Thursday, July 24, 2014

Joshua Aaron - HOSHIANA (save, please) A Lament for the Nations | "The Lord is My Light" - 35 videos

Joshua Aaron in Jerusalem

Joshua Aaron - Hoshiana More song details (& lyrics) below. 

HOSHIANA is a song of intercession for Israel, the lost and unsaved. In this track, Joshua Aaron encourages the worshiper to intercede by calling out (in Hebrew) "Hoshiana" which means, "save please".

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I be afraid?

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I be afraid?

Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we will sing of Your salvation
Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we cry out for Your salvation

No other name by which we are saved but the Name of the Lord
Oh that the world will know Your Name...
That the nations will call on the Name of the Lord
The Name of Yeshua (Jesus)

Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we will sing of Your salvation
Hoshiana, hoshiana, hoshiana we cry out for Your salvation

copyright 2012 © songs | words and music by Joshua Aaron
*Featuring producer Tim James on keys, Jeremy Medkiff on bass, David Johnson on strings and award winning drummer Dan Needham (played with such artists as Chris Tomlin, Bebo Norman, Paul Wilbur, Mandisa, Chris Rice, Michael McDonald and Nick Lachey).
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Hebrew worship song - "How Great Is Our God" - Joshua Aaron at Succat Hallel

Joshua Aaron leads worship at Succat Hallel

Hebrew worship song - "Gadol Elohai - How Great Is Our God" - Joshua Aaron at Succat Hallel Nov 4, 2013 at their new 24/7 prayer room dedication in Jerusalem.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Joshua Aaron - Succat Hallel dedication "Bo Yeshua Bo" - "Come Jesus Come"

Joshua Aaron leads worship at Succat Hallel in Jerusalem

Joshua Aaron - Succat Hallel dedication "Bo Yeshua Bo" - "Come Jesus Come". Nov, 4m 2013 in Jerusalem.

Video filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Israeli MK Blasts Absurdity of American Flight Ban, as does US Sen. Ted Cruz

Israeli MK Blasts Absurdity of American Flight Ban

Thursday, July 24, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Late Tuesday, America’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) placed a ban on all flights to Israel after a rocket fired from Gaza landed about a mile from Ben Gurion Airport. The European Union quickly followed suit, and air traffic to the Jewish state took a sudden and devastating dive.
Israeli Member of Knesset Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) pointed out the absurdity of the flight ban in a post to her Facebook profile:
“The American government has halted flights from the US to Israel because a Palestinian rocket from Gaza landed [in a town near the airport]. This is a strange decision coming from someone that is asking us to surrender Judea and Samaria (a mere 3 miles from the airport) to the Palestinians. Mortars on the airport terminal, not a big deal.”
By Thursday morning Israel time, the FAA ban had been lifted just as suddenly as it was imposed. The circumstances surrounding that development were equally interesting, given that the FAA had just hours earlier decided to extend the flight ban for another 24 hours.
On Wednesday, as the ban on flights to Israel began to take its toll, a senior member of the US Senate asked some very pointed questions that ultimately seem to have alleviated the situation.
In an open letter to the White House, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) threatened to suspend all State Department nomination hearings until the following questions were answered:
  1. Was this decision a political decision driven by the White House? For instance, who was this decision made by – a career official, a political appointee, or someone else (at the FAA, State Department or White House?)
  2. If the FAA’s decision was based on airline safety, why was Israel singled out, when flights would be permitted into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen?
  3. What was the FAA’s ‘safety’ analysis that led to prohibiting flights to Israel, while still permitting flights to Ukraine—where a commercial airline flight was just shot down with a BUK missile?
  4. What specific communications occurred between the FAA and the White House? And the State Department? Why were any such communications necessary, if this was purely about airline safety?
  5. Was this a safety issue, or was it using a federal regulatory agency to punish Israel to try to force them to comply with Secretary Kerry’s demand that Israel stop their military effort to take out Hamas’s rocket capacity?
Cruz never received any direct answers, but, as noted, the FAA ban was lifted suddenly and without explanation.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Israeli Christians Call for Solidarity With Brothers in Iraq, Syria

