Monday, October 6, 2014

Let's Talk About Sweden - ISRAEL TODAY

Let's Talk About Sweden

Monday, October 06, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
On the eve of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the most sacred day of the Jewish calendar, Sweden's new prime minister, Stefan Loefven, announced in his inauguration speech that Sweden will be the first major European country to recognize the 'State of Palestine.'
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman responded by saying that Loefven had failed to study the issue in-depth and to understand that the obstacle to peace over the last 20 years has been the Palestinian Authority, not Israel. Lieberman demonstrated his displeasure by summoning the Swedish ambassador, a severe diplomatic measure.
It is not surprising that Sweden, which has become the pinnacle of European ignobility, is at the forefront of European anti-Israel policy masquerading as a pursuit for peace.
Ignobility and anti-Israel policy, it would seem, are an inseparable pair. There are several examples of how grotesque Sweden has become in its attempt to implement a liberal worldview that has spiraled out of control.
Rape in Sweden has increased exponentially over the past two decades. Today, Sweden is second only to Lesotho in number of rapes per capita, with 63 reported rapes per 100,000 inhabitants. Efforts to confront the issue have been bizarre, so say the least. While 77 percent of all rapes in Sweden have been attributed to Muslim immigrants, Green Party MP Magda Rasmusson reached the conclusion that since "men account for the largest proportion of crimes and sexual would be more appropriate to discuss the expulsion of [all] men, rather than immigrants."
Just to be clear, according to this Swedish feminist, the problem of rape in her country can be solved by banishing all men.
Though most Swedes are aware of the problem of Islamization in their own country, they are still convinced that multiculturalism has produced a better society than the old, homogeneous Swedish one. Maybe it is for this reason that the archbishop of Sweden, Antje Jackelén, has chosen as her motto the phrase "God is Greater," which sounds suspiciously like "Allahu akbar," and is probably meant to placate both Muslims and Christians.
Jackelén and Loefven have apparently chosen to put their faith in multiculturalism, which in the current Swedish context means integration with Islam. It is this new Western idealism that is pushing Sweden to take legal measures typically reserved for undemocratic autocracies. In its grand effort to force multiculturalism, Swedish authorities make wide use of buzz words like "racism" as a means to coerce the populace into an Orwellian corral.
This was perhaps the first year in which a Swedish artist, Dan Parker, was jailed for attempting to exercise that most liberal of values: freedom of speech. Parker was sentenced to six months in jail for defamation and inciting hatred against an ethnic group, and eight of his paintings were confiscated by the authorities. His incarceration is seen by many as proof for the gradual loss of freedom in Sweden.
In contrast, in 2004 the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm had no problem hosting the "Snow White and The Madness of Truth" exhibit by Swedish-Israeli artist Dror Feilers. The exhibit consisted of a pool of blood upon which floated a small white boat carrying a portrait of Hanadi Jaradat, a female Palestinian suicide bomber. Despite the protest of the Israeli ambassador, who was outraged by what he perceived as an attempt to portray a suicide bomber as Snow White, nobody thought to remove the exhibition of a known vehemently anti-Israeli artist.
What do these examples have to do with Sweden's willingness to become the first major European country to recognize the 'State of Palestine'?
These examples demonstrate that Sweden has capitulated to the spirit of political correctness that breeds unmitigated support for the Palestinian cause. Indeed, if the archbishop of Sweden has accepted Islam in one way or another, why should the prime minister lag behind?
Sweden as Europe's multicultural spearhead is running a well-chartered course that is bound to end with it becoming a Muslim state that will hate Israel with the same ferocity exhibited today by Muslims who openly vow to annihilate the Jewish state.
In this light, Prime Minister Stefan Loefven’s announcement, and on the eve of the Day of Atonement of all days, is yet another signal that Sweden has become commitmed to values that are ultimately opposed to Israel's determined efforts to remain a Jewish state.
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Friday, October 3, 2014

