Stephen Powell: "Don't Allow the Enemy to Take My Ravens Out of the Church!"
Dec 9, 2016
This is a "wow" word full of prophetic'll be at the "edge of your seat" so to speak, as you read through it. Stephen Powell is an upcoming voice in the prophetic and his words are hitting like arrows as you read through them.
Stephen writes a potent article about finances, the economy and how the Church needs to respond in this hour. Stephen shares here:
"Manage wisely, but make decrees. Expect the miraculous even in your money, and I will cause the windows of Heaven to open in your life and cause My face to shine upon you even through these windows," says the Lord.
Now pull up a chair and get ready to be really encouraged and full of expectation of what the Lord is doing through His Kingdom finances! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
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"Don't Allow the Enemy to Take My Ravens Out of the Church!"
Preserving the Ravens of God
"And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." (1 Ki. 17:4)
God says, "The enemy is trying to take the ravens out of the Church." Ravens represent supernatural provision (see 1 Ki. 17:4). Even though we can make money and prosper according to laws of economics in the earth, there is a higher way, a higher culture, that the Church is connected to called the economy of Heaven. Ultimately, all of the economies of the earth are subject to this economy, even though many are not aware of it.
Whole nations have risen and fallen on supernatural culture giving because this culture, which has these supernatural acts, are beyond the natural. They are of the eternal Kingdom, and when they are inserted into the earth's matrix by faith, all other economies are subject to them.
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He blessed them tremendously even with the bounty of that land. They came out loaded with camels, livestock, gold, silver and precious stones. They plundered the enemy (Ex. 12:35)! But almost immediately they began to manifest the Egypt in their hearts by pouring their resources into an idol (Ex. 32:4).
"So it is in the world today. Resources flow to build what's in the heart of the nations! So be prepared to see more Apostolic Kingdom-building in the days to come than we've ever seen before, because the light of God's glory will continue to break through into the hearts of mankind, even kings and men of influence," says the Lord!
"They have not cried in vain," says the Lord. Their cries have been heard for many long years and God is bringing grace in ways we cannot even see or comprehend. For where there is gross darkness—even deep error and sin—grace does much more abound in these areas, for darkness doesn't stand a chance against the light! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
God's Miracles and Provision Are His Pleasure
Moses began to establish the nation in righteousness and justice and many of the laws of the Kingdom of God while governing in the earth. Many of these principles—these Kingdom revelations—although being refined through the person of Christ and His Gospel of grace, will forever remain because God's Laws and Kingdom are eternal.
In this establishing, Moses called for the building of a structure which God gave the blueprint for through the heavenly vision (Ex. 25:9). He called for the linens, the badger skins, the dyed garments, the bronze, the stones, the precious metals and the gold. He called for the wealth which God had given even in the form of seed. This was Kingdom government and order being established by God's people even through lavish giving. Listen to the extraordinary account of this scenario unfold in the book of Exodus.
"The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done." Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: "No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary." And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work."(Ex.36:5-7 NIV)
This is an apostolic foundation even for a nation state; one nation under God being poured into through supernatural giving.
The Lord would say, "I'm telling My people to be good stewards and open up your windows, Malachi's windows, so the ravens can find their home in your life. Manage with wisdom but expect the God of miracles to send the ravens. This is My pleasure," says the Lord.
"And as you learn to find taxes in the fish's mouth, flesh in the raven's beak, even honey in the lion, I will bring more fish, more birds, more beasts with the earth's sweetness—even the wealth of the land. This is a key to moving beyond the earth's economy into My supernatural economy of Heaven," says the Lord!
"Manage wisely, but make decrees. Expect the miraculous even in your money, and I will cause the windows of Heaven to open in your life and cause My face to shine upon you even through these windows," says the Lord.
"Each window has an angel assigned. But if you don't work with the angels by embracing the economy they work in, they will move onto another that opens the window for them, even with their faith and agreement," says the Lord.
New Apostolic Foundations for Nations
There were many wonderful things that our nation, the United States, was built on. At the nation's founding we saw apostolic fathers arising and making the foundation of this nation into an altar of sacrifice. This being similar to the foundation for Solomon's reign which was founded in sacrifice (1 Ki. 3:4).
It's a matter of history that many of our founding fathers gave vast sums of their wealth away, giving into the cause of the revolution, sacrificially giving to establish the foundation of a new nation (1). Many of these fathers gave their lives for the love of something, which they received from God. They gave so much because of the the hope that God gave them—that liberty and freedom might reign in this new world!
The Lord says, "I'm bringing together apostolic fathers again, not just in the Church but in nation and state. They will break up the old foundations that offend and pour new strength into the Constitution even into your foundation as a nation to stand and trust God once again for our greatest days. This foundation will undoubtedly be built on truth. And not a convenient truth, but a tried truth, a proven truth, a loving truth," says the Lord.
"The people who pour it and the people who build it will be good for their word. For it will be a striking trait of this new apostolic company of government reformers. They will keep their word, even with grace to carry it through. There is rising a greater part with you, for the giving of the word, and the 'yes' and 'amen' that comes with it.
"This will build impeccable character and rapport with the people. They will continue to be less touchable, even in many ways beyond previous reproaches that so weighed down previous teams. But in standing in truth they will be strengthened by the God of truth, and they will effectively lay the foundation for America's new day even pave the way for the greatest harvest with love, sweat and tears for this nation," says the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Love & Blessings,
Stephen Powell is an Itinerant Minister commissioned under Steve Toliver of "Abundance of Rain Ministries", and is an Associate Revivalist through "Fresh Fire Ministries" under Todd Bentley. When he was a teenager God began to visit Stephen in powerful encounters in the Secret Place during extended seasons of fasting and prayer which has released a deep and tangible anointing in his life! Stephen's passion is to perpetuate revival culture where ever he goes and continue to walk in greater demonstrations of intimacy, power and glory with Jesus! He currently resides in Fort Mill, South Carolina with his wife and four children, and serves on Todd Bentley's Senior Apostolic Board.
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