Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Overview of Recent Events in the Ukraine - Michael Zinn

Michael Zinn - Chosen People in Kiev, Ukraine

Chosen People Ministries 

1:47 AM (5 hours ago)

Shalom dear friend in the Messiah,

I recently returned from a trip to Kiev, where I participated in the European section meeting of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism. This group has existed for thirty years, and was initiated by Jewish mission leaders involved with the Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism. The meetings for the European group were held in Kiev April, 28 - May 2, 2014.

There were many reasons for the event to be held in Kiev, not the least of which is because there has been a growing, authentic and indigenous Messianic Jewish movement in Ukraine - centered in Kiev - which began in 1989 at the beginning of Perestroika. The conference statement is well worth reading, and reflects the sentiments of the attendees.

The history of the Jewish people of Ukraine is significant. Ukraine was part of the Pale of Settlement, where Jews were allowed to live, and included land that is now part of Russia, Poland, Romania, Belarus as well as today's Ukraine. The borders were quite fluid for many years, and so many Jewish people's "country of origin" frequently changed. However, the borders stabilized after 1945 and the formation of the Soviet Union. The area has always been important to Jewish evangelism, as more than ten million Jewish people lived in the region before World War II.

Fifty-plus years later, the Soviet Union would become the Former Soviet Union and countries that were once part of it would again assert their independence and individuality. This is most assuredly what is taking place now as the Ukrainians, especially in the Western and more European part of Ukraine, seek continued independence from Russia. The conflict between various parts of Ukraine and Russia is at the heart of current conflict. Although the conflict appears to be purely political and nationalistic, there is a spiritual aspect to the situation as well.

The Ukrainian Christians - Baptists, Pentecostals and those who identify with the mainline churches - have been deeply involved in the political struggle, hoping as well that an independent Ukraine would be best for the spiritual atmosphere of the country's people. This is understandable, as the Russian Orthodox Church has been a very controlling presence in Russia and throughout the Former Soviet Union for many years.

Ukrainian Christian with Michael Zinn of Chosen People Ministries

The Christians in the Ukraine believe they now have greater freedoms than others in the Former Soviet Union, and part of their political struggle stems from a desire to maintain this freedom of religion. The fierce and early fighting took place in what is known as Madan Square, the very heart both symbolically and physically of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Many born-again believers have found extraordinary opportunities to minister in the midst of the conflict, and as a result of the fighting many Ukranians have come to the Lord.

Many Jewish people believe that Ukraine is an anti-Semitic country. Certainly this is true historically; however, after meeting some of the believers in Kiev, I can honestly say that these believers have renounced this history of anti-Semitism and assured me that they love the Jewish people, affirm the state of Israel and work hard to make the Gospel known among their Jewish friends and loved ones. 

This was deeply encouraging to me.

Our Israel Director, Michael Zinn, who grew up in the Western Ukrainian city of Lvov gives us an overview of the events and interviews Yuri, one of the key leaders of the prayer tent movement in Madan:

Michael Zinn: An Overview of Recent Events in the Ukraine

Michael and Yuri: God's Work Through the Prayer Tent Ministries

It was eye-opening to visit Madan Square last week and see for myself some of what transpired. I know a picture is worth at least a thousand words and so you can see for yourself the pictures of the barricades, tents, tires, para-military groups, nationalist allies and more!

My hope is that you will pray for Ukraine and especially for our brothers and sisters who have been so involved in helping, praying, serving food and leading many to Jesus in the midst of the conflict. Messianic Jews from Ukraine were in the trenches as well, sharing the love of Jesus with their fellow Ukrainian citizens.

Chosen People Ministries has had a ministry in the Ukraine for many years. It started in the midst of what I call the "Russian Jewish Jesus Movement," which I date from the fall of the Soviet Union until today. Tens of thousands of Russian, Ukrainians and other Jews living in the Former Soviet Union have come to faith in the Messiah Jesus. In fact, at our LCJE European gathering, about a third of the participants or more spoke Russian or Ukrainian as their first languages. This is miraculous when you consider that the citizens of the Former Soviet Union were once forced to renounce all religious faith, and Jews especially were not allowed to worship in communities.