Israeli Christians Call for Solidarity With Brothers in Iraq, Syria

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Israeli Christians groups are growing frustrated over the world’s disproportionate focus on the current Gaza war, while all but ignoring the brutal slaughter and forced conversion of fellow Christians in Iraq and Syria.
“We call on the local councils of all Christian communities to announce five days of mourning and to paint all doors with the (Arabic) letter ”nun“ in solidarity with our people in Mosul, Iraq, where Christians were expelled, slaughtered and churches were burned,” read a Facebook post by the Israeli Christian Lobby.
There are widespread reports that the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) has begun painting the letter “nun” on the doors of all Christians homes and businesses ahead of a deadline given to Christians in Iraq to either convert to Islam, or face the sword.
Nowhere has this unchecked persecution been worse than in Mosul, the ancient city of Nineveh, which is home to one of the world’s oldest Christian communities. In the face of the Islamist State’s threats, most chose to flee, but not before many paid for their faith with their lives.
“For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians,” Patriarch Louis Sako, Iraq’s most senior Christian leader, said earlier this week.
The Israeli Christian Lobby noted that while this was happening in Iraq and Syria, local Arab leaders who claim to represent both Muslims and Christians remained silent, but demonstrated their hypocrisy when they suddenly screamed with outrage over Israel responding to terrorist rocket fire from Gaza.
The Arab leadership, the lobby insisted, “has demonstrated that it does not truly represent the Israeli Christians or even the Druze, but rather the Islamic agenda of the Arab public. We call on all Christians to wake up!”
The Israeli Christian Lobby is organizing a rally to take place in Haifa next Sunday evening in solidarity with Christians under attack in Iraq, Syria and other parts of the Middle East.
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20,000 Attend Lone Soldier’s Funeral of Sean Carmeli

20,000 Attend Lone Soldier’s Funeral

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
Sean Carmeli, a Golani Brigade Fighter and a lone soldier from South Padre Island, Texas, was laid to rest Monday night as tens of thousands accompanied him on his final journey.
Sean’s two sisters live in Israel, and besides that he had very little family in Israel. It was initially feared he would not receive a respectable and proper funeral, as few in Israel knew him.
Realizing this, officials of the Maccabi Haifa soccer team, Sean’s favorite team, called on its fans to attend Carmeli’s funeral. In a heartfelt call to fans, the Maccabi Haifa soccer club urged its fans to “do a mitzvah (a good deed) and attend the funeral of fallen IDF soldier Nissim Sean Carmeli, so that his funeral will not be empty. Carmeli was a lone soldier, and we don’t want his funeral to be empty. Come to his funeral Monday night to pay respects to a man who died so that we could live. This is the least we can do for him and for our nation,” the message said.
The message was passed through Israeli social media and news outlets like a brush fire, and over 20,000 people heeded the call and attended the late night funeral in Haifa. The turnout was so overwhelming that many were stuck in traffic on the way, and some received medical treatment at the funeral as a result of the crowding.
No one knew him, but all felt they had to come and pay their last respects to a fallen soldier who died protecting them. “I don’t know him, and I am not a  Maccabi Haifa fan, but I received the message and decided I was going. We are coming to pay our last respects to someone who is a hero to us,” said one mourner.
Another mourner, who made the long drive from the south, said she came to say thank you. “He came here to protect us. He has no family, and so we are his family at this time.”
Carmeli, 21, a US citizen, was killed on Sunday in Gaza. He was part of a team of seven Israeli soldiers, who were all killed when an explosive device reportedly detonated on their armored vehicle. Carmeli had been given the opportunity to avoid service in Gaza because of a foot injury, but insisted on going anyway.


