Friday, October 31, 2014

White House Playing a Dangerous Game with Israel

White House Playing a Dangerous Game with Israel

No matter which party winds up controlling the House and Senate after next Tuesday's elections, we will hear the usual calls for bipartisan cooperation.

Many Democratic candidates are running in hyper-drive trying to distance themselves from President Barack Obama.

One area in which they could find some common ground with Republicans is to oppose the increasingly dangerous penchant of the White House and State Department to attack Israel, a country that is already under greater siege because of failed U.S. behavior in the Middle East.

In the past few months, Israel has withstood the terrorist kidnapping and murder of three teenagers, a rocket barrage from Gaza that triggers seek-shelter sirens for some two million Israelis, an incursion to stop those rocket attacks, the murder of an 8-month old American-Israeli baby who was hurled into the air when a terrorist driver plowed into a crowd at a Jerusalem train stop (as well as a tribute to that terrorist by members of Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party), and now the apparently nationalist shooting of an Orthodox Jewish figure on the streets of the Israeli capital.

And all of that happened as ISIS pursues its bloody quest to build a caliphate, Syria's regime kills hundreds of thousands of its own citizens and forces millions to flee, and Iran spins its centrifuges to build the nuclear bombs it craves, while the West yawns.

The administration's response: it allowed a "senior advisor" to tell The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a "chickens***t" and a coward for not striking Iran and for not pursuing U.S. demands for further negotiations now with Abbas and other Sunni leaders.

More significantly, that advisor also seemed to welcome Iran's nuclear progress, while the U.S. foreign policy apparatus bears down on Israel for building apartments in Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem.

When asked by a reporter, "Is the administration trying to figure out who made those inappropriate and counter-productive comments," a State Department spokesperson, showing disdain for the subject, answered, "There are anonymous sources in all of your stories every single day. If we spent all of our time focused on that effort, we wouldn't be working on diplomacy."

Nearly 24 hours later, her boss, Secretary of State John Kerry, finally called the remarks "disgraceful, unacceptable and damaging," and said they did not reflect his views or those of the White House.

Earlier this year, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon was forced to apologize for calling Kerry "obsessive" and "messianic"--not in a public interview, but in a private conversation. Ya'alon believed Kerry's plan for Israeli territorial concessions to the Palestinians would severely compromise Israel's security.

This past week, the administration refused to set up meetings for Ya'alon with Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden while the minister was in the United States.

If the White House and Foggy Bottom aren't held to account for their practice of benign neglect of the world's most dangerous regimes at the expense of Israel, this nation and all of its allies can expect to pay a much steeper price in chaos and disruption.

A few House and Senate Democrats, along with Republicans, have shown courage in raising questions about blanket U.S. funding of Palestinian and U.N. projects that almost certainly have terrorist connections, and about insisting on guarantees that the Obama team allow Congress to have a say in any nuclear deal with Iran.

They would do well to sound the alarm. It is virtually certain that what is happening in Tehran, Jerusalem, and Washington will move quickly up the priority list on the national agenda--and perhaps soon.

At that time, the question of whether our leaders can discern between friend and adversary could become a matter of life and death for many people.
Source: CBN News

NOTE from Love For His People: We are outraged that the highest representatives in our USA government continue to treat our friends in Israel with such disrespect. They do not represent the vast majority of Americans anymore. Forgive us Lord God of Israel.
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Israel To Give Desperately Needed Developmental Aid To... California!

Israel To Give Desperately Needed Developmental Aid To... California!

Thursday, October 30, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
California has been going through a catastrophic drought for three years now, which has cost the state's economy at least $2.2 billion and left 500,000 acres of what was once rich,productive farmland fallow.
So where did California turn to for help? Not the Obama White House, but to Israel, the world's acknowledged expert on irrigation and water use.
California's Governor Jerry Brown has just signed a strategic cooperation Agreement with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to receive aid from Israel.
Prof. Eilon Adar, a world expert in groundwater flow systems, will work to help the state work out solutions to the issue. Prof. Adar visited San Fransisco and Silicon Valley, touring desalination plants in northern California, and participating in a state-wide conference in which a slew of possibly technological solutions were presented.
"If we managed to overcome the water issues in the Middle East, we can do it anywhere in the world," Prof. Adar said. "Nonetheless, (to address the issue) they will need to improve the management and efficiency of the water market and increase and optimize the coordination between the water companies."
He's got that right. Israel is the only country in the entire Middle East that is self sufficient in water. And they did it themselves, in a hostile environment.
"We are pushing ahead with the water issue and branding Israel as part of the solution, an ally with the know how whom can come to help in a time of need," said Andy David, Israel's consul to California.
I hope California's Democrats remember whom their friends are when it comes to voting on President Obama's anti-Israel, pro 'Palestine' agenda. An Israel pushed back to indefensible borders and under attack isn't going to be much help to the world in situations like these.
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Tel Aviv named one of the world's best culinary locations

Tel Aviv named one of the world's best culinary locations

Friday, October 31, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
The White City ranks high right up there together with other major European cities like Copenhagen and Florence while American food magazine Saveur awards Tel Aviv in several categories in its annual culinary destination awards.
Tel Aviv was named “outstanding” in the best culinary destination category, the Best Markets and Shops category and Best In-flight Wine Program category thanks to El Al Airline’s impressive wine list.
Aside from the numerous hummus and shakshuka joints, the falafel and sabich stands, and the many food bars in the city, Tel Aviv boasts almost 4,500 businesses in the food industry, more than one restaurant per 1,000 people, an unprecedented number by Middle Eastern standards.
Tel Aviv also sports many fine dining establishments, that have received numerous prizes from food magazines around the world in recent years, that helped give Tel Aviv the “outstanding” title.
Jerusalem was not forgotten by Saveur, with the city’s Mahane Yehuda Market recommended among the best ancient markets together with Istanbul's and Bangkok's night markets.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Faith in Our Darkest Hour ✡ "The Break of Dawn" - ISRAEL365

Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.

GENESIS (32:25)

וַיִּוָּתֵר יַעֲקֹב לְבַדּוֹ וַיֵּאָבֵק אִישׁ עִמּוֹ עַד עֲלוֹת הַשָּׁחַר

בראשית לב:כה

va-yee-va-tayr ya-a-kov l'-va-do va-yay-a-vayk eesh i-mo ad a-lot ha-sha-khar

Jerusalem Inspiration

In today's verse we learn about Jacob's infamous struggle with an angel, alone, in the pre-dawn hours.   The Hebrew word for dawnשחר, 'sha-khar' is almost identical to the word black, 'sha-khor', שחור. The sages teach that after the darkest, blackest hours in our history, the dawn will follow.  Indeed, following the horrors of the Holocaust, came the dawn of the State of Israel.  In the country's short history there have been many black days, and, please God, the dawn of redemption is near. Show your unequivocal support for Israel by buying Israeli products at the Israel365 Store.

Faith Amidst Tragedy

This video clip shows a group of boys singing and dancing, declaring their faith in God, at the site of last week's tragic terrorist attack.  Their demonstration of faith amidst the tragedy is inspiring.

Digital Manuscript

The National Library of Israel has digitized the last known remnant of one of the world’s oldest Jewish prayer books and made it available to the public.

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Jerusalem Daily Photo

The walls of Jerusalem's Old City at dawn.

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"Protect Your Soul From the Destructive Forces of the Enemy!" - Victoria Boyson

"Protect Your Soul From the 
Destructive Forces of the Enemy!"
Victoria Boyson, Montgomery, TX
The Elijah List

"You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength, and all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27, NLT

Our world is inundated with intense and even frightful events. 

We who are the reigning spiritual power on the earth are called on to pray boldly for the will of God to be made manifest in any horrendous situations. Intercessors are the legs the Church stands on and intercession should be the core substance of every Believer. Due to the important position every intercessor holds in the world, we must be on guard against the enemy's tricks to deactivate our authority in the spirit realm. None of us are perfect, and we all have weaknesses, so, we must all remain watchful of the impact we are having on the world by remaining alert to the hindrances our own souls.

I've seen many who've prayed positive declarations into the spirit realm one minute, yet, slander their brother the next. Naturally, this grieves my spirit, not just because I know it will injure the person being slandered (that's inevitable), but because I can feel in my spirit how deeply it will injure their own heart. Every word we speak affects our soul – either for good or for bad. Even those who are careful to make only positive, life-filled declarations over themselves simply have no idea the poison they release in their own lives by speaking evil of others.

Slandering a Brother

Any time we accuse or slander a brother, we are reducing our authority in the spirit realm. God can only give us authority if He can trust us to use that authority to benefit His Kingdom. Of course, I am burdened for those who have had their reputation assassinated by the flippant defamation of their character, but I feel in my spirit a very weighty and increasing burden for those who choose to release the slander. I sense the darkness they've released into their own lives and what they will have to battle in the future because of it. (Photo via Pixabay)

They've been targeted by the enemy and satan has infected them with his agenda against a brother leading them to cause strife. It seems like most Christians have winked at this sin, thinking other sins were much worse, but God's not winking.

Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven sins which the Lord hates and intensely abhors the most, those He considers to be an abomination: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies and one who spreads strife among brothers.

I think it's healthy to remind ourselves of the things the Lord hates – the sins He considers to be an abomination (a vile, shameful or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.). Slander is quite sneaky and often attempts to disguise itself as a noble action or a warning about someone. It is a deadly, preemptive strike against a brother or sister, a sect or church or other group of people. Slander lays the groundwork to disparage the value of anyone the enemy wants to target and destroy.

The enemy sent slander in advance of the Jewish people in Nazi Germany. The people were prepped in advance to lend their souls to embrace the annihilation of an entire race. We are seeing that today against Believers and much of it is being done by other Believers.

Guard Your Heart

Satan "prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8), someone he can destroy with hatred, jealousy and strife. When he finds his prey, he infects them with his twisted agenda and they begin to do his work for him. Sadly, they believe they are accomplishing a noble service for the Lord, but, truly, they're allowing the enemy to use them to spread strife in the Body. (Photo via Wikimedia)

It's a double whammy! Most often, the enemy will target those who truly have a great destiny, corrupting their soul with the bitter demon of slander and accusation against others, thereby thwarting their destiny in God. Replacing it with a perverted copy of their true destiny, the enemy can kill two birds with one stone by luring the once greatly destined warrior to do his work for him.
Those in the Body who seem to make it their job to attack and slander – the petty police who watch those visible in the Church as the Pharisees watched Jesus – may never change. I understand that. Yet, they use other Believers to do their dirty work, like the Pharisees used the Roman government to kill Jesus (John 18:28-31), and like Jezebel used the city elders to kill Naboth (1 Kings 21:1017). Truly, the Lord warned us of wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew10:16).

Treat Your Neighbor As Yourself

My hope is to reach out to those dear souls who love the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind, but who have been misled by someone and have become a helper used to spread their agenda of strife against a brother or sister. To you, precious ones, I say: Guard your heart, guard you soul, guard your strength and guard your mind BY loving your neighbor as yourself (see Luke 10:27).

In Matthew 7:12, Jesus said, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" – that includes what we say about others. In everything we say, in every article or message we forward, in every Facebook post we share, we must stop and ask ourselves: "Would I want this said about me?"

How would you want your neighbor to treat you?

So, you may ask, "Victoria, are you saying we should never address the wrongs done by others in the Body?" Well, let me say...

Eli, the high priest, showed us how very easy it is to misconstrue another person's actions and motives and made a painful experience even more painful when he was convinced Hannah was a horrible sinner who'd come to church drunk (1 Samuel 1:9-17), the complete opposite of which he found out later to be true. He had bumbled his way into Hannah's pain and threw around false accusations against her, humiliating himself.

So be very careful when you are "sure" of a brother's motives before you accuse and slander him. Eli, at least, approached Hannah personally with his presumptive ideas about her. Indeed, is there any honor in slandering a brother or ministry without first at least talking to them about your offense against them? – There is NO honor in slander, period!

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

What's Your Religion Worth?

Our words are extremely powerful, much more than most Christians recognize. We invite trouble into our lives by not controlling our tongue as the Word says in James 1:26-27, "If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless."

Truly, life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). If our tongue produces death and trouble, you have to stop and wonder, "What have I said lately?" And this goes double for those in positions of leadership.