It is incredible to see what God has done. In fact, twenty-five years ago, Chosen People Ministries may have had a missionary or two that spoke Russian... but today we have 25-30 Russian speakers on our staff, serving around the globe from Russia and Ukraine to Israel, Australia, the United States and Germany!

Vladimir Pikman, who became a believer through our early ministries among the Jewish people in Kiev, tells the story of the founding of our work in front of the building in Madan where our ministries began (now damaged by fire):

Vladimir Pikman: My Testimony and the Birth of Chosen People Ministries in Kiev

I was also able to speak briefly about the work of those dedicated disciples who are the fruit of God's work through Chosen People Ministries in Kiev. There are a number of fine Messianic Jewish congregations in Kiev and Ukraine and quite a few mission agencies that are laboring in various cities throughout Ukraine, bringing the Good News of Messiah Jesus to Jewish Ukrainians and to Gentiles as well.

Mitch Glaser: Appeal for Prayer for Ukrainian Jewish Evangelism

Remember to pray for Ukraine, as we all have many brothers and sisters there who are enduring hardship and trying to bring the Gospel to their people in trying times. There are still hundreds of thousands of Jewish people in Ukraine, and we are asking God to help us increase our ministry to win our kinsmen to the Savior.
We do have one Messianic congregation in Harkov, led by Sasha Sareda, a Ukrainian Baptist pastor called to serve among the Jewish people. We support Sasha and would appreciate your prayers.

As time goes by it becomes clearer and clearer that we will need to expand our work in Kiev. If you have interest in working in Ukraine with Chosen People Ministries, please take a moment to reply to this e-mail so that we can talk about your involvement personally.

I hope you will enjoy the videos - and please pray about supporting our efforts among Russian-speaking Jewish people today!

Make an online donation now!

Please type Ministry to Russian and Ukrainian Jews in the Special Designation box

Your brother in the Messiah,


Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian Messianic Movement
Who are the Jewish people of the former Soviet Union and what is their relationship to the Gospel?
Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian Messianic Movement tells the story of the Russian-speaking Jewish people, and the sometimes heartbreaking, often heroic tales of those who have sought to bring the Gospel to them throughout their troubled history.

Follow Chosen People Ministries:
Chosen People Ministries 
241 E. 51st Street 
New York, NY - 10022 

Russia's Putin Cozies Up to Jews

Russia's Putin Cozies Up to Jews

Thursday, May 08, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
Amidst mounting tension between Russia and Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin opened official government facilities to host the largest conference of Russian-speaking Jews to discuss the topics of Zionism and Judaism.   Over 1,200 young Jews from all over the former Soviet Union gathered in Moscow for the “Limmud FSU” (Learning FSU) conference. Now in its ninth year, Limmud FSU is a festival of Jewish learning that includes lectures, workshops, roundtable discussions, music and a variety of cultural events in Russian, English and Hebrew.
The conference was addressed by Prof. Zeev Hanin, the chief scientist at Israel’s Ministry of Absorption, who lectured on a new emerging identity among young Jews living in the former Soviet Union.
According to Hanin, these Jewish youth can be labeled as the “first post-Soviet generation.” As such, this generation, while maintaining a deep connection with Jewish culture and the Jewish state, are also beginning to identify more with the land of their birth.
In the latest issue of Israel Today Magazine, we explore burgeoning ties between Russia, Israel and the wider Jewish world. Local experts and politicians told us that this phenomenon is greatly complicating relations between Israel and America, but also said this might not be a bad thing, considering the Obama Administration’s fumbling of major international crises.
CLICK HERE to subscribe and read the full analysis.
PHOTO: Young Russian-speaking Jews attend ‘Limmud FSU 2014’ in Moscow
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Egypt Demands Israel Recognize 'Palestine'

