Tuesday, March 24, 2015

WWI - The Ottoman-German Attack on the Suez Canal -- 1915

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 
The opening shot of World War I in the Middle East was fired along the Suez Canal when the German-led Ottoman army attacked British positions along the Suez Canal in January 1915.  The Canal was essential for keeping the ties open between Britain and its colonies, such as India.  In fact, Indian troops were stationed along the Canal when the attack began.

Over the next three years, the war would rage across the Sinai Peninsula, north to Gaza and Be'er Sheva, through Jerusalem and the Dead Sea area, and to Amman and Damascus.

The Ottoman Imperial Archives provides German illustrations and photograph of the Ottoman attack.  The photographs also show Turkish mobilization in Jerusalem, Be'er Sheva and the Sinai.

German painting of Bedouin fighters against English troops at the Suez Canal (Ottoman Imperial Archives)
Turkish Camel Corps in Be'er Sheva (Ottoman Imperial
Archives, 1915
German commander of the Suez attack,
Gen. Kress von Kressenstein (Library
of Congress

Turkish troops leaving Jerusalem, passing through the
Jaffa Gate (Ottoman Imperial Archives, 1914)

Druze prince from Lebanon mobilized for the
battle at the Suez Canal (Ottoman
Imperial Archives

Illustration of Turkish guns firing at British planes over
the Suez Canal (Ottoman Imperial Archives)

German captions: From the battle of our Turkish allies on the Suez Canal Turkish encampment in the Egyptian desert.
(Ottoman Imperial Archives)

Turkish artillery on the march to the Suez Canal (Ottoman Imperial Archives)

British and Indian troops in Suez Canal trenches (Q15566, Imperial War Museum - UK)

Click on pictures to enlarge, click on caption to view the original pictures.

Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "A Sacrifice to the Lord"

Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: When a man from [among] you brings a sacrifice to the Lord; from animals, from cattle or from the flock you shall bring your sacrifice.


דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְאָמַרְתָּ אֲלֵהֶם אָדָם כִּי יַקְרִיב מִכֶּם קָרְבָּן לַי-הֹוָה מִן הַבְּהֵמָה מִן הַבָּקָר וּמִן הַצֹּאן תַּקְרִיבוּ אֶת קָרְבַּנְכֶם

וַיִּקְרָא א:ב

da-bayr el b'-nay yis-ra-ayl v'-a-mar-ta a-lay-hem a-dam kee yak-reev mi-kem kar-ban la-a-do-nai min ha-b'-hay-ma min ha-ba-kar u-min ha-tzon tak-ree-vu et kar-ban-khem

Today's Israel Inspiration

This past Sabbath we began to read from ספר ויקרא / the Book of Leviticus which describes in great detail all of the various sacrifices that were offered in Biblical times. The offerings are often hard to relate to in our modern times, but the Hebrew word for "sacrifice" sheds light into their deeper significance. A "sacrifice" is קרבן / kar-BAN which has at its root,  ק-ר-ב meaning, ‘to come close.’ Sacrifices were meant to bring people closer to the Almighty. Today it is prayer through which we can connect to our Father in Heaven. Get more insight with the Israel Bible Reading Plan, and you'll complete the Bible in one year with the help of an online teacher and virtual classroom.

When a Christian Walks in Israel

You may have seen the scary video showing what happens to a Jew walking in Paris wearing a yarmulke. Now an Israeli Christian is showing what happens when a Christian takes his cross to Haifa.

Israel: Freedom of Religion for All

UK Christian groups are expressing thanks to Israel for being the only safe haven for Christians living in the Middle East.

"Thank God for Bibi" T-Shirt

Congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu on his miraculous victory. Proudly wear this shirt to demonstrate your support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Israel Photo Trivia

Rebecca Kowalsky's gorgeous photo of a shepherd with his flock in Ein Sukkot in the Jordan Valley, northern Israel. Can you name two biblical leaders who started as shepherds? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Peter Reynolds from West Midlands, United Kingdom. Toda Raba!

