Monday, June 2, 2014

Lonnie Rex Passes the Baton to Peter Wyns at Antioch & Christians for Messiah Ministries Heritage USA BARN property

Lonnie Rex from Houston, TX
(formerly with Oral Roberts and T.L. Osborn in Tulsa, OK)

Antioch Intl. Church & Christians for Messiah Ministries 
- Grand Opening 06.01.14 (9 of 10 videos)

Lonnie Rex  
passes the baton 
onto Peter Wyns.
 What a moving time!

Lonnie Rex, former team member with Oral Roberts, and author of the book My Amazing Adventures with God, was at the Sunday morning gathering of Antioch International Church & Christians for Messiah Ministries to "pass the baton" onto Dr. Peter Wyns. Lonnie assisted Jim Bakker back in the 1970's and 1980's in building what became known as "The Barn" on the Heritage USA/PTL Club property in Fort Mill, SC.

Years later the building fell into great disrepair. Even the roof had caved in due to storms and lack of care and use. 

In March 2014, as a board member of Christian for Messiah Ministries, I also gave my "YES!" vote when the agreement to purchase the property, along with the Studio, former school class rooms and 16 acres, was presented to the board. Antioch church members then moved into the buildings through the months of April and May, thus having their grand opening the weekend of May 31-June 2, 2014.

We are excited for this great move of the Lord, is seeing this restoration and dedication, and the many "widows' mites" sacrificial gifts redeemed. Others, like ourselves as former Lifetime Partners, are so grateful to the Lord in seeing this property once again being used to advance the Kingdom and take the Gospel to the nations.

Thank you Lord!

Shalom and ahava,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

(Video and photos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.)

Dr. Peter Wyns, grandson of Derek Prince

Lonnie Rex releases new book, My Amazing Adventures with God, a keepsake for sure

Many people dream of being used of God to touch people around the world. This life was not a dream for Lonnie Rex; it was reality.

He was the most connected Christian in the world in the second half of the 20th century. He connected with world leaders and the most influential religious individuals on the planet. Among the people in Lonnie's realm were Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Mikhail Gorbachev, President George H.W. Bush, President Ronald Reagan, John Osteen, President Vladimir V. Putin, and Mohammed Ali. This is only a small portion of the total list of people Lonnie has known and worked with around the world.

Lonnie was arrested in Ghana for attempting to overthrow the government when in truth he was bringing a moped to a leper colony. He played James Bond traveling up and down the Nile River and throughout Europe while bringing two C-47 planes full of food for the nation of Armenia. He traveled to North Korea at their invitation, three times! He became friends with the Cardinal of Warsaw who became Pope John Paul II while delivering milk to the children of Poland. Vladimir Putin was his personal KGB agent when he traveled to the Soviet Union at the end of the cold war. He visited refugee camps of Ethiopian Coptic Christians where babies were born too weak to cry. He promised them he would tell their story to the world. He kept his promise. He received the highest honors South Korea could bestow on a non-Korean. He was knighted by the Russian Orthodox Church.

This amazing story must be read to be believed. Lonnie L. Rex has led a life that is unbelievable until you know his stories.

"I don't ask God for money. I only ask God for ideas. But God always funds his ideas." Lonnie R. Rex
[Editor's Comment"From Polio and Paralysis to Walking with the Pope" describes Lonnie Rex, my friend of almost 60 years. Lonnie's new book, My Amazing Adventures with God, will capture your heart, stimulate your imagination, and bolster your faith.
Lonnie Rex chose early on in life to identify with the poor by working on behalf of the weak and those who were disenfranchised. Because of the love of God he had experienced in the midst of his own personal adversity, he wanted to share that love and hope with those Jesus came to save and make whole. The story of the lad who gave his lunch of five loaves of bread and two small fish to Jesus to feed 5,000 men became his motivating theme for his mission and work in life. He demonstrated and modeled the most quoted words of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when He said,"It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35, KJV).
How honored I was when Lonnie asked me to write the foreword to his book. This writing assignment was a first for me. To be named in his book with a list of well-known world leaders surpasses all expectations.
Lonnie Rex is the product of a boy growing up in the home of a Pentecostal Holiness pastor and executive church leader who has made a difference in our world that is unparalleled in modern church history. 
I want to encourage you to purchase a copy of Lonnie Rex's book,My Amazing Adventures with God. After reading it, you may want to consider purchasing more copies for your family and friends. It will be a centerpiece in your home, and one you will proudly display on your coffee table or prominent piece of furniture.]