Egypt Demands Israel Recognize 'Palestine'

Thursday, May 08, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Egypt’s leading presidential candidate, former army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, said in a weekend television interview that Israel must recognize the “state of Palestine” with Jerusalem as its capital if the Jewish state hopes for warm relations with its neighbors.
While Sisi threatened to never personally visit Israel unless that condition is first met, he did clarify that an Egyptian government headed by himself would honor Egypt’s peace treat with Israel.
As head of the military, Sisi last year gave the needed backing to a popular uprising against the newly elected government of Muslim Brotherhood strongman Mohammed Morsi.
Since then, Sisi has overseen as legal process that has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood and sentenced to death many of the group’s leading activists. It is widely hoped in Israel that as Egypt further engages the Israeli-Arab peace process, this firm position will extend to Hamas, which is a direct offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sisi is expected to easily win the upcoming presidential election scheduled for May 26–27.
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Anti-Jewish "hate speech" coming from the Presbyterian Church?!

Dear Family and Friends of Israel,

This is a very sad and disturbing report, especially since this reported "anti-Semitic hate speech" is emanating from one of the "main-line" Christian denominations in the world today:

It was no accident that Yeshua warned His followers [and us], over and over, "Do not be deceived..." (Matt. 24:5, 11, & 24; Mark 13:6 & 22; Luke 21:8)

The world is in the midst of a battle, folks -- not a battle with "flesh and blood", but a spiritual battle against "principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness..." (Ephesians 6:12) Now, more than ever before, we Believers need to be like the Believers in the ancient city of Berea, who "searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." (Acts 17:10-11)

Ahava ,

The US government and universities have been infiltrated and influenced by Islamists. Why should we believe mainstream Christian churches in America are exempt? What is surprising is the disturbing depth of deception being proliferated by the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America (PCUSA) via their published study guide “Zionism Unsettled.” Some Jewish groups have called its distorted facts and a historical narrative so extreme that they label it “hate” speech. Think on this: hate speech coming out of a Christian church in America–the Presbyterian Church.

American “Zionism” dates back to 1890 and in general is a national movement for returning Jews to their homeland and a resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. After the State of Israel was formed in 1948, Zionism grew to include development of the Jewish state and its protection by supporting Israel’s Defense Forces. Instead of standing with the 70% of Americans polling in support of Jews and Israel, Presbyterians are attacking Zionism, which in turn attacks Israel and puts us all at risk at the hands of Islamic extremists.

Palestinian terrorists fired thousands of rockets towards Israeli homes, schools and businesses over the last decade. The Presbyterian study guide blatantly ignores this fact. The PCUSA vilifies Israel and Zionism, calls for the annihilation of the Jewish State and turns a blind eye away from the culpability of Arab leaders’ responsibility for the adverse plight of their own people. 

The guide calls for a rethinking of the Holocaust with the mindset of including the plight of the Palestinians and the idea that Zionism equals racism. According to the Presbyterians, Zionism is to Palestinians as centuries of Christian anti-Semitism were to the Jews. These ideas place Presbyterians sitting in pews every Sunday in the camp with radical positions on serious issues that could bring about disastrous outcomes.

With skewed facts, Presbyterians, via the chapter on “Evangelicals and Christian Zionism,” portray Christians who support Israel as dangerous and a threat to Middle East peace. Dr. Gary Burge, an evangelical Presbyterian and Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College is the author from whom much of this chapter’s content was gleaned. Burge, admitting to believe in a form of “Replacement Theology,” ignores that it was a root cause of centuries of Christian anti-Semitism.

Did God abandon the Jewish people? Has he broken His promises to them? Did he choose a new people, Christians, to take their place? The very implication that Jews have been rejected, discarded and replaced because of their sin and failures poses a dire danger. It provides an excuse for fanning flames of anti-Semitism that is already spreading across the US and abroad. Do Christians, inspired by Burge, and the Presbyterian Church, desire to be a part of that all over again?