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Israel burials set for 7 kids killed in NYC fire - USA TODAY

Israel burials set for 7 kids 

killed in NYC fire

Seven children from an Orthodox Jewish family who died early Saturday when fire swept through their Brooklyn home are to be buried in Jerusalem, where the family had lived before emigrating to New York.

Funeral services for the four boys and three girls of the Sassoon family, ages 5 to 16, are to be held Sunday afternoon at a Brooklyn chapel that serves their religious community.
The bodies will then be flown to Israel and buried in Jerusalem at 2 p.m. Monday, the Israeli network Arutz Sheva reported. The family had lived there for many years before moving to the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn two years ago. A friend said the family had planned to return to Israel to live.
It was the city's deadliest fire since 2007.
Fire officials believe the blaze was started by a malfunctioning hot plate being used to keep food warm during the 25-hour Sabbath, when religious restrictions forbid cooking. The house had only one smoke detector, in the basement.
"I call this not a tragedy but an absolute disaster," said state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents the district. "Everyone's in utter shock."
He urged the Orthodox community to make sure that hot plates were working properly and that smoke detectors were installed properly and functioning.
Authorities identified the Sassoon family victims as girls Eliane, 16; Rivkah, 11; and Sara, 6; and boys David, 12; Yeshua, 10; Moshe, 8; and Yaakob, 5. All were found in upstairs bedrooms of the two-story, brick-and-wood, single-family home.
Their 45-year-old mother, Gayle, a Brooklyn native, and 14-year-old sister, Tzipara, remained in critical condition Sunday at area hospitals. They survived by jumping from a second-story window. Gayle Sassoon reportedly was burned over 45% of her body, and Tzipara suffered broken bones and smoke inhalation.
Seven children were killed in a house fire in Brooklyn early Saturday morning. Video provided by Newsy Newslook
"I heard a child yelling, 'Mommy! Mommy, help me!' " neighbor Andrew Rosenblatt told reporters. "I looked out the back window, and I saw flames, smoke. ... The smoke and the flames were horrendous."
Other neighbors said Gayle Sassoon was heard yelling, "My kids are in there! My kids are in there! Get them out! Get them out!"
Firefighters arrived about four minutes after the blaze was reported at 12:23 a.m. Saturday, but it was too late to save any of the children trapped inside.
"They're some of the nicest, most well-behaved kids," neighbor Isaac Apton told the New York Times. "A great family."
Another neighbor tearfully described them as "beautiful little children."
"It's unbelievable. It doesn't seem possible," Rose Insel, told the Associated Press, recalling how she had given the children lollipops after they shoveled her walk unprompted.
Their father, Gabi, was at a religious conference in Manhattan at the time and did not learn of the tragedy for several hours because of the Orthodox prohibition on electronic communications. He was found praying at a synagogue Saturday morning, and fell to his knees in tears when given the news, the New York Daily News reported.
"What will happen to us now? Where will I go?" he told Arutz Sheva on Sunday.
The Times said he met his wife when she moved to Israel after having divorced her high school sweetheart. They had eight children, and lived in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem for many years before moving to Brooklyn to be closer to her family.
They ultimately intended to return to Israel, a friend of the father said.
"You can't explain it, it's unbelievable," Alon Deri told the Israeli news site Walla! News. "I hope we wake up from this bitter dream. It's like the story of Hannah who dedicated her seven sons."
Source: USA Today

Faith and Genius: Grad School at 16 Years Old

Faith and Genius: 

Grad School at 16 Years Old

Most teens in America attend high shcool and later go on to college. Thessalonika Arzu-Embry is enrolled in graduate school at 16.