Antioch Intl. Church & Christians for Messiah Ministries - Grand Opening Worship Time - "Because of Who You Are"

Jesse & Liz Enns leading worship
- "Because of Who You Are"

Antioch Intl. Church & Christians for Messiah Ministries - Grand Opening 06.01.14 (7 of 10)

Jesse & Liz Enns lead worship ' "I Worship You Because of Who You Are'

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Jesse & Liz Enns, Little Big Eagle (bass) and backup singers

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Jewish Festivals - Shavuot The Book of Ruth Recreated 100 Years Ago. This feature is one of our most popular posting.

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 31 May 2014
Photo portrait of "Ruth the Moabitess" (Library of Congress)
Ruth said, "Do not entreat me to leave you, to return from 

following you, for wherever you go, I will go...
Your people shall be my people, your God my God"
And Naomi and Ruth both went on until they arrived at Bethlehem

he Jewish holiday of Shavuot -Pentecost is celebrated this week.  The holiday has several traditional names: Shavuot, the festival of weeks, marking seven weeks after Passover; Chag HaKatzir, the festival of reaping grains; and Chag HaBikkurim, the festival of first fruits.  Shavuot, according to Jewish tradition, is the day the Children of Israel accepted the Torah at Mt. Sinai.  It is also believed to be the day of King David's birth and death.

Ruth came to a field that belonged to Boaz who was 

of the family of Naomi's deceased husband
The reading of the Book of Ruth is one tradition of the holiday.  Ruth, a Moabite and widow of a Jewish man (and a princess according to commentators), gave up her life in Moab to join her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi, in the Land of Israel.  She insisted on adopting Naomi's God, Torah and religion.

A central element of the story of Ruth is her going to the local fields where barley and wheat were being harvested so that she could collect charitable handouts.  She gleans in the fields of Boaz, a judge and a relative of Ruth's dead husband (as such he had a levirate obligation to marry the widow).  The union resulted in a child, Obed, the grandfather of King David. 

Boaz said to his servant, who stood over the reapers, 

"To whom doesthis maiden belong?"

Boaz said to Ruth, "Do not go to glean in 

another you shall stay with my maidens"

The members of the American Colony were religious Christians who established their community in the Holy Land.  They were steeped in the Bible and photographed countryside scenes that referred to biblical incidents and prohibitions.

Boaz said to her at mealtime, "Come here and partake

 of the bread..." He ordered his servants "Pretend to 
forget some of the bundles for her." 
Ruth carried it to the city and Naomi

saw what she had gleaned

We have matched the pictures with corresponding verses from the Book of Ruth.

We present a few of the dozens of "Ruth" photographs found in the Library of Congress' American Colony collection.   See more of the pictures here.

Ruth came to the threshing floor and Boaz said, "Ready 

the shawl you are wearing and hold it," and she held
it, and he measured out six measures of barley....
A major effort was made by the photographers to re-enact the story of Ruth, probably in the fields near Bethlehem.  "Ruth," we believe, was a young member of the American Colony community; the remaining "cast" were villagers from the Bethlehem area who were actually harvesting, threshing and winnowing their crops.

Unfortunately, we don't know when the "Ruth and Boaz series" was photographed, but we estimate approximately 100 years ago.

Click on the pictures to enlarge. 
 Click on the caption to view the original.  

Saturday, May 31, 2014

(Ret.) Gen. Jerry Boykin - HOW TO DESTROY AMERICA FROM WITHIN - video

(Ret.) Gen. Jerry Boykin, speaking at MorningStar Partners Weekend
May 31, 2014 Saturday am

(Ret.) Gen. Jerry Boykin gave a talk at the MorningStar Partners Weekend gathering at Heritage International Ministries/MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC. May 31, 2014 - Saturday morning. It was entitled:


The following photos of the PowerPoint presentation give you a good idea as to what he shared. Americans need to wake up. (photos by Steve Martin)

Steve Martin
Love For His People



(Ret.) Gen. Jerry Boykin gave a talk at the MorningStar Partners Weekend gathering at Heritage International Ministries/MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC. May 31, 2014 - Saturday morning. It was entitled:


The following photos of the PowerPoint presentation give you a good idea as to what he shared. Americans need to wake up. (photos by Steve Martin)

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Rick Joyner, Founder/President of MorningStar Ministries/Heritage Intl. Ministries


Lonnie Rex
- MorningStar Ministries
Fort Mill, SC
May 30, 2014
(photo by Steve Martin)

Lonnie Rex - I first heard him on Rick Joyner Prophetic Perspective daily program a few months ago. Incredible stories of his adventures with the Lord. Good meeting you and being with you this weekend. Looking forward to being together Sunday morning with Peter Wyns atAntioch International Church grand opening of the former Heritage USA Barn, Studio and school which they bought. Thanks Lonnie! — with Lonnie Rex andSteve Martin at Love For His People, Inc.