I could go into and debate or refute the arguments that Burge and PCUSA present, such as Replacement Theology, dispensationalism and dual covenant, but the real message is that the Abrahamic Covenant is an everlasting covenant. In effect, because it was a watershed moment in God’s intent to save the world from sin, that everlasting covenant has greatly influenced the course of human history. (Galatians 3:8)

The Presbyterian church may wish they were mainstream by favoring Islam over Judaism; they may wish Christians in support of Israel and the Jewish people were a fringe group, but with 70% of us for Israel the Presbyterian church is now aligned with the most extreme of the radical groups. Sabeel, founded by Naim Ateek, propagates Palestinian Liberation Theology. 

Sabeel’s theology disregards any portion of scripture that disagrees with his anti-Semitic views. Liberation theology started in South America because the Communists knew they couldn’t infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church. So, they branded Liberation Theology to do the trick. Maybe the Presbyterian’s would be wise to research before they publish, because their study guide calls for churches to stop using hymns and liturgy that use the Biblical terms: exodus, covenant, return, blossoming of the desert, Zion and Israel.

Who is walking away from whom? It is the people in the pews of mainstream churches, such as the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American (ELCA) whose members are walking away. Maybe you should do some soul searching and some investigating as to the background of your hierarchal leaders. Most Americans recognize a rat when they see one, hear one, or feel one. They certainly recognize “hate speech” when they see it. 

Holding radical and anti-Semitic positions as in black and white in this disturbing Presbyterian study guide will guarantee more losses. Or, perhaps the infiltration of radicals from Islam and Progressives is so complete, that losses of the faithful and a watered down Bible and belief system is the goal.

Dutch Sheets Resigns From Christ for the Nations, Cites Limited Window for Change in US

Best-selling author Dutch Sheets announced Wednesday he will be leaving Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI), where he returned to his alma mater in 2012 to serve as executive director. His resignation becomes effective at the end of May as the school’s spring term concludes.
During his tenure at CFNI, Sheets continued to minister and speak around the nation most weekends, as well as write books—including his latest, The Power of Hope, which released Tuesday.
He told students and staff Wednesday that the demand on his time did not allow him to give himself fully to leading the school in a way he’d like, adding that this was “a difficult decision.”

Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets Resigns From Christ for the Nations, Cites Limited Window for Change in US

“The No. 1 passion of my life is seeing America experience a third great awakening. This has been my primary calling from God for over 20 years,” he said to CFNI staff today. “When I accepted this assignment at CFNI, I knew that calling to America would not change—that I would have to add this responsibility to what I was already doing.”
Sheets said upon arriving at CFNI he was also aware his assignment might not be long-term—though he hoped it would be longer—and called his work with students “one of the greatest joys.” He believes, however, that the Lord has given him a new assignment for America leading up to national elections in two years.
“I believe there is a two- to three-year window for us as a nation to see certain things change,” he said. “I feel a great responsibility and stirring in my spirit to be a part of leading in this. It has to do with prayer and, of course, the revival that I know is coming.”
CFNI President Dennis Lindsay publicly thanked Sheets for his leadership and joined staff in praying a blessing over him during a service this morning. He also wrote a letter to Sheets, which he shared with Charisma News.
“It is obvious to me that God has put in your heart a plan to touch America’s spiritual spine,” Lindsay wrote. “Though we would love for you to accomplish this divine plan as executive director of the CFN Insititute, I am convinced that the structure of this ministry could impede the vision God has placed in your heart, as well as the burden upon you to be an agent of change over the next two years.”
Sheets and his wife, Ceci, graduated from CFNI in the late 1970s, and Sheets taught at the Gordon Lindsay-founded school throughout the ’80s. A former pastor, Sheets is best known for his book Intercessory Prayer, which has sold nearly 1 million copies worldwide.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