In 2013, Thessalonika made headlines when she graduated from college at the age of 14.
After completing classes at College of Lake County in Grayslake, Illinois, Arzu-Embry went on to attend Chicago State University where she received a bachelor's degree in psychology with a 3.9 GPA.
In May she will graduate with a masters degree in Organizational Leadership with a focus on Futures Studies from Regent University.
CBN News reporter Charlene Aaron spoke with Arzu-Embry about her studies, her future plans, and how her faith has helped her along her educational journey.

'UN Condemned Israel, Forgot About Real Rights Violators'

'UN Condemned Israel, Forgot About Real Rights Violators'

Monday, March 23, 2015 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
Out of 193 member nations, Israel alone was condemned for violating the rights of women when the Commission on the Status of Women convened at UN Headquarters in New York last week. The commission did not deem it necessary to similarly condemn known women’s rights violators like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan or Syria.
The gathering was the climax of a global campaign that saw thousands of people attend hundreds of conferences around the world. And its single official decision was to blame Israel for the situation of Palestinian women.
The anti-Israel motion was submitted by developing nations on behalf of the Palestinians. It was opposed only by Israel and the US. The nations of the European Union abstained.
According to the decision, “the Israeli occupation continues to be the main obstacle to Palestinian women in relation to their advancement, independence and integration in the development of their society.”
In calling for greater international intervention in preventing this phenomenon, the resolution also condemned last summer’s Gaza war, “which killed and injured thousands of civilians, including hundreds of Palestinian women and children.” It made no mention of Hamas starting the war with its reckless rocket attacks on Israel, or of the terrorists’ use of the civilian populations as a shield.
Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, responded to the resolution thus:
“If anyone has ever doubted that the UN is biased against Israel, today we got further proof. Of the 193 member states in this institution, dozens slaughter innocent civilians and impose discriminatory laws that marginalize women and yet they all get a free pass. The Commission on the Status of Women itself includes some of the worst violators of human rights, such as Iran and Sudan.”
Prosor further added that the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian society are easily identified as the primary violators of women’s rights in the region.
“Honor killings in the Palestinian Authority are a matter of daily occurrence, and employment of women stands at only 17%,” he pointed out. “It is time for the Palestinians to finally take responsibility for something. Their mistreatment of women is a chance to start taking responsibility. It’s not enough for the Palestinians to cynically exploit this institution; they’ve now made it their mission to turn the Commission on the Status of Women into a politically charged forum.”
Representing Israel at the commission was diplomat Nelly Shiloh (pictured), who was born in Syria. She told the gathering in Arabic:
“Our vote against this resolution is not a vote against the Palestinian woman, but rather for her. This is not the appropriate platform, and this is not the way to improve the status of the Palestinian woman. Real change will come when the Palestinian leadership takes responsibility and works for the future. The Palestinians are exploiting the podium of the UN to demonize Israel, and their behavior will not help the Palestinians in general, or the Palestinian woman in particular.”
Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued the following response to the farcical UN decision:
“We are fighting an all-out war regarding this decision, which is further evidence of the hypocrisy and ugliness that characterizes the behavior of UN member states. Israel has contributed significantly to the advancement of the status of women in the world, in part by providing Israeli expertise to UN bodies dealing with this issue. Israel will continue to advance the status of women through various UN mechanisms, and will continue to fight the Palestinian campaign against [us] at the UN.”
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Monday, March 23, 2015

France: 'We Are On the Side of Persecuted Minorities'

France: 'We Are On the Side of Persecuted Minorities'

The U.N. Security Council will meet to discuss the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.
France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called for the meeting because its "completely unacceptable what has been done to these minorities."
France is the presiding member of the council at this time.
Fabius said he called for the March 27 meeting because "we are on the side of persecuted minorities."
The French government has already made provision to accept Middle East Christians seeking asylum into the country.
Fabus visited several communities of displaced Christians last year.

Time of Sifting Turning to Shifting by Doug Addison

Time of Sifting Turning to Shifting 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network

Jesus told Simon Peter in Luke 22:31 "Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat."

