Thursday, November 13, 2014

"Time to Recover it All! God is Reconciling the Books in Heaven!" Doug Addison

"Time to Recover it All! 
God is Reconciling the Books in Heaven!"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
The Elijah List

November is a time when God is building your faith and repairing the walls of doubt from past failures. A new plan from Heaven is being released over you, but you will need to battle and be assertive to get it. God is continuing to reveal and restore lost prophetic promises and inheritances.

Repayment for losses over the past seven years is here NOW and will continue over the next few months.
Expect some extreme signs from God to know you are on the right track. Love and new freedom are coming to you. I have released several prophetic words recently about generational inheritances and repayment being restored to you. It is starting now!

Eleventh Month

November is the eleventh month of the calendar, and the eleventh book of the Bible is 1 Kings, which begins with a transition and generational battle. King David was dying and there was a battle for his position. God divinely caused a supernatural generational inheritance to shift to his young son, Solomon, who had wisdom. 

Watch for changes in leadership and a greater level of Heavenly wisdom to be released.

Reconcile 2008

On Sunday, October 19, I awoke at 5:20 a.m.with an angel in our house. God spoke to me that He is currently reconciling the books in Heaven, so to speak, from 2008.  Not just in 2008, but God is reconciling the past seven years as well. (Photo via Wikipedia)

There are adjustments and repayments due to people because the enemy overplayed his hand. God is a just God and He has not forgotten you.

To respond, I spent several hours going through every entry in my journal from 2008, making a list of things that never took place, were stolen or delayed. I was quite surprised at how many things I found and had to do it several times. It pays to journal regularly.

Declare Your Repayment

After 2008, our ministry went into over $40,000 in debt, which lasted until 2013. We lost a lot during that time, paying interest and having to work really hard to compensate for the losses! Even though we paid the debt off, I asked God just two weeks ago to supernaturally repay us $40,000.

Within one week, we got a strategy to offer one thousand new people our Internet training and we made over $40,000 in four days!! We had run specials in the past but have never had this level of response. This was an anointed breakthrough! 

What do you need repayment for? Press in and take action.

Family Inheritance Dream

I had a dream in October that many people and I were at an amusement park standing in a beautiful, crystal clear river like a wading pool of flowing water.

Many people were unaware that they were dropping jewelry and clothing into the pool.

A machine would come through and rake up all the lost items. The items were waiting to be reclaimed. I went to the lost and found to help get back what had been lost. (Photo via pixabay)

The dream shows that there are lost spiritual inheritances, callings, and prophetic promises that God is storing up, waiting for you to reclaim them. This is a season to recover it all! 

Satan's Personal Attack to Cause Terror

I have had so many prophetic dreams and words over the past month revealing some of the covert attacks of the enemy. Ebola is just another one of many attacks of the enemy trying to get you off balance with fear. The demonic realms want to remove your peace. It is time to fly above it!!

I was at the Cleveland, Ohio airport on October 13, the same exact time Amber Vinson, the nurse from Dallas infected with Ebola, boarded and flew to Dallas/Fort Worth. My flight from Cleveland to Dallas was at the same exact time but on a different airline.

I had a dream on August 26 about Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas and Ohio. In the dream things were delayed but everything was working out fine. Everything is going to work out fine. We must let go of fear!!! This dream and being at the airport at the same time were prophetic signs that God is way bigger than these types of attacks and knows your needs.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Strongman Dream

I had a dream in October in which God revealed a major plan of the enemy against leaders. I was watching a boxing match. In the ring were two large men. One was a leader that I recognized but did not know his name. Although he was big, he was out of shape. He was once a great fighter but had not been in the ring for years.
His opponent was a very large, physically fit, dark-figured strongman. I knew he was evil. While the leader was not paying attention, the strongman opened a case and pulled out a special "boxing glove of death," putting it on his right hand.

I knew that with one blow of this death glove, the other boxer would be taken out. I began screaming to the leader to watch out. But the leader was a bit arrogant and overly confident.

The evil man took a hard swing, just missing the leader by a fraction. The second punch missed the leader too, but I knew that things were not going to turn out well and we had to stop it. So I sounded the alarm.

This is another attack of the enemy right now to take out people who are not expecting it and unaware of what is coming against them. I am sounding the alarm to pray for leaders, asking God to step in and have mercy.

Promotions and Major Shifting

This time of year, God brings a large number of spiritual promotions. Last year at Yom Kippur, God spoke to me that more people were promoted in the spirit than ever before in history.
This year there were many promotions but some people have also lost their positions for not using their gifts and showing love. I had several prophetic dreams and spiritual experiences where I was shown that October was a time of reconciling in Heaven. (Photo via Wikipedia)

Many people are not using their greater gifts and callings so their assignments are being removed and given to others. I realize Romans 11:29 says the gifts are irrevocable, but the anointing and assignments can be shifted to others. King Saul and David are one of the many examples of this shift.

I awoke at 3:04 a.m. and wept for nearly an hour. We do not want to rejoice when others lose out. When one member of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer. I asked for mercy instead. 

As a result of this shift in Heaven, there will be a large number of people and leaders shifting positions and changing jobs.

Like the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13), God is promoting those with oil in their lamps who are ready for this next movement of God.

Land and Business Battles

This may not be for everyone, so pray through this: if you are holding onto or battling over property or businesses, make a decision to step up or step out. The battle over property and houses is weighing many people down.

If you know it is God speaking to you about this, ask for a confirmation to step up and stay in the battle. But many may want to consider stepping out, because in doing so there will be a new breath of fresh air and God will repay your losses.

Don't use logic here; you must hear God's voice if you plan to stay in the battle. I keep hearing the words: Fire sale!! In some cases, people need to get out of connections to the past!


I saw the word "Reconfigure." It is time to reconfigure things but many people do not know where to start. As I was reading the word "reconfigure," it turned into the phrase "I can figure."
God has given you everything you need to get through this time in your life. This is a major transitional time but be confident that you will not only make it through, you will also come out on the other side in better shape. (Photo via pixabay)

The season has shifted over us all! Do not expect things to go the way they used to. But when you do get attacked, have faith to expect and ask for the opposite in any bad situation.

Ask for extreme repayment!


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

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Israel Mourns Death of Pastor Myles Munroe

Israel Mourns Death of Pastor Myles Munroe

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israelis, both Jews and Christians, are mourning the loss of Pastor Myles Munroe and his wife, killed in a place crash Sunday evening in the Bahamas.
"Myles Munroe was a key leader of the global evangelical movement, with a big heart for Israel," the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem said in a statement. "His tragic passing is a loss for Christians and for the Jewish people he loved."
Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Director Josh Reinstein remembered Munroe as a true friend of Israel.
"His faith and love of Israel was an inspiration to all of us," Reinstein said. "Israel had no better friend, and the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus was honored to work with him."
There were no survivors of Sunday's plane crash. The Lear jet exploded on impact when it collided with a crane at the Grand Bahamas Shipyard on its landing approach.
The Bahamian government also expressed its condolences over the tragic loss of Pastor Munroe, his wife and the eight other passengers, which included several senior members of Munroe's ministry.  

"Hurry to the Camp to Your Brothers" ✡ Caring for Our Heroes

Jesse said to his son David, "Please take this ephah of toasted grain and these ten loaves of bread to your brothers and hurry to the camp to your brothers."

I SAMUEL (17:17)

וַיֹּאמֶר יִשַׁי לְדָוִד בְּנוֹ קַח נָא לְאַחֶיךָ אֵיפַת הַקָּלִיא הַזֶּה וַעֲשָׂרָה לֶחֶם הַזֶּה וְהָרֵץ הַמַּחֲנֶה לְאַחֶיךָ

שְׁמוּאֵל א יז:יז

va-yo-mer yi-shai l'-da-vid b'-no kakh na l'-a-khe-kha ay-fat ha-ka-lee ha-ze va-a-sa-ra le-khem ha-ze v'-ha-raytz ha-ma-kha-ne l'-a-khe-kha

Today's Israel Inspiration

King David is often referred to throughout Scripture as the "son of Jesse". Tradition teaches that when the Bible mentions a person's lineage it means that the father is an important person in his own right. What more can we learn about King David's righteous father, Jesse of Bethlehem? In today's verse we find Jesse concerned for the welfare of others, sending his son David to bring food to his brothers on the battlefield and to inquire into their well-being. This trait of kindness and caring was certainly inherited by Jesse's son David, the first king of Israel who cared for his people, as Jesse cared for his sons. You too can become a modern-day Jesse and care for the heroes of the IDF.

Prayer and Solidarity at Scene of Terror Attack in Tel Aviv

Israelis gathered in solidarity at the scene of the terror attack in Tel Aviv that claimed the life of IDF soldier Almog Shiloni.

Israel's Christian Bond

John Hagee Ministries has given over $80 million in donations towards humanitarian efforts in Israel, cementing the strong bond between Evangelical Christians and Israel.

IDF Soldier Figurine

Own this amazing small model of an Israeli soldier from the Paratrooper (Tzanchanim) brigade in full uniform waving an Israeli flag.

Today's Israel Photo

Today's image, by Aaron Hyman, depicts a proud Israeli soldier riding on a bus in Israel.  They work so hard to protect the land and people of Israel.  It's nice to see one finding a moment to rest.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspirations is sponsored by Roberta Plaat in honor of Wim Plaat. Toda Raba!

“I Appreciate the Unending Project”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Hi! Thank you for your inspiring post every day.  I appreciate the unending project you've undertaken!
Blessings, Carole

Shalom Chaverim! Thank you for your valuable Israel365 email every day! At last I can find the truth. The video for a united Jerusalem and the right for the Jewish people to pray on the Temple Mount moved me and I know it is true: it is the meaning of the God of Israël!!!  May the God of Israël protect His people; I pray for it every day! Am Yisrael Chai! Geja L. Netherlands
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Favor: Having It, Keeping It, Increasing It. - Robin McMillan

Favor: Having It, Keeping It, Increasing It.

By Robin McMillan
Robin McMillan's profile photo

activating-gods-favorThe favor of the Lord enables us to accomplish His purposes and live supernaturally blessed lives. Over the years I have seen favor ebb and flow in my life, in lives of others, and in different ministries. How do you get it, how do you keep it, and how do you increase it? Inquiring minds want to know.


How do you get favor? Every good thing comes from God: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). To have favor, we must ask: “Yet, you do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2b). 

My Favor is for You

In the context of asking James also said, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures” (James 4:2b-3).  When we don’t understand that God gives us favor primarily for others, we are in danger of losing or diminishing that favor. Motives matter. Paul wrote in I Corinthians 14:1&12, “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” And, “Even so you, since you are eager for spiritual gifts, let it be for the building up of the church that you seek to excel”. In the context of the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit Paul wrote the love chapter, I Corinthians 13. The ‘more excellent way’ Paul spoke of in I Corinthians 12:31 is using the gifts of the Spirit in expressions of love for the benefit of others.  My favor is for you, and your favor is for them.

Being Thankful

John the Baptist said,  “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven” (John 3:27). We thank God to acknowledge that what we have, what we can do, and what we are, He has given us as a free gift. Being thankful also has the potential to increase our favor. “…God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (I Peter 5:5).  Honest heart felt thanksgiving is manifest humility and attracts the grace of God.

Loving People Period

People know if we really love them. Peter wrote: “Honor all people…” (I Peter 2:17). Intentionally showing people honor is a very simple way to practically show them love. Then they are open to what we can bring them. Often we reserve our love for those we approve of or those who love us. Of that Jesus said, “…love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?…(Matthew 5:44-46). We will ultimately only influence people we truly love.

Bitterness Free Authenticity

The proliferation of social media has tainted this current generation like no other, either by hype or hypocrisy. Many long for authenticity and authentic believers. Becoming authentic is often a painful and expensive process, and many who have suffered have become bitter. God isn’t interested in promoting people whose favor is soured by bitterness. Be real, but don’t be critical. That will certainly diminish your favor level.

Imparting Hope

The level of our influence will rise to the level of our ability to impart legitimate hope, the joyful confident expectation of good. Hope is one of the primary missing ingredients in not just the world but the church as well. If we don’t have hope we must realize we have bought into an inaccurate theoligical/cultural belief system. Hopelessness is its ‘witness’ that that belief system is false.
Hope is the atmosphere where favor thrives. We are serving the ‘God of all hope’ and living inside us is Christ ‘the hope of glory’. Divine hope is part of our spiritual DNA. Let that hope arise in your heart now and may your favor increase.

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Mystic MooseTales: Redefining Wildlife
My primary purpose for writing MooseTales is to impart two things to the current generation: love for Jesus and authentic hunger for the historic supernatural God of the Bible. I chose the allegorical style because it lends itself to creativity in a wide range of expression and humor. In my imagination there exists a world where animals walk on two legs, demonstrate all the attributes of humans, and live and interact together with people. In just such a world Theodore Conquest ‘Mystic’ Moose lives and does his exploits. Many of these tales are based on events that have literally happened to flesh and blood men and women. These people I know. Other events originate from lives of historic Christians I don’t know but have read about or heard their testimonies.
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Recent Posts:

Risk and Endurance: Faith and Hope.
Mighty Works: A Key to Saving Our Nation
Announcing My New Store on My Website.
Resurrection Implications

Source: Robin McMillan
Robin McMillan's profile photo

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why We Can’t Ignore the Gifts of the Holy Spirit - J. Lee Grady

Are you using the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Are you using the gifts of the Holy Spirit? (iStock photo)

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
My friend Rafael invited me to preach in his church in Humacao, Puerto Rico, last June. It was Pentecost Sunday, so I brought a message about the Holy Spirit's power. Then I asked God to use me in a supernatural way because I figure we shouldn't talk about the Spirit's gifts if we're not willing to demonstrate them.
After I finished my sermon I noticed a young man sitting in the fourth row. I'd never met him, but I could sense God's love for him. I pointed to him and began to give a word of prophecy about how God wanted to use him. I then prophesied over other people and prayed for many others, and then I left Humacao.
Last week I returned to Puerto Rico to speak at a men's retreat. Guess who showed up? The young man to whom I gave the prophecy came to the event. His name is John, and I learned that he had never visited the church in Humacao until the day I met him there. Because John felt God speaking to him in such a very personal way that Sunday, he has been attending that church ever since—and he has been growing spiritually.
One simple word of supernatural encouragement changed John's life. But what would have happened if I had decided to "behave myself" that day and not step out in faith to prophesy? What if I had let fear stop me from flowing in the miraculous? What if I had just decided to stick to my notes, preach a nice sermon and play it safe?
I'm afraid that's what a lot of us are doing today in churches that claim to be Spirit-filled.
We say we believe the Bible, but when it comes to the Holy Spirit, we've become cowards. In trying to be trendy and relevant, we've replaced spiritual anointing with cool music, graphics, sermons and programs that look and sound great but lack a spiritual punch.
If we are full of the Spirit, the nine charismata, or spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, should be manifested regularly. But few Christians today have even heard of these gifts; fewer have seen them in operation. We need a refresher course in the ways the Holy Spirit works. And we need these nine gifts in our churches today:
1. The word of wisdom. God can give us a supernatural solution to a problem that cannot be solved by man's ideas. The American church desperately needs this gift so we can shift from man's carnal ways to heaven's wisdom.
2. The word of knowledge. The Holy Spirit will sometimes reveal information that could not have been known by man. Last week in our men's retreat, the Lord showed me there was a man there who had never told anyone about the sexual abuse he had experienced. That prompted the man to come to the altar for prayer. He probably would never have asked for help without the nudge of the Spirit.
3. The gift of faith. This is not the normal kind of faith we need daily. The gift of faith is a special ability to believe for big things. A person operating in supernatural faith will motivate others to pray until the answer comes.
4. The gift of healing. Paul told the Corinthians that there are actually gifts (plural) of healing. I have met people who have a special gift to pray for infertile couples; others have faith to pray for those with cancer; in my own ministry I have seen people healed from depression and the effects of abuse. The exciting part is that God is still in the business of healing bodies, minds and broken hearts.
5. The gift of miracles. The book of Acts is a series of miracles—so why would we ever assume God pulled the plug on that power? He still opens prison doors, breaks chains, releases angels, opens blind eyes, changes weather patterns and delivers people of demons. If we remove the miraculous from our Christianity we portray a puny God to the world. He is still a miracle worker!
6. Prophecy. This is a special gift because God loves to speak to His people. And He wants to use us to relay His message. I consider the gift of prophecy "supernatural encouragement" because it always edifies the person who receives a word from the Lord—even if it is corrective. Will you allow God to use you to speak His direct message to others?
7. Discernment (or "discerning of spirits"). I am grateful that when the Holy Spirit gave His gifts of power, He also provided a way for us to tell the difference between God's work and a demonic counterfeit. Not all that is supernatural is from God, so we need discernment to protect us from false prophecy and occultic fakery. We also need this gift to set people free from demonic bondage.
8. Speaking in tongues. There are "various kinds of tongues" mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:10. Believers can have their own private prayer language, but some people are also gifted to speak in tongues in a church meeting. I know of situations where Christians received a special ability to speak in a foreign language so they could communicate the gospel.
9. Interpretation of tongues. Similar to prophecy, this gift can relay a message from God that was spoken in a foreign or angelic tongue. I love the fact that linguistic barriers don't limit our God; He loves the entire world!
The apostle Paul told the Corinthians: "Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts" (1 Cor. 14:1a). God wants His gifts flowing through us, but He never forces us to use them. He is looking for availability, courage and surrender. Please allow the Holy Spirit to jumpstart His power in your life.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project, His latest book is The Truth Sets Women Free is now available in English and Spanish.
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"A Dove For The Church" Dr. Theresa Phillips

"A Dove For The Church"
Dr. Theresa Phillips, Saint Charles, IL
The Elijah List

It was a rainy-day feeling, like it was time for a rest, so I went to my room to take a nap. Little did I know what was about to take place...

I was trying to sleep, but could not. I just kept lying there praying, "GOD help me, our nation, our Church... THE Church, YOUR Church! Help us turn around all the evil. Help us! Help us." I just kept praying. Over and over I was compelled to say, "I love You, Jesus. I won't leave You. I won't leave You. I won't leave You."
I was screaming it inside of me. I was even starting to repent. Did you ever do that? Repent just in case? Then I heard myself saying, "Don't leave us. Don't leave us. Don't leave us."

Then I remembered this Scripture: "I will never leave you or forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6;Hebrews 13:5). Now I was calmed by this beautiful word. Then I fell asleep... (Photo via Flickr)

A Dream of Significance: What Was That Sound?

I had a dream. I was a watcher in this dream and it was as if I was watching a film before me. There was a man looking for a place to stay and someone had given him their home to stay in. While this man, who appeared to be dressed like a businessman, was in the house he kept hearing sounds that were unfamiliar to him.
After a while, this man began to become unnerved by the foreign sounds. He became afraid. Then he became angry. He began to search the house looking to see where the sound was coming from. He could not, and the sound was still there. Consistent. Tap, tap, tap... click, click, click.

What was that sound??? He shouted at the sound. He made louder sounds. He was angry with the owner. He wanted out! He was screaming, "Why did I come here? Why am I here? Why was I given this house?" He was even comparing this house to other houses and wishing he could be there instead.

He was ANGRY, wanting to leave, run... and he didn't care. The house was beautiful, very beautiful, warm, and filled with every need. Yet he was not happy because of that "annoying" sound.

Finally, since he was unable to find the sound within the house, he stepped outside, confident that he would find what he is looking for outside the house. As he was walking to the back of the house, I was somehow standing there alongside him, pointing my finger up toward the top of the house – the very house he wanted to leave. "Look up," I said.

As he looked up, he saw that the chimney stack of the house was huge! The chimney was remarkable, beautiful, and you could see something like feathers come out of it. I gasped, even to myself. He was looking up. He began to listen. (Photo via Pixabay)

He began to recognize the sound that was bothering him inside the house... It was a familiar sound now. "I'm going to fix that sound NOW. I'll show that sound what to do!" he yelled. Then he climbed up to the chimney and he just stopped. Something had changed... He started to change. I watched his spirit change from anger to softness. His countenance changed.

Inside the chimney was that "annoying" sound of a bird. A white and gray dove (a turtledove) was inside the chimney making a nest. The man now was ashamed of his fear. "I cannot fear this dove," he said. "How foolish it is of me to be sore afraid."

He went inside the house and decided it was his duty to keep the dove safe and protect the nest. He was at peace and no longer afraid and no longer alone, either. He had something to care for: the dove, her nest, and the yet to come.

I awoke from the dream as the phone was ringing Christmas Church Bells. (Yes, my ringer has been Christmas Carols for years!) I knew I had been given a dream of significance.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

What Does the Dream Mean For You and Me?

The man in the dream represents us, the Body of Christ, about Kingdom business, who keep looking for bigger, better, and... For some, we find, that what we have been given is annoying and mundane. Anyone feel like this?
Here are some interpretations I received:

• The owner of the house represented God, who has provided for us."Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!" (Luke 12:24).

• The perpetual sound represented God speaking to get our attention."For God does speak – now one way, now another – though no one perceives it" (Job 33:14).

• The stepping outside the house represented the desperate need to seek out. "The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:10).

• The looking up and seeing represented Luke 21:28: "But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand."

• The dove represented the Lord who was offered for us as a burnt offering. IN THE CHIMNEY = Fire. White = Purity. Gray = To Be Discovered. (Photo via Flickr)

Leviticus 1:14 But if his offering to the LORD is a burnt offering of birds, then he shall bring his offering from the turtledoves or from young pigeons.

• Going back inside with a purpose represented Ecclesiastes 10:4: "If a ruler's anger rises against you, do not leave your post; calmness can lay great offenses to rest."

Those Scriptures poured through my spirit in prayer after I awoke from the dream. I began to cry out for those who are called leaders or hold positions, those who have been given a place to sow their gifts, to not leave their post, to remember the sacrifice of HIM, and to see the softness in protecting even the one as unto HIM... because the ONE will have heirs and joint heirs, and the ONE is worth it all!
I cried tears of intercession for you, this reader, for the Church worldwide.

DON'T LEAVE YOUR POST! TAKE CARE OF WHAT HE HAS GIVEN YOU! IT'S OK! Don't compete with what you see. It's all about what He sees.

I was weeping hard. Even now, as I write, I'm shouting, "God loves us all... all together, separately and alone, and in crowds. He loves us! Leave not your posts. He needs you to protect the upcoming. The upcoming..."

Please pray, Church! Please pray! I cried that we would be as one as Jesus and the Father are one, in John 17:21-26. That we would protect the small and the large. That we would seek and find HIM in the remote places! Oh dear friends, pray like never before, for He has need of you!

In Jesus' name, I cry:

O Lord, make me to have ears to hear what I cannot hear,
Eyes to see what I cannot see,
Heart to be brave so not to judge the goodness of GOD,
And a spirit to cradle the blessings of GOD in the form of the Dove...
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dr. Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice


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