Evangelical Donations to Israel - What Christians Should Know - ISRAEL TODAY

Evangelical Donations to Israel - What Christians Should Know

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 |  Michael Decker  israe
What should Evangelical Christians know before donating to Israel-based ministries? How is it possible to make sure that these donations will be used for the purposes they were donated for? These important questions and others will be dealt with in the article below.
A breakdown of Evangelical donations to Israel
Evangelical Christians donate hundreds of millions of dollars towards Israeli causes each year. It is our desire at the Jerusalem Institute of Justice to protect these donors at the highest level possible so they can know that their donations are being used for the purposes to which they are designated.
Israelis of all walks of life appreciate Christian donations, a large portion of which is donated towards Jewish entities which advance various forms of humanitarian activity, and/or the general advancement of Zionism, and/or even towards the advancement of settlements in Judea and Samaria. 
A lesser portion of these donations go to Christian and/or Messianic ministries, some of which are involved in humanitarian activity, Zionism, and the building of Jewish Christian relations, others which are involved in Church/Congregation planting, and the advancement of the local Christian and/or Messianic movement in Israel, and a large portion is also donated toward the direct spreading of the gospel in Israel.
Other donations go to charities of the Christian Evangelical Arab community that exists in Israel, in order to build the Christian Arab community, and also in order to spread the gospel in Israel.
Ever since Israel has opened its gates to migrant foreign workers from various third world countries, and also as a result of a large amount of asylum seekers in Israel from various third world countries, many Churches of foreign workers/asylum seekers were established, and many times this was done in the name of a large Evangelical Christian ministry from Africa, Asia, etcetera, and many of these Churches registered local charities. These charities in Israel have received some donations from the mother entities, even though they are probably mainly funded by the local Christian Evangelical community of these migrant workers, and/or asylum seekers. 
The largest among all of the aforementioned charities in Israel are also established as 501c3s in the USA, and in other countries (according to the relevant legislation), but then are registered locally in Israel as well, for local operational purposes.
How to make sure your donation is meeting its purpose
It should be noted that the vast majority of Israeli charities and aid organizations, faith-based or not, are honest and transparent organizations. Israeli law is quite clear regarding management and reporting of funds by aid organizations.
However, some "charitable organizations" operate outside of the law either by incomplete disclosure of activity or by flat-out deception. Moreover, international donors are often unaware of Israeli regulations and therefore are unable to litmus-test aid organizations before making a donation. They are often too far away, moreover, to take legal action or any kind of other legitimate action, if they discover that they have been taken advantage of.
For example, in one case which I have represented, an "Israeli evangelist" solicited funds amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars from several specific donors in order to renovate a "ministry center." Fake photos of this "ministry center" were sent out to these specific donors, as evidence to the presumed need for urgent funding.
This "Israeli evangelist" mentioned to these donors that it is not possible for him to register an official charity, or even to receive these funds through an official bank wire to an actual bank account in Israel, since, according to him, evangelism in Israel is illegal, and he therefore cannot risk that these funds will be traced.
However, evangelism is not illegal in Israel. It is also perfectly legal to register an Israeli charity, even if the sole purpose of this charity is to propagate a certain religion, philosophy, worldview, etcetera.  Jews for Jesus, for example, is a registered official non-profit (Amutah) in Israel, and their registration can be viewed by the public on the website of the Registrar of Amutot.
Had the well-intentioned donors been aware of this, they could have avoided being robbed. 
I hope that the investigation of these cases will expose what really happened, and I am happy that the Israeli police forces, and the prosecution office of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel, are seriously investigating these matters.
The legal framework for the protection of donors
We do not want to discourage Christians from giving towards biblical causes, but believe that any potential donor from within the Evangelical community should take advantage of the legal framework which exists in Israel in order to protect donors.
Our purpose is that Christian donations be used for the purpose to which they were designated and that donors will be protected from scoundrels. Accordingly, I have provided below a review of the Israeli legal framework regarding donations.
There are essentially two types of charities in Israel: Amutot and "Companies for the Benefit of the Public."
Prior to 2007, a Company for the Benefit of the Public was not obligated to register with the Registrar of Public Endowments, and therefore many Companies for the Benefit of the Public operated without real legislative supervision.
Today, however, both Amutot and Companies for the Benefit of the Public are subject to legislative supervision, and those that meet basic requirements are issued a Proper Management Certificate, which serves as a validation that the organization in question is efficiently structured and run.
The requirement for a Proper Management Certificate was established in 1998 as a prerequisite for government funding, and since 2001 every Amuta which provides services to the government must hold a Proper Management Certificate. This can also help to protect donors, and many donors will only donate towards a charity which holds a Proper Management Certificate. 
Amutot that do not hold a Proper Management Certificate are usually in a primitive stage of funding and development, really are not functioning properly, or are simply oblivious in good faith to these very basic requirements. There is no reason for an Israeli Christian/Messianic charity not to possess a Proper Management Certificate.
For the sake of clarification, in this article I am focusing only on donations which are given directly to Israel, not via registered charities in the USA, or any other country in the world.
An encouragement to give
In light of the above article, I strongly encourage any potential Evangelical donor to consider requesting information regarding the ministries you are supporting. I encourage you to see to it that they are within the confines of biblical principles, as well as possessing a Proper Management Certificate, which would confirm legal registration.
I invite you as Evangelicals to continue supporting Israel. Your generosity is a tremendous blessing to the reputation of Evangelicals within Israel. Your generosity is both a provision and a statement of support, both in prayer and in finances.
I hope this article solidifies how to properly investigate where donations are going in order to guarantee that these donations are fulfilling their purposes, which will, in effect, hopefully increase the donations that are generated into Israel.
The information stipulated above is obviously generic, and should in no way replace official legal consultation.

About the author:
Michael Decker has a B.A. in law and is a licensed attorney in Israel. He is a partner in the law offices of Yehuda Raveh & Co., which represents more than 150 charities in Israel on a regular basis. Michael also serves as Senior Legal Advisor to the Jerusalem Institute of Justice.
For further inquiries regarding the issues mentioned in this article, please do not hesitate to contact Michael at:
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