the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Fla., during an April 12, 2014, performance and recording(PHOTO: YOUTUBE SCREENGRAB)
Donnie McClurkin, pastor and recording artist, shares his testimony at the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Fla., during an April 12, 2014, performance and recording.
In a heart-stirring testimony, Pastor Donnie McClurkin credited his God-given musical talents and the prayer of an influential gospel singer in helping him to get free from the shame and sense of inferiority he had been experiencing at just 11 years old.
"I never thought that I would be doing this because people told me what I could not do," said McClurkin. "They didn't tell me who I was, they never told me what I could accomplish, who I could be. They put the shackles on and the limits on."
"But God used music to free me by increments of all the bondage. Until I could move past what people thought of me, until I could move past people's opinion, until I could move past people's nay-saying, until I could see in me what others wouldn't tell me was there."
McClurkin, who pastors Perfecting Faith Church in Freeport, N.Y., and is the winner of several Stellar, Grammy, Dove and other awards, gave the brief testimony during a recent performance at the Holy Land Experience in Orlando.
He went on to share how Andrae Crouch, a pastor, a celebrated gospel artist and one of the pioneers of Contemporary Christian Music, encouraged him at the age of 11 with a prayer that God would give to McClurkin what God had given to him.
Watch McClurkin's brief testimony in the video player below:
Donnie McClurkin testifies how God freed him from bondage.
McClurkin has shared publicly the troubles he had as a youth, including the death of a sibling, substance abuse in his family, and being sexually abused by both his great uncle and later his great uncle's son.
The 54-year-old minister and recording artist, born Donald Andrew McClurkin Jr., would go on to confess that as an adult he struggled with same-sex attraction due to his being abused as a child. However, he shared in 2002, that he had been "delivered" from a gay lifestyle.
"I've been through this and have experienced God's power to change my lifestyle. I am delivered and I know God can deliver others, too," McClurkin shared, according to The Washington Post.
McClurkin has faced push-back due to his ex-gay testimony, with a fracas occurring last summer when the Christian singer was allegedly "uninvited" from a Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial concert in Washington, D.C., presumably due to his expressed views on homosexuality.
While McClurkin insisted that D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray had bowed to the pressure of gay rights activists, Gray told reporters it was the gospel singer who had decided to drop out of the event. Read more about the story here: Pastor Donnie McClurkin 'Uninvited' From MLK Memorial Concert Over 'Ex-Gay' Testimony?, and learn more about McClurkin's ministry and popular radio show online: