Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
A new film about an unsung Japanese hero who saved the lives of some 6,000 Jews during the Holocaust is set to be released.
The dramatization "Persona Non Grata" highlights the story of a Japanese diplomat named Chiune Sugihara (Toshiaki Karasawa).
Sugihara's understanding of multiple languages including English, Russian, German, and French took him to multiple posts during his career.
During World War II, Jews began arriving in Kaunas, Lithuania and to the Japanese consulate seeking visas and safe passage to countries out of the reach of the Germans.
While stationed in Lithuania during World War II, Sugihara defied the orders of his superiors in Tokyo by issuing visas to Jews who were fleeing the Nazis.
Sugihara, who is often called the "Japanese Schindler," is estimated to have saved over 6,000 Jews before he left the country.
Cellin Gluck who is best known for his work on "Remember the Titans" and "Transformers," directed the film.
"Persona Non Grata," is playing in Japan and is scheduled to premiere in the United States Jan. 31.
Israel recognized Sugihara in 1985 for his amazing sacrifice to save the lives of all those Jewish people. It awarded him the designation of being "Righteous Among the Nations."
It is a title only given to a handful of non-Jews who didn't stand-by and do nothing during the Holocaust.
Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC, was on the Jim Bakker Show in late 2015. He was quoted on The Jim Bakker Show, aired Jan. 4, 2016, for his prophetic words on the
"5 Trends That Will Change The World In 2016"
Below are video shots taken from the show. You can see the full program, with Rick & Lori Bakker, and Rick Wiles, by clicking here: The Jim Bakker Show - aired 01.04.16
Is there any significance to these developments in light of Bible prophecy?
Do these events have anything to do with the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38 & 39?
Are recent events setting the stage for the fulfillment of what Bible scholars call the "War of Gog & Magog" that is supposed to take place in the End of Days?
Last Friday night, I addressed the topic of Apocalyptic Islam at a conference in Toronto, looking at how Shia and Sunni extremists see the prophetic trend lines in the Middle East. On Saturday evening, I then taught through Ezekiel 38 & 39, addressing these specific questions in light of Jewish and Christian eschatology. From there, I flew to Istanbul to meet with several Arab Christian leaders on a range of matters. But sure enough, these questions certainly came up.
The short answer is this:
It is simply too early to draw any conclusions regarding the Biblical significance of Russian and Iranian combat forces operating in an alliance in the Syrian theater, so close to the northern mountains of Israel. More would have to happen to convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt that these are prophetic events. And I urge Christians to be cautious and not jump to conclusions. Time will make things more clear.
That said, there is cause to believe these events could be preparatory for the commencement of the "War of Gog & Magog." We can't rule out the possibility that prophetic events have been set in motion.
Put another way: the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 & 39 could be decades off, or more. However, these recent events -- and numerous other regional trends -- do appear consistent with what would have to happen to set the stage for Ezekiel's prophecies to come to pass, and the Church needs to consider the possibility that such prophecies could unfold sooner than many people expect.
The central fact to remember first and foremost is this: The prophecies of Ezekiel 36 & 37 have already largely come true. That is, the geopolitical nation state of Israel has dramatically been reborn in our lifetime. Jewish people are returning to live and work in the Holy Land after centuries of exile. The Jews are rebuilding the ancient ruins and making the deserts bloom, just as the ancient prophets said they would. We are also seeing a growing number of Jewish people coming to faith in Jesus as Messiah, consistent with Ezekiel 37's prophecy that as the nation of Israel would be physical reborn in the last days, so too God would breathe His Holy Spirit into the Jewish people and more and more of them would be spiritually reborn in the last days, as well.
Therefore, given the fact that Ezekiel 36 & 37 have largely come true, we must ask ourselves: Isn't it remotely possible that the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 & 39 could soon come to pass, as well?
For the next several days, I will lay out a point-by-point analysis of the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38 & 39. It's too much to explain all at once. So we'll take it piece by piece.
Today, let's start by defining “Gog” and “Magog," when Bible indicates this prophecy will take place, and what countries will be participating in the coalition against Israel:
The Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel lived in Babylon (Iraq) more than 2,500 years ago and the Lord gave him a vision of events that would take place in the future.
Ezekiel 38:16 specifically tells us these events will take place in the “last days” — that is in the End Times before the Messiah comes to set up His kingdom on earth.
Ezekiel chapters 36 and 37 set the stage for the “War of Gog and Magog” by describing that Israel will be reborn as a country in the last days, the Jewish people will come back to the Holy Land from exile all over the world, the Jewish people will rebuild the ancient ruins and make the deserts bloom again. These things have all happened, and this suggests we are getting closer to the fulfillment of the next set of prophecies.
Ezekiel 38:2 tells us that the war will be led be someone known as “Gog.” This is not a personal name. We’re not looking for someone named David Gog. Or Ahmed Gog. Or Dmitri Gog. Rather, “Gog” is a title, like a “Pharoah” or a “Czar.” Through the prophecy, this Gog is described as a military leader, a political leader, and a coalition builder. In Ezekiel 38:10 he is described as developing an “evil plan,” we know this is an evil man, a tyrant.
The Hebrew prophet gives us more clues. This “Gog” is going to be from the “land of Magog.” One has to do some historical detective work to determine what Magog is, but it is possible. Flavius Josephus, the first century Roman historian, wrote in his famous book, The Antiquities of the Jews, that the people of Magog are the people whom the Greeks called “Scythians.” This is a critical clue because we know from history that the Scythians were a people group that migrated from the Middle East northward and settled north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in the region we know today as Russia and the former Soviet Republics.
There are other interesting clues, as well. Ezekiel 38:15 says that Gog “will come from your place out of the remote parts of the north.” Ezekiel 39:2 says Gog will come “from the remotest parts of the north” and come “against the mountains of Israel.” The country that is farthest to the north in relation to Israel is Russia.
Thus, we can determine that a Russian dictator will build a diplomatic and military coalition to surround and attack the State of Israel in the End Times.
The question then is what other countries will be part of the coalition?
In Ezekiel 38:5, we learn that the first ally Russia will have is “Persia.” Until 1935, of course, Persia was the legal name of the country we know today as Iran. So we know that Russia and Iran will build an alliance in the last days to attack Israel.
Ezekiel tells us that another country in the alliance will be what many English Bible translate as “Ethiopia.” The Hebrew word, however, is “Cush” and Cush is the upper Nile region that we now know as Sudan. While the current state of Ethiopia may also be involved in the war, the focus is really Sudan, which today, of course, is a radical Islamic Sunni state closely allied with Iran and Russia and deeply anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.
Next, Ezekiel says a nation called “Put” will be part of the alliance. Josephus identifies “Put” as “ancient Lybios” — the territory that today we call Libya and Algeria. Interestingly, both countries today are deeply hostile to Israel and closely allied with Russia.
The next country mentioned is “Gomer.” When one does the historical detective work, one learns that Gomer is what we now call Turkey. For much of the past 80 years, it didn’t make sense that Turkey would turn against Israel. Why? Because Turkey was a NATO ally, and a friend of Israel, the U.S. and the European Union. But in the last few years, the Turkish government has swung dramatically away from the West, towards Russia and Iran, and become deeply hostile towards the State of Israel.
The next country Ezekiel mentions is “Beth Togarmah.” This is the Turkic-speaking peoples that spread out from Turkey across the Causasus, and across Central Asia. We can’t be certain precisely which modern nation states from this area will join the anti-Israel alliance, because these are almost all Muslim countries with close links to Russia and Iran.
Interestingly, Egypt is not mentioned by Ezekiel as part of the Russian-Iranian alliance against Israel. This is interesting because Egypt has been such an historic enemy of Israel and the Jewish people. That said, perhaps Egypt’s non-involvement in the War of Gog and Magog could be explained by the peace treaty Egypt signed with Israel in 1979. This treaty is now in danger of unraveling, but at least for the near term Egypt is still unlikely to be in a position to strategically threaten Israel.
Iraq — whether under its biblical names of Babel, Babylon, Babylonia, Shinar, or Mesopotamia — isn’t mentioned in the prophecy either, yet it, too, is an historic enemy of Israel. Still, given the liberation of Iraq in 2003, the subsequent violence, and the rebuilding now going on, Iraq is not likely to be a threat to Israel in the near term.
Syria and Lebanon are not mentioned by named in the prophecy either. However, Ezekiel tells us repeatedly that the main military force that will be coming against Israel will be coming from the north, which means they will be coming through Lebanon and Syria.
In my next posting, I’ll explain what this coalition does and how the “War of Gog and Magog” will unfold.
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee says the Iranian nuclear deal represents a "clear and present danger" to the U.S.A.
Huckabee, who is a long-time friend of Israel, was here fund-raising among American voters who live in Israel and can vote in presidential elections.
"The Iranians have made it very clear for 36 years that their intention is not only to wipe Israel off the face of the map, their words, but also to bring death to America. And they have chanted that repeatedly. They have threatened it," Huckabee told journalists in Jerusalem on Wednesday.
"Unleashing $150 billion of new capital into their hands of unfrozen assets would be the equivalent in U.S. dollars of about $5 trillion of resources and assets given the scale of our economies," Huckabee said.
Huckabee said $5 trillion is an "extraordinary amount of money" especially for a government without "honorable intentions" of helping the poor, sick or hungry.
"Rather [Iran's] first major action was to purchase new weapons systems and delivery systems from the Russian government," he said.
Huckabee said the Iranian regime has no intention of being a force for peace but has already been a force of terror for decades.
"They've kidnapped Americans, they've killed Americans, they currently hold Americans hostage in their prisons," he added.
After reading the deal himself, Huckabee said he was more "alarmed."
He said the Iranian deal is not a partisan issue.
Listen to what Huckabee said he would do if the Iran deal were in force "when" (as he said) he becomes president.
Worship time at Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation (Barry Rubin)
In recent decades, Messianic Judaism, a movement of Jewish people who have accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah and continued to embrace their Jewishness, has been steadily growing—especially in the United States.
Jews have been coming to faith in Yeshua for centuries, increasingly so after Israel became a reality again in the late 1800s with the Zionist movement. After the Holocaust, when Israel became a nation again in 1948, the number of Jewish believers in Yeshua has been increasing worldwide, almost in lock step with Jewish immigration to Israel.
But what is the state of Messianic Judaism in Israel itself?
Because Israel is in an extremely dangerous area of the world, surrounded by Arab countries that have threatened its extermination, Jews there live with a certain amount of anxiety. When would the next Intifada take place? Which country would declare its desire to push Israel into the sea? When would Hamas rockets fly again?
Living with those concerns, the people have become cautious about "outsiders," especially after nearly two millennia of "Christian" anti-Semitism. Thus, Christian missions to the Jews of Israel often have been met with suspicion. Yet some have been successful, especially if they are sensitive to and supportive of Messianic Judaism.
There are historic Anglican Jewish missions from the United Kingdom. King of Kings ( is a congregational ministry of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. The Caspari Center ( is a Scandinavian Lutheran mission to the Jews. Christian Witness to Israel ( sponsors Grace and Truth congregation in Rishon L'Tzion. They also publish books, as does Keren Yeshua.
Modern Jewish missions are also active in Israel. Jews for Jesus ( has a new center in Tel Aviv. The Christian Jew Foundation (, not only does missionary work, it also supports a number of national pastors. Chosen People Ministries ( has centers in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and congregations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Ariel. Maoz ( is an Israeli organization that publishes books in Hebrew and supports Israel while helping Jewish people meet their Messiah. There are others as well, but, as with most overseas missions, indigenous works have had the most success. Nowhere is this truer than in Israel.
The primary evangelistic work in Israel is not through missions. It is being done through local Messianic congregations. The larger ones are in Tiberias, K'far Saba, Netanya, Jerusalem and Joffa. There are 150-plus congregations in Israel with as many as 15,000 Messianic Jewish believers, of whom about 60 percent speak Russian as their first language.
The growth in the number of congregations has increased over the last 20 years, just as it has in the United States and other countries. Nearly every year, another indigenous congregation or two springs up, and as more and more Jews from around the world return home, this will only increase.
Israel is a small country—about the size of New Jersey—so these congregations are easily noticed by their fellow Israelis. More and more, Israel is increasingly aware that there are Jews who trust Yeshua as the Messiah and savior, much as it was in the New Testament era.
These Messianic Jewish congregations are now led by Israelis, even though they may have a mix of Jews and Gentiles. Most services are in Hebrew (sometimes Russian, Amharic, French or Spanish). The music too is indigenous, as is the style of worship —very Israeli. The melodies have a distinctly Middle Eastern tone to them. Most meet on Saturday when Jews generally hold worship services. These congregations of Yeshua-followers are clearly Jewish.
