Monday, August 25, 2014



Sometimes activities are so important in Body of Christ. We need to do things for God, if what we do is according to God's will. But sometimes activities are just a tradition which are not from God's heart. Sometimes activities takes so much time in a congregation, week after week, that the fellowship time with God and seeking His face comes in a second place. The enemy wants to keep Christians from having time with God.

If you have a friend it is good to spend time with that friend. Jesus wants us to do things for Him, but also desires that we spend time with Him. He wants us to be His friend that we talk to and spend time with. In Song of Solomon we can consider the relation of the bride to the bridegroom. Our relationship with Jesus is not just between a usual bride and bridegoom.

We see here that there is a deep relationship, where the bride and the bridegroom love each other. They do not just have shallow conversations. In Song of Solomon 6:2 we read, "I am my beloved`s and my beloved is mine." Here we see that close relationship.

In Song of Solomon 2:14 we understand that Jesus loves to have fellowship with us. I looked at a picture of a white dove one day and thought the bird was very beautiful and got inspired to paint a dove. It is written in this Scripture, "Oh, my dove, in the cleft of the rock. In the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely." Jesus does not want us to be just any face, but He is longing to see our face and hear our voice. He loves us so much; each and everyone personally. 

In Isaiah 62:5 is written about God's love for us, "As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you." It means a bridegroom who loves his bride from his heart. Sometimes men treat women bad and look down at them, but in Song of Solomon we see that the bridegroom treats a woman with respect and love and does not look down at her. God also made Eve from a bone close to Adam's heart. She would be close to his heart and show his love for her. He would not rule over her in a hard, wrong way, but was to have a heart of care, giving to her from his heart.

The woman at Jesus' feet had seen Jesus' attitude. He did not look down at her. He did not look at her with a hard attitude. He had a heart of love and compassion to her. There were people who looked down at her and saw her like trash. They thought their sin was less than hers and did not have love for her. This was the attitude the woman had met. But when she met Jesus, His attitude was different. He did not have a hard attitude condemning her. 

The woman at Jesus' feet had seen that Jesus loved her and dared to come to Him. She was touched by His great love for her and she cried at His feet. She cried, thinking of Jesus' great love. She was thinking that her sins were many but was touched by Jesus' forgiveness of her and His love for her. Jesus said that anybody who has been forgiven much will show more love. The man thought he had less sin. Jesus wanted to teach him to be humble. The man came with his own works. The woman did not come with her own works. She was just aware of Jesus' grace who had forgiven all her sins.

She was humble and her heart was deeply touched by Jesus' heart. It was not like "dry bones" in the law but  life in a heart which was deeply touched by Jesus. She felt His love so strong that she just went down crushed at His feet. Before Jesus she felt like nothing in her own strength but just to rely on Jesus' grace and love. She felt so accepted and loved by Jesus, she wanted to give Him anything precious from her heart. She gave him precious oil from her heart to show her love and was glad that He had forgiven  her sins.

The woman had a heart who was touched in tears by the love Jesus gave to her. We can read in Song of Songs about the bride's relation to the bridegoom. Here we see that her heart was touched. It was not a heavy burden, not in the law, but in freedom of love.

The bride expressed her love to the bridegoom in Song of Solomon 5:10, "My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousand." In the text you can see that the bride loves the bridegoom, from the words she expressed and her desire to have a close relationship. She loves the bridegoom and has met his love in their relationship.

Jesus our bridegoom loves us so much and loves when we have a close relationship in being His friend. Song of Solomons says, "My beloved is mine and I am his."

He loves us so deeply.