If we are given a sphere of influence, we are responsible to protect that influence from the enemy's schemes. We are held responsible for what we've been given. Moreover, if we use our influence to slander others, it will come back to harm us.

Years ago, a dear friend betrayed me and set about on a campaign to "warn" people about me. I honestly felt instant fear for them the moment I heard what they were doing.

I do not think I am any more special than any other Christian, but I do know how much God loves me. He is protective of the work He has done in me and is doing through me.

I feel genuine pity for those who attack and slander their brothers and sisters in the faith. Truly, I am afraid of what they are inviting into their own souls as they embrace the work of the adversary. For those lies produce a harvest of death as we are warned in Proverbs 6:14-15,"...who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing." ((Gulp!))

There's an old quote from World War II which says, "Loose lips sink ships" and they also create an atmosphere of death! (Photo via Huffington Post)

Protect Your Love

Yes, we should obviously guard our tongue when speaking of those beloved of the Lord and those in service to Him. However, we need to guard our tongues for our enemies as well. Fight for them – wrestle with the demons who've taken over their heart, using your authority to liberate them from the lies of the enemy! 

Pray for the love God has for you to invade and penetrate their heart.
Pray for them to know and experience the love of the Father because, as they do that, love will manifest in their treatment of you. 

If they refuse His love and you keep sending it to them, that love will come back on you and you will benefit from it. If, however, you send curses instead of blessings, the curses will come back on you in one way or another.

Our Lord taught about praying for our enemies and blessing those who attack us. Why? It wasn't so much for those who are attacking us, but to protect our own hearts against the bitterness of unforgiveness that would inevitably destroy us.

I'm not asking you to lay down and let people injure you. No. I have a saying, "I don't do stupid twice!" If someone betrays you, don't give them place to do it again (unless the Lord directs you to). You have a responsibility to protect the work the Lord's accomplished in your life; don't let your compassion destroy you.
You must guard your heart against bitterness and protect the love of God in your heart. Use the authority of your words to speak constructively about your enemy what you would like to see manifest in their lives, not what is actually manifesting through them. (Photo via flickr)

As the extension of Christ on the earth, we should use our tongues to produce the life He destined for us to live. With our words, we can transform our world by using our words productively to speak forth the love we'd like to see manifest in our brothers, not give way to the destructive lives of the enemy. 

We must decree and declare the will of our Father, not the lies of the enemy.

Sharing! Sharing! Sharing!

Sometimes I like to scroll through what my Christian brothers and sisters are sharing on Facebook. I feel like it gives a quick overview of the hearts of the saints. Usually, I'm blessed by what I see, yet, sometimes I am astonished at the things I read that are openly slandering other brothers and sisters in Christ.

When I see a ministry or fellow Christian sharing slander about another brother or ministry, a GIANT RED FLAG goes up in my spirit. I don't want to have anything to do with strife-spreading, God hating, abominating SLANDER! I won't forward it, I won't read it and I'm not curious about the lies. I don't want to take part in anything that smells like Hell. And I don't want my cherished friends to either, because I care for you.

Our Father sees what we share or like on Facebook, Twitter, etc. He hears the words you speak. He sees how you treat those you think are beneath you. He sees it all and it hurts Him when you enter into the adversary's agenda.

BUT, it totally and completely blesses God when you come to the defense of a brother. When you speak out truth and love in support of those being slandered, His heart overflows!

Our Father is generous, slow to anger and quick to love (Joel 2:13). He is not a vengeful Father. His forgiveness is unfathomable. Even though I know it hurts Him significantly when we get caught up in slander, He readily forgives us when we ask Him to.

You see, He sees where souls spend eternity. He weighs the devastation a human causes against the judgment of their soul. He sees the cost they will have to pay if mercy doesn't have its way in them. So, even though it hurts Him to hear the slander against His children, He waits hoping His beloved child will return to Him and learn to love others.

Learning to Love

Loving your neighbor IS loving yourself. It's protecting your soul from the devices of the enemy; it's creating a harvest of mercy in your future when you need it. It is WORSHIP to your God. Love is also warfare, releasing a destructive force to the powers of darkness. Satan cannot understand love. He is hopelessly defensive against it.

Love is the greatest power on the earth and, for those who understand it, it holds the key to great blessings. Mercy has no equal in the realm of darkness and when we embrace love, not hate, we annihilate the plans of the enemy. We cause him catastrophic damage when we bless those who curse us. And we protect our own soul when we release the Kingdom of Heaven through our words. (Photo via flickr)

Think about it! Who do you want to hurt more... your brother or sister in Christ, or your adversary, the devil? Yeah, I know... me too!

Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries

Victoria Boyson met Jesus at the age of seven. At thirteen, she started ministering using music as a platform to tell others about Jesus. She and her husband, Steve, ministered as pastors in the mid-west, but in 1999, the Lord told them to move to work for Francis Frangipane, who was extremely influential in their development as Christians and as ministers.

Victoria is a powerful prophetic voice to this generation and co-founder of Speaking Life Ministries. Based out of the Houston, Texas area, she is called to awaken and prepare the Bride of Christ for the end-time harvest and compel His Church to embrace a passionate relationship with their Heavenly Father. She is the author of The Birth of Your Destiny and His Passionate Pursuit.

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AP Slammed for Biased Jerusalem Attack Headline

AP Slammed for Biased 
Jerusalem Attack Headline

JERUSALEM, Israel -- The Associated Press is facing some heat for its offensive headline following Thursday's terror attack in Jerusalem.

The AP's initial headline read, "Israeli Police Shoot Man in East Jerusalem," with no mention that police were responding to a terror attack.

The vehicular attack injured seven people and killed three month-old Chaya Zissel Braun, who held dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship.

After repeated complaints, AP changed the headline to "Car Slams Into East Jerusalem Train Station. And finally, AP acquiesed to complaints, changing it to "Palestinian Kills Baby at Jerusalem Station." But there are still calls for the wire service to identify who is responsible and to take action.

Meanwhile, the terrorist, Abdel Rahman Al-Shaludi, who ran over pedestrians waiting at a light-rail station, is being hailed as a martyr on Fatah's Facebook page.

Fatah is the party of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who's been hailed as an iron-clad peace partner by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

Watch video here: CBN News

Are You Inviting Demonic Spirits Into Your Home?

Is there something in your life and home inviting demonic spirits? Today we allow so many ungodly things to enter our homes. Our lives are being affected by everything that is unholy, opening doors to rebellion, disobedience, promiscuity, and the realm of defiant evil spirits.
Unfortunately it's not only what we allow into our homes, but it's also what adults are modeling in today's Christian home. Many allow violent movies and indecent entertainment, telling small children to cover their eyes until the violent or indecent episode is over. I know couples who constantly fight over this issue. The husband wants to see the violent and explicit videos, and the wife wants no part of it.
The effects of tolerating and inviting ungodly stuff into your home may at first seem subtle, as both adults and children start demonstrating a little anger, a little pouting, a little nagging, a little impatience and annoyance, a little rebellion, a little disrespect, and a little lying and testing of the boundaries. But as time goes by, it goes from a little to a lot of episodes of self-will and emotional displays. Where children are involved, many of today's parents are too busy and harried to deal with the attention and accountability necessary to enforce rules or keep a hand on the wheel. Tough love seems to be a thing of the past in many families of this generation.
One of the greatest outcomes of all this permissiveness is the disintegration of the Christian home. Every day I receive e-mails from spouses who read my books Satan, You Can't Have My Marriage and Satan, You Can't Have My Children, and the number one complaint from wives is that their husbands are having affairs or messing with pornography. The main complaint from men is that their wives are controlling and manipulative and won't submit to even the most basic areas of respect and honor to which the Word of God so wisely instructs a wife to adhere.
Both of these areas, pornography and manipulation, are controlled by evil spirits. Spiritual cleansing and deliverance are absolutely necessary to become free from these demonic spirits that break up homes and churches. Believe it or not, too many Christians are involved in pornography, and many couples manipulate each other unaware of the lurking evil spirits behind their actions. Too many religious women refuse to submit to their husbands, bossing them around and correcting everything they do and say. This too is a root of manipulation and control.
Iris Delgado is founder and president of Crowned With Purpose Ministries. She has a doctorate in theology and counseling and travels worldwide ministering with her husband, John. She is the author of Satan, You Can't Have My Miracle, from which this article was excerpted.