Franklin Graham: Interceding for President Obama Is Not an Option

Franklin Graham: Interceding for President Obama Is Not an Option

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham says interceding for those in authority is not an option but a biblical command we are to obey. (BGEA)
The president recently asked for prayer as he faces the complex and dangerous challenges of leading our country in such tumultuous times.
His request was a pointed reminder to me that I should be praying for our president and our leaders every day—not to get something from them—but simply in obedience to the Scriptures. I personally haven't prayed the way I should, and I'm sure that's the case for some of you as well.
We know from Scripture that God can turn the hearts of kings (Prov. 21:1). That means that we should be praying for God's will to be done and for our leaders to seek God and listen to Him. We should pray that they would be surrounded by godly counsel and, most important, that our leadership would personally know God and the salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Think about all of the issues before our president and the leaders of our nation at this moment. Ebola is not only a huge problem for Western Africa, but it could be a major problem for this country. Our broken borders are a major challenge. In addition to all of the other concerns, they can provide terrorists easy access.
ISIS is brutally murdering Christians in Syria and Iraq, and other jihadists are killing Christians in Iran and other parts of the Muslim world. Believers are being threatened, villages are being burned, and churches pulled down.
Ukraine is in peril as Russia seems to want to rebuild its former Soviet empire there. China is spending huge amounts on its military and beginning to flex its muscles in the Pacific, threatening its neighbors including Vietnam and the Philippines. North Korea has nuclear weapons, Iran may be on the verge, and the threat of terrorists gaining access to nuclear bombs is very real.
Should we not be diligently praying that God would give our president, Congress and military leaders wisdom? Our senators and governors and council members need our prayers—even if they are not the candidates we voted for.
Interceding for those in authority is not an option. It is a biblical command that we are to obey. "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tim. 2:1-2, KJV).
Understand that the Apostle Paul is writing this instruction to his protégé, Timothy, at a time when the vile emperor Nero was at the helm of the vast Roman Empire. Christians were viciously persecuted, clothed in wild animal skins and put in the arena before hungry lions, even covered red in pitch and used as human lanterns to light the streets of Rome.
Nevertheless, the aged apostle, who would soon be martyred during Nero's reign of terror, instructs Timothy to make prayer for the rulers of his day—including the deranged Nero—a personal priority.
There should be a sense of urgency in our prayer life, an understanding that we "do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12). The prince of darkness is grimly and powerfully at work in world affairs, and prayer is a great battlefield—especially as we pray for those in leadership.
When Scripture says that the "king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water" (Prov. 21:1), it means that a Sovereign God can turn the heart of a king at any time and in any way. If there are policies and platforms that don't conform to biblical ethics, the intercession of Christians can be used in a powerful, transforming way.
Neither kings, nor presidents, nor mayors, nor members of Congress are the ultimate authority—God is. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, 'Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.' He who sits in the heavens shall laugh ..." (Ps. 2:2-4).
As Charles Spurgeon said, "prayer is the slender nerve that moves the omnipotent muscle of God." The Bible commands us to pray for authorities, because all authority has been established by Him to accomplish His purposes.
When the prophet Jeremiah wrote to the Jewish exiles who lived in Babylonian captivity, he encouraged them not to protest or rebel against their captors, but to pray for them: "Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace" (Jer. 29:7). Even in the midst of an evil and wicked land, Jeremiah focused the Hebrew captives to pray for God's blessing.
Perhaps this is at least part of what the apostle meant when he said that praying for our leaders can result in an atmosphere that is conducive to the spreading of the gospel, leading to a "quiet and peaceable life" (1 Tim. 2:2, KJV). The more hostile the culture is to Christians and Christianity—and that is certainly the case in our nation today—the more difficult it is to preach and teach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord may use our prayers for those in authority to somehow delay or even stop legislation or initiatives that hinder the advance of the gospel. We have experienced serious moral degradation in America, but there are still many opportunities for the proclamation of the gospel. The day may soon come when that freedom no longer exists, thus all the more reason to pray for God's mercy to turn the hearts of our leaders now.
It is also very clear that the ultimate reason the Bible instructs us to intercede on behalf of our leaders is so that they might come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. "This [our intercession] is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:3-4).
God's desire is that as many people as possible be saved before He returns. He commands "all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 17:30), so that they might escape the eternal wrath of God at the judgment.
Praying for those in authority means that we are constantly asking that the Lord will open their hearts to the truth of the gospel message and receive Christ as their Savior. Born-again leaders have the indwelling Person of the Holy Spirit to guide them as they seek to govern.
I can't help but ask myself if all Christians had fulfilled this admonition and been faithful to pray for our leaders, would our nation—even our world—be different today? Can our diligent, heartfelt prayers make a difference for the future? Most certainly.
Prayer is the Christian's greatest weapon in a world that seems to be coming apart around us. 
Franklin Graham, son of iconic evangelist Billy Graham, is the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse.
©2014 BGEA. Click here for the original article.