Eva Haglund

Hollywood Heavyweights Blame Hamas for Gaza Bloodshed

Hollywood Heavyweights Blame Hamas for Gaza Bloodshed

Sunday, August 24, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
A bevy of Hollywood’s leading figures over the weekend attested to the utter failure of the attempted cultural boycott of Israel when they signed a statement blaming Hamas for the current violence in and around the Gaza Strip.
Championed by the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Minnie Driver, Kelsey Grammer, Seth Rogen, and Sarah Silverman, the letter read:
“Hamas cannot be allowed to rain rockets on Israeli cities, nor can it be allowed to hold its own people hostage. Hospitals are for healing, not for hiding weapons. Schools are for learning, not for launching missiles. Children are our hope, not our human shields.”
It also blasted Palestinian groups that maintain“ideologies of hatred and genocide which are reflected in Hamas’ charter, Article 7 of which reads, ‘There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!’”
In that particular clause, the Hamas charter is actually quoting from the Hadith, an authoritative collection of Mohammed's post-Koranic teachings, deeds and sayings.
The statement was signed by no fewer than 187 actors, directors, writers, agents, executives and other Hollywood personalities. It was the initiative of the Creative Community for Peace.
David Lonner, a representative for the group, told Deadline Hollywood, “There’s been a lot of confusion in the media of what’s actually going in the Gaza Strip, but for those of who go to Israel, it’s not complicated at all. So, there’s been a feeling for a while now of how to get a message across and un-complicate matters, and we think this (statement) is a step in the right direction.”
Earlier in this summer’s Gaza war, a spattering of international celebrities issued personal statements that appeared to be backing the Palestinian side, only to quickly retract their words following harsh criticism. Married stars Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem put their signatures to a letter accusing Israel of genocide, but later admitted they were not well versed on the conflict.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

The Bob Jones Supernatural Clock Acceleration - Gary Beaton

Gary Beaton

Published on Aug 20, 2014
Gary Beaton, veteran television and film producer shares the amazing story of the accelerated clock in Bob Jones' hospital room during the last days of his life, and what it means for the Church.

Ken Malone: We Are in a Season of Giving Birth

Ken Malone:
The Elijah List

It's been held back for a long time, but a season of new life and abundance is upon us!

Ken MaloneAs I write this, my body is trembling under the power of Holy Spirit. I was at a meeting at The Altar in Port St. Joe, Florida, with David and Cindy Fernandez on Aug. 15, 2014 when I received a vision from the Lord.

I saw and heard the radical remnant of the Lord pregnant with the dreams and visions of the Lord. They were pregnant with the purposes of God in the Earth.

Many are pregnant with awakening revival for their nation, cities and families. Others are pregnant with a harvest of souls. Still others are pregnant with signs, wonders and miracles. Then there are those who are pregnant with His presence, intercession and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Beyond Full Term

Friends of GodThe radical remnant I saw and am seeing is
beyond full term. Something is keeping them from delivering God's purpose. The remnant is not able to deliver. Groaning and travail as with a woman in pain of childbirth is on the remnant. But no one can deliver. (Photo via pixabay)

The Accuser of the Brethren

Suddenly, I began to see why we could not deliver. The accuser of the brethren was standing there making accusation against the remnant. Dreams and visions from the Lord are being held hostage in the womb of the sons and daughters of the Lord by this accuser (see Revelation 12 and Zechariah 3).

The accusations were strong and demanding, going back many generations. Some of the dreams and visions have been within the womb of the remnant for decades. Some have been passed through the generations but have yet to be birthed. Many of the dreams and visions will deliver nations and bring awakening to generations, even generations yet to come.

Judgment Released Against the Accuser

I then heard the Lord say, "I am shutting the mouth of the destroyer, and I will establish a throne of righteousness and worship in the land." A release of joy came to my spirit as I heard the Lord release the vengeance of our God against the accuser of the brethren (see Isaiah 61:2).

A Season of Giving Birth

After this vision/word, I looked up the Hebrew month we are in. It was the 19th of Av. On the Hebraic calendar, Av is a month of GIVING BIRTH.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

War Over the Harvest

The accuser is warring over your harvest. But it is your season to travail to prevail. We must enter into the place of Isaiah 54:1-3: "Sing, O barren, You who have not borne! Break forth into singing, and cry aloud, You who have not labored with child! For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman," says the Lord.

"Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited."

Don't try to answer the accuser based on your merit or righteousness. Our answer is based on the righteous Blood of Jesus that was shed for remission of sin.

Strategy: Travail to Prevail

It's important that you enter into a time of worship in this season. I want to encourage:
• Churches, pastors – Take a Sunday to dedicate the entire service to worship. Encourage your congregation to press into worship for the harvest and for awakening in your city.

Friends of God• Prayer groups – Spend time entering into Harp & Bowl (Worship & Intercession – Revelation 5:8) and give birth to the purposes of God.

• Worship teams – Worship leaders, gather your team to enter into worship and exalt the Lord.(Photo via flickr)

• Houses of prayer – You are an important part of this. Enter into a place of worship over the harvest of souls in your region.

• Home groups – Press in through worship. We need your voice to reach into the heavens.

• Families – Restore the altar of worship in your home. This will unlock the dreams and visions you are pregnant with.

• Business leaders – Take time to worship the Lord in your office or with your employees. Unlock the hidden resources of heaven in your business.

Used by permission from Charisma Online Magazine.

Ken Malone, Founder of Forerunner School and Ministry, Inc 
Forerunner Ministries

Ken Malone is being used by God to mobilize the Body of Christ throughout Florida and the nation. After being a pastor for 24 years Ken has recently stepped down from a pastoral position. This has allowed God to launch Ken into his apostolic role within Florida and the nation. He is an ordained minister and serves as the founder of Forerunner School and Ministry, Inc and serves on the board of Dutch Sheets Ministries. He and his wife Cheryl travel across Florida and the nation equipping, empowering and sending out Believers into the harvest.

Traveling extensively throughout Florida and the nation, spiritual breakthrough in the heavens over churches, cities and regions is producing a great momentum toward an unprecedented Book of Acts revival. Ken walks in a governmental apostolic mantle that releases the Body of Christ into their destiny. He also ministers with a prophetic, seer anointing which enables him to identify activate and release redemptive gifts in individuals, churches and cities.

Ken and Cheryl have been married since 1973. They have four children, six grandchildren and have mentored many spiritual sons and daughters. They make their home in central Florida.

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ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Lincoln Brewster - Amazed, Everlasting God, God You Reign...(Playlist)

Lincoln Brewster

You dance over me
While I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound

Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
Lord, I'm amazed by You
And how You love me

You paint the morning sky
With miracles in mind
My hope will always stand
For You hold me in Your hand

How deep, how wide
How great is Your love for me

Images © Heartlight, Inc.


What is “real life”? Is it the pain, struggles and moments where hope is in short supply? Is it faith in a God we can’t see and hope for a future we don’t yet know?
For acclaimed worship leader Lincoln Brewster, “real life” has meant all of that and more. Born and raised in a small town in Alaska, Brewster’s childhood in a broken home was perhaps a little too “real.”
It was an environment darkened by his stepfather’s violent behavior and alcohol addiction. An environment from which Brewster and his mother sought solace in music.
“My mom loved music and played with local bands,” he says. “She was the one who inspired my love for singing and playing instruments.”
As Brewster bonded with his mom through music, he began mastering a variety of instruments —including a stunning prowess on the guitar. It was this incredible talent that caught the attention of mainstream labels, landed Brewster a “gig” playing with rocker Steve Perry (formerly of the band Journey) and earned him a mainstream record contract by age 19.
But God had other plans. After attending church with his high school sweetheart and now wife, Laura, Brewster yielded his life to Christ. Filled with a new passion and purpose, Brewster walked away from the promise of rock stardom to take a job at his local church. This new trajectory eventually led him to a recording partnership with praise and worship label Integrity Music.
Since that time, Brewster has performed and crafted songs that have helped shape the sound of today’s modern worship while also climbing Christian radio charts. These include global anthems such as “Today Is The Day,” “God You Reign,” “Everlasting God,” “Salvation Is Here” and “The Power of Your Name.”

The Way.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Chuck D. Pierce: A Key Prophecy! The Sound that Prevails! Hear the Sound of the Ancient of Days that Prevails Against the Gates of Hell!

August 21, 2014

Chuck D. Pierce: A Key Prophecy! The Sound that Prevails! Hear the Sound of the Ancient of Days that Prevails Against the Gates of Hell!

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzThere are Words that break forth that have such an urgent and profound quality that we MUST STOP and pay attention to it... even more than with most words. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE WORDS. STOP NOW and read this...

Here's just a portion of it through Chuck Pierce:

"But I will blow! I will blow forth with My breath. This will activate the sound that I have placed in lands like Africa, Asia, China, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, Mexico and Central America, and India.

"Panama will become a shofar in My mouth! The frozen religious power that holds Europe in its grip will begin to thaw! Russia and the surrounding nations, listen carefully: a distant wind is blowing! There is a sound arising in the Middle East. Jerusalem will sound My sound! Israel will assemble with this sound! This is the sound of the Ancient of Days. This sound will set courts of rule in place. This sound will rule on behalf of My righteous remnant. This is the sound of the strength of God to bring strength to the weary!"

There is so much more to this word that you must stop and read it now!

Be encouraged!

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 
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Chuck D. Pierce: A Key Prophecy! The Sound that Prevails! Hear the Sound of the Ancient of Days that Prevails Against the Gates of Hell!

Chuck D. PierceDear Friends, Warriors, and Kingdom Advancers:

There are certain times when a portal of Heaven opens and revelation flows. This Sunday was one of those times. I have captured this flow from Heaven on August 17, 2014, from 10:30 until 11:14 AM (CDT), at Global Spheres Center. You will want to interact and decree what the Kingdom of Heaven is saying to and over you!

Prophetic word from Chuck Pierce and Team:

"Give a shout! Invite the fiery angels to come in! It's time for a re-building to go on. My Tabernacle will be rebuilt! That which is stopping praise from coming forth will be torn down! The rebuilding of David's Tabernacle today will cause the praises of My people to explode! I will then inhabit those praises! Evaluate your ability to praise!

"Get ready; you are going to sing at the gates of Hell! The gates of the enemy will shake in every nation. The nations are in the valley of decision. Hell will have to back up. Come alive, and develop My sound today! 

The gates of Hell will not withstand the sound that's coming from Heaven. Every continent will feel the power of the movement of Heaven!I will be the sound of the four winds within you. The winds of Heaven are coming with a mighty force, to set the sound of the continents in order.

"The earth is producing a sound of confusion that the enemy is stirring. The people of the earth are listening to the sound of confusion and moving with this sound. But I will blow! I will blow forth with My breath. 

This will activate the sound that I have placed in lands like Africa, Asia, China, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, Mexico and Central America, and India.

"Panama will become a shofar in My mouth! The frozen religious power that holds Europe in its grip will begin to thaw! Russia and the surrounding nations, listen carefully: a distant wind is blowing! There is a sound arising in the Middle East. Jerusalem will sound My sound! Israel will assemble with this sound! This is the sound of the Ancient of Days. This sound will set courts of rule in place. This sound will rule on behalf of My righteous remnant. This is the sound of the strength of God to bring strength to the weary!

"This is the day of turning the battle at the gate. The court has been seated and judgment has been rendered in favor of the remnant. El Gibbor is standing at the gate, to strengthen those who turn the battle. For the refuge of lies will be swept away where the new cornerstone is going to be laid, and My Kingdom will prevail where those who had taken refuge in works of darkness are uncovered and exposed.

I Am Burning a Fiery Path Before You With the Wind of My Spirit!

"I am forming a fiery trail following you. The Ancient of Days will blow open a path and then blow a rear-guard behind! Your cries are becoming a thunder! Stir up the heavens! Decree that the fire of the enemy will be quenched! Cry for revelation to fall down from the skies!

"Ask for fullness! Ask for sustenance! Ask for multiplication! Cry for the lands to be revived! Decree dryness and desolation will break and healing will come! Ask to walk in the coolness of the day again! My desire is for the cool of the day to return! Decree motion in your atmosphere! Decree all stagnation is going! Everyone in the earth was knit with a sound! A sound! A sound! A sound!

"A tug of war is going on in the Heavens over many. The enemy is defining the rope. If you'll just look and say 'I'm not playing this game today,' all of a sudden the enemy will find himself lying on his back. Let go of the bait the enemy has given you!

There is a Sound that the Tribes of the Nations are Going to Begin Loose.

"There is a sound being released – the sound of thunder as in the days when Moses went to the mountain. I AM calling My people higher. I AM calling My people higher. This is an hour that My people ascend the mountain of the Lord. The tribes are assembling! The peoples will assemble, for there will be a sound of the Lord on the mountains that will begin to divide.

"Let the sound go up so the division can come down. Sound up! Cry up! Division down! Sound up! Sword down! Division down! You will see the nations shake! I'm going back deep in your bloodline and I'm going to call forth that which has never moved in you. There's a movement that I must have in the earth now, for the enemy is moving and amassing. There's a movement I have put in your blood that I will draw out!

"You've heard the raging of the nations, but now the time has come when you're going to hear the laughter of the Lord. Because He who sits on His throne hears the nations raging, and laughs!!!

"Don't miss your spoils from war by being distracted. There's always spoils and booty that comes from war! You are moving in a dimension of war that you've not known.

"Don't miss your spoils in the war as you move across the land! I have booty that you know not of. Keep your eyes keen and your ears sharp! Know that the sword of the Lord is coming! I have disguised My sword to surprise My enemies! Your feet will be the sound! You may not have to open your mouth, because your feet will loose light. Do not miss your spoils in the war.

"I will have a triumphant reserve that is beginning to come together! My people will stand up. As your sound goes up and comes down, it will be like a lightning strike, and it will begin to uncover everything that's been hidden; you will reach back to all the hidden treasures from your bloodline and you will pull them up!

"I have released My breath and I will dry up the seas of darkness. I will dry this in ways that will protect My people and expose the enemy when he comes in. I AM releasing My breath and pushing back that which would overtake you. I will cause you to walk in victory!

"The prophetic anointing will now be released in My people in a new way! When you hear what I am saying and march where I say march, this anointing will pierce the atmosphere on your behalf. There is a legion of fiery angels surrounding you and you will go with an authority that you have not gone with before. Fiery feet will walk on continents. Reach up and grab the atmosphere! I AM there! Your prophetic words will change the course of continents.

"Pull up the false tent pegs that the devil has tried to stick into your ground. There's a covering that's over each one of you that is preventing high praise from unlocking a two edged sword of Heaven. Both edges are needed now in the earth! False tent pegs that are creating a false boundary and covering that which has stopped your advancement must be removed! Comfortable stagnation must GO! Pull up the false tent pegs. Pull them up and advance!

"Where leviathan, the twisted communicator of pride and exaltation, has lied to you and said that you cannot hear and you cannot praise in this hour, I say that I AM chopping off his seven heads one by one and blinding his watching eye! You will walk on the back of leviathan and you will make shoes out of the serpent. You will war from a place of truth and understanding, wisdom and revelation in this hour! [The next seven months, there will be a war over communication and twisting powers, but My people will prevail, and the evil eye will be defeated!]
"Get to the end of that war you're in, for through the war you are in is how I will make you triumph as you begin.
"There is a marching in the earth that is not of Me! 

Unless My people rise up this hour and align with Me and allow their gifts to explode, they will not be able to stop the cadence of the enemy in this generation! 