6 Really Bad Charismatic Doctrines We Should Retire - J. LEE GRADY

Money in hand

6 Really Bad Charismatic Doctrines 

We Should Retire

I will never apologize for being a charismatic Christian. I had a dramatic experience with the Holy Spirit many years ago, and nobody can talk me out of it. I love the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence in my life and His supernatural gifts. I love to prophesy, speak in tongues, pray for the sick and see people changed by the Spirit’s power.
At the same time, I’m aware that since the charismatic movement began in the 1960s, people have misused the gifts of the Spirit and twisted God’s Word to promote strange doctrines or practices. Seeing these errors never caused me to question the authenticity of what the Holy Spirit had done in my life. But I knew I had to stay true to God’s Word and reject any false teachings I encountered.
My simple rule is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22: “But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil” (NASB). In other words: Eat the meat and spit out the bones.
As I have traveled throughout the body of Christ in recent years, I’ve experienced the good, the bad and the ugly. I love God’s people, and I know there is a healthy remnant of Spirit-filled churches that are striving to stay grounded in biblical truth. But I also know we have reached a crossroads. We must clean up our act. We must jettison any weird doctrines we might have believed or practiced that are hindering our growth today.
Here are a few of the worst errors that have circulated in our movement in the past season. You may have others that need to be added to this list. I believe we are grieving the Holy Spirit if we continue to practice these things:
1. "Touch not My anointed." Chances are you’ve heard this weird doctrine based on 1 Chronicles 16:22. In an attempt to discourage any form of disagreement in the church, insecure leaders tell their members that if they ever question church authority, they are “touching the Lord’s anointed” and in danger of God’s judgment. Let’s call this what it is: spiritual manipulation. It creates worse problems by ruling out healthy discussion and mutual respect. Church members end up being abused or controlled—or even blacklisted because they dare to ask a question.
2. Dual covenant. We charismatics love and respect Israel. Some of us even incorporate Jewish practices in our worship—such as wearing prayer shawls, blowing shofars or celebrating Hebraic feasts. These things can enrich our Christian experience—but some leaders go too far when they begin to teach that Jews don’t need to believe in Jesus Christ to experience salvation. They imply that Jews have special access into heaven simply because of their ethnic heritage. This is a flagrant contradiction of everything the New Testament teaches.
3. Inaccessible leadership. In the 1980s, some charismatic ministries began to teach pastors and traveling ministers that in order to “protect the anointing,” they must stay aloof from people. Ministers were warned to never make friends in their congregations. Preachers began the strange practice of skipping worship on Sunday mornings—and then appearing on the stage only when it was time for the sermon in order to make a dramatic entrance. Shame on these people for attempting to justify arrogance. Jesus loved people, and He made Himself available to them. So should we.
4. Armor-bearers. The same guys who developed item No. 3 started this strange fad. Preachers began the practice of surrounding themselves with an entourage: one person to carry the briefcase, another person to carry the Bible, another to carry the handkerchief. Some preachers hired bodyguards … and even food-tasters! The armor-bearers were promised special blessings if they served preachers who acted like slave-owners. Reminder: True leaders are servants, not egomaniacs.
5. The hundredfold return. Before his death in 2003, Kenneth Hagin Sr., the father of the faith movement, rebuked his own followers for taking prosperity teaching to a silly extreme. In his book The Midas Touch, he begged preachers to stop misusing Mark 10:28-30 to suggest that God promises a hundredfold return on every offering we give. Hagin wrote, “If the hundredfold return worked literally and mathematically for everyone who gave in an offering, we would have Christians walking around with not billions or trillions of dollars, but quadrillions of dollars!” Hagin taught that the hundredfold blessing refers to the rewards that come to those who leave all they have to serve God in ministry.
6. Money cometh. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for giving money publicly to be seen by others. Yet in the 1990s, some charismatics got the wild idea that God would release a magical blessing if we would drop wads of dollar bills at the preacher’s feet while he was in the middle of his sermon. Leroy Thompson of Louisiana popularized this flamboyant practice with his infamous 1996 sermon, in which he encouraged people to shout in King James English, “Money! Cometh to me now!” Then the people would run to the front of the auditorium to pour cash into his coffers. The money came, for sure, and more cash-hungry preachers jumped on the bandwagon. Taking an offering became a form of exhibitionism, and Christians began viewing their offerings like lottery scratch-offs.
God requires holiness not just in our behavior but also in our doctrine. Let’s discard these and any other foolish teachings that have brought confusion and dishonor to the body of Christ.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at@leegrady. He is the author of The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and other books.
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Love For His People Editor's Note: I totally agree with Lee on these six points. Having worked with three ministries over a total of 24 years, from 1987-2010, before starting Love For His People in July of 2010, I had seen, experienced, and sometimes clutched my teeth while observing these abuses myself. I am sorry for any part I had in them. (The "not touch my anointed", "body guard" and "armor-bearer" were three I particularly knew about.)