When we step into higher callings or promotions, it requires us to go through a time of testing. We have all been going through this. Notice it says, "Satan has asked to sift all of you." We have ALL been going through a time of shifting and sifting. But this testing time is coming to an end.

God is Readjusting Kingdom Assignments

Mantles are major callings from God that require years of preparation. Often many people value mantles instead of recognizing God's assignments. But what we miss is that the Kingdom of God operates more along the lines of assignments.

We are used to hearing about demonic assignments. Satan imitates the things of God. We know that there are angels and that assignments are given to us to advance God's Kingdom on earth.

An example of this is in Acts 1:8 when Jesus spoke to His followers, the apostles, just before returning to Heaven. He gave them an assignment: they got the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:17-18 and they became His witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea. But they never ventured outside of their comfort zones to Samaria and the ends of the earth.

It took ten years for God to raise up others to fulfill the assignment to Samaria. In Acts 8, it was Phillip, a deacon, who went to Samaria. Then in Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas took the message of Jesus to what they considered the ends of the earth.

These were assignments, not mantles. As you step into an assignment and go through the testing, it then develops into spiritual authority. An office or mantle can further be established in your life and ministry. It takes years. And honestly, most people give up.

Our Gifts are Functions, not Titles

When we stay with what God has called us to do then God can promote us into a closer relationship with Him. He grants us greater authority to do the work we are called to on earth.

I am a prophet but it has been decades in the making and it wasn't until 2010 when it started to take shape.

But after a commissioning time in 2010, I went through three years of extreme rejection. I was banned from speaking in the churches I helped start, people lied against me, there was jealousy and misunderstandings. I had both Christians and the occult praying against me. I ended up very sick, depressed and in debt.

But in 2013 I was given prophetic strategies to get out of debt and the favor of God and man is rapidly returning. Jesus also visited me on August 31, 2013 and gave me new strategies for breakthrough.

If you resist or give up during the testing times, you then adjust back down to the level of authority you can handle in your life. This is God's grace and love and not a demotion. He does not want you to die - because higher callings can indeed kill you if you are not prepared.

Assignments and Callings Reshuffled

You have to understand the aspect of assignments to grasp what I am about to share with you. We have assignments and we are being sent by God to fulfill them.

"Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them." 1 Corinthians 7:17 NIV

I have been seeing assignments being reshuffled and dealt out to new people. This is because others either said no, got under warfare and quit, or whatever. This is the time to ask God for an assignment that has been discarded and the grace to carry it out.

Spiritual Promotions

Often times we don't recognize when we are promoted spiritually. This is because it usually is not announced but suddenly, we feel extra pressure.

Think about taking on more responsibility or getting promoted in your job. You are really encouraged and feel good at first. Then you realize that the new job is stretching you, causing you to learn and use more effort.

This is the same as when you get a spiritual promotion. You move into a new season where you are being stretched. And just like with a job, there might be people who treat you differently or are jealous.

This happens with the demonic realm and you may encounter some "spiritual bullying."  Promotions are major shifts in our life that after you begin to grow more from the experience you settle into the new authority you have in the spirit.

Everything Happens to You

The most beneficial thing for you right now is to realize that everything that happens to you is allowed by God to help you mature and grow. Once you realize this, you can gain a higher perspective on your life and the trials you are facing.

Life is never without trying times and pain. The key to it all is how you view it. If you think everything that is happening to you is punishment from God, then the enemy has succeeded in short-circuiting your spiritual growth.

If you think bad things happen to you because you must have done something wrong, then you will most likely not get out of the loop of discouragement.

The fastest way to grow and mature is to realize that God loves you and is not your enemy. Begin to see your pain or disappointments as a time of learning.

You can change anything in your life right now by changing the way you view it and how it affects you. Here's some good news for you: people who have a higher calling and great destiny receive lots of discouragement and setbacks. This is because what you will learn through it all goes into a firm foundation that God can build your tall calling on.

Doug Addison

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