Understand anti-Christ. Understand what he looks like and let your alignment come into place with Me this hour. Get moving with Me! Quit putting off the movement of My people this hour! If you don't make a shift now, you will be marched over in this nation within two years! Hear the word of the Lord!"

A New Song Breaks An Old CYCLE!

In the midst of war,
We cry holy is our Lord,
The giver of breath and builder of joy.

We cry, "Send Your holy breath on the earth today!"
The ancient ruins will be re-built this day;

We will enter a new day of praise;
The ancient ruins will be re-built today,
We will enter a new day of praise;
The ancient ruins will be re-built this day;

We will enter a new day of praise.
This is a holy shake down;
I'm shaking everything that can be shaken. 
This is a holy shake down;
Everything is shaking that can be shaken.

Bones are coming together,
Breath is blowing,
A new bride is arising!
I will grab the corners of the earth and
Shake out the wickedness from the darkness!

I will grab the edges of the earth and shake out the wickedness.
The enemy will trip and stumble and you will advance in his stead!
I will have a Temple of Praise
Rebuilt on every mountain of the earth;
Yes, I will have a Temple of Praise,
Rebuilt on every mountain of the earth.

Note from Chuck D. PierceIf there's an area in your life you can't praise in, a demon is blocking you! Decree right now that you will praise in the midst of the mess and rubble around you! Traditions are shaking! Demons of doctrines are shaking loose! The devil will take a demon of doctrine, will take one truth, and cause that truth {which is meant to be built into a full counsel of God} to build a box around you. Knock down that structure of the narrow letter that kills and decree that boxes of religion, like cardboard, will not prevent a new living structure to form around you.

Declare that any one-dimensional truth will reform and new revelation will adhere and bond to build new faith in you. We decree right now that the power, manifold wisdom and counsel of God is invading the earth this week!
I want to suggest that you stop and take communion. The Lord uses this prophetic act to cause us to remember Him. Lord, we remember You. We remember how You endured religious forces! We honor you for enduring political forces. You showed us how to endure the unbelief in our territories, because you endured the unbelief of Nazareth!

You endured the desert! You endured the devil in the wilderness. You knew how to move better in timing than the enemy, to cause him to move away until a better, more opportune time. We remember Your body and Your Blood and we ask You to make it active within us! That's what makes us win. We war not with the weapons of this world!

May the Spirit of God rest on you and His fire stir in you! Remember that you can send satan into his own fire. Quit allowing the enemy to burn up and create a desert around you. He'll take everything you've got, including your last breath. Decree right now you have been called to abundance! The enemy comes to kill, to steal and to destroy, but God's Son and by His Spirit creates an abundance of life within us. Father, let us see the fiery path in front of us and let us feel the fire of glory behind us, in Jesus' name.

Lord, I take the Apostolic Authority You've given me and I decree a bloodline around each of you. I decree the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ is being set in place over us and is determining our boundaries for the future. I decree that that no demonic host can illegally invade that bloodline. I decree that the enemy is going to be seen and exposed in his workings! 

I declare that through the blood of the Lamb we will see the enemy's strategies.

I decree right now that a new energy and a new spirit of revelation is falling on each of us so we know how to define the gates of Hell, a gate that is in our bloodline, a gate that has tried to come into our cities, a gate at every nation. We decree now that the gates of Hell will not prevail but they will shake and fall, and Your people will rise up this hour in a new way, in Jesus' Name. 

A new discernment and a new anointing, the anointing breaks the yoke, is coming upon your people! Now say out loud, 'The gates of Hell will not prevail against you!' Rise up in your gifting and align in your membership, stay connected into Heaven and triumph this week in Jesus' Name!

Prophecy, Words & Decree From: Chuck Pierce, John Dickson, Allen Faubion, Linda Heidler, James Vincent, Acijam Otxoa, Brian Kooiman, Anne Tate, Diane Rousell, Tobias Lyons, Melinda Richardson, Michelle Hadley, LeAnn Squier and Raymond Banks.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries