Friday, May 16, 2014

Colorado Mountains - photos by Steve Martin (except when in photo!)

I love sharing the glorious creation of the Almighty God of Israel. Beautiful Lord!

These photos, from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado near Georgetown and Breckenridge, were taken on May 16, 2014. Laurie and I were with our good friends Morris and Carol Ruddick of Denver, CO.

Be blessed as you view some of His glorious work on this planet. 

You are an Awesome God Lord Yeshua (Jesus), Creator of All!

Steve Martin
Lover For His People

P.S. The ones with myself in the photo were taken by Morris Ruddick. We both love our Canon cameras!

Steve with Laurie and Carol Ruddick

Steve & Laurie Martin

Jewish Immigrant Demands Loan to Build Third Temple

Jewish Immigrant Demands Loan to Build Third Temple

Friday, May 16, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
A Jewish immigrant from Ethiopia is looking to sue Israel’s major banks for refusing to facilitate his efforts to raise money for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.
The man complains that Israel’s four largest banks have not allowed him to open accounts for taking in donations toward this goal, nor have they approved any of his loan requests.
He is seeking $35 million in damages, though the lawsuit is unlikely to get off the ground, as Israel’s legal system mandates a court fee equalling 2.5 percent of any large claims in order to deter frivolous lawsuits.
In his appeal to the court, the man recalled his arrival in the Land in 1991:
“We had tears in our eyes and we kissed the land when we arrived. But we later learned that the Temple was not yet built. Now God has revealed Himself to me and placed upon me the responsibility to rebuild the Temple. I have been collecting donations for this purpose, but I have been facing opposition to this plan from authorities.”
While the court rejected the appeal to waive the 2.5 percent court fee, the judge was surprisingly sympathetic toward the end goal, writing, “At this point, we will have to be satisfied with the rebuilding of the Land of Israel, if not the Temple.”
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Mountain Top View - Onward & Upward - new book by Steve Martin

Published May 20, 2014
Available in 
Paperback $5.65 
Kindle $1.99

Our lives can be challenging as we face mountains ahead, but we can be overcomers as we keep our eyes fixed on Him, and make the climb with Him as our side, and His Holy Spirit as our Guide.

As you read these inspired and encouraging chapters, I trust they will bring more hope, faith and love into your spirit and soul. Experiences shared by those who have walked ahead enable others to choose more wisely and confidently in their walk. I hope these words do so for you.

These messages that I share with you in this book were originally written for my blog as NOW THINK ON THIS. You can read those on a weekly basis. Please see the info and contact pages at the back of the book. I like mountains. I like these awesome creations of the Lord around the world. Standing in front of them can overwhelm your heart with gratitude and goodness, dwelling on His majestic power and sheer love that He daily has for us.
Shalom and ahava,            

Steve Martin
Charlotte, NC