Messianic Jews are gaining more acceptance in Israel. Instead of being perceived as threats to the Israelis, due to prejudices going back 2,000 years, they are recognized as friends, fellow citizens, and an active part of Israeli society. In part, the groundwork for this was laid by the benevolence work of groups such as Chosen People Ministries (, The Joseph Storehouse (, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America's Joseph Project (, and other similar works.
Israelis, who have been especially challenged during the wars with Lebanon, Hamas and the high taxes used to pay for defense, are grateful to Messianic Jews, sometimes in spite of themselves, for food, clothes, medicine and other supplies. They need our help. This is a very tangible expression of the love of Messiah. Messianic Jews are being trusted enough to allow them to materially assist Israel during her most difficult times.
It is known that there are many Messianic Jews serving in the army—mostly the children of immigrants from the United States and Europe—who were raised in Israel. This shows unity with the people, so much so that the funeral of one Messianic Jewish soldier killed in the last war was well attended by Israel's leaders. The newspapers noted that he was a Messianic Jew, part of a congregation in the Haifa area.
A television special featuring interviews of members of the Christian Moshav, Yad Hashmonah, was widely watched. It included a Messianic Jewish family celebrating Shabbat, etc., giving a very good impression of Messianic Jews in Israel. No longer are followers of Yeshua seen as people to stay away from. Now, they are embraced as fellow strugglers in Israeli life.
Over the past centuries, because of all the atrocities done to Jews in the name of Jesus, Jewish people have avoided having anything to do with Him, His followers, or His teachings. It was too costly, too risky. And in Israel, where people are more vulnerable to attacks, this is acutely so. But Messianic Judaism is changing things. Now, Israelis are more open to talking about Yeshua and considering his claims to Messiahship.
The congregational leaders in Israel need connections with pastors in the West. Many would appreciate prayer, fellowship and sometimes even financial support for special projects.
Western pastors have a lot to give to Israel's Messianic leaders by way of training and guidance, as well as prayer. Most Israeli pastors do not have much formal training and would benefit from partnering with non-Israeli pastors. Most Israeli pastors are pioneers and need more seasoned spiritual mentors to guide them.
Encouragingly, the perception of Messianic Jews is undergoing a steady transformation in Israel these days—from one of mistrust and outright loathing to recognition and acceptance. Knowing the love of Yeshua in the Messianics' hearts, the bridge between them and Orthodox Jews is getting shorter all the time. Doors to hearts once closed are beginning to open wide.
Rabbi Barry Rubinis the president and publisher of Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources/Jewish New Testament Publications. He is also the Rabbi of Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation.
One hundred years ago the Jews of Palestine suffered terribly from hunger, disease and oppression. The territory was ruled with an iron fist by the Ottoman (Turkish) army. The Middle East teetered on the brink of World War I, and in 1914 Turkey abolished the “capitulation” agreements with European powers which granted them elements of sovereignty over their subjects in the Ottoman Empire. For many Jews of Eretz Yisrael their French, British and Russian protectors were gone. The financial assistance they received from their European Jewish brethren evaporated.
In late 1914, the war in the Middle East began with Turkey massing troops in Palestine and the Sinai to move against the British along the Suez Canal. The Turkish army prepared for the attack by forcibly conscripting locals, including Jews, and by looting (so-called “levies”) supplies, food and animals from residents of Palestine.
The forced conscription and looting of Jerusalem homes. (1914, Ottoman Imperial Archives)
In a report on the Jews of Palestine in World War I, the Zionist Organization of London related in 1921, “The harshest and most cruel of all the Turkish officials was the Commandant of the Jaffa district, Hassan Bey.”
The report described how “it would suddenly come into his head to summon respectable householders … with an order to bring him some object from their homes which had caught his fancy or of which he had heard — an electric clock, a carpet, etc. Groundless arrests, insults, tortures, bastinadoes [clubs] — these were things every householder had to fear.” [In April 1917, on the eve of Passover, the Turks ordered the expulsion of approximately 8,000 Jews from Jaffa. An unknown number died. The expulsion of all Jews from Palestine was halted by the German commander in Palestine.]
In March 1915, the situation for the residents of Eretz Yisrael turned more hopeless when a plague of locusts of Biblical proportions ravaged the land for six months.
The United States retained its neutrality in the war until 1917. Its consulate in Jerusalem, headed by Dr. Otis Glazebrook,remained open. The Americans were the only ones left to help the Jews of Palestine.
On August 31, 1914, the American ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau, sent an urgent telegram to the New York Jewish tycoon Jacob Schiff. “Palestinian Jews facing terrible crisis,” he wrote.
“Belligerent countries stopping their assistance. Serious destruction threatens thriving colonies. Fifty thousand dollars needed by responsible committee. Dr. Ruppin chairman to establish loan institute and support families whose breadwinners have entered army. Conditions certainly justify American help. Will you undertake matter?” Signed “Morgenthau.”
Realizing the difficulty in bringing money into Palestine past corrupt Turkish officials, Morgenthau also appealed to Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan for assistance. It came in the form of U.S. Navy ships.
The U.S. Navy to the Rescue
On October 6, 1914 the U.S. Navy’s USS North Carolinalanded in the Jaffa harbor and delivered $50,000 to the U.S. consul general for distribution to the Jewish community. A total of 13 port visits were made by ships such as the USS North Carolina, Vulcan, Des Moines and Tennessee which plied the eastern Mediterranean between Beirut and Cairo. Some of the ships delivered money, food and aid to the Jews of Palestine until the United States entered the war in 1917.
USS Tennessee crew members carrying stores onto the ship’s boat deck, probably at Alexandria, Egypt, circa 1914/1915. Ship alongside may be USS Vulcan. (U.S.Naval Historical Center)
The Jews of Eretz Yisrael “would have succumbed had not financial help arrived from America,” the Zionist Organization of London report declared. “America was at that time the one country which through its political and financial position was able to save [Jewish] Palestine permanently from going under.”
The U.S. ships also left with valuable cargo – the Jews of Palestine who were expelled or had to flee the Turks because of their Zionist activity or draft dodging. One such Palestinian Jew was Alexander Aaronson whose brother Aaron and sister Sarah were founders of the anti-Turk NILI spy network that helped the British. Sarah killed herself after prolonged Turkish torture.
In his book With the Turks in Palestine, Alexander Aaronson relates: “One of the American cruisers, by order of Ambassador Morgenthau, was empowered to assist citizens of neutral countries to leave the Ottoman Empire. These cruisers had already done wonderful rescue work for the Russian Jews in Palestine, who, when war was declared, were to have been sent to the Mesopotamian town of Urfa—there to suffer massacre and outrage like the Armenians.”
Aaronson stealthily traveled to Beirut where he was able to sneak aboard the USS Des Moines. Once under sail, Aaronson wrote, “Friends discovered friends and tales of woe were exchanged, stories of hardship, injustice, oppression, all of which ended with mutual congratulations on escaping from the clutches of the Turks.” [HT: AA]
Lenny Ben-David is the Director of Publications at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the publisher of He served as a senior diplomat at Israel’s embassy in Washington and an arms control consultant in eastern Europe. He spent 25 years working for AIPAC in Washington and Jerusalem.
Have you left something? And you are moving on, but not sure where you are going?
Well so sorry but there is nowhere to land. You have to keep flying in faith. You have to "wing it." We have all been in a situation where as we were led by the Spirit we have "been out on a limb." I know that's a bit scary, but you know you can always turn around and go back. Suddenly you hear the sound of a saw behind you….ooooh the door to going back closed. Well the swift angels are around too and guess what - when the swift (bird) takes off they cannot again land on the ground.
About a month ago, I thought I was seeing things! When I looked at certain people I would see these small birds swirling above their heads - they were Swifts. No one told me that, but I knew in my spirit that that is what they were. There are things I don't know about Swifts, but I do know they can fly very fast (up to 70mph and more) and fly high and never touch the ground voluntarily. They fly at around 20,000 feet. If they land on the earth they cannot take off again
They sleep on the wing, eat and drink on the wing, and even mate on the wing. When they come to nest it's always in high places. On a side note, the most famous and oldest nesting place is the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Last count there were 88 pairs of Swifts on the wall and circling over Jerusalem. They just recently came back and they return the same day every year.
Then I began to see Swift-like angels moving very quickly among people.
Always Be Available and Ready to Go
I am always talking about being available and ready to go. Along these lines, I tell people about the angel from New Zealand who is always in my meetings there. He came to my house and sang to me the entire song from Aladdin, "A Whole New World." The song starts out with an invitation. Aladdin says to the Princess Jasmine, "Do you trust me?" and he holds out his hand to her. He takes her on a carpet ride and she gets a whole new perspective on everything. I hope you will take the opportunity to listen to that song.
When the angel sang that song, He said to me, "Kathie, there is a whole new world for you if you will believe it and receive it." I accepted that and thought that was easy until ten minutes later a Pastor friend of mine in Singapore texted me and asked me to "Come and help train some pastors." "No problem," I thought, as I love Singapore. I texted a reply, "I will be there." Five minutes later he texted back and said, "Oh, I'm not in Singapore. I'm in Siberia." I was a bit alarmed when I heard that and really hoped he would forget all about it. But six months later I found myself in Siberia!
Siberia was very oppressive, but a Siberian angel got on the plane when it pulled into the gate and started to push myself and my friend DeAnn around the plane. He told us to "lighten up." We started to laugh hysterically. We couldn't stand up because he was pushing us around. The Siberian flight attendant came down the aisle and told us, "There is a light over you." "Oh great," we said, "it's from the church in the sky." He looked at us as we looked out of the window. "No, no," he said, "the church is in the sky not out of the window." We were drunk in the Spirit by then.
When we got inside the airport, it was even more oppressive. We tried to be quiet and behave "properly" as we didn't want to get arrested. But it didn't work. The angel started pushing us around again. "Lighten up," he said, and he started laughing.
My, my, we do have such religious concepts about angels, don't we?
We tried to straighten up, but he kept pushing us and we started laughing and laughing. We thought the security people were going to get annoyed, but guess what? They started laughing and getting drunk in the Spirit. The man couldn't stamp my passport because he was falling off the chair. The supervisor came running out to see what all the commotion was about. He touched my back as he squeezed past me and he began to get drunk in the Spirit, too.
We couldn't speak Russian and they couldn't speak English except to say "Passport" and "Visa," but after a while they were holding their hands to their mouths and pointing. There was an English guy standing there and I asked him if he knew what they were saying. "Yes," he said, "they are saying they can taste honey in their mouth."
The Lord spoke to me and said, "Yes, and the next time someone does witness to them about Jesus, they will have a good taste in their mouth." I knew that they would have the same taste of honey and would know it was a good and pleasant thing they were hearing.
Are You Ready?
Well, back to the swift angels. Are you ready to go? We all say yes, but for some people it's time to say "goodbye" and for others it's time to say "hello." Doors open and close. Windows of opportunity open, but we have to take those opportunities. It's time to take off. I have a feeling there are people reading this who have taken off before but somehow got "grounded." God is the Author of taking off. He enables you to fly, but we have to respond to His invitation.
See what God sees for you. He sees the whole picture...huge. It's amazing what you can do in only a week or two when the Holy Spirit is moving and the angels help you. The angels are very interested in helping you fulfill the purposes of God in your life. That's what their assignment is - YOU are their assignment.
Are you ready to fly? This is a bit different from the eagle anointing - it's an anointing to move swiftly - and high - and fast.
I have a good friend who says God always pushes him, but that's not true, really. God doesn't push you against your will. Sometimes our mindsets get in the way, but the heart really wants to embrace the purposes of God, so God sends angels to push us past our mindsets. A hungry heart will always push you past your mind in the end.
We only have one life to live down here, so it might as well be an adventure. Better to make a few mistakes then never do anything. If you don't ever want to make a mistake, don't do anything - that's simple, isn't it?
Only Be Willing - God is the One Who is Able
A couple of years ago, some friends on the Gold Coast of Australia told me after a meeting, "We are going to take the next opportunity God gives us." So I asked, "Well, why don't you come with me to Hawaii?" "When are you going?" they inquired. "Tomorrow," I responded.
They weren't on the plane with me the next day, but a couple of days later they were in Hawaii. They helped me for a few days, and on Sunday they preached. Doors opened all over the place and they stayed and ministered in Hawaii for several months.
You just have to be willing and prepared to get ready swiftly. God is the One Who is able. It doesn't matter how old you are! Twenty or ninety? God is raising up an army of wild grandmas, remember.