GOD TV Co-Founder Rory Alec Resigns

Citing Moral Failure, GOD TV Co-Founder Rory Alec Resigns

Rory and Wendy Alec
Rory and Wendy Alec in the studio in 2010. (Facebook)
Another leader in the body of Christ has admitted to a "moral failure" concerning his marriage. Rory Alec has resigned as chairman and CEO of the network he co-founded with his wife, Wendy.
"After 20 years of service, I have had a moral failure this year," Rory said. "For this reason, I am stepping down. Please forgive me for the disappointment I've caused, but I know your eyes are on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith and not on me, an imperfect man. It is with a heavy heart that I confirm my season with GOD TV is over for now."
Wendy, co-founder and director of television at GOD TV, will lead the network with the support of its senior management team and the company's board. GOD TV will continue its international operations and its work in Plymouth, England, in the U.K., including completing the Revival Prayer Centre on Union Street and the new staff building at the Burrington Industrial Estate.
"I will take responsibility on the first night of Revival Alert to share with transparency and authenticity regarding the situation to all our viewers and partners," Wendy said. She will address the issue further on Wednesday from GOD TV's Jerusalem studio.
Charisma News has learned that Benny Hinn will be in the studio with Wendy on Wednesday, and other leaders from the body of Christ are actively ministering to the couple hoping to bring restoration. Please pray for the Alecs, GOD TV and their staff.

From GOD-TV website: GOD TV Statement

GOD TV Co-founder Rory Alec steps aside

GOD TV Co-founder Rory Alec has today announced he is leaving the Network, standing aside as Chairman and CEO with immediate effect. This follows what he terms ‘a moral failure’ concerning his marriage. 

GOD TV Co-founder and Director of Television, Wendy Alec will continue to lead the Network along with its senior management team and the support of the GOD TV Board.

GOD TV has confirmed the organisation will continue its international operations as well as the work it is doing in Plymouth, UK. This includes the completion of its Revival Prayer Centre on Union Street and new staff building at Burrington Industrial Estate.

Mrs Alec told GOD TV staff in Plymouth that she will address the issue further on 8 October while in GOD TV’s Jerusalem studio to host a series of live Revival Alert broadcasts.

“I will take responsibility on the first night of Revival Alert to share with transparency and authenticity regarding the situation to all our viewers and partners,” she said.

In a separate statement, Mr Alec told GOD TV staff: “After 20 years of service, I have had a moral failure this year. For this reason, I am stepping down. Please forgive me for the disappointment I’ve caused, but I know your eyes are on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith and not on me, an imperfect man.

“It is with a heavy heart that I confirm my season with GOD TV is over for now.”

In her role as Co-founder, Creative Director and Director of Television, Wendy Alec has overseen all content on GOD TV for the past 19 years. Her remit includes oversight of the Network and Programming Planning teams; Scheduling teams; Production teams; her Commissioning team and approval of Ministry Airtime Sales and Programme Acquisitions. She has been in charge of GOD TV’s Creative Direction, both on air and in print, from the time of the Network’s inception, including the internationally acclaimed and distinctive GOD TV logo. She is fully supported by GOD TV’s executive management team and financial departments.

Media Contact: GOD TV UK & Ireland Regional Director Fergus Scarfe via e-mail at

The U.S. Navy Saved Jews of Eretz Yisrael 100 Years Ago (October 6, 1914)

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 02 Oct 2014

USS North Carolina (Photographic History of
the U.S. Navy)
Versions of this article appear in today's Jerusalem Post Magazine and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs website

One hundred years ago the Jews of Palestine suffered terribly from hunger, disease and oppression.  The territory was ruled with an iron fist by the Ottoman (Turkish) army.  The Middle East teetered on the brink of World War I, and in 1914 Turkey abolished the “capitulation” agreements with European powers which granted them elements of sovereignty over their subjects in the Ottoman Empire.  For many Jews of Eretz Yisrael their French, British and Russian protectors were gone. The financial assistance they received from their European Jewish brethren evaporated.  

In late 1914, the war in the Middle East began with Turkey massing troops in Palestine and the Sinai to move against the British along the Suez Canal.  The Turkish army prepared for the attack by forcibly conscripting locals, including Jews, and by looting (so-called “levies”) supplies, food and animals from residents of Palestine.

The forced conscription and looting of  Jerusalem homes. (1914, Ottoman Imperial Archives)

Hassan Bey, the "Tyrant" (Library
of Congress)
In a report on the Jews of Palestine in World War I, the Zionist Organization of London related in 1921, “The harshest and most cruel of all the Turkish officials was the Commandant of the Jaffa district, Hassan Bey.” 

The report described how “it would suddenly come into his head to summon respectable householders … with an order to bring him some object from their homes which had caught his fancy or of which he had heard — an electric clock, a carpet, etc. Groundless arrests, insults, tortures, bastinadoes [clubs] — these were things every householder had to fear.” [In April 1917, on the eve of Passover, the Turks ordered the expulsion of approximately 8,000 Jews from Jaffa.  An unknown number died. The expulsion of all Jews from Palestine was halted by the German commander in Palestine.]
Locust eradication attempt (1915,
Library of Congress)

In March 1915, the situation for the residents of Eretz Yisrael turned more hopeless when a plague of locusts of Biblical proportions ravaged the land for six months.

The United States retained its neutrality in the war until 1917. Its consulate in Jerusalem, headed by Dr. Otis Glazebrook,remained open.  The Americans were the only ones left to help the Jews of Palestine.

On August 31, 1914, the American ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau, sent an urgent telegram to the New York Jewish tycoon Jacob Schiff. “Palestinian Jews facing terrible crisis,” he wrote. 

Morgenthau's cable to Schiff, 1914 (JDC Archives)

Amb. Henry Morgenthau
(Library of Congress)
“Belligerent countries stopping their assistance. Serious destruction threatens thriving colonies. Fifty thousand dollars needed by responsible committee. Dr. Ruppin chairman to establish loan institute and support families whose breadwinners have entered army.  Conditions certainly justify American help. Will you undertake matter?”  Signed “Morgenthau.”

Realizing the difficulty in bringing money into Palestine past corrupt Turkish officials, Morgenthau also appealed to Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan for assistance.  It came in the form of U.S. Navy ships.

The U.S. Navy to the Rescue

On October 6, 1914 the U.S. Navy’s USS North Carolinalanded in the Jaffa harbor and delivered $50,000 to the U.S. consul general for distribution to the Jewish community. A total of 13 port visits were made by ships such as the USS North Carolina, Vulcan, Des Moines and Tennessee which plied the eastern Mediterranean between Beirut and Cairo. Some of the ships delivered money, food and aid to the Jews of Palestine until the United States entered the war in 1917. 
USS Tennessee crew members carrying
stores onto the ship’s boat deck, probably
 at Alexandria, Egypt, circa 1914/1915.
Ship alongside may be USS Vulcan. (U.S.Naval Historical Center)

The Jews of Eretz Yisrael “would have succumbed had not financial help arrived from America,” the Zionist Organization of London report declared.  “America was at that time the one country which through its political and financial position was able to save [Jewish] Palestine permanently from going under.”

The U.S. ships also left with valuable cargo – the Jews of Palestine who were expelled or had to flee the Turks because of their Zionist activity or draft dodging.  One such Palestinian Jew was Alexander Aaronson whose brother Aaron and sister Sarah were founders of the anti-Turk NILI spy network that helped the British.  Sarah killed herself after prolonged Turkish torture.

In his book With the Turks in Palestine, Alexander Aaronson relates: “One of the American cruisers, by order of Ambassador Morgenthau, was empowered to assist citizens of neutral countries to leave the Ottoman Empire. These cruisers had already done wonderful rescue work for the Russian Jews in Palestine, who, when war was declared, were to have been sent to the Mesopotamian town of Urfa—there to suffer massacre and outrage like the Armenians.”  

Aaronson stealthily traveled to Beirut where he was able to sneak aboard the USS Des Moines. Once under sail, Aaronson wrote, “Friends discovered friends and tales of woe were exchanged, stories of hardship, injustice, oppression, all of which ended with mutual congratulations on escaping from the clutches of the Turks.” [HT: AA]

Lenny Ben-David is the Director of Publications at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the publisher of  He served as a senior diplomat at Israel’s embassy in Washington and an arms control consultant in eastern Europe. He spent 25 years working for AIPAC in Washington and Jerusalem.

Israel Observes Yom Kippur

Israel Observes Yom Kippur

Friday, October 03, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Israelis and Jews around the world are observing Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, which began at sundown Friday.
Israel completely shuts down on Yom Kippur. Traffic comes to a halt, radio and TV broadcasts go off the air, the airport and businesses are closed.
Many Israelis spend the holiday in synagogues, while others simply rest or go for walks and bicycle rides on the empty roads.
As usual, security is tight. Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip have been sealed off amid fears that Palestinian terrorists will exploit the holiday to attack Jewish worshippers gathered at public venues in greater than usual numbers.
PHOTO: Israeli President Reuven Reuven Rivlin, praying for "Selichot" at the presidential residence synagogue in Jerusalem. "Selichot" is the prayer for forgiveness typically recited before dawn in the lead-up to the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur high holy days. Photo by Noam Revkin Fenton/FLASH90
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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Netanyahu: Obama Needs to Learn the Facts on Jerusalem

Netanyahu: Obama Needs to Learn the Facts on Jerusalem

Thursday, October 02, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
What began as a reportedly amicable meeting between US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday ended in fresh strain on US-Israel ties over construction in Jerusalem.
The Obama Administration unleashed harsh criticism of the Jewish state after learning that approval had been granted for the construction of 2,610 apartments in the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Givat Hamatos, which lies adjacent to the neighborhoods of Talpiot, Gilo and Beit Safafa.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki was threatening in her tone when addressing reporters on the matter:
“This development will only draw condemnation from the international community, distance Israel from even its closest allies; poison the atmosphere not only with the Palestinians, but also with the very Arab governments with which Prime Minister Netanyahu said he wanted to build relations; and call into question Israel’s ultimate commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.”
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said these new Jewish homes atop a currently barren hilltop would “call into question Israel’s ultimate commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.”
Earnest also described as “provocative” the purchase of homes in a predominantly Arab neighborhood by Jewish families. The neighborhood in question is today known as Silwan, but in ancient times was known as the City of David.
Netanyahu responded by noting that Obama and his staff could do themselves a favor by learning the facts before commenting.
“I think they (the Obama administration) should be acquainted with the facts first. You know? First of all, these are not settlements. These are neighborhoods of Jerusalem. We have Arab neighborhoods and we have Jewish neighborhoods,” the Israeli leader told NBC News.
Netanyahu later suggested to reporters accompanying him that the Obama Administration’s position was discriminatory against Jews, and that he could not adopt such policies.
“Arabs in Jerusalem freely buy apartments, and nobody says that is forbidden. I will also not say that Jews cannot buy property in Jerusalem. There cannot be discrimination between Jews and Arabs,” insisted the prime minister.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat voiced similar sentiments. In a statement released by his office, Barkat said adamantly:
“Discrimination based on religion, race or gender is illegal in the United States and in any other civilized country. The 2,600 apartments in Givat Hamatos, which we [first] approved two years ago, will enable more young people from all communities and religions to live in Jerusalem and build their future here, thereby strengthening the capital of Israel. We will not apologize for that.”
Housing Minister Uri Ariel followed up by noting that Arabs, too, will be free to purchase homes in Givat Hamatos. Given its proximity to the neighborhood of Beit Safafa, it is estimated that at least one-third of the new apartments will be purchased by Arab families.
Netanyahu and his ministers were also highly critical of the left-wing Israeli movement Peace Now, which purposely made a story out of the Givat Hamatos construction plans on the same day the prime minister was meeting with Obama.
Netanyahu said it was “no coincidence” that Peace Now’s statement regarding Givat Hamatos had coincided with his White House visit, and slammed the group for demonstrating a “lack of national responsibility” by pulling such a stunt.
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"Jerusalem's Peace... A Day To Pray Together" Robert Stearns

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Jerusalem's Peace... A Day To Pray Together"
Robert Stearns, Clarence, NY

Dear Praying Friends,

GOD is stirring the hearts of His people to pray for Jerusalem as never before.

Steve ShultzJoin me in this global chorus of prayer on Sunday, October 5th as hundreds of millions of Christians in literally every corner of this planet will unite for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) – a day specifically set aside annually for the Church to gather and pray for Jerusalem. This prayer call has come from more than 1,300 global leaders.

Let your voice be heard on behalf of Israel and her inhabitants by doing these three (3) simple things:

1. Please forward this e-mail to as many people as you can.
Our goal is to reach 150 million Christians within the next 30 days with this timely message for the Body of Christ. Help us meet this goal. If you will simply take a moment right now and forward this on, especially to your pastor, close friends, and prayer partners, we can literally sound a global trumpet to bring clear focus and awareness to this urgent prayer effort. In just minutes you can make a difference.

2. Sign the "Call to Prayer Resolution."
Thousands of Christians from all over the world have signed this document calling for a day of global prayer for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants. Add your name to this growing number today. Click Here to add YOUR name to the Prayer Resolution.

3. Become the DPPJ Representative for your local church or city.

Make sure that your church is praying. The DPPJ is not a single location event but rather a worldwide celebration day when local churches pray for Jerusalem in their Sunday services, in accordance with Psalm 122:6:

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you."

There will be a Jerusalem Celebration on this day carried live on GOD TV around the world, but the real thrust of the initiative is on the local church level.

Order a FREE Prayer for Jerusalem Packet which contains helpful materials such as posters, prayer cards, videos, flyers, and children's resources for your local church.

In Jerusalem? Click Here if you will be in Jerusalem on Oct. 5th and would like to attend the Jerusalem celebration of the DPPJ that will be broadcast by GOD TV around the world, for more information.

We thank you for putting action to your prayers and for taking part in seeing God's true peace for Jerusalem unfold in this hour of history!

May the Lord's Shalom rest over each of you,

Rev. Robert Stearns
Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Dr. Jack Hayford
Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Dr. Paul Cedar
Executive Committee, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem

P.S. If you have not yet done so, please make sure to add your name to the tens of thousands of Christians around the world who have signed the "Call To Prayer Resolution." Be sure to check out the free online resources as well as the DPPJ materials available in more than 20 languages.


For more information, call the DPPJ office at 1-800-519-4647 or visit

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Robert Stearns is widely recognized as a visionary leader, compelling communicator, gifted strategist, and influential bridge builder. He is the founder and executive director of Eagles' Wings, a global movement of churches, ministries, and leaders. Eagles' Wings is involved in a variety of strategic projects around the world, with a unique emphasis on interfaith dialogue and humanitarian care. Robert's life flows out of deep commitment to Jesus that is characterized by a distinct prophetic edge. A noted author, world-class musician, and highly sought after public speaker, his written works have been translated into 8 languages, his music is appreciated around the world, and he has ministered in over thirty nations while maintaining a distinct focus on Israel.

Stearns is the founder of the worldwide prayer initiative, The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, which is observed every year the first Sunday in October. Dr. Stearns and Dr. Jack Hayford serve together as co-chairmen of this massive prayer mobilization, representing a growing coalition of 1,200 major global leaders of influence in the Christian church focused upon prayer for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants (
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