Lonnie with his wife on Main Street at the MorningStar Ministries Partners' Weekend gathering - May 30, 2014. (Photo by Steve Martin)

Lonnie Rex releases new book, My Amazing Adventures with God, a keepsake for sure

Many people dream of being used of God to touch people around the world. This life was not a dream for Lonnie Rex; it was reality.

He was the most connected Christian in the world in the second half of the 20th century. He connected with world leaders and the most influential religious individuals on the planet. Among the people in Lonnie's realm were Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Mikhail Gorbachev, President George H.W. Bush, President Ronald Reagan, John Osteen, President Vladimir V. Putin, and Mohammed Ali. This is only a small portion of the total list of people Lonnie has known and worked with around the world.

Lonnie was arrested in Ghana for attempting to overthrow the government when in truth he was bringing a moped to a leper colony. He played James Bond traveling up and down the Nile River and throughout Europe while bringing two C-47 planes full of food for the nation of Armenia. He traveled to North Korea at their invitation, three times! He became friends with the Cardinal of Warsaw who became Pope John Paul II while delivering milk to the children of Poland. Vladimir Putin was his personal KGB agent when he traveled to the Soviet Union at the end of the cold war. He visited refugee camps of Ethiopian Coptic Christians where babies were born too weak to cry. He promised them he would tell their story to the world. He kept his promise. He received the highest honors South Korea could bestow on a non-Korean. He was knighted by the Russian Orthodox Church.

This amazing story must be read to be believed. Lonnie L. Rex has led a life that is unbelievable until you know his stories.

"I don't ask God for money. I only ask God for ideas. But God always funds his ideas." Lonnie R. Rex
[Editor's Comment"From Polio and Paralysis to Walking with the Pope" describes Lonnie Rex, my friend of almost 60 years. Lonnie's new book, My Amazing Adventures with God, will capture your heart, stimulate your imagination, and bolster your faith.
Lonnie Rex chose early on in life to identify with the poor by working on behalf of the weak and those who were disenfranchised. Because of the love of God he had experienced in the midst of his own personal adversity, he wanted to share that love and hope with those Jesus came to save and make whole. The story of the lad who gave his lunch of five loaves of bread and two small fish to Jesus to feed 5,000 men became his motivating theme for his mission and work in life. He demonstrated and modeled the most quoted words of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when He said,"It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35, KJV).How honored I was when Lonnie asked me to write the foreword to his book. This writing assignment was a first for me. To be named in his book with a list of well-known world leaders surpasses all expectations.
Lonnie Rex is the product of a boy growing up in the home of a Pentecostal Holiness pastor and executive church leader who has made a difference in our world that is unparalleled in modern church history. 
I want to encourage you to purchase a copy of Lonnie Rex's book,My Amazing Adventures with God. After reading it, you may want to consider purchasing more copies for your family and friends. It will be a centerpiece in your home, and one you will proudly display on your coffee table or prominent piece of furniture.]

Watch here: 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Brazilian Christians: ‘Prophetic Destiny’ With Israel

Brazilian Ana Bessa leads worship in Jerusalem.

     Brazilian Ana Bessa leads worship in Jerusalem. (CBN News)

Brazilian Christians: ‘Prophetic Destiny’ With Israel

That very thing took place recently when a group of Brazilians came to the Tower of David in Jerusalem's Old City to worship.
From late afternoon and throughout the evening, Brazilians gathered to celebrate the God of Israel.
Ana Paula Bessa led the worship. In her home country, she's led concerts with as many as a million people attending. She believes Brazil has a special destiny with Israel.
"I believe the Brazilian nation is arising to pray for the peace of Jerusalem," Bessa told CBN News.
Her husband, Gustaf, said many of their countrymen are coming to Israel for that very purpose.
"Many Brazilians from all over Brazil, they are coming to Israel in order to pray—to pray for Israel and pray for Brazil in this place, in this nation," he said.
Today, the Holy Spirit is raising up prayer warriors.
"We have a big role in this because Brazil is in revival," Ana said. "And the Holy Spirit is raising up intercession on behalf of the end times."
She believes revival is changing her nation.
"Today we have almost 40 percent of the population declaring they are born again Christians, and the churches are full," she said. "The people are open to receive Jesus even on the streets."
Brazilians bring exuberance to their worship.
"The redemptive gift of Brazil, this joy, this celebration for Jesus—and that's why we bring it to Israel because it's our redemptive gift," Gustaf said.
"We believe we have a destiny, a prophetic destiny to bless and bring the Second Coming of the Lord," Ana said.
For the original article, visit