May the good Lord deliver us from that which does not bring Him glory, while at the same time bringing shame on us among the people.

Steve Martin

Ukrainian Jews Flee Violence, Fulfill Prophecy

Ukrainian Jews Flee Violence, Fulfill Prophecy

Julie Stahl and Chris Mitchell, CBN News  May 7, 2014

JERUSALEM, Israel -- The disintegrating situation in Ukraine has led to an increase in anti-Semitic attacks against Jews living in the country. Many Jews are talking about escaping to Israel.

Nineteen Ukrainian Jews arrived in Israel this week after escaping the violence engulfing their country. Others still wait and worry about relatives left behind.

Ilena Hila Feingold, who has lived in Israel for many years, works for The Jewish Agency.

"I'm from Donetsk. I arrived to Israel in 1991 with my family but still now I have in Donetsk my aunt," Feingold told CBN News. "She's 86 and I'm very worried -- what about her, I don't hear about her. I'm only praying that it will be okay."

Feingold's job is to help other Jewish people come home to Israel.

"For the Jewish people it's different and it's different in all cities -- in the Western part of Ukraine, it's not the same to the eastern part -- but the one thing is common that we feel that the Jews want to go to Israel more, [many] of them," Feingold said.

In the early 1990s, more than a million Jews immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union, many of them from the Ukraine. That tapered off, but now immigration from the Ukraine has risen more than 100 percent in the first months of 2014.

Ilena and Daria, friends in their early twenties, arrived on this week's flight.

"It's a difficult situation in my country. I'm from Ukraine; that's why I'm here and I love Israel," Daria said. "I've been here many times. I have relatives here. That's my country."

Ilena came earlier on a study program and now she's back to stay.

"Oh it's a hard situation. Everyday people are dying there," Ilena said. "I don't know if it's safe for now to be there for Jews."

The flight that arrived in Israel this week was sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, which began helping Jews immigrate to Israel more than 25 years ago.

"The Embassy has already helped more than 40,000 Ukrainian Jews; sometimes it was in times of conflict like this," ICEJ spokesman David Parsons said. "This seems to be another occasion where Jews are in danger in the Ukraine. There have been an increase in anti-Semitic attacks and they're wanting to come home."

Parsons sees this return as a part of biblical prophecy.

"We do believe that the return of the Jewish people is fulfillment of God's promises to bring the Jews back," Parsons told CBN News.

"Some Christians sort of focus on the dark side of prophecy -- Who's the anti-Christ? When is Armageddon going to happen? -- but we focus on the positive side, the return of the Jews," Parsons said.

"Even in the Hebrew prophets it speaks of gentiles assisting with this," he continued. "And we see ourselves in Scripture as those gentiles that God has beckoned to, as it says in Isaiah 49, come help with the return of the Jews back to the land."